Daily Interactions With Women

"Cockblocking" huh? Yea by giving tips on how to pick up women with class, yea that was some real "cockblocking" there. Telling you what works for me is support, you just don't want to see it that way. I don't have any issues with meeting women, never have.....but god forbid you listen to anything I have to say because it involves changing your negative mindset and abandoning your old ways.

Keep doing what you're doing that doesn't work, have fun with that I'll leave you guys to it.
There are several types of forum members with regards to women:
  1. Those who live in a monk-mode celibacy and are not interested at all in women.
  2. Those who are already in a relationship with a woman.
  3. Those who are not yet in a relationship, but interested in a relationship with a woman and putting efforts to get into one.
Many members (including me) are of the last type.

After seeing that a fellow forum member who asked questions about finding a wife got insulted and trolled hard, I began questioning the sincerity of several forum members.

As long as you are sincere in helping fellow members achieves their moral and honorable goals, I have no problems with you.
There are several types of forum members with regards to women:
  1. Those who live in a monk-mode celibacy and are not interested at all in women.
  2. Those who are already in a relationship with a woman.
  3. Those who are not yet in a relationship, but interested in a relationship with a woman and putting efforts to get into one.
Many members (including me) are of the last type.

After seeing that a fellow forum member who asked questions about finding a wife got insulted and trolled hard, I began questioning the sincerity of several forum members.

As long as you are sincere in helping fellow members achieves their moral and honorable goals, I have no problems with you.

Well spoken and I'll take the olive branch thank you but I'm not going to sit here and have my motives nonsensically called into question just because I have a different opinion and method on how to go about things than someone else does. Mind you a method that obviously isn't working out for them. The issue is not that I'm not being "supportive" as you tried to put on me, the issue is that nobody wants to even consider that maybe just maybe that they are going about something the wrong way even if it will help them. I understand that, you have put this idea in your head as to what you need to do and built yourself around it so it's hard to change it....it's only natural to lash out at someone who challenges that idea it is what it is.

So for that reason as I'm obviously only creating conflict which is the opposite of my intentions I will simply bow out of the conversation. Good luck to all of you I hope you achieve your goals.
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this isn't a game forum, marriage is the goal
Approaching girls on the street definitely builds character, I’ll give it that. Back in 2018-2019, I was doing it a lot: I probably talked to around 600 women over those two years. Then COVID hit, and I switched to dating apps, and I haven’t really looked back since.

I genuinely think Hinge is your best bet for finding a girlfriend in 2024 (though, I’m still single, so take that with a pinch of salt haha). The app lets you filter for women who are looking for long-term relationships and those who identify as being Christian. Compare that to daygame, where you’re going in blind: you have no idea if she’s single, taken, or even interested in men. The return on investment with apps is way better.

That being said, I should really start adding daygame to my daily routine again, along with Hinge. I might start documenting my interactions here on this thread too.
There are several types of forum members with regards to women:
  1. Those who live in a monk-mode celibacy and are not interested at all in women.
  2. Those who are already in a relationship with a woman.
  3. Those who are not yet in a relationship, but interested in a relationship with a woman and putting efforts to get into one.
Many members (including me) are of the last type.

After seeing that a fellow forum member who asked questions about finding a wife got insulted and trolled hard, I began questioning the sincerity of several forum members.

As long as you are sincere in helping fellow members achieves their moral and honorable goals, I have no problems with you.
When you use PUA language like AMOG to describe interactions it's really hard to know what sort of state of mind you're in. Orthodox or not.

I'm chief among sinners and not trying to dog pile on you and do genuinely know that you have to engage with women and that involves approaching and talking to them. So please don't take my comment as "cockblocking" ...but all I'd say is that the interaction a successful man has with women don't need a catalogue, don't need a coaching, and happen naturally.

Once you have to start making data sheets about how you talk to women it's a little strange to say the least.

Again, I'm not trying to shit on you, and I appreciate the desire to be married and find a wife. Totally get that as a dude who was married, divorced, remarried and has gone through all the shades of that experience.
I think there is something to be said for believing that a good woman who is well suited for you does in fact exist. I'm not talking about some kind of manifestation nonsense, but there is a lot to be said for having an optimistic attitude when it comes to things like this. A pessimistic attitude will lead to not chasing up opportunities or not even seeking them in the first place.

We shouldn't deny reality, things are bad when it comes to women. Most of us aren't married to our high school sweetheart like our grandparents were, and feminism has turned a lot of women ugly. But good women do exist. I think its good to have a foundation of hope, even if you aren't one of these people who can afford to go seeking overseas, don't let (((them))) destroy your hope. If nothing else I think women can sniff out a man who has become dejected and jaded.

I don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with approaching women in contexts such as in the OP but I do think its somewhat strange to hang around places soley for that purpose (unless you are hanging around a place like a coffee shop or something). But so long as you don't put too much weight into small interactions and just seem them at minimum as practice to build confidence talking to pretty girls I don't really see the issue. Although of course I would not advocate doing so with nefarious intent. Usually the creep factor in these situations is only present when the man can't take cues and thinks that it has to have some preferred outcome.

People tend to also forget that people have families. I have a somewhat hopeful interaction with someone which was based off of her family vouching for me to her, and her to me.
Good post. But too much gratuitous swearing (1-point)
You can talk with woman in any situation. The issue is if you can make her laugh. If you look good and can make her laugh. Don´t go for the kill immediately. Just let things flow. Go to a gym. Get a good haircut and talk with woman. How hard can this be? For fuck sake. Everthing in life is a numbers game. Some people seem like they are making an excel spreadsheet. Woman are like wine. Like cars. Like dogs. Like food. Like restaurants. There´s good food and bad food. Good and bad woman.

Talking about good food. Yesterday had a great confit de canard in this place. The chef makes the food directly in front of you:

My wife had the foie gras sandwich they mix the foie gras with caramelized onions and balsamic vinegar. The basque country is a mix between french and spanish food.

Heading to Sevilla in the end of the month. Having some great paella. Same place as always.

Seems some people are talking about some holy grail. It´s a pussy with legs. They want you. Do people realize woman want man? Don´t know about protestant countries. But in Paris. Even as a fat fuck I still get looks from some nice girls. Good for my wife to know the sleeping stallion she has at home. I had a fan club. True story. At work. But banging bitches from work would be a suicide.


If you don´t do these three things first. Leave this thread. And stop asking dumb questions. Oh woman this. Woman that. Go to a gym. Pay for a good haircut. Not those faggoty new age hipster shit. An old money haircutter. You go there and he will know how to cut your hair.

But what counts is number 3. The rest just makes the job easier.

Talk with woman whenever you feel like talking. Have good fun stories to tell her. Or just speak for whatever you feel like talking. A woman is suppose to act as a woman. But whatever you do: BE YOURSELF. Don´t play a role. Of course bring forward the best aspects of you. But always be yourself. If you are not yourself you will not be able to keep up with the mask for long. And fart. Dude just let out a big loud fart. And see her reaction.
I don't know why some people don't like the advice of being a "good man." You don't have to be a good man to get a woman, but you don't want just any old broad do you? So don't make things harder for yourself than it needs to be and be a good man. One of the problems with PUA is how comfortable it was with playing a role in order to get the girl. The thing about playing a role is that you have to keep playing the role, it's not good for the long term.
You can talk with woman in any situation. The issue is if you can make her laugh. If you look good and can make her laugh. Don´t go for the kill immediately. Just let things flow. Go to a gym. Get a good haircut and talk with woman. How hard can this be? For fuck sake. Everthing in life is a numbers game. Some people seem like they are making an excel spreadsheet. Woman are like wine. Like cars. Like dogs. Like food. Like restaurants. There´s good food and bad food. Good and bad woman.

Talking about good food. Yesterday had a great confit de canard in this place. The chef makes the food directly in front of you:

My wife had the foie gras sandwich they mix the foie gras with caramelized onions and balsamic vinegar. The basque country is a mix between french and spanish food.

Heading to Sevilla in the end of the month. Having some great paella. Same place as always.

Seems some people are talking about some holy grail. It´s a pussy with legs. They want you. Do people realize woman want man? Don´t know about protestant countries. But in Paris. Even as a fat fuck I still get looks from some nice girls. Good for my wife to know the sleeping stallion she has at home. I had a fan club. True story. At work. But banging bitches from work would be a suicide.


If you don´t do these three things first. Leave this thread. And stop asking dumb questions. Oh woman this. Woman that. Go to a gym. Pay for a good haircut. Not those faggoty new age hipster shit. An old money haircutter. You go there and he will know how to cut your hair.

But what counts is number 3. The rest just makes the job easier.

Talk with woman whenever you feel like talking. Have good fun stories to tell her. Or just speak for whatever you feel like talking. A woman is suppose to act as a woman. But whatever you do: BE YOURSELF. Don´t play a role. Of course bring forward the best aspects of you. But always be yourself. If you are not yourself you will not be able to keep up with the mask for long. And fart. Dude just let out a big loud fart. And see her reaction.
Strikethrough commentary was bla bla ramble.

Bottom portions are good, however, I only left #3 on here because this is what this entire thread is about.

Somebody mentioned earlier in the thread that:

Those who are not yet in a relationship, but interested in a relationship with a woman and putting efforts to get into one.

I'm curious about what this actually means. Like, for sure talk to the woman in the knick-nack section of the store, or at badminton, or at Bingo or whatever, but is this what is actually considered to be "putting in the work?"

It probably warrants and/or belongs in a different thread, but it's worth discussing things that men can do to make these daily interactions with women go better (like Mr. Magoo's sage #1 and #2 advice). Instead of contemplating moving halfway across the world because the women where you live are almost all bad, doesn't it make sense just to be the best man and go after the, admittedly small, pool of the best women where you live?
Strikethrough commentary was bla bla ramble.

Bottom portions are good, however, I only left #3 on here because this is what this entire thread is about.

Somebody mentioned earlier in the thread that:

I'm curious about what this actually means. Like, for sure talk to the woman in the knick-nack section of the store, or at badminton, or at Bingo or whatever, but is this what is actually considered to be "putting in the work?"

It probably warrants and/or belongs in a different thread, but it's worth discussing things that men can do to make these daily interactions with women go better (like Mr. Magoo's sage #1 and #2 advice). Instead of contemplating moving halfway across the world because the women where you live are almost all bad, doesn't it make sense just to be the best man and go after the, admittedly small, pool of the best women where you live?
Nah it seems that some not particularly pure or religious or traditional users feel they deserve the absolute most attractive pure traditional virgins overseas and they should get them by virtue of being a put together enough foreigner to buy a plane ticket and put themselves in front of her.
One thing I'm learning doing rideshare is to not take it too personally when a woman shows no interest in talking to me. It always bothers me more when it's someone I find desirable. That's what happened to me yesterday, and I didn't let it make me too sullen, which is good since my next customer was sweeter and cuter. She was a violin teacher and I got her to play something for me.

I enjoyed our interaction but I didn't get enough of a signal from her to try to take it beyond that.
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I don't know why some people don't like the advice of being a "good man." You don't have to be a good man to get a woman, but you don't want just any old broad do you? So don't make things harder for yourself than it needs to be and be a good man. One of the problems with PUA is how comfortable it was with playing a role in order to get the girl. The thing about playing a role is that you have to keep playing the role, it's not good for the long term.
In some sense though enacting the role of a "good man" in order to get the girl is as senseless as enacting the role of a "bad boy" to get the girl. This is essentially the tactic of the "nice guys" who wind up giving the girl who friendzoned them a lift to her boyfriend's house and then crying that they are such a good guy and no one likes them. Fakery of any kind does not work.

I agree that is imperative to be a good man but this is impossible if it is oriented around women. It needs to be oriented on God. More specifically Jesus Christ. So in a sense I can understand the objection in this context. But it still stands to reason: you need to be a good man.
  • Just several months ago when I played badminton with my friends, there is a beautiful young woman who came (this time there are lots of people who played because my mutual friend invited many to come). I conversed and chit-chatted with her but I don't want to make any advances. Just two weeks after that I found out that she started dating someone who she met at the same time as me (during the event arranged by our mutual friend). This is a hard lesson for me on being indecisive and weak.

When is the ideal time to make a move on a woman? This is something that is always a difficult decision. There is no easy answer to this. If you go to early the woman may feel uncomfortable due to not knowing you well enough and you stuff up the opportunity you would have had by being more patient. If you wait too long you may not get to see the woman again or another guy might make a move before you and beat you to it or any other number of things that happen in the course of life that cause your opportunity to somehow disappear. There is no correct answer here, but from my many years of experience in general I would say on average it works out better if you err on the side of making a move on the woman too early rather than too late.
In some sense though enacting the role of a "good man" in order to get the girl is as senseless as enacting the role of a "bad boy" to get the girl. This is essentially the tactic of the "nice guys" who wind up giving the girl who friendzoned them a lift to her boyfriend's house and then crying that they are such a good guy and no one likes them. Fakery of any kind does not work.

I agree that is imperative to be a good man but this is impossible if it is oriented around women. It needs to be oriented on God. More specifically Jesus Christ. So in a sense I can understand the objection in this context. But it still stands to reason: you need to be a good man.
In all seriousness, who is doing this? I don't think anybody reading this is interpreting being a good man as being some dork sidekick character from a teen movie.
In all seriousness, who is doing this? I don't think anybody reading this is interpreting being a good man as being some dork sidekick character from a teen movie.
I wasn't suggesting anyone here acts like that but some people definitely do. It is an example of how trying to fulfil some kind of role in order to impress women is completely wrong headed. Even if one has a slightly more authentic conception of what a good man is and how one acts. If one play acts in that role just because they think it will get the girl then they are doing it wrong.
I agree that we should get back to thread topic at hand. But I think you indirectly started derailing this thread by cockblocking other posters active effort in meeting women. And in the other thread you tried to AMOG us by saying you are not interested in the many beautiful young women offered up to you, and you said you do not need any pity and to save that for the weak.

Your usage of these terms is incorrect. Critiquing others in a thread is not cockblocking, since he's not directly stopping anyone from meeting women, and the same goes for the AMOG.

Don't troll others and lower the quality of the conversation - friendly warning.
I wasn't suggesting anyone here acts like that but some people definitely do. It is an example of how trying to fulfil some kind of role in order to impress women is completely wrong headed. Even if one has a slightly more authentic conception of what a good man is and how one acts. If one play acts in that role just because they think it will get the girl then they are doing it wrong.
The pitfall for a lot of guys is that they assume they already are "a good man." So they feel entitled and are disappointed when they see women aren't champing at the bit.

I agree that "good man" should be defined by the higher Christian context. That means a good man is necessarily humble, not weak, but humble. With humility comes a lack of neediness because you are content with trusting in God's will and timing. There comes the overlap with the redpill, as so much of the redpill is about faking it till you make it/abundance mentality/outcome independence. The superiority of the God pill is that you don't have to fake it at all and it's catered towards attracting the kind of woman you actually want to be with.
Your usage of these terms is incorrect. Critiquing others in a thread is not cockblocking, since he's not directly stopping anyone from meeting women, and the same goes for the AMOG.

Don't troll others and lower the quality of the conversation - friendly warning.
Thank you for correcting me, I will do better in the future.

When you use PUA language like AMOG to describe interactions it's really hard to know what sort of state of mind you're in. Orthodox or not.

I'm chief among sinners and not trying to dog pile on you and do genuinely know that you have to engage with women and that involves approaching and talking to them. So please don't take my comment as "cockblocking" ...but all I'd say is that the interaction a successful man has with women don't need a catalogue, don't need a coaching, and happen naturally.

Once you have to start making data sheets about how you talk to women it's a little strange to say the least.

Again, I'm not trying to shit on you, and I appreciate the desire to be married and find a wife. Totally get that as a dude who was married, divorced, remarried and has gone through all the shades of that experience.
If you want to know why I am so bitter with regards to relationship with women, here is my reason. I have to compensate for my past mistake by chalking up some wins as fast as possible.

After reflecting on myself, I will refrain from posting on game/relationship/courtship threads until I have made enough self-improvement. I have to make sure my "looks, money, status" and physical, intellectual, and spiritual life is in order first before I can begin thinking of relationship.
I don't know why some people don't like the advice of being a "good man." You don't have to be a good man to get a woman, but you don't want just any old broad do you? So don't make things harder for yourself than it needs to be and be a good man. One of the problems with PUA is how comfortable it was with playing a role in order to get the girl. The thing about playing a role is that you have to keep playing the role, it's not good for the long term.
This is a fact. The more you're living a life that has the quality traits of a high status man inculcated in your psyche...the less of all this pua bullshit is needed.

There's certain elements of the psychology that are found in "game" that apply to all relationships, men or women.

It ain't rocket science.
When is the ideal time to make a move on a woman? This is something that is always a difficult decision. There is no easy answer to this. If you go to early the woman may feel uncomfortable due to not knowing you well enough and you stuff up the opportunity you would have had by being more patient. If you wait too long you may not get to see the woman again or another guy might make a move before you and beat you to it or any other number of things that happen in the course of life that cause your opportunity to somehow disappear. There is no correct answer here, but from my many years of experience in general I would say on average it works out better if you err on the side of making a move on the woman too early rather than too late.
Again these calculated variables and autistic questions make me wonder how much success people asking these questions are really having...

It's pretty simple, and should come natural. Again not promoting hook up culture, but by the time you're getting intimate with a woman, you should know that they are reciprocating. It's not like you're a hunter shooting an unsuspecting deer.

At least that's been my experience in dating (courtship) and in my degenerate days with hook up. I wasn't by any means a PUA, but was always very successful with women because it comes naturally.

Chasing tail isn't complicated at all really. You have to have some physical confidence, and money helps, but these are traits and things you should have as a man period. Make a woman laugh and you can get the key to her heart.

The same tactics that worked with hook up work with your wife, it's just your focus is different. My second wife I make it a key to be involved in a church before id take her on the second date. I still had to put in all the foundational activities, except my approach was genuine because I wasn't looking for a throwaway relationship
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