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Current Events in Russia

Migrants try to ban New Year and Christmas in Russan schools where they planted their offspring, which is what they use to take over Northern places without a single shot.
Say Christmas tree is offensive.
ZOG plans on getting rid of Nordic races are going well


No, this is not AIGI at all...

Check your sources before you post this.
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Every day there is some hideous crime by migrants in the news. This time it's two 12 year old migrant "kids" stabbed a grown man in Moscow, he is in ICU and they had been terrorizing the neighborhood for a while, but every day it's a new thing.
^In Russia's case though, they were exposed to real terrorist threats, first with Chechen jihadis, and now with Ukrainian fanatics.

Meanwhile in Moscow Tucker's interview of Putin looks like a blockbuster:

"Some shocking & fascinating excerpts from Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Putin.

We’re convinced Biden is not running the country.
Your southern border was better run than that 2020 election
We believe in traditional values; marriage is between a man and a woman: men are men and women are women.
There are strong financial entities in [USA] whose interest it is to keep us as adversaries.
Our message is Russia is not your enemy. We don’t want war. We’re ready for peace.
The lands and people [in Ukraine] are Russian and we will have again what was always ours.
Russia has over $80 trillion of natural resources.
You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power.
The US has now entered into a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership.
The Palestinians are being devastated. Israel is acting in an unconstrained manner. We support the right of the Palestinians to self determination."
Tucker on Russia:

"Moscow is much cleaner and safer than any major city in the US. What was radicalizing, very shocking and very disturbing for me was the city of Moscow, where I'd never been, the biggest city in Europe, 13 million people. And it is so much nicer than any city in my country. I had no idea. My father spent a lot of time there in the 80s when he worked for the US government and barely had electricity. And now it is so much cleaner and safer and prettier aesthetically. Its architecture, its food, its service than any country in the United States that you have to, and this is non ideological.

How did that happen? How did that happen? And at a certain point, I don't think the average person cares as much about abstractions as about the concrete reality of his life. And if you can't use your subway, for example, as many people are afraid to in New York City because it's too dangerous, you have to sort of wonder, isn't that the ultimate measure of leadership?

And that's true, by the way, it's radicalizing for an American to go to. I, I didn't know that. I've learned it this week. To Singapore, to Tokyo, to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, because these cities, no matter how we're told they're run, and on what principles they're run, are wonderful places to live that don't have rampant inflation, where you're not going to get. So what is that?"

As an American, is it possible to visit Russia these days?
It's possible that, as a regular citizen, you're gonna have to pay much more for the flight. Pal of mine wanted to visit his fiancee on Crimea when the operation started, and he had to go to Istanbul, then Minsk, then Moscow, then Sewastopol. Only indirect connections. They didn't cancel his visa, though.

If I had to guess, I'd say they'll probably ride you a little more regarding the completeness and punctuality of your paperwork, but Russia has been infamous for that forever. If you got a couple of grand to spend, you'd probably have a good time.

Oh yeah, and don't forget that the banks are sanctioned. There's a good chance you won't be able to use any ATM or pay with credit card. You'll probably have to wire your money to some tertiary institution that works in both systems.
Russian opposition leader paid western stooge Navalny, dead found dead in Russian jail.

"Putin critic" lol. Meanwhile, his entire political platform was basicaly based on a materialist white nationalist premise. But he's against Putin, so obviously Westerners have to fellate him.
I saw reports that clown world might have got him with a "blood clot" - wouldn't it be funny if he actually died from the jab, given his western backing? I don't rejoice in anyone's passing, Alexei - we're just here with commentary on actions and consequences.
The timing of all of this is just too perfect for the power handlers here in the west.

I wouldn't be shocked if they are the ones that have orchestrated his death through subversive means. It gives them ammunition against Putin, curiously at a time when people are becoming aware of him via Tucker and also becoming aware of Russia's stability and cohesiveness as a society compared to us here in the West.

I would assume they may be afraid of their populations becoming "radicalized" (as Tucker describes his own revelation) and now they are trying to put a wet blanket on the fire growing underneath their feet.
"Putin critic" lol. Meanwhile, his entire political platform was basicaly based on a materialist white nationalist premise
His entire platform was whatever his handlers told him to say, to cause the greatest internal division in Russia. The man was a puppet.
1. Long and detailed articles about his death published in Le Monde and other Western publications within 10 minutes of the announcement of his death.
2. His wife giving a speech at the Munich Conference today.
3. Biden and co. immediately saying that Putin did it.
4. Ukraine's garrison in Avdeevka is encircled and being annihilated as we speak.
5. Navalny has likely been a CIA asset for years. As we know, CIA assets are disposable.
6. He was polling at best at 2% and he was in jail, so not a threat to Putin at all.
7. This is an eleciton year for Putin (in March) and the US has already indicated they will try to organize a coup to overthrow Putin.
8. Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson was a big success with over two hundred million views. Putin looked smart, reasonable and highly competent in this interview.
9. Biden and his handlers are desperate to pass the $60 billion funding to Ukraine bill. The fearmongering news about Russian space nukes didn't work and they need something else to push the narrative that they need to do more to oppose The Putin.

Cui bono?

His death could have been natural, or accelerated due to medical neglect (like Gonzalo Lira), but the timing and reactions from the West are suspicious.
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I saw reports that clown world might have got him with a "blood clot" - wouldn't it be funny if he actually died from the jab, given his western backing? I don't rejoice in anyone's passing, Alexei - we're just here with commentary on actions and consequences.
That would actually be very funny. Survive a fake Novichok attack only to actually get killed by a bad pharma product NPCs regard as their new baptism.