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Current Events in Russia

It was probably a different country altogether back then, an incredibly rough decade all across Russia.
It doesn't count all the mixed babies work migrants have in the mainland Russia. Caucasus cultures are non monogamous, their man is supposed to have many lovers and kids. Also these maps are inaccurate, urban TFR in Chechnya is over 4. These folks, like everyone in Caucasus, have lots of kids. And Krasnodar and Stavropol krai are full of them, so they help raise TFR there too :D Part of TFR you see in all kinds of regions is not slavic. In real life there are entire school classes in slavic regions now where all are migrants' kids. Many people who are Russian on paper are not ethnic slavic Russians, ethnic slavic population is shrinking. I get daily feed of vids in telegram showing school classes in slavic areas where almost no slavs are left and these kids walk around with Tadjikistan flag, etc.

Its not just Caucasus, most migrants come from Central Asia, which got more turkic people than slavs in Russia, Uzbekistan alone got 34M and they are moving in droves.

I am afraid you are right. Was shown a similar video of a school in Yekaterinburg couple of weeks ago, hardy any Slavic looking people to see.

Bytheway, did you hear of the recent scandal in Moscow's Lyubertsy District? The local administration there published some info on newborns. Names and everything. You can guess where I am going. The locals didn't like finding out they were getting demographically replaced at all. The Lyubertsy administration then quickly removed the article from their website.

For boys the most popular name is Mohammed. Further on in the list there is Amruddin. For girls the second most popular name is Fatima. The third on the list there is Bibisoro.

Article with the waybackmachine

Last year there was a similar social media storm when it turned out that Mohammed is now the second most popular boys name in the Kaluga region.

All I'm going to say there is increasing anger in Russia because of migrant infestation.
There are huge Muslim populations in Central Asia and they are spreading around. Caucasus migrants too. They act really brazen and beat and verbally abuse ethnic Russians, act like they own the place and always operate in groups and powerful gangs and mafias. This better be cleaned up but might be too late, the official policy does not favor protecting ethnic Russians.

Moscow is looking more and more like Babylon, full of illegals since the 90s, it used to be completely different and almost all Slavic, but thanks to new capitalism since 1991 its free for all and unrecognizeable. Commies kept tight control over migration using local registration method and actually favored Slavs, who were increasing everywhere under them instead of being exterminated. Now minorities are increasing fast. Slavs and other local nations die at war, migrants flood in droves. There are not that many ethnic Russians at the top. It's all ZOG at the end
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All I'm going to say there is increasing anger in Russia because of migrant infestation.
There are huge Muslim populations in Central Asia and they are spreading around. Caucasus migrants too. They act really brazen and beat and verbally abuse ethnic Russians, act like they own the place and always operate in groups and powerful gangs and mafias. This better be cleaned up but might be too late, the official policy does not favor protecting ethnic Russians.

Moscow is looking more and more like Babylon, full of illegals since the 90s, it used to be completely different and almost all Slavic, but thanks to new capitalism since 1991 its free for all and unrecognizeable. Commies kept tight control over migration using local registration method and actually favored Slavs, who were increasing everywhere under them instead of being exterminated. Now minorities are increasing fast. Slavs and other local nations die at war, migrants flood in droves. There are not that many ethnic Russians at the top. It's all ZOG at the end
What the dissident right call the anti-white agenda, which is really an anti-Christendom agenda, is playing out in Russia too it seems.
This is from one apartment building in Russia, it says "if your neighbor is a migrant, call the draft office. We are at work since 1937", so they can be drafted based on new rule (only if they got citizenship).
People are getting fed up with this mass migration.
They are brazen, their kids haze and terrorize Russian kids and even openly say how they despise Slavs.
There is government campaign to remove crosses from printed materials and symbols, not to offend Muslim migrants. That's right, the crosses are removed from popular images of Orthodox churches or made so tiny impossible to see them.
The remaining question if this invasion gets resolved without bloody events or not, they better deport people and start hiring locals only.


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What the dissident right call the anti-white agenda, which is really an anti-Christendom agenda, is playing out in Russia too it seems.
Without Whites, you will not have Christianity. The world would be split between the satanic west (formerly Christian), Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. They both go hand in hand and the elites know this, and instead of putting their full effort into destroying churches, they destroy Whites and watch churches crumble on their own as a result.

Whites were 30% of the world population in 1900. Now they are around 9%. It will not be much longer at this rate and I don't even see Whites getting serious about stopping it. So, extrapolate that out into the future and see what is the likely outcome.
Russians and other Slavs in Russia will have to toughen up, basically, train MMA, stop becoming soy boys. Back in the 1990s I can't imagine the migrants messing with us like they do now, they were dealt with swiftly by groups of young Russians, many of whom were in local Russian gangs, sort of like in Slovo Patsana series. Migrants back then were very criminal and violent too, but no one feared them, they would be 6 feet under ground if they tried to really mess with the locals. Now people are aftaid of the cops and can't stand up for themselves. One often gets the felony and prison for standing up for themselves.
Russians and other Slavs in Russia will have to toughen up, basically, train MMA, stop becoming soy boys. Back in the 1990s I can't imagine the migrants messing with us like they do now, they were dealt with swiftly by groups of young Russians, many of whom were in local Russian gangs, sort of like in Slovo Patsana series. Migrants back then were very criminal and violent too, but no one feared them, they would be 6 feet under ground if they tried to really mess with the l
The same is true for all Whites across the globe, in every single country. I don't know that it will happen, I pray that it does, but only one of two things will happen.

1) Whites will either retake their countries or carve out new nations within the old land.
2) Whites will cease to exist around 2100 and Christianity will die out with it.

This isn't "blackpilled", this is reality. What is blackpilling for me is that I did not realize the situation was so dire in Russia.
Typical example of крестопад/removal of crosses to appease Muslims, this one is from the government agency. There many like that. If you zoom in you can actually see the stuff similar to Islamic crescents instead of crosses on top of main Russian historic Orthodox church towers. Sometimes they put crosses back after uproar.


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The same is true for all Whites across the globe, in every single country. I don't know that it will happen, I pray that it does, but only one of two things will happen.

1) Whites will either retake their countries or carve out new nations within the old land.
2) Whites will cease to exist around 2100 and Christianity will die out with it.

This isn't "blackpilled", this is reality. What is blackpilling for me is that I did not realize the situation was so dire in Russia.
To believe that Christianity will die out, is a heresy. It cannot die out, Christianity is already victorious, it's only a matter of who will keep the faith. Whites will, so will Africans, Indians, and many other races. Whites may suffer greatly, but we will be here when the Master comes.
Typical example of крестопад/removal of crosses to appease Muslims, this one is from the government agency. There many like that. If you zoom in you can actually see the stuff similar to Islamic crescents instead of crosses on top of main Russian historic Orthodox church towers. Sometimes they put crosses back after uproar.
This is good information mate. Red pilled Christians need to know how deep, far and wide this goes. Not enough of us are letting that sink in.
To believe that Christianity will die out, is a heresy. It cannot die out, Christianity is already victorious, it's only a matter of who will keep the faith. Whites will, so will Africans, Indians, and many other races. Whites may suffer greatly, but we will be here when the Master comes.
It is "heresy" it is just a fact. Either we stand and fight for Christianity and European culture, like our ancestors did, or we will die out, like many other people have in the past. Sitting on our asses, or voting for traitors like Donald Chump isn't going to save us. Do I have advice as to what to do? No, I honestly don't, because anything you try to do will likely get you into legal trouble, so you will have to ask someone else.

Maybe this is the end of the world, as many in Christianity predict and it dies out as the world dies out, I don't know. But with the current project, this is just what we face. I hope more start to take this a lot more seriously and turn off the TV and stop watching sportsball or awful Hollywood "entertainment".
Typical example of крестопад/removal of crosses to appease Muslims, this one is from the government agency. There many like that. If you zoom in you can actually see the stuff similar to Islamic crescents instead of crosses on top of main Russian historic Orthodox church towers. Sometimes they put crosses back after uproar.

They did the same thing in Penza. The Penza Oblast has had Jesus' icon on its flag since 2002. Recently (2022)that iconography was protested by the trifecta of local communists, Muslims and Jews. The icon was then replaced by, here it comes, Lenin's ribbon.



Russians and other Slavs in Russia will have to toughen up, basically, train MMA, stop becoming soy boys. Back in the 1990s I can't imagine the migrants messing with us like they do now, they were dealt with swiftly by groups of young Russians, many of whom were in local Russian gangs, sort of like in Slovo Patsana series. Migrants back then were very criminal and violent too, but no one feared them, they would be 6 feet under ground if they tried to really mess with the locals. Now people are aftaid of the cops and can't stand up for themselves. One often gets the felony and prison for standing up for themselves.

Don't you live in an old motorhome in the USA though? What are you doing against this Russian crisis?
Don't you live in an old motorhome in the USA though? What are you doing against this Russian crisis?
What? Old motorhome, isn't where you live? Don't think you can afford mine, pal. Trailers is where you Muricans "live", I travel the nature.
You see I'm not a slave or a square, unlike some...cough, cough...today I travel sightseeing nature all over America, then I overland Africa, tomorrow I'm back in Russia.
I am a traveler.
Not a peasant or slave.
If I want to overland Africa for 2 years I will, if I want 3 I will make it 3.
I do not need to work.
I have multiple citizenships.
I was a senior engineer at Apple for a while to afford my lifestyle.
And this one will really upset you: my family owns a bunch of real estate too.
If you work hard or invest smart you can be be free too one day ;)
Unlike me, you do not have ties to Russia, you are not a Russian, neither ethnic nor a citizen so not sure what' you business being minded here. We are a dangerous country for ones like you, stay safe in your Murica, The Land Under or whatever.
We will deal with out migrants in time, and with anything else foreign, including your NATO buddies who want all of us dead. It's not a place for chushpans.
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What? Old motorhome, isn't where you live? Don't think you can afford mine, pal. Trailers is where you Muricans "live", I travel the nature.
You see I'm not a slave or a square, unlike some...cough, cough...today I travel sightseeing nature all over America, then I overland Africa, tomorrow I'm back in Russia.
I am a traveler.
Not a peasant or slave.
If I want to overland Africa for 2 years I will, if I want 3 I will make it 3.
I do not need to work.
I have multiple citizenships.
I was a senior engineer at Apple for a while to afford my lifestyle.
And this one will really upset you: my family owns a bunch of real estate too.
If you work hard or invest smart you can be be free too one day ;)
Unlike me, you do not have ties to Russia, you are not a Russian, neither ethnic nor a citizen so not sure what' you business being minded here. We are a dangerous country for ones like you, stay safe in your Murica, The Land Under or whatever.
We will deal with out migrants in time, and with anything else foreign, including your NATO buddies who want all of us dead. It's not a place for chushpans.
Are You Sure About That John Cena GIF by MOODMAN