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COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

Have they? People now are more unhealthy than ever. Antibiotics/antiparasitics were invented over 100 years ago. What have they done for us lately?

I'd say the only thing that was unquestionably good was anti-biotics. Penicillin saved my life as a boy and if anyone looks at a population graph, it explodes after the discovery of penicillin.

It used to be 50% of children would die - penicillin made it so 98% of children survived. I think it undeniable that anti-biotics represented the great medical industry of the tail end of Christian culture in the 1900s.

That medical industry is 80% gone, nowadays, so what have they done for us lately? Nothing good. Just scammers and quacks abusing the reputation of once great Christian doctors for their own sick ends.
Alexander Fleming invented/discovered penicillin.

Looks like another evil white guy to me.


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Ya know, something has recently occured to me and I feel compelled to share. It seems like everyone, on both sides, forgets that Trump was still in office during the beginning of Covid. Trump pushed the vaccines and was met with resisistance (though they weren't fully developed quite yet). Once he was out of office, the narrative took a 180 and pushed the vaccines and everyone changed their tune very quickly. What might have happened if he had been re-elected? How differently would the vaccine/Covid narrative have played out? Just food for thought.
Ya know, something has recently occured to me and I feel compelled to share. It seems like everyone, on both sides, forgets that Trump was still in office during the beginning of Covid. Trump pushed the vaccines and was met with resisistance (though they weren't fully developed quite yet). Once he was out of office, the narrative took a 180 and pushed the vaccines and everyone changed their tune very quickly. What might have happened if he had been re-elected? How differently would the vaccine/Covid narrative have played out? Just food for thought.
We would have seen far fewer middle aged women sporting ubiquitous patches on their shoulders.
Ya know, something has recently occured to me and I feel compelled to share. It seems like everyone, on both sides, forgets that Trump was still in office during the beginning of Covid. Trump pushed the vaccines and was met with resisistance (though they weren't fully developed quite yet). Once he was out of office, the narrative took a 180 and pushed the vaccines and everyone changed their tune very quickly. What might have happened if he had been re-elected? How differently would the vaccine/Covid narrative have played out? Just food for thought.
While true and a part of the disappointment, they were never for forcing it on anyone, which is another reason why the election was stolen.
Germany's conservative party, the Alternative Fur Deutschland (AFD) held its second Covid symposium in December of 2023. The famous German economist, Stefan Homburg, gave a brief 9-minute talk on covid-19. I would recommend that people view it, as it's always nice to see public figures tell the world what people on this forum have known for years. I will provide a Rumble link below, but here are the five most important points:

1) Hospital occupancy fell to an all-time low in Germany during 2020, according to none other than the German Federal Ministry of Health.
2) There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021, according to the Robert Koch-Institute
3) Age-standardized mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual. Mortality has only increased in 2021, according to the Federal Statistical Office.
4) People who died with or from Covid-19 were on average over 80 years-old.
5) Sweden, which was free from lockdown and mask mandates, fared better than Germany (according to the WHO).
Given that the AFD has 78 seats in the Bundestag, the German Federal Parliament, this is important.
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