COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

Horror thriller author Dean Koontz predicted it in a novel written by him way back in 1981 calling it "wuhan 400" virus and saying it was made with rDNA technology.

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Horror thriller author Dean Koontz predicted it in a novel written by him way back in 1981 calling it "wuhan 400" virus and saying it was made with rDNA technology.

What is funny is that the US government uses thriller writers to come up with ideas for their contingency planning against worst case scenarios and other catastrophes.

Maybe they do the same thing to come up with their own catastrophes to use!
It was incredibly disappointing watching covid happen and so many people fall for it. Seeing through the narrative was not difficult if you had some basic understanding of hand washing, "the flu" and "the cold." I'm uneducated, but I do read and that alone gave me enough information to know that most people's arguments in favor of the lockdowns were based on exaggeration or outright lies from the news media.

Since living in the fear of losing my job due to my refusal to be a lab rat for big pharma, I'm a little less trusting of my neighbor these days. I don't like feeling that way, but so many people were happy to tell me that they'd be glad to see me get forced to get the experimental, rushed to market flu shot that I now wonder how long I could last if the day comes that people are willing to throw me to the Gulags for believing in Christ. Or maybe even just that men have a prostate, women have a uterus, who knows...
I'm looking for the posts that featured a guy in a video (I did watch it on youtube after 2020) from the late 2000s that predicted a virus coming from China that was released around the world. It was the story that this guy received from a military man, apparently invited to the City of London, who didn't know what he was doing there (he thought he was invited accidentally?) but heard that big plans were being made for the eventual release of a virus and an Iran-Israel war.
I'm still crossing swords at work with the True Believers. Sadly, quite a few are beyond help. As for the future, who knows? Certainly in the UK, and I think that were were outdone, so to speak, by the likes of Canada and Australia, the response was beyond anything that I could have imagined. Couple that with the fact (already mentioned) that so many fell for the whole thing, and showed so much hate, and disregard, for their neighbours, friends, workmates, etc.

The biggest worry for me is that the general public, having been exposed, to put it in broad terms, as not being very smart (reference the Edison comment about the 5%), has set us up as being ripe for the picking.
Where I live too, there are still some folks who refuse to get rid of the mask habit. It's like a security blanket for them. I think some people were so traumatised by the whole psyop that they will wear the masks for the rest of their lives. It's sad and dissapointing, as you all have said. So many have learnt nothing from the whole experience. My whole family bought into it, hook line and sinker. Now that we are heading into cold/flu season I keep hearing people complaining about getting COVID again, or that they are STILL suffering from "long COVID" (aka side effects from the jabs).
The maskers and the vaxxers won't be the ones taking charge in the future. They have consigned themselves to be a guinea pig until their untimely departures. All we can do is pray for these people and carry on with our own God-given missions. I do think that one poster was right on the old forum, that the initial threads in that sub-forum should be historically catalogued, archived, and saved to view for future reference. The one I started, if you look at the first page, how ridiculing we were of one another in the beginning even! Such is the divisiveness of the enemy when thrown on the unprepared minds. We must be cautious for all of their future schemes.

Looking back on it now over three and a half years later, I see how more right I was, not as a braggart, but with pattern recognition. The technology in itself is dangerous, as is all new tech, whether its outside the body or inside the body.
The maskers and the vaxxers won't be the ones taking charge in the future. They have consigned themselves to be a guinea pig until their untimely departures. All we can do is pray for these people and carry on with our own God-given missions. I do think that one poster was right on the old forum, that the initial threads in that sub-forum should be historically catalogued, archived, and saved to view for future reference. The one I started, if you look at the first page, how ridiculing we were of one another in the beginning even! Such is the divisiveness of the enemy when thrown on the unprepared minds. We must be cautious for all of their future schemes.

Looking back on it now over three and a half years later, I see how more right I was, not as a braggart, but with pattern recognition. The technology in itself is dangerous, as is all new tech, whether its outside the body or inside the body.
I’m just starting to learn a little about organite and shungite. I’m really keen to learn more purely for health and wellbeing.
Noticed a while ago the "mask basket" is still in one of the shelves on my house. Brought not the best memories. My parents got these huge cloth or something masks, absolutely not Jew approved, but I'd often carry this huge one that was barely even a mask, lol. Some people got upset, some people stared, I didn't really care. Better than making a scene with brown people in public stores, and it was barely an annoyance since it was so loose it would fall almost every time I looked a bit down.
The hygiene was nasty though, since we shared them, and my parents don't care about hygiene much.
It was incredibly disappointing watching covid happen and so many people fall for it. Seeing through the narrative was not difficult if you had some basic understanding of hand washing, "the flu" and "the cold." I'm uneducated, but I do read and that alone gave me enough information to know that most people's arguments in favor of the lockdowns were based on exaggeration or outright lies from the news media.

Since living in the fear of losing my job due to my refusal to be a lab rat for big pharma, I'm a little less trusting of my neighbor these days. I don't like feeling that way, but so many people were happy to tell me that they'd be glad to see me get forced to get the experimental, rushed to market flu shot that I now wonder how long I could last if the day comes that people are willing to throw me to the Gulags for believing in Christ. Or maybe even just that men have a prostate, women have a uterus, who knows...
I'll admit, I fell hard for this whole thing in the very early stages. Doom scrolling on twitter watching these videos that, somehow, were pouring out of China with people dropping over dead in the streets, apartment building doors being welded shut to keep the infected/infection inside, people being apprehended and loaded up into box trucks, I couldn't believe my eyes! By the time the first case was "diagnosed" stateside, I was so gripped with fear that I could hardly function. "Death is coming for my family and they have no idea!" Wear a mask? Sure! Which kind do I need to avoid this agonizing death?!

As time went on, things weren't adding up. Every celebrity I've ever heard of (and many I haven't) doing skits and songs telling me to take some new shot? If this is some extinction level event like I'm being told, why does everything look the same when I'm out and about? Why aren't planes falling from the sky and every other car careening off the road like the depictions from the Left Behind books?

We all know what happened from there on out and by the grace of God I was able to keep myself and my immediate family from getting the shots. But it was a humbling lesson that even someone as skeptical as I can be duped by the programming that's put out. With that in mind I do empathize with the normie who watches TV and engages on Facebook because this was a psychological attack unlike any I've ever seen.
I think to a certain extent, the initial wave of information was indeed targeted at people like us who are more prone to sit down, read alternative/foreign media and attempt to independently analyze a situation. Having an initial group of well-read individuals spreading the news and COVID-related content gave it some public legitimacy on a more intimate level. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I saw it, looking back a few months later.

I recall vividly catching the international headlines in December of 2019 and keeping an eye on it. Throughout January 2020, I was consuming all the international news stories, and reading all the medical research papers to try and understand what this thing was. I would then look around in my circle of friends and co-workers, and wonder why they weren't concerned. So, in a sense, I ended up contributing to the wildfire by getting as many people around me as concerned as I possibly could.

Fast forward to lock downs and me having more time to dig deeper into all the messaging, and also seeing the evolution of ideas back on RVF. Around June/July of 2020, I concluded that it was all a show. At that point, all my friends, family, coworkers who couldn't care less in February and March, were in full on panic mode: double masking, wearing face visors, wearing gloves, and looking forward to a vaccine. Of course, at that point I was now trying to talk them out of it, but to no avail. The damage was done. I eventually ended up losing friends and some extended family relationships due to my position of being against the vaccine.

So perhaps, I too contributed to the initial fearmongering. I occasionally pray and ask forgiveness for any damage I may have done.