Current Events in Russia

A satanic force has overtaken Russia:










This is all over gab and telegram. There are thousands more like this, if not tens of thousands more girls in Russia betraying their family no different than women in America, Australia, Canada, and Western Europe. None of these whores know God, and quite frankly, most never will. Let's see what the shills on here come up with as an excuse for this behavior in their alleged Orthodox paradise.

Can anyone on here, ethnically Russian or otherwise ethnically Slavic explain this to me? I know why brainwashed and deracinated Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, and American girls behave this way, but this widespread behavior eludes me other than the notion that there are a lack of Russian males due to them being forced to fight while their country is populated with orcs. This should serve as a shocking reminder to anyone with fleeting naivete about Russia being no different.
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A satanic force has overtaken Russia:

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This is all over gab and telegram. There are thousands more like this, if not tens of thousands more girls in Russia betraying their family no different than women in America, Australia, Canada, and Western Europe. None of these whores know God, and quite frankly, most never will. Let's see what the shills on here come up with as an excuse for this behavior in their alleged Orthodox paradise.

Can anyone on here, ethnically Russian or otherwise ethnically Slavic explain this to me? I know why brainwashed and deracinated Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, and American girls behave this way, but this widespread behavior eludes me other than the notion that there are a lack of Russian males due to them being forced to fight while their country is populated with orcs. This should serve as a shocking reminder to anyone with fleeting naivete about Russia being no different.

MFTP fantasies about Russia vs reality:

A satanic force has overtaken Russia:

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This is all over gab and telegram. There are thousands more like this, if not tens of thousands more girls in Russia betraying their family no different than women in America, Australia, Canada, and Western Europe. None of these whores know God, and quite frankly, most never will. Let's see what the shills on here come up with as an excuse for this behavior in their alleged Orthodox paradise.

Can anyone on here, ethnically Russian or otherwise ethnically Slavic explain this to me? I know why brainwashed and deracinated Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, and American girls behave this way, but this widespread behavior eludes me other than the notion that there are a lack of Russian males due to them being forced to fight while their country is populated with orcs. This should serve as a shocking reminder to anyone with fleeting naivete about Russia being no different.

God, mixed white-back babies/toddlers look so unattractive.
Even a purely black baby looks a lot more cute.

MFTP fantasies about Russia vs reality:

It's hard to say from the photos how common interracial marriages are in Russia, but it seems to me that part of the reason they exist at all would be communist influence. Communism is virulently opposed to "racism." Indeed, it's my understanding that the term itself was popularized by communists. Before communism, what is called "racism" nowadays didn't really have a term to describe it because it was just assumed that people cared about their own ethnic group more than others and usually preferred to be their own. This was seen as normal and healthy.

Anyway, I'd assume that Russians who continue to be true believers in the Soviet system wouldn't be opposed to race mixing and that they would have largely passed that opinion on to their children.
The blacks that were in the USSR were mostly from Cuba, Angola and other allied communist countries. They were selected and sent to Russia by their government, they weren't just migrants coming off a boat. There people are looked upon as allies by the locals, the same way the Chinese in Russia are today, or the Russians in China for that matter.

The black males in Russia are college students, or people with government ties sent to Russia to acquire experience. They aren't migrants. And if they commit crimes, they are immediately deported.

Bottom line, in Paris, London or NY African males today make up something like over 20% of the local young male demographic, while in Russia it's something like 0.1% of local males, this is why that post from MFTP is ridiculous and highly deceiving.
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Can anyone on here, ethnically Russian or otherwise ethnically Slavic explain this to me? I know why brainwashed and deracinated Nordic, Germanic, Anglo, and American girls behave this way, but this widespread behavior eludes me other than the notion that there are a lack of Russian males due to them being forced to fight while their country is populated with orcs. This should serve as a shocking reminder to anyone with fleeting naivete about Russia being no different.
Russian women and most neighboring countries favor hyper masculinity and bruteness. Russian women will start acting like a damsel in distress if there is any problem to even encourage you to get aggressive. On the other hand an older woman will talk and act like someone is about to be murdered if any such situation occurs. I dont know what's this fascination with violence but they're hypersensitive to even the potential of it and it gets them going. So there is a segment that basically whore themselves out to muslims and blacks for obvious reasons. It has nothing to do with Orthodoxy and I'm not sure what this is suppose to prove. I've seen plenty of Western girls "go black" in secret, their fellow white women couldn't care less and will keep the secret. Im talking run of the mill, established members of the white community white women not some white girl with braids.

Good luck with the "white women are pillars of our community" they talk of in nationalist circles. I only respect that sentiment as a white lie, as long you know you're lying. To be honest the other races are just as bad if not worse.
MFTP fantasies about Russia vs reality:

It's not a fantasy, those are real pictures and every single one of those women is choosing to be with an invader over one of their own men. No one is forcing these women to do this, but they are compelled by venomous jewish influences to betray their own kind.

The only one there in an Orthodox Church that looks like she had a traditional marriage to some African convert appears to already have multiple kids from him beforehand, so its like the family wouldn't allow the interbreeding to continue unless their whore daughter finally went to the church with her pet. The others are all atheists likely. I don't see how anyone growing up in an ethnic culture with Orthodoxy ingrained in their soul can willingly choose this. Every Greek and Serb I personally know in the West is race-pilled, it is usually the western Italians and British transplants who ignore this and do it incessantly.

Take heed, what I have shown is how it always starts, a minority of them engaging in this behavior, but the longer this war drags on, and the more Russian men are sacrificed, the more the government will import non-Russians and more of the leftover Russian women will enact their hypergamy programming. Resistance to this, and pushback against it will be difficult because any Nationalist Russian sentiment is illegal in Russia, the Chabad and their representatives in the Duma have made sure of this.

I'm still trying to figure out the mental gymnastics people are doing to call this Christian revivalism.

There still are a majority of White Russians and Slavs left inside Russia, but that has been steadily changing since the 1990s, only now is it altering drastically. While they wage war to the last Russian, the country fills up with Tajiks, Uzbeks, Buryats, Tatars, Tuvals, Mongols, and now Africans. These people are not civilized, and they are not Christian.

When you cook a stew the core ingredients usually number between 3 to 5, if you have too many it just becomes garbage. Anyone who thinks they can manage a multicultural empire and have it remain a top-of-the-line functional government has another thing coming, and apparently this goes for both the globohomo west and the Russian "federation". The main reason China has not collapsed yet under the CCP's many problems is because just about everyone in it is exclusively Han, and I say that neither in approval of nor disdain for China, just an observable fact.

Russian women and most neighboring countries favor hyper masculinity and bruteness. Russian women will start acting like a damsel in distress if there is any problem to even encourage you to get aggressive. On the other hand an older woman will talk and act like someone is about to be murdered if any such situation occurs. I dont know what's this fascination with violence but they're hypersensitive to even the potential of it and it gets them going. So there is a segment that basically whore themselves out to muslims and blacks for obvious reasons. It has nothing to do with Orthodoxy and I'm not sure what this is suppose to prove. I've seen plenty of Western girls "go black" in secret, their fellow white women couldn't care less and will keep the secret. Im talking run of the mill, established members of the white community white women not some white girl with braids.

Good luck with the "white women are pillars of our community" they talk of in nationalist circles. I only respect that sentiment as a white lie, as long you know you're lying. To be honest the other races are just as bad if not worse.
Thank you for your input. Yes there is a bit of fantasies in some Nationalists who pedestalize their women, they seem to forget that the jews only gave European women and American women the knife, but these women chose to use it to stab their own men in the back.

Also yes, it is not just Whites that are quintessentially mixing themselves out of existence, Asians do the same, and many Arab tribes are no different. The portmanteau races like Hispanics have some kind of racial solidarity, but it usually lays along heathen lines, they breed with Whites if they are educated, or blacks if they are not. Indians are also trying to interbreed with Europeans when they move to western countries. None of these demographics that engage in this have the foresight to understand the lie behind their own supposed desires.

The black African perspective in Africa seems to be in line with keeping their own race pure, except for the ones who have been reprogrammed by western secular governments to aspire to be more White while hating Whites at the same time and are usually living in non-African countries. There are many blacks who despise the idea of mixing with Whites, but the violent trash unwanted in their own countries behave simply like medieval pillagers, they love to rape White girls but want nothing to do with them other than violently molesting them.

I'm not suggesting this phenomena of Russian women betraying their men for charcoal briquettes has anything to do with Orthodoxy, quite the opposite, that it has nothing to do with it and is anti-Orthodox just as much as it is anti-Christian in general to engage in this behavior on purpose. None of it is driven by anything Godly. All Nationalists should seek to control their women, and rightly so. Women are not capable of distinguishing between friend and foe, especially when jewish interloping is compounded in the matter.

Perhaps you can clarify your take to my questions whereas these other antagonists just downvote me. What do you make of the situation where everything pro-Russian Nationalism, along with White Russian Nationalism, is banned and heavily fought against by the Russian government? Simply owning a copy of "Siege" will land you in prison. On the other hand, any criticism of jews, Chabad, the Holohoax narrative along with every other lie of WW2 lands a Russian in prison as well with exorbitant fines and labor hours as a penalty. Then when one looks at the education of children in Russia, they are hyper-sensationalized to the (((Great Patriotic War))) and not any of the other significant events in Russia's history prior to Bolshevik rule. All of that stuff takes a backseat to their jewish fairytale of WW2. I have shown ample proof of their war-time propaganda now, nowhere in it do they say they are fighting Bolshevism or Anti-Christ jews, they are blaming a bunch of dead Germans with a jewish-slur for all the problems in the world. There should be absolute anathema to anything Leninist, Stalinist, and Bolshevist in general in Russia but there isn't. Only an idiot or a liar in that country would focus on 4 years of war ignoring the 60,000,000 plus White Christian Russians killed by the hijacked Bolshevik state from 1917-1957. I don't think Vladimir Putin is an idiot, which means he is a liar.

The plain sight answer to this is that they ultimately are not independent of jewish thought control if their legislation has anti-semïtic laws. No country that has these laws is free of (((them))). Even countries without these laws are still controlled by them, but it is a guarantee that every single country that DOES have these laws is indeed occupied by Talmudic parasites in the high echelons of its government and finance.

This is the disconnect I have with accepting other members take on modern Russia being an Orthodox Traditional Paradise for Christians. Perhaps people should not be looking for a paradise and instead be willing to fight and carve one out of existing land away from jews and heathens.
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Perhaps you can clarify your take to my questions whereas these other antagonists just downvote me. What do you make of the situation where everything pro-Russian Nationalism, along with White Russian Nationalism, is banned and heavily fought against by the Russian government? Simply owning a copy of "Siege" will land you in prison. On the other hand, any criticism of jews, Chabad, the Holohoax narrative along with every other lie of WW2 lands a Russian in prison as well with exorbitant fines and labor hours as a penalty. Then when one looks at the education of children in Russia, they are hyper-sensationalized to the (((Great Patriotic War))) and not any of the other significant events in Russia's history prior to Bolshevik rule. All of that stuff takes a backseat to their jewish fairytale of WW2. I have shown ample proof of their war-time propaganda now, nowhere in it do they say they are fighting Bolshevism or Anti-Christ jews, they are blaming a bunch of dead Germans with a jewish-slur for all the problems in the world. There should be absolute anathema to anything Leninist, Stalinist, and Bolshevist in general in Russia but there isn't. Only an idiot or a liar in that country would focus on 4 years of war ignoring the 60,000,000 plus White Christian Russians killed by the hijacked Bolshevik state from 1917-1957. I don't think Vladimir Putin is an idiot, which means he is a liar.

The plain sight answer to this is that they ultimately are not independent of jewish thought control if their legislation has anti-semïtic laws. No country that has these laws is free of (((them))). Even countries without these laws are still controlled by them, but it is a guarantee that every single country that DOES have these laws is indeed occupied by Talmudic parasites in the high echelons of its government and finance.

This is the disconnect I have with accepting other members take on modern Russia being an Orthodox Traditional Paradise for Christians. Perhaps people should not be looking for a paradise and instead be willing to fight and carve one out of existing land away from jews and heathens.

Its common knowledge, as I'm aware, within Russia that the government doesn't like nationalists. In their defense there have been and continue to be bad apples. So in post-soviet Russia you had equivalent of Aryan Brotherhood being the face of nationalism, in public and on the news. Anything more Kosher was bought out and absorbed by the government. Personally I would agree that the Russian government is ideologically opposed to nationalism even though it sometimes uses such rhetoric. It's speculative as to why this is the state of affairs. Self-preservation? Globohomo? Boomerism?

There's actually a whole bunch of people within Russia right now that are doing a nationalist revival, you could say, and strictly avoid glorifying NatSoc-ism. It's for the best because traditional Russian culture has plenty of "right wing" ideas and sentiments, there's no reason to borrow from elsewhere. Almost everyone inside Russia believes the Nazis were waging a conquest war at the very least, so its a complete dead end to even go there. Even if they weren't, a lot of family members were buried for the cause, no one living is going be like "lol my grandfather died for nothing".

You're also from the outside looking in. Glorifying the war is common sense. The only way its a bad thing is if you believe Hitler is being defamed, and I dont see how that would help Russians even if we assume Hitler was an angel. All it would do is cause confusion and diminished patriotism. Then you would need a one of a kind person to take on this monumental task of vindicating Hitler. It makes no sense on a macro level or how and why this would happen.

As for why they dont glorify the white army, some people do. The thing is not many people in Russia share the perspective that the Soviet Union was utter evil. So there is no open hostility towards the Soviet Union you see elsewhere. Most people don't really have cause for being emotional about it and perceive the Soviet period as a time when they were a superpower. Someone more socialist leaning will even think "it was a time we offered the world an alternative to capitalism". This may sound outragous to you but if you take the emotions out of it, it makes logical sense why someone would adopt this perspective.

Russians generally pride themselves on hospitality and perceive themselves to be friendly, good natured neighbors. How historically accurate this is I'm not sure. Its not uncommon to hear a Russian say stuff like "we build for them roads, factories... helped them develop" historically speaking. Also, the concept of "good and evil" is very prominent in Russian culture and almost everyone normal would consider it their duty to treat people well, especially if an outsider is treating them well in return. So any idea of hard segregation and complete isolationalism is a very hard sell. Paradoxically there can be very blunt racism, by western standards, because there's a strong "tell it like it is" cultural dynamic going on, especially if there is a feeling of injustice. There's an expression for particular "people" that goes "they recently stopped climbing trees" but its actually a criticism of someone's ability to be "civilized" and "cultured", rather than something mean spirited.

Russian multiculturalism has worked historically. Unfortunately a lot of these smaller ethnic groups are experiencing rapid devolution and degeneracy and have started creating problems that were not present historically at such a scale. So Russia is experiencing European problems but with cognitive dissonance, where people dont understand why all these ethnics have become so hostile.

So if you pay attention to Russian sources you will hear different sentiments. There will be:
  • People who want traditional "law & order" without racism. They may sound communist or subverted to a westerner but they generally mean well. As I've said Russians believe in "friendship". I'm guessing this is the audience Putin talks to.
  • People who sound identical to the western right wing. Their message generally doesn't resonate with regular folk but with one caveat; because these ethnics are becoming such a problem more Russians are adopting the western right wing perspective. The ethnics on the other hand are adopting the western persecution complex.
  • Outright subverters who preach Globohomo values.
So when it comes to just one topic of "multiculturalism", you can see a lot of crossover between different groups. It can get pretty confusing which one is the "voice of the people". I'm guessing this is the point of contention between the west and eastern right wing. Russians don't seem to toe the line on a lot these right wing issues, at least that's the way it appears. The problem here is just people not understanding the culture that creates this fear Russians are too "subverted" and a "lost cause".

As for your desire to understand Putin, I don't know. Sometimes he sounds like a globohomo shill, sometimes he doesn't. I'm tired of thinking about it and will just let history tell the tale. All I know is there are some positive developments in the collective Russian consciousness and it doesnt seem like Putin is choosing to "shut it down" hard the same way they do in the west, for that I'm grateful.
Its common knowledge, as I'm aware, within Russia that the government doesn't like nationalists. In their defense there have been and continue to be bad apples. So in post-soviet Russia you had equivalent of Aryan Brotherhood being the face of nationalism, in public and on the news. Anything more Kosher was bought out and absorbed by the government. Personally I would agree that the Russian government is ideologically opposed to nationalism even though it sometimes uses such rhetoric. It's speculative as to why this is the state of affairs. Self-preservation? Globohomo? Boomerism?

There's actually a whole bunch of people within Russia right now that are doing a nationalist revival, you could say, and strictly avoid glorifying NatSoc-ism. It's for the best because traditional Russian culture has plenty of "right wing" ideas and sentiments, there's no reason to borrow from elsewhere. Almost everyone inside Russia believes the Nazis were waging a conquest war at the very least, so its a complete dead end to even go there. Even if they weren't, a lot of family members were buried for the cause, no one living is going be like "lol my grandfather died for nothing".

You're also from the outside looking in. Glorifying the war is common sense. The only way its a bad thing is if you believe Hitler is being defamed, and I dont see how that would help Russians even if we assume Hitler was an angel. All it would do is cause confusion and diminished patriotism. Then you would need a one of a kind person to take on this monumental task of vindicating Hitler. It makes no sense on a macro level or how and why this would happen.

As for why they dont glorify the white army, some people do. The thing is not many people in Russia share the perspective that the Soviet Union was utter evil. So there is no open hostility towards the Soviet Union you see elsewhere. Most people don't really have cause for being emotional about it and perceive the Soviet period as a time when they were a superpower. Someone more socialist leaning will even think "it was a time we offered the world an alternative to capitalism". This may sound outragous to you but if you take the emotions out of it, it makes logical sense why someone would adopt this perspective.

Russians generally pride themselves on hospitality and perceive themselves to be friendly, good natured neighbors. How historically accurate this is I'm not sure. Its not uncommon to hear a Russian say stuff like "we build for them roads, factories... helped them develop" historically speaking. Also, the concept of "good and evil" is very prominent in Russian culture and almost everyone normal would consider it their duty to treat people well, especially if an outsider is treating them well in return. So any idea of hard segregation and complete isolationalism is a very hard sell. Paradoxically there can be very blunt racism, by western standards, because there's a strong "tell it like it is" cultural dynamic going on, especially if there is a feeling of injustice. There's an expression for particular "people" that goes "they recently stopped climbing trees" but its actually a criticism of someone's ability to be "civilized" and "cultured", rather than something mean spirited.

Russian multiculturalism has worked historically. Unfortunately a lot of these smaller ethnic groups are experiencing rapid devolution and degeneracy and have started creating problems that were not present historically at such a scale. So Russia is experiencing European problems but with cognitive dissonance, where people dont understand why all these ethnics have become so hostile.

So if you pay attention to Russian sources you will hear different sentiments. There will be:
  • People who want traditional "law & order" without racism. They may sound communist or subverted to a westerner but they generally mean well. As I've said Russians believe in "friendship". I'm guessing this is the audience Putin talks to.
  • People who sound identical to the western right wing. Their message generally doesn't resonate with regular folk but with one caveat; because these ethnics are becoming such a problem more Russians are adopting the western right wing perspective. The ethnics on the other hand are adopting the western persecution complex.
  • Outright subverters who preach Globohomo values.
So when it comes to just one topic of "multiculturalism", you can see a lot of crossover between different groups. It can get pretty confusing which one is the "voice of the people". I'm guessing this is the point of contention between the west and eastern right wing. Russians don't seem to toe the line on a lot these right wing issues, at least that's the way it appears. The problem here is just people not understanding the culture that creates this fear Russians are too "subverted" and a "lost cause".

As for your desire to understand Putin, I don't know. Sometimes he sounds like a globohomo shill, sometimes he doesn't. I'm tired of thinking about it and will just let history tell the tale. All I know is there are some positive developments in the collective Russian consciousness and it doesnt seem like Putin is choosing to "shut it down" hard the same way they do in the west, for that I'm grateful.
Whether we agree or not on something here or anywhere else in this forum, I want to say thank you for writing a very thorough response. This is how we learn from one another. I am looking into the transitionary period of the early to mid 1990s, there was a lot of chaos there, especially with the Yugoslav wars, and everything a dismantled Russia post-USSR was involved in (Chechen Wars, Transnistria, Ossetian War, Abkhazia, etc). The economics of this period are a nightmare to anyone who has never looked in from the outside, but understanding the flow of money is critical in understanding the levers of power.

I don't personally dislike Putin, I don't know him. I do dislike politicians that say they are Christian and for Christianity but are in bed with jews at the same time, politically, and extra-curricular otherwise. Many people mean well in their own hearts, even if they are at odds with the rest of the world. What ties the bow on the crap-covered package for me is their laws protecting the Holohoax from any critcism. I could understand them not want to undermine National Unity (if they had that) but ultimately the illegality of questioning the WW2 narrative is a buffer to prevent people from criticizing the golden calf of the billion-dollar Holohoax, whom many jews in Russia are living comfy on a pension of "survivor status" from these lies at the expense of the broken and occupied German Nation whilst German children (among all the other children of the nations of Europe) are raped and murdered by savages. Protection of this will lead to their undoing at some point, or at least the undoing of their government, as the truth is out and it's not stopping for anyone else to catch up, it is only going to keep growing.

In all my defense of Adolf Hitler, I never make him out to be an angel, but Stalin on the other hand was an amoral power-hungry devil. He was the most psychopathic of that entire era. He was there from the beginning in 1917 killing White Russian Christians, and he was no saint before that either, riling up peasants with lie after lie. Very unfortunate for a man who went to an Orthodox seminary in Tiflis to become the complete opposite and end up being responsible for the deaths of many of the men who were there with him at the seminary. The Poles and the Finns, who his policies killed less of than Russians, remember Stalin more than the Russians do, so the hyperfocus on WW2 with the perception of Germans being evil for attempting to dismantle the USSR is a good degree of brainwashing. Most Russians will never read about Stalin's torch-men or Order 0428. The Russian patriotism, if it can extend back two to three generations, can certainly extend to five or six or more. Why get hung up on the psyops of WW2 when there are much more important patriotic events in their history? It is only the Bolshevik mindset that would focus and keep the people's focus on WW2 when it was the closest anyone ever came to breaking Bolshevism and avenging the murders of the White Russian Christians.

In the end, bad apples or not, I believe the White Russian Christians will prevail, for they are the only ones who bleed for this truth of their heritage, but it is a race between them and the entire post-Soviet apparatus to destroy the other, and if a majority of White Russians recognize this, then I don't see this propped-up multi-culti system haranguing them much longer. Like you said, history will be the judge. For their own benefit, the Russian people need to remember this instead of, or at least more pressingly than WW2:


The glorification of the USSR comes from the flipside of the coin. Where Capitalists glorify their material system in the west ignoring the tiers of slavery they put people under, Communists glorify their labor system in the east whilst ignoring the Everest of bodies it took to get there. I don't see it outrageous, they simply are behaving within the confines of the plutocratic-marxist paradigm under which they were educated (brainwashed) into.

The Fascistic, or National Socialist Nationalist (mouthful I know) position, is the third position. It is very different from either the west or the east, and it is this system that both sides, which are both run by jews, are scared of for good reason.

I'm going to continue posting about this subject in the "Criticisms of Russia" thread instead of here because I don't want to distract from any glaring news that will likely pop up about Russia in the near future.
It's not a fantasy, those are real pictures and every single one of those women is choosing to be with an invader over one of their own men. No one is forcing these women to do this, but they are compelled by venomous jewish influences to betray their own kind.

The only one there in an Orthodox Church that looks like she had a traditional marriage to some African convert appears to already have multiple kids from him beforehand, so its like the family wouldn't allow the interbreeding to continue unless their whore daughter finally went to the church with her pet. The others are all atheists likely. I don't see how anyone growing up in an ethnic culture with Orthodoxy ingrained in their soul can willingly choose this. Every Greek and Serb I personally know in the West is race-pilled, it is usually the western Italians and British transplants who ignore this and do it incessantly.

Take heed, what I have shown is how it always starts, a minority of them engaging in this behavior, but the longer this war drags on, and the more Russian men are sacrificed, the more the government will import non-Russians and more of the leftover Russian women will enact their hypergamy programming. Resistance to this, and pushback against it will be difficult because any Nationalist Russian sentiment is illegal in Russia, the Chabad and their representatives in the Duma have made sure of this.

I'm still trying to figure out the mental gymnastics people are doing to call this Christian revivalism.

There still are a majority of White Russians and Slavs left inside Russia, but that has been steadily changing since the 1990s, only now is it altering drastically. While they wage war to the last Russian, the country fills up with Tajiks, Uzbeks, Buryats, Tatars, Tuvals, Mongols, and now Africans. These people are not civilized, and they are not Christian.

When you cook a stew the core ingredients usually number between 3 to 5, if you have too many it just becomes garbage. Anyone who thinks they can manage a multicultural empire and have it remain a top-of-the-line functional government has another thing coming, and apparently this goes for both the globohomo west and the Russian "federation". The main reason China has not collapsed yet under the CCP's many problems is because just about everyone in it is exclusively Han, and I say that neither in approval of nor disdain for China, just an observable fact.

Thank you for your input. Yes there is a bit of fantasies in some Nationalists who pedestalize their women, they seem to forget that the jews only gave European women and American women the knife, but these women chose to use it to stab their own men in the back.

Also yes, it is not just Whites that are quintessentially mixing themselves out of existence, Asians do the same, and many Arab tribes are no different. The portmanteau races like Hispanics have some kind of racial solidarity, but it usually lays along heathen lines, they breed with Whites if they are educated, or blacks if they are not. Indians are also trying to interbreed with Europeans when they move to western countries. None of these demographics that engage in this have the foresight to understand the lie behind their own supposed desires.

The black African perspective in Africa seems to be in line with keeping their own race pure, except for the ones who have been reprogrammed by western secular governments to aspire to be more White while hating Whites at the same time and are usually living in non-African countries. There are many blacks who despise the idea of mixing with Whites, but the violent trash unwanted in their own countries behave simply like medieval pillagers, they love to rape White girls but want nothing to do with them other than violently molesting them.

I'm not suggesting this phenomena of Russian women betraying their men for charcoal briquettes has anything to do with Orthodoxy, quite the opposite, that it has nothing to do with it and is anti-Orthodox just as much as it is anti-Christian in general to engage in this behavior on purpose. None of it is driven by anything Godly. All Nationalists should seek to control their women, and rightly so. Women are not capable of distinguishing between friend and foe, especially when jewish interloping is compounded in the matter.

Perhaps you can clarify your take to my questions whereas these other antagonists just downvote me. What do you make of the situation where everything pro-Russian Nationalism, along with White Russian Nationalism, is banned and heavily fought against by the Russian government? Simply owning a copy of "Siege" will land you in prison. On the other hand, any criticism of jews, Chabad, the Holohoax narrative along with every other lie of WW2 lands a Russian in prison as well with exorbitant fines and labor hours as a penalty. Then when one looks at the education of children in Russia, they are hyper-sensationalized to the (((Great Patriotic War))) and not any of the other significant events in Russia's history prior to Bolshevik rule. All of that stuff takes a backseat to their jewish fairytale of WW2. I have shown ample proof of their war-time propaganda now, nowhere in it do they say they are fighting Bolshevism or Anti-Christ jews, they are blaming a bunch of dead Germans with a jewish-slur for all the problems in the world. There should be absolute anathema to anything Leninist, Stalinist, and Bolshevist in general in Russia but there isn't. Only an idiot or a liar in that country would focus on 4 years of war ignoring the 60,000,000 plus White Christian Russians killed by the hijacked Bolshevik state from 1917-1957. I don't think Vladimir Putin is an idiot, which means he is a liar.

The plain sight answer to this is that they ultimately are not independent of jewish thought control if their legislation has anti-semïtic laws. No country that has these laws is free of (((them))). Even countries without these laws are still controlled by them, but it is a guarantee that every single country that DOES have these laws is indeed occupied by Talmudic parasites in the high echelons of its government and finance.

This is the disconnect I have with accepting other members take on modern Russia being an Orthodox Traditional Paradise for Christians. Perhaps people should not be looking for a paradise and instead be willing to fight and carve one out of existing land away from jews and heathens.

Can you answer this question:

How many black males are in Russia today?

And if that number is tiny, relative to the population, why do you keep pushing this fake issue here, posting walls of mixed marriages as if Moscow was Atlanta?

There still are a majority of White Russians and Slavs left inside Russia, but that has been steadily changing since the 1990s, only now is it altering drastically. While they wage war to the last Russian, the country fills up with Tajiks, Uzbeks, Buryats, Tatars, Tuvals, Mongols, and now Africans. These people are not civilized, and they are not Christian.

Minorities are highly overrepresented in the Russian army and in casualty figures, to the contrary of what you are claiming here. Are you unaware of this basic fact, or are you straight out lying here?? I am starting to think the latter is true.


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Can you answer this question:

How many black males are in Russia today?

And if that number is tiny, relative to the population, why do you keep pushing this fake issue here, posting walls of mixed marriages as if Moscow was Atlanta?

I was in a major Russian metropolois last December and didn't see a single black male. Of course I'm sure there are some but this whole notion that Russian women are jumping the bones of black men in droves is complete nonsense. In fact I spoke with many young women there and my impression was that they want nothing to do with them, mainly due to social stigma. BTW, that also extends to other non-white ethnicities, in particular most of the 'stans' of which there has indeed been an influx most recently. However word has it that after the Moscow concert hall attack many of them are having their visas cancelled with some of them being actively deported.

I think Russia's going to be okay ;-)
That post of Music's reminds me of my Alt-Right days. It looks so dated now. The black men with white women is one of those oft used tropes that play on European men's fears and since it's meant to elicit hatred, it's bemusing to me how someone who professes to be Christian can justify such a post. I'd imagine any black man walking around with a white girl in Russia doesn't have an easy life, so I would think it a rare sight.
That post of Music's reminds me of my Alt-Right days. It looks so dated now. The black men with white women is one of those oft used tropes that play on European men's fears and since it's meant to elicit hatred,
It is Globo-Homo propaganda that is designed to demoralize, and undermine support for Putin. Exactly the kind of stuff posted on 4-Chan by glowies and JIDF volunteers.

Nearly everything MFTP posts is terrible info mixed with some good. As someone else said, no discernment. The result is the tainting of the good information. There is a name for that.
That post of Music's reminds me of my Alt-Right days. It looks so dated now. The black men with white women is one of those oft used tropes that play on European men's fears and since it's meant to elicit hatred, it's bemusing to me how someone who professes to be Christian can justify such a post. I'd imagine any black man walking around with a white girl in Russia doesn't have an easy life, so I would think it a rare sight.
It's not about fear, we're way past that point now. Hate is a necessary and natural reaction to defend against that which you love. If you see something that you love being destroyed, in this case your people, it is wholly righteous to be filled with hatred for the source of that destruction. The hate is not against a man for being Black, or a woman for being White, but against their sin. It is pure defilement.

It's bemusing to me how someone who professes to be a Catholic can justify such apathy, and immediately bias yourself towards one of these partakers. The White Russian girls also would not have it easy I imagine, and perhaps both of these traitors to their own people would come to their senses after experiencing what soft-hearted people call "bigotry" which is in reality, the natural reaction to the unnatural pairings inspired by jewish Communistic teachings and found nowhere in the Church.

It is Globo-Homo propaganda that is designed to demoralize, and undermine support for Putin. Exactly the kind of stuff posted on 4-Chan by glowies and JIDF volunteers.

Nearly everything MFTP posts is terrible info mixed with some good. As someone else said, no discernment. The result is the tainting of the good information. There is a name for that.
Your bias is made clear, as are the others on here who worship Putin. The man can do no wrong in your eyes, however his love affair with Chabad is not going to bode well for ethnic Russians, whom a majority of are Orthodox Christian, in the long term. You are clearly in the eastern camp, the only thing about your remarks which offends me is your insistence that I am in the western one. I have nothing to do with the kikery and the faggotry that runs the west. My discernment is a judgment none of you are fit to make as you fail to see the east-west paradigm for the overarching jewish entity that it really is.

None of you are priests either, you are not confessors, so you cannot lay claim to assessing the level of discernment a man has on worldly affairs to be based in spiritual bewilderment. That's what that term means, asking God for clarity of vision and to not be swindled by the lies of satanic forces. Chabad is a satanic force because of their adherence to the Talmud which defiles the holiness of Christ worse than any other advesary.

In this temporal existence, I am third position, always was, always will be. Both the west and the east in their jewish-spawned offspring ideologies are leading humanity to an early death. I'm not trying to dissuade any of you from your commitment to the east, free will after all, you can choose whichever side of the coin you want to. I'm only focused on exposing the lies surrounding this mythos that it is a haven for Nationalists when it clearly is the opposite.

Your enemies, the glowies of the west, would not care to make this point to you, though not every single one of their claims is ludicrous just as Putin's claims against the west has legitimacy in a fair amount of aspects. They are dialectical enemies under puppet strings, there is going to be some truth as well as some theater, and some outright falsehoods. This is by design.

It's been two years and three months since this regional fighting broke out into a larger conflict. How many White Russians and White Ukrainians have died since then? How many more mongrels has Putin's government brought in since? Let's see the numbers for the demographic changes, given that you know all the statistics and I apparently don't. One thing is for sure, there are a lot less Slavonic men on this Earth than there were in 2022, or in 2019, or in 2014, with every escalation of this brother war. It won't be a brother war for much longer as the number of Slavs diminishes. If this fact is "irrelevant" to you, then you aren't a White European, or you are deracinated.
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It's not about fear, we're way past that point now. Hate is a necessary and natural reaction to defend against that which you love. If you see something that you love being destroyed, in this case your people, it is wholly righteous to be filled with hatred for the source of that destruction. The hate is not against a man for being Black, or a woman for being White, but against their sin. It is pure defilement.

It's bemusing to me how someone who professes to be a Catholic can justify such apathy, and immediately bias yourself towards one of these partakers. The White Russian girls also would not have it easy I imagine, and perhaps both of these traitors to their own people would come to their senses after experiencing what soft-hearted people call "bigotry" which is in reality, the natural reaction to the unnatural pairings inspired by jewish Communistic teachings and found nowhere in the Church.
Take this or leave it, but you need to find a spiritual director ASAP, because you don't understand Christianity. Mathew 16:26
Take this or leave it, but you need to find a spiritual director ASAP, because you don't understand Christianity. Mathew 16:26
Your concern is noted, but what exactly are you getting at? The time for being nice has long passed when you understand the predicaments we're all in. Are you saying I should go find someone who conforms to judaized corruptions of the Gospel?

What are you implying with referencing that passage? I have kept my soul at the expense of not appeasing this world and gaining its temporalities. My positions are hated across virtually all mainstream worldly opinions. What is there to gain in this jewish world by remaining pure European? Nothing. There is only defeat in the ready wing, to become absorbed or assimilated to the other races, either by humiliation, or violence, in order to "gain" some form of worldly status. That is essentially the modern weltanschauung. If you don't mix, you don't ascend in the inverted hierarchy. I reject this hierarchy, this world, and all of its mongrelized imperatives in favor and obeisance of God's direct commands, even if I be the last of my generation. The firestorm of divine fury will eventually cleanse all sinful corruptions from existence, racialist sentiments on an anonymous forum or not.

Since we're quoting Scripture in this thread now, let's start from the beginning:

Genesis 6: 1- 7
The resulting Nephilim from the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" are written as a corrupted, mixed race, and the flood is written as God's judgment against the sins resulting from this mingling.

Genesis 24:1-4
Abraham's command to find a wife for Isaac from his own kin, avoiding the Canaanites, is a directive to avoid racial mixing and preserve the purity of the race that is the true descendants of Israel.

Genesis 26:34-35
Esau’s marriage to Hittite women, causing grief to Isaac and Rebekah, is a warning against racial intermarriage, which causes problems for their community.

Genesis 28:1-2 & 6-7
Isaac's instructions to Jacob not to marry a Canaanite woman emphasize the importance of maintaining racial purity by marrying within one's own racial group.

Genesis 34:1-31
The story of Dinah and Shechem is written as a cautionary tale against interracial relationships, with the violence perpetrated by Dinah's brothers justified as protecting racial purity.

Exodus 11:7
This verse emphasizes the clear distinction and separation that should exist between different races, with the Israelites (viewed as the ancestors being set apart.

Exodus 33:16
Moses' statement about Israel's distinctiveness means that the descendants of Israel should remain separate from other races.

Exodus 34:10-16
God's command to avoid covenants and intermarriage with the inhabitants of Canaan is a direct command to avoid interracial marriage to preserve racial purity.

Leviticus 19:19
The prohibition against mixing different kinds of animals, seeds, and fabrics is a metaphor for racial purity, arguing that different races should not mix.

Leviticus 20:26
God's call for Israel to be holy and separate means that the descendants of Israel should remain racially pure and separate from other races.

Leviticus 21:14
The marriage regulations for priests emphasize the importance of racial purity for those in positions of religious leadership. Only full-blooded Israelites were allowed into the priesthood.

Numbers 23:1-20 & Numbers 24:1-25
The story of Balaam shows that the true descendants of Israel are blessed and should remain separate from other races to maintain this blessing.

Numbers 25:1-18
The Israelites' idolatry and punishment due to relationships with Moabite women are written as a warning against interracial relationships because they lead to moral and spiritual corruption.

Deuteronomy 7:1-4
God's command to avoid intermarriage with certain nations is a clear directive to maintain racial purity and avoid interracial marriage.

Deuteronomy 23:2
The exclusion of bastards from the assembly of the Lord is a clear directive that racial purity must be maintained to be part of the community.

Joshua 23:12-13
Joshua's warning against intermarriage with remaining Canaanite nations is a directive to avoid interracial marriage to prevent moral and spiritual decline.

Judges 3:5-8
The Israelites' intermarriage with Canaanites and subsequent idolatry and oppression are evidence of the dangers of interracial relationships, leading to corruption and subjugation.

1 Kings 8:53
Solomon's statement about Israel as God's chosen people of inheritance means that the true descendants of Israel should maintain their distinctiveness and separation from other races.

1 Kings 11:1-8
Solomon’s marriages to foreign women leading him into idolatry are seen as a warning against interracial marriage, which is believed to lead to spiritual and moral corruption.

1 Kings 18:30-31
Elijah's use of twelve stones symbolize the tribes of Israel emphasize the importance of racial purity and unity among the true descendants of Israel. The repair of the altar is a call to restore and maintain the purity and identity of their racial group.

1 Kings 21:25
Ahab's wickedness, influenced by Jezebel, is a warning against being led astray by those outside their racial or ethnic group. Jezebel was a foreign influence that corrupted racial purity and integrity.

Ezra 9:1-15
Ezra laments the intermarriage of Israelites with surrounding peoples and prays for forgiveness. A clear condemnation of interracial marriage and a call to maintain racial purity. Ezra’s prayer for atonement acknowledges the sin of racial mixing and seeking to restore the purity of the community.

Ezra 10:1-44
Ezra leads the Israelites in repenting for intermarriage and separating from their foreign wives. This is a strong mandate against interracial marriage for the necessity of separating from those of different racial backgrounds to preserve their lineage.

Nehemiah 8:1-18
A call to return to their roots and reaffirm their racial and cultural laws, emphasizing the importance of adhering to Biblical commands regarding separation and purity.

Nehemiah 9:1-3
The Israelites confess their sins and separate themselves from foreigners. This is a directive for racial separation and confession of the sin of mixing with other races, another call to maintain their distinct identity.

Nehemiah 10:28-31
The Israelites vow to follow God’s law, including not intermarrying with other peoples. This vow would be seen as a covenant to uphold racial purity and avoid intermarriage, aligning with their belief in maintaining a distinct racial identity.

Nehemiah 13:1-31
Nehemiah rejects interracial marriages, and enforces racial purity within the Israelite community.

Psalms 106:28-35
The Israelites are condemned for mingling with other nations and adopting their practices. This is a warning against integrating with other races and cultures, which leads to spiritual and moral corruption.

Isaiah 2:1-9
A vision of a future where true Israelites are the leaders and teachers, but they must first purify themselves from idolatry, which includes avoiding racial mixing.

Jeremiah 2:13-25
A condemnation of integrating with other races and adopting their practices, seeing it also as a form of spiritual adultery in addition to physical.

Ezekiel 16:15-39
God condemns Jerusalem for its infidelity, likened to a wife who prostitutes herself to other nations. A metaphor for racial mixing and adopting foreign ways, which they believe is a betrayal of their racial and spiritual purity.

Ezekiel 44:6-23
The duties of the priests and the requirements for purity in the temple are explained here. They stress the need for maintaining lineal purity among those who serve in religious roles, because the requirements for purity in the temple as extend to the lineage of the priest's forefathers.

Hosea 5:3-7
God condemns Israel for their unfaithfulness and consorting with foreigners. This is a condemnation of interracial relationships and the necessity of returning to both racial and spiritual purity.

Hosea 6:7-10
God again condemns Israel for their deceit and mingling with other peoples. This is more evidence that intermingling with other races leads to moral and spiritual decay.

Hosea 10:1-10
Israel is condemned for their unfaithfulness and alliances with other nations. This is a warning against forming alliances or relationships with other races, which they believe leads to spiritual corruption.

Romans 1:29-32
Paul lists various sins, including deceit, malice, strife, and fornication. Knowing the practices associated with these sins, this passage argues against such practices. Fornication is to have strange relations of the flesh.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Paul speaks about the body being the temple of God and the need to keep it holy, both physically and spiritually. This is a directive to maintain racial purity, as mixing bloodlines is defiling the temple of God.

1 Corinthians 5:1-11
Paul instructs the church to expel a member engaging in immoral fornication. These passages argue for the expulsion of those who engage in interracial relationships or similar immoral behaviors.

1 Corinthians 6:9-20 / 14-19
Paul speaks about avoiding immorality and recognizing that believers' bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. The call to avoid immorality as including the avoidance of interracial relationships which defile the body (the body being the temple of the Holy Spirit). Maintaining holiness of body is tantamount to holiness in spirit. Defilement of the body is violating the sanctity of the temple.

1 Corinthians 10:1-10
Paul warns against idolatry, immorality, and testing Christ, using the example of the Israelites in the wilderness. They use the examples of idolatry and immorality to argue against integrating with other races and cultures, which are the equivalent to spiritual unfaithfulness and moral corruption.

Galatians 5:19
Paul lists the acts of the sinful nature, including sexual immorality and impurity. Sexual immorality and impurity including interracial relationships, which are sinful and impure.

Ephesians 5:3
Paul warns against sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. This verse supports the claim that interracial relationships are a form of sexual immorality and impurity that must be avoided.

1 Thessalonians 4:13
Here Paul is reassuring the Thessalonians that all of the dead in Christ shall arise, whether or not they had heard the Gospel during their lifetimes. Preservation of the Adamic spirit through the generations and preservation in this life are two different subjects which Christians often confound.

Hebrews 12:8-17 "But if you are without discipline, of which you all have become partakers, then you are bastards, and not sons."
These passages discuss discipline from God and warns against sexual immorality and godlessness. The warnings against sexual immorality including interracial relationships views them as a form of godlessness and impurity.

Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage is valuable in every way, likewise the undefiled bed: Yahweh will judge fornicators and adulterers."
Once again Paul admonishes against those who commit fornication and adultery, as throughout chapter 12 of this epistle in the context of sons and bastards he had used Esau and his losing of his birthright as an example, and attested that if any beast touches the mountain of God that it must be slain. Fornication is race-mixing as that was clearly the sin of Esau, and as Paul writes this epistle at least 25 years after the Passion of the Christ, such fornication is still a sin, as is adultery. Notice also that Paul did not say “God will judge fornication and adultery” but rather that He will judge “fornicators and adulterers”. Likewise, Yahweh destroyed the Sodomites, and not sodomy. Today’s denominational churches expect Christians to hate the sin but then insist that they love the sinner – without a thought of repentance. The sinners will be destroyed, and after they are destroyed, anyone else foolish enough to follow in their footsteps will also be destroyed.

2 Peter 2:9-16 "9 the Prince knows to deliver the pious from trial, but to keep the unrighteous being punished for a day of judgment, 10 and especially those going after the flesh with desires of defilement and despising authority, presumptuous adventurers, not fearing honor they blaspheme, 11 where the messengers being greater in power and ability do not bring against them a judgment for blasphemy as appropriate, 12 But these, having been born as natural irrational animals into destruction and corruption in which blaspheming they are ignorant in their corruption they also shall perish, 13 doing injustice for the wages of injustice, regarding luxury a pleasure by day, stains and disgraces reveling in their deceits feasting together with you, 14 having eyes full of adultery and unable to cease from wrongdoing, enticing unstable souls, having hearts exercised for greediness, cursed children, 15 abandoning the straight road they have wandered astray, following in the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who had loved the wage of unrighteousness, 16 but he had a rebuke for his own transgression: a dumb beast of burden with the voice of a man having spoken clearly had curbed the derangement of the prophet."

The pious is referring to those who adhere faithfully to the teachings and commandments of God, preserving the integrity of their bloodline and racial identity as descendants of the ancient Israelites. Whenever White Adamic peoples have sought to establish moral societies based a sense of justice and the rule of law wherever they have settled. And the same pattern occurs repeatedly, when the international jew creeps in and begins to pander to the weak in order to corrupt society. These are the “presumptuous adventurers” referred to by Peter. The repeated warnings and cautions against fornication are too many to ignore.

Jude 1:3-11
Jude warns against godless men who pervert the grace of God and recounts historical examples of judgment. This is a warning against those who promote racial integration towards different peoples, perverting God’s grace and inviting judgment.

There are many more passages, but I think I've made my point here.

All of these men and women will experience God's wrath through their betrayal of His laws, no matter what country they are in. Crime statistics for these unholy unions are evident enough of their worldly hubris, let alone everything else that spiritually befalls them and any confused and agonized life of miscegenated children they bring into this world, children who have to live with the consequence of their parents lust and self-hatred and have its madness define their reality.

As the world descends into a jewish soup of Babylon mystery genetics, every unique and individual race that God created becomes tainted forever by these relations, defiant of His direct intervention at Babel to stop this exact phenomena from creating an inverted NWO in antiquity. Today's Rothschilds are moonlighting as ancient history's Nimrods by making these moves against God, and every soul that willingly engages in this behavior is complicit in the construction of new Babel.
I would Definitely rather live in the Fairly Homogeneous Rural Texas, Heavy German and Czech or Predominantly European Regardless of my Grandfathers than this Dystopian Cosmopolitan Thing they've ushered in Currently.

I can feel what you are saying Piano. Feels like most Whites I talk to are somewhat aware, but either Lethargic or Indifferent of Our Grim Racial/Cultural Prospects. And JQ still with the Older folks is too Taboo.

I mean is this how it Ends? A Mixed-Race, Hip Hop Technofied Cosmopolitan Crap Hole?
Your concern is noted, but what exactly are you getting at? The time for being nice has long passed when you understand the predicaments we're all in. Are you saying I should go find someone who conforms to judaized corruptions of the Gospel?

What are you implying with referencing that passage? I have kept my soul at the expense of not appeasing this world and gaining its temporalities. My positions are hated across virtually all mainstream worldly opinions. What is there to gain in this jewish world by remaining pure European? Nothing. There is only defeat in the ready wing, to become absorbed or assimilated to the other races, either by humiliation, or violence, in order to "gain" some form of worldly status. That is essentially the modern weltanschauung. If you don't mix, you don't ascend in the inverted hierarchy. I reject this hierarchy, this world, and all of its mongrelized imperatives in favor and obeisance of God's direct commands, even if I be the last of my generation. The firestorm of divine fury will eventually cleanse all sinful corruptions from existence, racialist sentiments on an anonymous forum or not.

Since we're quoting Scripture in this thread now, let's start from the beginning:

Genesis 6: 1- 7
The resulting Nephilim from the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" are written as a corrupted, mixed race, and the flood is written as God's judgment against the sins resulting from this mingling.

Genesis 24:1-4
Abraham's command to find a wife for Isaac from his own kin, avoiding the Canaanites, is a directive to avoid racial mixing and preserve the purity of the race that is the true descendants of Israel.

Genesis 26:34-35
Esau’s marriage to Hittite women, causing grief to Isaac and Rebekah, is a warning against racial intermarriage, which causes problems for their community.

Genesis 28:1-2 & 6-7
Isaac's instructions to Jacob not to marry a Canaanite woman emphasize the importance of maintaining racial purity by marrying within one's own racial group.

Genesis 34:1-31
The story of Dinah and Shechem is written as a cautionary tale against interracial relationships, with the violence perpetrated by Dinah's brothers justified as protecting racial purity.

Exodus 11:7
This verse emphasizes the clear distinction and separation that should exist between different races, with the Israelites (viewed as the ancestors being set apart.

Exodus 33:16
Moses' statement about Israel's distinctiveness means that the descendants of Israel should remain separate from other races.

Exodus 34:10-16
God's command to avoid covenants and intermarriage with the inhabitants of Canaan is a direct command to avoid interracial marriage to preserve racial purity.

Leviticus 19:19
The prohibition against mixing different kinds of animals, seeds, and fabrics is a metaphor for racial purity, arguing that different races should not mix.

Leviticus 20:26
God's call for Israel to be holy and separate means that the descendants of Israel should remain racially pure and separate from other races.

Leviticus 21:14
The marriage regulations for priests emphasize the importance of racial purity for those in positions of religious leadership. Only full-blooded Israelites were allowed into the priesthood.

Numbers 23:1-20 & Numbers 24:1-25
The story of Balaam shows that the true descendants of Israel are blessed and should remain separate from other races to maintain this blessing.

Numbers 25:1-18
The Israelites' idolatry and punishment due to relationships with Moabite women are written as a warning against interracial relationships because they lead to moral and spiritual corruption.

Deuteronomy 7:1-4
God's command to avoid intermarriage with certain nations is a clear directive to maintain racial purity and avoid interracial marriage.

Deuteronomy 23:2
The exclusion of bastards from the assembly of the Lord is a clear directive that racial purity must be maintained to be part of the community.

Joshua 23:12-13
Joshua's warning against intermarriage with remaining Canaanite nations is a directive to avoid interracial marriage to prevent moral and spiritual decline.

Judges 3:5-8
The Israelites' intermarriage with Canaanites and subsequent idolatry and oppression are evidence of the dangers of interracial relationships, leading to corruption and subjugation.

1 Kings 8:53
Solomon's statement about Israel as God's chosen people of inheritance means that the true descendants of Israel should maintain their distinctiveness and separation from other races.

1 Kings 11:1-8
Solomon’s marriages to foreign women leading him into idolatry are seen as a warning against interracial marriage, which is believed to lead to spiritual and moral corruption.

1 Kings 18:30-31
Elijah's use of twelve stones symbolize the tribes of Israel emphasize the importance of racial purity and unity among the true descendants of Israel. The repair of the altar is a call to restore and maintain the purity and identity of their racial group.

1 Kings 21:25
Ahab's wickedness, influenced by Jezebel, is a warning against being led astray by those outside their racial or ethnic group. Jezebel was a foreign influence that corrupted racial purity and integrity.

Ezra 9:1-15
Ezra laments the intermarriage of Israelites with surrounding peoples and prays for forgiveness. A clear condemnation of interracial marriage and a call to maintain racial purity. Ezra’s prayer for atonement acknowledges the sin of racial mixing and seeking to restore the purity of the community.

Ezra 10:1-44
Ezra leads the Israelites in repenting for intermarriage and separating from their foreign wives. This is a strong mandate against interracial marriage for the necessity of separating from those of different racial backgrounds to preserve their lineage.

Nehemiah 8:1-18
A call to return to their roots and reaffirm their racial and cultural laws, emphasizing the importance of adhering to Biblical commands regarding separation and purity.

Nehemiah 9:1-3
The Israelites confess their sins and separate themselves from foreigners. This is a directive for racial separation and confession of the sin of mixing with other races, another call to maintain their distinct identity.

Nehemiah 10:28-31
The Israelites vow to follow God’s law, including not intermarrying with other peoples. This vow would be seen as a covenant to uphold racial purity and avoid intermarriage, aligning with their belief in maintaining a distinct racial identity.

Nehemiah 13:1-31
Nehemiah rejects interracial marriages, and enforces racial purity within the Israelite community.

Psalms 106:28-35
The Israelites are condemned for mingling with other nations and adopting their practices. This is a warning against integrating with other races and cultures, which leads to spiritual and moral corruption.

Isaiah 2:1-9
A vision of a future where true Israelites are the leaders and teachers, but they must first purify themselves from idolatry, which includes avoiding racial mixing.

Jeremiah 2:13-25
A condemnation of integrating with other races and adopting their practices, seeing it also as a form of spiritual adultery in addition to physical.

Ezekiel 16:15-39
God condemns Jerusalem for its infidelity, likened to a wife who prostitutes herself to other nations. A metaphor for racial mixing and adopting foreign ways, which they believe is a betrayal of their racial and spiritual purity.

Ezekiel 44:6-23
The duties of the priests and the requirements for purity in the temple are explained here. They stress the need for maintaining lineal purity among those who serve in religious roles, because the requirements for purity in the temple as extend to the lineage of the priest's forefathers.

Hosea 5:3-7
God condemns Israel for their unfaithfulness and consorting with foreigners. This is a condemnation of interracial relationships and the necessity of returning to both racial and spiritual purity.

Hosea 6:7-10
God again condemns Israel for their deceit and mingling with other peoples. This is more evidence that intermingling with other races leads to moral and spiritual decay.

Hosea 10:1-10
Israel is condemned for their unfaithfulness and alliances with other nations. This is a warning against forming alliances or relationships with other races, which they believe leads to spiritual corruption.

Romans 1:29-32
Paul lists various sins, including deceit, malice, strife, and fornication. Knowing the practices associated with these sins, this passage argues against such practices. Fornication is to have strange relations of the flesh.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Paul speaks about the body being the temple of God and the need to keep it holy, both physically and spiritually. This is a directive to maintain racial purity, as mixing bloodlines is defiling the temple of God.

1 Corinthians 5:1-11
Paul instructs the church to expel a member engaging in immoral fornication. These passages argue for the expulsion of those who engage in interracial relationships or similar immoral behaviors.

1 Corinthians 6:9-20 / 14-19
Paul speaks about avoiding immorality and recognizing that believers' bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. The call to avoid immorality as including the avoidance of interracial relationships which defile the body (the body being the temple of the Holy Spirit). Maintaining holiness of body is tantamount to holiness in spirit. Defilement of the body is violating the sanctity of the temple.

1 Corinthians 10:1-10
Paul warns against idolatry, immorality, and testing Christ, using the example of the Israelites in the wilderness. They use the examples of idolatry and immorality to argue against integrating with other races and cultures, which are the equivalent to spiritual unfaithfulness and moral corruption.

Galatians 5:19
Paul lists the acts of the sinful nature, including sexual immorality and impurity. Sexual immorality and impurity including interracial relationships, which are sinful and impure.

Ephesians 5:3
Paul warns against sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. This verse supports the claim that interracial relationships are a form of sexual immorality and impurity that must be avoided.

1 Thessalonians 4:13
Here Paul is reassuring the Thessalonians that all of the dead in Christ shall arise, whether or not they had heard the Gospel during their lifetimes. Preservation of the Adamic spirit through the generations and preservation in this life are two different subjects which Christians often confound.

Hebrews 12:8-17 "But if you are without discipline, of which you all have become partakers, then you are bastards, and not sons."
These passages discuss discipline from God and warns against sexual immorality and godlessness. The warnings against sexual immorality including interracial relationships views them as a form of godlessness and impurity.

Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage is valuable in every way, likewise the undefiled bed: Yahweh will judge fornicators and adulterers."
Once again Paul admonishes against those who commit fornication and adultery, as throughout chapter 12 of this epistle in the context of sons and bastards he had used Esau and his losing of his birthright as an example, and attested that if any beast touches the mountain of God that it must be slain. Fornication is race-mixing as that was clearly the sin of Esau, and as Paul writes this epistle at least 25 years after the Passion of the Christ, such fornication is still a sin, as is adultery. Notice also that Paul did not say “God will judge fornication and adultery” but rather that He will judge “fornicators and adulterers”. Likewise, Yahweh destroyed the Sodomites, and not sodomy. Today’s denominational churches expect Christians to hate the sin but then insist that they love the sinner – without a thought of repentance. The sinners will be destroyed, and after they are destroyed, anyone else foolish enough to follow in their footsteps will also be destroyed.

2 Peter 2:9-16 "9 the Prince knows to deliver the pious from trial, but to keep the unrighteous being punished for a day of judgment, 10 and especially those going after the flesh with desires of defilement and despising authority, presumptuous adventurers, not fearing honor they blaspheme, 11 where the messengers being greater in power and ability do not bring against them a judgment for blasphemy as appropriate, 12 But these, having been born as natural irrational animals into destruction and corruption in which blaspheming they are ignorant in their corruption they also shall perish, 13 doing injustice for the wages of injustice, regarding luxury a pleasure by day, stains and disgraces reveling in their deceits feasting together with you, 14 having eyes full of adultery and unable to cease from wrongdoing, enticing unstable souls, having hearts exercised for greediness, cursed children, 15 abandoning the straight road they have wandered astray, following in the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who had loved the wage of unrighteousness, 16 but he had a rebuke for his own transgression: a dumb beast of burden with the voice of a man having spoken clearly had curbed the derangement of the prophet."

The pious is referring to those who adhere faithfully to the teachings and commandments of God, preserving the integrity of their bloodline and racial identity as descendants of the ancient Israelites. Whenever White Adamic peoples have sought to establish moral societies based a sense of justice and the rule of law wherever they have settled. And the same pattern occurs repeatedly, when the international jew creeps in and begins to pander to the weak in order to corrupt society. These are the “presumptuous adventurers” referred to by Peter. The repeated warnings and cautions against fornication are too many to ignore.

Jude 1:3-11
Jude warns against godless men who pervert the grace of God and recounts historical examples of judgment. This is a warning against those who promote racial integration towards different peoples, perverting God’s grace and inviting judgment.

There are many more passages, but I think I've made my point here.

All of these men and women will experience God's wrath through their betrayal of His laws, no matter what country they are in. Crime statistics for these unholy unions are evident enough of their worldly hubris, let alone everything else that spiritually befalls them and any confused and agonized life of miscegenated children they bring into this world, children who have to live with the consequence of their parents lust and self-hatred and have its madness define their reality.

As the world descends into a jewish soup of Babylon mystery genetics, every unique and individual race that God created becomes tainted forever by these relations, defiant of His direct intervention at Babel to stop this exact phenomena from creating an inverted NWO in antiquity. Today's Rothschilds are moonlighting as ancient history's Nimrods by making these moves against God, and every soul that willingly engages in this behavior is complicit in the construction of new Babel.
This is pure sophistry. All you've done is to post your usual verbose justifications with bible verses and your own meta narrative added to suit your ideology.
I would Definitely rather live in the Fairly Homogeneous Rural Texas, Heavy German and Czech or Predominantly European Regardless of my Grandfathers than this Dystopian Cosmopolitan Thing they've ushered in Currently.

I can feel what you are saying Piano. Feels like most Whites I talk to are somewhat aware, but either Lethargic or Indifferent of Our Grim Racial/Cultural Prospects. And JQ still with the Older folks is too Taboo.

I mean is this how it Ends? A Mixed-Race, Hip Hop Technofied Cosmopolitan Crap Hole?
That's not what's being argued here. My preferences are no different to yours. What I and others object to is MFTP spinning fake and/or distorted narratives with triggering photos and videos in order to manipulate forum members emotionally. That's his modus operandi.

As a Christian I am compelled to love others and where I cannot love them, to pray for them. In me, and others, is a reservoir of bitterness and hatred that MFTP would like me to wallow in, but I refuse to do so. It is my intention, by the grace of God, to love others, not hate them. That what the saints and elders have taught us. Hatred is of the devil, though MFTP would like to convince us otherwise. That doesn't mean I have to like or accept others bad behaviour or bad political decisions, etc, it means I don't have to be bitter about things I can do nothing about. And for my own spiritual health and sanity I need remember daily that this temporal world is given over to Satan, that it's both a battle and testing ground for souls passing through to eternity, reminding us to be discerning and to make wise choices.
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Sure you love others....Just don't do that at the Expense of your People and Culture.

And sadly European Christians embrace the DieVersity and Virtue Signal their love of The Illegal Invaders, Unbeknowst to themselves the silent war that's being waged on them and their cultures by a group predominantly that you cannot mention in general public conversation without ridicule.

I just believe you should live relatively Homogeneous for the fact you take care of your own 1st and generally speaking you don't have conflicts that arise from different cultures as we do now.

I'm not defending Piano's pics. I haven't been to Russia so I don't know the Miscegnation Statistics as opposed to the West's Encouragment of it throughout Pop Culture, Vicarously by Jewish NGO's and Media. It maybe or its in its infancy stage? Once again I am speculating?

I don't know enough about Putin to know if he is or isn't conspiring with the Tribe, granted I've seen the pics of him with them and his Nazi's Bad Rhetoric. I don't know if we are dealing with factions of the Tribe and their squabbles over Territory, Resources, how to Destroy Host Population more effectively? Is Putin playing 5D Chess with them? I don't know those things.

Sadly the Catholic Church and other Denominations too, have embraced the Illegal Invasion at the Expense of their Ethnic European Congregations that Funded and Sacrificed for their very existence. And I'm not referring to abroad Missionary work, but the Church being complicit in the Tribe's Ethnic Cleansing of Ethnic Europeans in all Western Countries, while giving the Veneer of Helping the Downtrodden.