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Current Events in Russia

A satanic force has overtaken Russia:










This is all over gab and telegram. There are thousands more like this, if not tens of thousands more girls in Russia betraying their family no different than women in America, Australia, Canada, and Western Europe. None of these whores know God, and quite frankly, most never will. Let's see what the shills on here come up with as an excuse for this behavior in their alleged Orthodox paradise.

Can anyone on here, ethnically Russian or otherwise ethnically Slavic explain this to me? I know why brainwashed and deracinated Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, and American girls behave this way, but this widespread behavior eludes me other than the notion that there are a lack of Russian males due to them being forced to fight while their country is populated with orcs. This should serve as a shocking reminder to anyone with fleeting naivete about Russia being no different.

You actually believe these fake pics? Most of them are probably at least 10 years+ old. The photo quality is very low and gives it away. Most of them are random Slavic tourists posing in Moscow with Blacks. For most of these women, it's the first Black they've ever seen in their life, so they show off a pic with one like an exotic animal pet for their friends. One of the pics is from this nightclub: https://www.facebook.com/BarRollingStone/ - which I'm sure represents the pure Christian faith of Russia, yes?

We have no idea who these people are, and if they are in fact Russia, Ukrainian, or any other Slavic nationality. The marriages especially, there is no proof of identity and it looks fake: either outdated or not Russian. But if a few of them are Russian, and they are both Orthodox, then good for them and may the Lord bless their marriage.

Now compare these random shots of Slavic women from the past 20 years with any city in the (((West))) - there is no comparison. We have 10000000x the diversity, and it's not even close. You are posting obvious chew propaganda designed to get Whites to attack Russia and be good goy slaves.

You are posting obvious disinfo, are you seriously this easily fooled?
This is pure sophistry. All you've done is to post your usual verbose justifications with bible verses and your own meta narrative added to suit your ideology.
So Scripture is deceiving? Read the passages and tell me I'm a liar. It's a simple realization. Read the word of God, not universalist interpretations, look at people breaking these simple commands, and watch their lives fall apart. When enough of them do this, a society falls apart.

The more people accuse me the more they expose their own faults. I don't mind being the resident punching bag here given the polarizing views bringing out other's emotions, but remember not every punch will land in quicksand or putty.

That's not what's being argued here. My preferences are no different to yours. What I and others object to is MFTP spinning fake and/or distorted narratives with triggering photos and videos in order to manipulate forum members emotionally. That's his modus operandi.

As a Christian I am compelled to love others and where I cannot love them, to pray for them. In me, and others, is a reservoir of bitterness and hatred that MFTP would like me to wallow in, but I refuse to do so. It is my intention, by the grace of God, to love others, not hate them. That what the saints and elders have taught us. Hatred is of the devil, though MFTP would like to convince us otherwise. That doesn't mean I have to like or accept others bad behaviour or bad political decisions, etc, it means I don't have to be bitter about things I can do nothing about. And for my own spiritual health and sanity I need remember daily that this temporal world is given over to Satan, that it's both a battle and testing ground for souls passing through to eternity, reminding us to be discerning and to make wise choices.
Be more specific, hatred of God, God's laws, and God's people are of the devil. God has plenty of hate for the fallen ones and their wiles, and anyone who follows them. The creatures are irredeemable, though man may correct his eternal misfortune in this coil. As a Christian I am compelled to love what pleases the Lord and to hate what displeases Him. Of course the world is temporal, but there are actions within the temporal that sever the sanctity of one's soul, and people are committing these daily without recourse. I cannot stand idly by and watch others gift-wrap their souls for the devil.

Don't try to spin my posts as some kind of illusion. If emotions are where people are stinging by these posts, then perhaps that is a foundation that needs to be laid stronger. I use gab, telegram, and other dissident sites that relish in exposing lies. That is my nature to uncover liars. When a man lies, he murders some part of the world. Our tongues are wicked, hence why there were so many laws surrounding what humans spoke in antiquity. Many people understood that everything which comes out of a mouth is either something holy, in adherence to, or something accursed, or denigrating of something holy.

I seek peace, as should we all. Call me callous, a hater, a distorter if you must, but I am not here to misrepresent anything purportedly. I already know what a good number of people on this forum are in the ideological realm so it is pointless for me to get them to change their views, however, exposure, even if its shocking, should only temporarily stun someone with cognitive dissonance. The point of breaking false perceptions of reality is to remove the layers of lies built up around the mind.

It's obvious that satanic energy is running through everything that defies the laws of nature. If you see my posts as emotional swindling off of other's own natural grievances towards the unnatural, then you must not be as solidified in your emotional state as I am. You misunderstand my "encouragement" of hate. It is not a proactive hate, but a reactive visceral disgust to the actions of man that violate God's laws. From violence to lies to fornication to blasphemy, more of this world drowns in this malodorous behavior every waking second. We all hate fags here, or in the very least the act of faggotry and any other sexual deviance. I am in line with the rest of the forum 100% on this.

So when it comes to race I know there are non-Whites here and members of mixed heritage, I converse with quite a few of them. They know my position is not one of hatred for someone for being non-White (which is absolutely absurd)., but rather my dislike is for those who betray their own kind no matter which race they come from. It is completely natural to dislike your own kin who do this. Scripture does not tolerate betrayal, so neither should any of us. I seek cooperation of all races, but every household must have a strong shepherd to tend to the unruly members of the flock and keep them in line, or discard them if they do too much damage.

In seeking peace, you find that it really is only possible if you are not under attack. The more the human world regresses to the subhuman, which is not merely referencing racial demographical statistics, but more to do with the nature of how these people live: uncleanly, unGodly, immorally, etc. The more we live like animals, the less we can receive reciprocity in our peace-seeking. The predator hunts prey, feeding on weaker creatures. Passions are what keep all creatures, from the most rudimentary to the most advanced sentient alive, whether it is anger to fight, fear to run, or devotion to love their pack. These basic traits will never go away, and to ignore them is not wise.

There would not be such bitterness if more of you stood up and fight for what you believe in, not just merely having the beliefs. If that's not enough to give someone the peace of doing good work, then perhaps they should re-evaluate what they are doing with their time here on this Earth. I am in open communication with the Catholic clergy, who know my differences in views. When you talk to enough priests, you see a pattern of what they view is harmful versus what they view as cautionary.
I have occasionally seen some discussion of Russian demographics, not just in the context of having low birth rates (like the rest of the developed world) but also in the context of Islamification. Some have been afraid that Russia is facing Islamification. Well, I saw this on a Telegram channel, so take that however you like, but here is their assessment:


There’s a myth of high Muslim TFR in Russia & particularly in the Kavkaz area. As this map shows, Chechnya (population only~1.5M) is the only one with high TFR+the only one above replacement. Even Ingushetia+Dagestan are far below. Biggest Muslims groups (Tatar+Bashkirs) much lower. While Chechen, Ingush, Avar etc fertility is higher than for ethnic Russians these groups have very small populations and (as mentioned above) only Chechens above replacement. Slavic Orthodox Christians unlikely to ever be below 75% of the Russian population.
It wouldn't surprise me if these places have a lot of undocumented births and people who exist their whole lives outside of the system (and therefore are invisible in census statistics). Therefore I would take those figures with a grain of salt. But yes in general overall Muslim population in Russia percentage-wise is still quite small.
So when it comes to race I know there are non-Whites here and members of mixed heritage, I converse with quite a few of them. They know my position is not one of hatred for someone for being non-White (which is absolutely absurd)., but rather my dislike is for those who betray their own kind no matter which race they come from. It is completely natural to dislike your own kin who do this. Scripture does not tolerate betrayal, so neither should any of us. I seek cooperation of all races, but every household must have a strong shepherd to tend to the unruly members of the flock and keep them in line, or discard them if they do too much damage.
Can you specify what in your opinion constitutes betraying your race?
Can you specify what in your opinion constitutes betraying your race?
There are many but it ultimately comes down to two things, and this can be taken from any racial standpoint, not just White European.

First, making deals with Talmudic jews, or eating up their psychobabble propaganda and spewing it to your family, which leads your family away from God or demoralizes them spiritually. Historically laypeople were not allowed to speak to jews for this very reason. A betrayal of one's historical faith, which is cemented in race, as in the lineage of all the European and Mediterranean civilizations, is akin to a betrayal of race. Because the jews are the enemies of all races, those who follow them or join them ultimately betray their own people, even if the jews are using their race to help destroy another.

Second, copulating and breeding with a member of a disparate race. Europeans and Africans betray their own people by mating with each other just as Indians and Chinese do. The children of these pairings still have to contend with everything else that we all suffer in this life, but there is overwhelming distress in these pairings. Even without the social stigma's of the past in many "liberalized" nations, these people still suffer internally. It is dysgenic to engage in this behavior. I see this condition in all of my friends who are of mixed heritage. I don't say these things to demean anyone, but in my own search for healing and helping others I see how this internalized confusion takes a toll on the soul of any human. This internal psychological struggle against the search for an expression of roots and identity affects these people very badly.

Every human life is a burden and a responsibility to bring into this world, and each one must be done with care and loving intent. I would not bring a racially mixed child into this life even if I was in love with a woman of another race, because our own selfish desires often bring about the tragedies of future lives. People who say they want their child to look like them only understand the simplicity of these desires. The truth is spiritual, not merely physical. The Bible is very specific about bloodlines and maintaining the integrity of your seedline.

It is natural for any man from any race to want to keep his progeny going. Every single inclination to mix comes from the jewish mind, since the jews are not a racially pure people and have always advocated for their own mongrelization further and further down the line, they sell it to other races as a control measure. The manifestation of over 40% of Ashkenazi jews having clinical schizophrenia is evident of their own dysgenics.

To keep it on this thread, there are millions of Russians who will never mix, thank God, but they are under assault just like every other nationality of White Europeans. There certainly seems to be no incentive to safeguard ethnic Russians in Russia from this, and I attribute that to the overbearing presence of Chabad. The document I posted in the other Russia thread is very telling, you should check it out just to see how much anti-White visceral is loaded in it.
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Second, copulating and breeding with a member of a disparate race. Europeans and Africans betray their own people by mating with each other just as Indians and Chinese do. The children of these pairings still have to contend with everything else that we all suffer in this life, but there is overwhelming distress in these pairings. Even without the social stigma's of the past in many "liberalized" nations, these people still suffer internally. It is dysgenic to engage in this behavior. I see this condition in all of my friends who are of mixed heritage. I don't say these things to demean anyone, but in my own search for healing and helping others I see how this internalized confusion takes a toll on the soul of any human. This internal psychological struggle against the search for an expression of roots and identity affects these people very badly.
And what of the countries that were literally created as a mixed race country? Examples include Brazil, Colombia, etc (mix of indigenous people, Africans and Europeans). Philippines (a mix of European, Polynesian and Asian people), etc.

In those types of countries the majority of people are already race mixed. Not every country is racially/genetically homogeneous like Japan or Iceland. Therefore I do not really understand the point you are trying to make.
To keep it on this thread, there are millions of Russians who will never mix, thank God, but they are under assault just like every other nationality of White Europeans. There certainly seems to be no incentive to safeguard ethnic Russians in Russia from this, and I attribute that to the overbearing presence of Chabad. The document I posted in the other Russia thread is very telling, you should check it out just to see how much anti-White visceral is loaded in it.
Russia is literally called "the Russian Federation" and has many states with majority populations of various Asiatic tribes. So even though they have been part of Russia for many generations should they not be considered "Russian"?

In general I would say ethnicity is only partly genetic and its partly a cultural construct.
And what of the countries that were literally created as a mixed race country? Examples include Brazil, Colombia, etc (mix of indigenous people, Africans and Europeans). Philippines (a mix of European, Polynesian and Asian people), etc.

In those types of countries the majority of people are already race mixed.
What else do you notice about these countries?

Russia is literally called "the Russian Federation" and has many states with majority populations of various Asiatic tribes. So even though they have been part of Russia for many generations should they not be considered "Russian"?

In general I would say ethnicity is only partly genetic and its partly a cultural construct.
I have an issue with their aggressive stance against Europeans and their adoption of the jewish smear tactics against any group that advocates for White Russian solidarity, and then has the audacity to complain about "nazis" when the only people who cause wars in this reality are jews. Russia is much less of a threat from the outside than the treacherous politicians and NGOs within the EU, and those of non-EU members who also seek to implement the same multi-culti garbage, but their current government's position is known, and they are ultimately going to foster this multi-culti federation with laws that are only harmful to one demographic.

The racial clashes that are going to result from this eastern federation will result in the same as they've always been, the majority vying for superiority. In Russia it is only a matter of time before the ethnic Rus are in competition for survival with all the Tajiks, Tuvals, Tatars, Kalmyks, Mongols, Africans, and other Asiatics they've brought into their territories. If they continue assisting the west in destroying Europe, no one will lend a helping hand when their own home-cooked melting pot starts to burn. The Han Chinese don't have any of these problems, they keep the other ethnicities in their land under their thumb. Every pittance of defeat is coursing through every single White Nation or former White Nation.
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What else do you notice about those countries?
I get the point you are getting at that a lot of those countries are dysfunctional third world shit-holes. But some mixed race countries are successful such as Singapore, and Malaysia is not first world yet but is making steady progress towards that and could get there within the next 30 years.
I get the point you are getting at that a lot of those countries are dysfunctional third world shit-holes. But some mixed race countries are successful such as Singapore, and Malaysia is not first world yet but is making steady progress towards that and could get there within the next 30 years.
Singapore is about three quarters ethnically Chinese. That is 75% of racial solidarity compared to the other 25% consisting of different racial groups. It is possible for a non-White racial majority to have a highly-functional society, but the key component is not having a multi-culture or at least suppressing it to prevent fracturing of the nation.

The Malays which comprise about 60% of the population of Malaysia. They are predominantly Muslim and are recognized as the Bumiputera ("sons of the soil") ethnic group. They enjoy certain privileges under Malaysian law as the indigenous people of these Southeast Asian islands. Majority ethnic rule again. Perhaps in 30 years it will be better, we can check back in on this in 2054 if this forum is still here lol.

You will not find a predominantly mixed-race country with first-world standards and be highly efficient and properly functioning, and as we have witnessed since this migrant phenomena really picked up steam after 2015, the more mixed a place becomes, the more problems it has period. Everything we grew up with and understood from the logos of a Christianized first-world country with prime morality and living standards is inversely proportional to the percentage of racial dilution.

A possible exception was Rhodesia, but that didn't last long because they were far-outnumbered. Less than 300,000 White Europeans created a first-world environment, but there were over 5 million tribal African ethnicities and an uncertain amount of Indian and Pakistanis. However these were not hybridized peoples, it was pretty clear who was White, Black, Indian, or Asian in Rhodesia, because they did not force or encourage mixing, there was also less problems during these 14 years for the people who lived there. The country experienced significant economic growth and development, a modern infrastructure, thriving agricultural sector, and a strong industrial base, which contributed to its status as the most prosperous country in Africa at the time.
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So Scripture is deceiving? Read the passages and tell me I'm a liar. It's a simple realization. Read the word of God, not universalist interpretations, look at people breaking these simple commands, and watch their lives fall apart. When enough of them do this, a society falls apart.

The more people accuse me the more they expose their own faults. I don't mind being the resident punching bag here given the polarizing views bringing out other's emotions, but remember not every punch will land in quicksand or putty.

Be more specific, hatred of God, God's laws, and God's people are of the devil. God has plenty of hate for the fallen ones and their wiles, and anyone who follows them. The creatures are irredeemable, though man may correct his eternal misfortune in this coil. As a Christian I am compelled to love what pleases the Lord and to hate what displeases Him. Of course the world is temporal, but there are actions within the temporal that sever the sanctity of one's soul, and people are committing these daily without recourse. I cannot stand idly by and watch others gift-wrap their souls for the devil.

Don't try to spin my posts as some kind of illusion. If emotions are where people are stinging by these posts, then perhaps that is a foundation that needs to be laid stronger. I use gab, telegram, and other dissident sites that relish in exposing lies. That is my nature to uncover liars. When a man lies, he murders some part of the world. Our tongues are wicked, hence why there were so many laws surrounding what humans spoke in antiquity. Many people understood that everything which comes out of a mouth is either something holy, in adherence to, or something accursed, or denigrating of something holy.

I seek peace, as should we all. Call me callous, a hater, a distorter if you must, but I am not here to misrepresent anything purportedly. I already know what a good number of people on this forum are in the ideological realm so it is pointless for me to get them to change their views, however, exposure, even if its shocking, should only temporarily stun someone with cognitive dissonance. The point of breaking false perceptions of reality is to remove the layers of lies built up around the mind.

It's obvious that satanic energy is running through everything that defies the laws of nature. If you see my posts as emotional swindling off of other's own natural grievances towards the unnatural, then you must not be as solidified in your emotional state as I am. You misunderstand my "encouragement" of hate. It is not a proactive hate, but a reactive visceral disgust to the actions of man that violate God's laws. From violence to lies to fornication to blasphemy, more of this world drowns in this malodorous behavior every waking second. We all hate fags here, or in the very least the act of faggotry and any other sexual deviance. I am in line with the rest of the forum 100% on this.

So when it comes to race I know there are non-Whites here and members of mixed heritage, I converse with quite a few of them. They know my position is not one of hatred for someone for being non-White (which is absolutely absurd)., but rather my dislike is for those who betray their own kind no matter which race they come from. It is completely natural to dislike your own kin who do this. Scripture does not tolerate betrayal, so neither should any of us. I seek cooperation of all races, but every household must have a strong shepherd to tend to the unruly members of the flock and keep them in line, or discard them if they do too much damage.

In seeking peace, you find that it really is only possible if you are not under attack. The more the human world regresses to the subhuman, which is not merely referencing racial demographical statistics, but more to do with the nature of how these people live: uncleanly, unGodly, immorally, etc. The more we live like animals, the less we can receive reciprocity in our peace-seeking. The predator hunts prey, feeding on weaker creatures. Passions are what keep all creatures, from the most rudimentary to the most advanced sentient alive, whether it is anger to fight, fear to run, or devotion to love their pack. These basic traits will never go away, and to ignore them is not wise.

There would not be such bitterness if more of you stood up and fight for what you believe in, not just merely having the beliefs. If that's not enough to give someone the peace of doing good work, then perhaps they should re-evaluate what they are doing with their time here on this Earth. I am in open communication with the Catholic clergy, who know my differences in views. When you talk to enough priests, you see a pattern of what they view is harmful versus what they view as cautionary.
There you go again with your egocentric gushings. Do you think your ideas are so noble and wise that people will give up their time to wade through these large tracts of text? You was called out for posting a false portrayal of race mixing in Russia. So, yes, you're a liar for posting such a gross exageration. And when I challenged you for inciting hatred, you did as you always do and posted a diatribe to justify your position.

And no, Scripture is not deceiving, the deception is your interpretation of it.

"1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Paul speaks about the body being the temple of God and the need to keep it holy, both physically and spiritually. This is a directive to maintain racial purity, as mixing bloodlines is defiling the temple of God."

Oh, man, it's so ironic that you'd pick this as promoting racial purity when, in fact, in Corinthians 3 Paul is chastising Corinthians (gentiles) for creating false, worldly divisions by them lauding either Paul or Apollos as most worthy leader. He is trying to impress on his gentile flock that both he and Apollos, as servants of God, carry a huge responsibility for their formation, because as vessels of the Holy Spirit they are all equally precious. If, by chance, there was an Ethiopian among the Greeks, do you think Paul would've said, "except for you darkie"?

"1 Corinthians 5:1-11
Paul instructs the church to expel a member engaging in immoral fornication. These passages argue for the expulsion of those who engage in interracial relationships or similar immoral behaviors."

This is ludicrous, laughable. Exactly where is race mentioned in Corinthians 5?

"1 Corinthians 6:9-20 / 14-19
Paul speaks about avoiding immorality and recognizing that believers' bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. The call to avoid immorality as including the avoidance of interracial relationships which defile the body (the body being the temple of the Holy Spirit). Maintaining holiness of body is tantamount to holiness in spirit. Defilement of the body is violating the sanctity of the temple."

You, MFTP, included avoiding interracial relationships not Saint Paul. It's a figment of your imagination. How can you be expected to be taken seriously with such wild, unfounded interpretations?
Music, your interpretation of racial purity within the Bible is a lie on several accounts:

1. Jesus Christ's own bloodline had adopted fathers, who weren't of the Jewish race, and yet still considered Jewish and descendants of David. Look it up, Chrysostom himself talks about this. And this was all fine by the laws of Moses, adoption was always considered acceptable.

2. Maintaining racial purity was only needed to produce the Messiah, which came in Christ; afterwards there was no more Godly commandment to maintain racial purity for any race, including Jews.

This was one of the major points of disagreements between Talmuds and Christians in early history; Talmuds insisted on maintaining pure bloodlines, which is why they all look like inbred freaks today, while Christians were told simply to marry whom you love and loves you in return (and marriage can only exist between a man and a woman); so anyone willing to convert could be a spouse.

Christians mixed bloodlines and became beautiful, while Talmuds insisted on marrying their cousins and became hideous. Pretty obvious to see which system is superior, no one wants to marry Talmuds unless for money.
Singapore is about three quarters ethnically Chinese. That is 75% of racial solidarity compared to the other 25% consisting of different racial groups. It is possible for a non-White racial majority to have a highly-functional society, but the key component is not having a multi-culture or at least suppressing it to prevent fracturing of the nation.

The Malays which comprise about 60% of the population of Malaysia. They are predominantly Muslim and are recognized as the Bumiputera ("sons of the soil") ethnic group. They enjoy certain privileges under Malaysian law as the indigenous people of these Southeast Asian islands. Majority ethnic rule again. Perhaps in 30 years it will be better, we can check back in on this in 2054 if this forum is still here lol.

You will not find a predominantly mixed-race country with first-world standards and be highly efficient and properly functioning, and as we have witnessed since this migrant phenomena really picked up steam after 2015, the more mixed a place becomes, the more problems it has period. Everything we grew up with and understood from the logos of a Christianized first-world country with prime morality and living standards is inversely proportional to the percentage of racial dilution.

A possible exception was Rhodesia, but that didn't last long because they were far-outnumbered. Less than 300,000 White Europeans created a first-world environment, but there were over 5 million tribal African ethnicities and an uncertain amount of Indian and Pakistanis. However these were not hybridized peoples, it was pretty clear who was White, Black, Indian, or Asian in Rhodesia, because they did not force or encourage mixing, there was also less problems during these 14 years for the people who lived there. The country experienced significant economic growth and development, a modern infrastructure, thriving agricultural sector, and a strong industrial base, which contributed to its status as the most prosperous country in Africa at the time.
You are taking a very short-term view. Most countries have already been race mixing for thousands of years. Unless you are talking about exceptions like the Japanese or Icelandic people that were relatively isolated most countries were quite race mixed from a long time ago.

You look in Spain for example you have a combination of pre Indo-European genetics, Gallic genetics, Carthaginian genetics, Roman genetics, Moorish genetics, etc. In Turkey you have Anatolian, Greek, Armenian, Persian, Mongol, Turkic, Arabic, etc.

In Italy you have genetics of not just Italians but people from all over the roman empire who settled in Italy.

In Serbia you have a mix of the early Balkan people mixed with the Slavic genetics.

I could go on and on. How far back in history do you have to go to define racial purity?

I think you are confusing two separate issues. Mixing cultures and mixing genetics are two different things. Mixing cultures tends to cause problems whereas mixing genetics not so much.
Music, your interpretation of racial purity within the Bible is a lie on several accounts:

1. Jesus Christ's own bloodline had adopted fathers, who weren't of the Jewish race, and yet still considered Jewish and descendants of David. Look it up, Chrysostom himself talks about this. And this was all fine by the laws of Moses, adoption was always considered acceptable.

2. Maintaining racial purity was only needed to produce the Messiah, which came in Christ; afterwards there was no more Godly commandment to maintain racial purity for any race, including Jews.

This was one of the major points of disagreements between Talmuds and Christians in early history; Talmuds insisted on maintaining pure bloodlines, which is why they all look like inbred freaks today, while Christians were told simply to marry whom you love and loves you in return (and marriage can only exist between a man and a woman); so anyone willing to convert could be a spouse.

Christians mixed bloodlines and became beautiful, while Talmuds insisted on marrying their cousins and became hideous. Pretty obvious to see which system is superior, no one wants to marry Talmuds unless for money.
Perhaps once upon a time but modern Jews for the most part are very race mixed. All those Jews who had been living in Europe (and other countries) for hundreds of years and went to Israel after world war two ended are for the most part very race mixed.
Perhaps once upon a time but modern Jews for the most part are very race mixed. All those Jews who had been living in Europe (and other countries) for hundreds of years and went to Israel after world war two ended are for the most part very race mixed.

Nope and DNA testing shows they aren't. They've only started to out marry in the 20th century because they became so hideous the men no longer even wanted to mate with their own women.
Notice, how Music isn't responding to actual rebuttals of his points, such as the post I made at the top of this page, and instead continues to post in bad faith. I'd recommend not posting bad faith and post with an eye towards learning, Music.
He can also throw in an overdue apology for the plagiarism. The fact that he avoided doing this, shows that posting in good faith is not on his agenda.
Singapore is about three quarters ethnically Chinese. That is 75% of racial solidarity compared to the other 25% consisting of different racial groups. It is possible for a non-White racial majority to have a highly-functional society, but the key component is not having a multi-culture or at least suppressing it to prevent fracturing of the nation.

The Malays which comprise about 60% of the population of Malaysia. They are predominantly Muslim and are recognized as the Bumiputera ("sons of the soil") ethnic group. They enjoy certain privileges under Malaysian law as the indigenous people of these Southeast Asian islands. Majority ethnic rule again. Perhaps in 30 years it will be better, we can check back in on this in 2054 if this forum is still here lol.

You will not find a predominantly mixed-race country with first-world standards and be highly efficient and properly functioning, and as we have witnessed since this migrant phenomena really picked up steam after 2015, the more mixed a place becomes, the more problems it has period. Everything we grew up with and understood from the logos of a Christianized first-world country with prime morality and living standards is inversely proportional to the percentage of racial dilution.

A possible exception was Rhodesia, but that didn't last long because they were far-outnumbered. Less than 300,000 White Europeans created a first-world environment, but there were over 5 million tribal African ethnicities and an uncertain amount of Indian and Pakistanis. However these were not hybridized peoples, it was pretty clear who was White, Black, Indian, or Asian in Rhodesia, because they did not force or encourage mixing, there was also less problems during these 14 years for the people who lived there. The country experienced significant economic growth and development, a modern infrastructure, thriving agricultural sector, and a strong industrial base, which contributed to its status as the most prosperous country in Africa at the time.
Let me tell you something about Singapore. Not really to prove any point exactly but just because your post jogged my memory.

I was there in 2001. I remember reading the paper after I arrived in a bus stop. written by a Singaporean Chinese journalist in literal Victorian tones it described a melee that broke out between port workers (Malays in 2001 tended to do all the manual labour whilst the Chinese obviously had the more high IQ "White Rhodesian" types of jobs):
"A Harbour Worker got his just desserts this last Thursday night after a brawl broke out in a bar frequented by stevedores and porters! The young toughs decided to prove their manhood after one two many beers and one of their number had his throat cut in the fracas. A harsh lesson learnt! Police Inspector Yim Kee said..-etc etc"
If a white journalist had written that in the Jim Crow South or Apartheid South Africa we would have never heard the end of it.

When I was there all the Chinese talked about was The Muslim Threat to their North in Malaysia and the threat to the South in Indonesia. Their mentality seemed to be "those people would wipe us out if they could" THIS is our last stand, this island.
Every front page photo on the New Straits Times for yers and years was always an army or navy vehicle patrolling or on manoeuvres.
I know through my Singaporean Chinese friends that secret police activity is very high. These days its becoming a cyber prison but in those days it was opened mail, taps on the shoulder etc
Singapore was of course led by Lee Kuan Yew, a high level freemason who had a bloody minded approach that steam rolled red opposition.
Airline Pilot strike? Lee immediately sent in all the airforce pilots to fly the planes and made sure that the civilian pilots had their pay with eld and were made to feel very uncomfortable.
Lee used an executive order to wipe out Triad activity. Singapore morphed from a poor island with a gang controlling every urban street into a world economic powerhouse but unlike Hong Kong Macau Tokyo - no large scale organised crime. Lee absolutely terrorised the Triads to the point where they abandoned their trade.

Lee had the advantage that he had done a deal with the (((City of London))) whereby he would crush communism in his tiny corner of SE Asia and the Zionist jews would allow and aid his "economic miracle" (communism was actually quite popular amongst the young in Singapore in the 60s)

Singapore, below the surface, is a very very racially conscious country.
It is like a Hokkien Chinses version of a nanny state crossed with the NSDAP and allowed to flourish. Stratified society in many ways. Of course the veneer will be more diverse and cosmopolitan to a short term visitor but below the surface its like Rhodesia but with the numbers reversed.
Singapore is a bad comparison to anywhere else because firstly it's very tiny country, and secondly because they have very strict laws (expensive fines for spitting on the sidewalk, canning on the ass for vandalism, and death penalty for drug trafficking and other crimes) to keep everything peaceful.