Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

Anyone with connection to the post-WW2 hegemon, be it east or west, will never truly attempt to help their people out in the long term. That world order was built on a singular judeo-masonic goal eclipsing multitudes of sub-goals as the means to its end. I do think Putin is the most competent out of most world leaders at this point, but that's not saying much.
I seem to remember that this guy got deported from Russia? I'm not 100% on that though.

I just want to apologize now for my shilling for Putin and his gang back in the day. I blame Christianity — I was Christian at the time, and it had an adverse effect on my ability to perceive reality.
I wonder what he means by saying that. I can't see a connection.

So, I'm not saying he's not correct about the immigration situation. It is a problem in many parts. But I think he has an axe to grind where Russia is concerned.
It is a problem in many parts.

What parts? I have been to nine cities in Russia, and the only one I noticed Central Asian or brown people in was in Moscow. Even in the city of Ufa - more than 80% of people looked Russian to me.

The Central Asians seem to be mainly working low-paying jobs like food delivery or taxi driver, so likely many will be the modern phenomena of rootless, assetless immigrant incels.

In Moscow a few times people who I would describe as "middle eastern" asked me for money to get a train home. Each time they showed me their internal passport and they were all from Astrakhan Oblast.
What parts? I have been to nine cities in Russia, and the only one I noticed Central Asian or brown people in was in Moscow. Even in the city of Ufa - more than 80% of people looked Russian to me.

The Central Asians seem to be mainly working low-paying jobs like food delivery or taxi driver, so likely many will be the modern phenomena of rootless, assetless immigrant incels.

In Moscow a few times people who I would describe as "middle eastern" asked me for money to get a train home. Each time they showed me their internal passport and they were all from Astrakhan Oblast.

These folks are definitely not rootless or assetless, it might seem like that on ouside only. What they earn in Moscow allows them to buy housing back home, they often go back buy a place, then come back to earn some more. Also, they usually have wives and multiple children back home and send money to them, Central Asian and Caucasus people tend to be very family oriented. They have large families and tend to live with extended families, parents back home. Most of them are married, sometimes through semi-arranged marriage. The poor lonely chaps is the tale they tell Russian women :) until those discover they would have to be the 2nd wife.
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This is an important read for those who falsely see Putin as some sort of defender of white Christian civilization, or that Russia is a bulwark against trends occurring in the rest of Europe:

It's really ugly over there.
There is a rumor, I have no idea if it's true, that Putin secretly converted to Islam because of his children with his long term lover Alina Kabaeva, a Muslim woman born in Uzbekistan whose father is Muslim Tatar. She supposedly converted to Christianity in 2003 but this could be a public move for the sake of relationship with Putin. Her father remains Muslim. In families with that kind of background people tend to obey the father and ancestors a lot.
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This is an important read for those who falsely see Putin as some sort of defender of white Christian civilization, or that Russia is a bulwark against trends occurring in the rest of Europe:

It's really ugly over there.
I am glad finally someone brought this up. (You know Roosh & Co would have banned you from their site for a post like this).

Russia is in a much bigger trouble demographically than any country in Western Europe.

The ethnic Russian population has been rapidly decreasing since about 1991 - low birth rates, people dying of cancer, diseased caused by malnutrition, alcohol or drug abuse or physical violence.

The immigrant population has been rapidly increasing , also from about 1991.

Even in 2007 (when I had a misfortune to visit the Russian Federation) Moscow and St Peterburg was filled with ethnic non-Russian immigrants from central Asia and the Caucasus with a few Middle Eastern and Black Africans here and there.

Many town and cities in Russian far East were economically controlled by Chinese immigrants.

The only things V. Putin is saving , is his own bank account.
I wonder what he means by saying that. I can't see a connection.

Oh, there IS a connection. It seems that there are cuckservatives in Russia too, playing a small hat "divide and conquer" strategy while capitalizing upon the Cold War remnant psychology (hurr durr them evil Russkies) among the Western boomers. You can recognize them by their opposition if not outright hatred of Christianity, their sympathies towards Judeo-liberalism, exaggeration of every single problem and it's mother, and of course "the situation in the West may be bad, but!" pilpul sort of narrative. They play the same old everywhere, it's all so tiresome at this point.

I was Christian at the time, and it had an adverse effect on my ability to perceive reality.

"My fellow Christians..." 🤡 Press F to doubt.
Russia is in a much bigger trouble demographically than any country in Western Europe.
"The situation in the West may be bad, but!"

The ethnic Russian population has been rapidly decreasing since about 1991 - low birth rates, people dying of cancer, diseased caused by malnutrition, alcohol or drug abuse or physical violence.

The immigrant population has been rapidly increasing , also from about 1991.

I am glad finally someone brought this up.
Even in 2007 (when I had a misfortune to visit the Russian Federation)
Why misfortune? Also, you show too much of a concern for someone who lives outside that country. Why?

Many town and cities in Russian far East were economically controlled by Chinese immigrants.
Press L to laugh.
"The situation in the West may be bad, but!"


Why misfortune? Also, you show too much of a concern for someone who lives outside that country. Why?

Press L to laugh.
"The situation in the West may be bad, but!"
...but Russia is much worse.

Widely available for the public if you look for it.
Why misfortune? Also, you show too much of a concern for someone who lives outside that country. Why?

The current Russia is the biggest security threat not just to Europe but to the whole world.
You have a lot to learn ...and should get to travel abroad more.

Press L to laugh.

The Chinese businessmen controlling the eastern side of Russia are certainly laughing all the way to the bank.
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There are a lot of Russian haters in the West, russophobes. They will grasp every strawman they can.

On Telegram, there are some "Russian nationalist", "patriotic Russian", "anti-Ukrainian" channels, including fake former Donbass fighters, that push narrative of ethnic Russian-only state because of too many migrants and non-Russians (ethnic) in general, they say, which means, naturally shrinking Russia at least in half, as much of Russian territory are various ethnic republics of Asian and Caucasus (Chechen, Dagestan, Cherkess, etc) peoples. This is Bzezinski's dream, precisely.

If you dig around, people who run these channels always live in the US or Canada... They are on the payroll.

In Russia such views are considered to be aimed at destruction of the country. Russia has only one friend in the world: its army, always need to remember that.

Migrants do cause many crime problems in Russian big cities now. It's possible that men being drafted caused shortage of workers which is being compensated for by importing more migrants. Rumors are that they might get expelled soon. Migrants act very brazen and violent now. Russia does have big percentage of migrants, supposedly 7% of population are illegals and 2.5% legal, forth in the world after US, Germany, Saudi Arabia. And it's not just cities, as many work on farms. Russia has decining natural population, which causes government to allow importing migrant workforce, unfortunately. Moscow had became completely altered with migrants since 1980s, became unrecognizeable. These factual things are being exploited by the enemies of Russia.

Another thing is as Putin tries to keep geopolitical influence in Central Asia, allowing migrants to come is a part of this political endeavor, likely. These counties try to lick every boot around, but if they can not make up on which side they are their people should be expelled.

Is there a problem of too many migrants? Yes, there is.

The unfortunate bottom line is: in a competivive and hostile world, the country with declining natural population can face struggle, unless its under contol of more powerful alliance/empire that acts as technological and economic locomotive. This can cause politicians to import workforce. This is the tragedy of how the world functions.
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Insults, i.e. dog, and diatribe against a member
There are a lot of Russian haters in the West, russophobes. They will pull every strawman they can.

On Telegram, there are some "Russian nationalust", "anti-Ukrainian" channels, including fake former Donbass fighters, that push narrative of ethnic Russian-only state because of too many migrants, they say, which means, naturally shrinking Russia at least in half, as much of Russian territory are various ethnic republics of Asian and Caucasus (Chechen, Dagestan, Cherkess, etc) peoples. This is Bzezinski's dream, precisely.

If you dig around, people who run these channels always live in the US or Canada...

In Russia such views are considered to be aimed at destruction of the country.
Ok, Ivan, go collect your rubles, you have earned them. - and you can quit your trolling now- you have been made.
Pro-Putin, pro-Russia trolls like yourself need to be called out and banned.
Less than a week ago you claimed to be a RV-riding, semi-homeless bum, complaining you were not able make a living and that "people in Arizona were rude" (A Russian dog calling Arizonans rude- that's really rich). (And now you have the Moscow Cathedral as your profile picture you proclaiming to be "Orthodox". Gee whiz, Ivan. You should have tried harder.) Before that, you called the states of Texas a "Mexican state". (Again, typical Russian propaganda misinformation - trying to portray a West as an immigrant -filled , dysfunctional hellhole, while in reality, the Russian Federation fits the description, not the West). The part when you were complaining about crime in Albuquerque - (really, Ivan?) - you do know that unlike in most Russian towns and cities - people in Albuquerque don't need 50kg steel doors to protect their homes. In ABQ the police won't try to rob you. And you don't actually need to worry about a random passerby beating you to death in some vodka or drug-fueled rage (and get away with it). Let's now even talk about bad driving, car accidents and road rage - you Russians are world champions in all those three categories. (You know, "cyka Blyat", level 127). Also, law-abiding people in AZ, NM and TX carry guns for the most part - good luck getting a gun in Russia if you are a law-abiding citizen.
The Sinaloa or the CNGC may have connections in the AZ, NM and TX but they are not a threat to you unless you are in the drug business and failed to pay them. In Moscow and other Russian towns the Chechnian or Armenian mafia are known kidnap daughters of randon, law-abiding citizens and sell them to wealthy Middle Eastern or South Asian buyers. (Let the readers decide which one they deem a bigger threat to themselves and their families out of the two scenarios).

More bad news for you Ivan - the whole world is against you guys. The "Wagner group " is practically gone. There would be riots in Moscow and St Petersburg as the Russian "Army" run out of the ethnic non_Russian cannon fodder and middle-class ethnic Russian kids are now started to get drafted into the army to fight in the Ukraine. (And you need to bag North Korea to sell you weapons and ammunition - how embarrassing is that?)

You were booted out of central Africa. No more "Russian tropical Empire". You have no more allies, and you never had any friends to begin with .Moldova and Kazakhstan are firmly pro-West now. Even Belarus' Lukashenko is sitting on the fence, preparing for the post-Putin world.

The Georgian government is soon taking back the regions you tried to steal from them (the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia which are integral parts of Georgia).

No, Ivan, you should stop claiming the Russian orthodox church is real Orthodoxy, because it isn't. it is a political tool, led by a former KGB operator ("patriarch "Kirill), and with a few icons thrown in the middle.
Real eastern Orthodox people - Georgians, Romanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians , Moldovans, Ukranians, Belarusians etc hate and despise you for the unspeakable crimes youa dn your ancestors committed agains said nations.

Be ashamed of yourself. You can go now. Don't come back.
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Ok, Ivan, go collect your rubles, you have earned them. - and you can quit your trolling now- you have been made.
Pro-Putin, pro-Russia trolls like yourself need to be called out and banned.
Less than a week ago you claimed to be a RV-riding, semi-homeless bum, complaining you were not able make a living and that "people in Arizona were rude" (A Russian dog calling Arizonans rude- that's really rich). (And now you have the Moscow Cathedral as your profile picture you proclaiming to be "Orthodox". Gee whiz, Ivan. You should have tried harder.) Before that, you called the states of Texas a "Mexican state". (Again, typical Russian propaganda misinformation - trying to portray a West as an immigrant -filled , dysfunctional hellhole, while in reality, the Russian Federation fits the description, not the West). The part when you were complaining about crime in Albuquerque - (really, Ivan?) - you do know that unlike in most Russian towns and cities - people in Albuquerque don't need 50kg steel doors to protect their homes. In ABQ the police won't try to rob you. And you don't actually need to worry about a random passerby beating you to death in some vodka or drug-fueled rage (and get away with it). Let's now even talk about bad driving, car accidents and road rage - you Russians are world champions in all those three categories. (You know, "cyka Blyat", level 127). Also, law-abiding people in AZ, NM and TX carry guns for the most part - good luck getting a gun in Russia if you are a law-abiding citizen.
The Sinaloa or the CNGC may have connections in the AZ, NM and TX but they are not a threat to you unless you are in the drug business and failed to pay them. In Moscow and other Russian towns the Chechnian or Armenian mafia are known kidnap daughters of randon, law-abiding citizens and sell them to wealthy Middle Eastern or South Asian buyers. (Let the readers decide which one they deem a bigger threat to themselves and their families out of the two scenarios).

More bad news for you Ivan - the whole world is against you guys. The "Wagner group " is practically gone. There would be riots in Moscow and St Petersburg as the Russian "Army" run out of the ethnic non_Russian cannon fodder and middle-class ethnic Russian kids are now started to get drafted into the army to fight in the Ukraine. (And you need to bag North Korea to sell you weapons and ammunition - how embarrassing is that?)

You were booted out of central Africa. No more "Russian tropical Empire". You have no more allies, and you never had any friends to begin with .Moldova and Kazakhstan are firmly pro-West now. Even Belarus' Lukashenko is sitting on the fence, preparing for the post-Putin world.

The Georgian government is soon taking back the regions you tried to steal from them (the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia which are integral parts of Georgia).

No, Ivan, you should stop claiming the Russian orthodox church is real Orthodoxy, because it isn't. it is a political tool, led by a former KGB operator ("patriarch "Kirill), and with a few icons thrown in the middle.
Real eastern Orthodox people - Georgians, Romanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians , Moldovans, Ukranians, Belarusians etc hate and despise you for the unspeakable crimes youa dn your ancestors committed agains said nations.

Be ashamed of yourself. You can go now. Don't come back.

You're insulting him, against the rules, but also, instead of keeping criticisms impersonal and related to large political bodies, you make it personal and somehow make it about him and not merely his country. Calling him Ivan or whatever in order to make it sound like his country's failings are his failings or whatnot is also unloving and is something I'm sure you wouldn't want done against yourself.
There many paid enemies of Russia online, I had learned that a while ago and they have nothing to do with actual real life people in most countires. I read Russian Telegram a lot too and can assure you every second comment on many channels is from Ukrainian paid agents. Its really funny, the crazy things they say. Russia needs to get rid of Siberia, etc and form a small ethnic state is their favorite theme to push. People argue with them for LOLs sometimes.

In real life, Putin is not some ideal knight in shining armor, he does not need to be idolized, blindly worshipped and neither he needs to be demonised. Same with situation in Russia overall, including migrants situation, Russia is a large land empire with one leg in Asia, struggling against powerful enemies and suspect neighbors, it's important to be realistic.

By the way, my dad is in Misnk, Belarus now, visiting his brother and childhood home, people there love Russia. Lukashenko cleaned out the bad element and many of them had run off to Europe.
There is a rumor, I have no idea if it's true, that Putin secretly converted to Islam because of his children with his long term lover Alina Kabaeva, a Muslim woman born in Uzbekistan whose father is Muslim Tatar. She supposedly converted to Christianity in 2003 but this could be a public move for the sake of relationship with Putin. Her father remains Muslim. In families with that kind of background people tend to obey the father and ancestors a lot.




Widely available for the public if you look for it.
Then why didn't you quote them? You would certainly avoid further discussion and make your post more serious, wouldn't you?

And I am not a *public*. It is your duty to back up your claims, not mine to chase evidence for lump claims of some Internet random.
"It is safe and effective. The proofs are widely available for the public."

You have a lot to learn ...and should get to travel abroad more.
Don't condescend me. You know nothing about me, and this is not a place for such discussion.
I have no intention of going further into such offtopic.

The rest of your post is your personal unsubstantiated opinion projected into a generalization, and another an angry toxic rant beneath my dignity to even comment.

No, Ivan, you should stop claiming the Russian orthodox church is real Orthodoxy, because it isn't. it is a political tool, led by a former KGB operator ("patriarch "Kirill), and with a few icons thrown in the middle.
Is this really allowed on this forum?
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Any Russia hatred from the shills only means Russia is doing the right thing :)👍
Makes me more confident Putin did not sell out to the globalists.
Sometimes I doubted Putin and wondered if he cucked, when vax mandates were going, or when Donbass seemed to be abandoned in 2016, but clearly he is holding the line.
Putin is good at playing pretend, but he can reverse quick when it's the right time.
He took big risks defending Donbass - but he went ahead and did take that risk. I just wish it was done in 2014 when it could be almost painless
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