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Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

you can see satellites

No, you can NOT see satellites with normal telescopes.

....and even with the most powerful telescopes, the much more enormous international space station still looks like a blurry mess that could be anything. Claiming the blurry mess of an image is a real life space station is based on belief, not evidence.

Just because you can see a blurry "something" through a telescope doesn't mean it is what they say it is, nor does it prove it's actually as far away as they say it is. It could be something else entirely, and could be much closer than you are led to believe.

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What even is the end game of flat earth autism? So if you do prove to everyone that we are on a pancake of water and sand... ok? Is that going to magically stop the end of the Jewish deep state reign and make everyone live in a truthful utopia where no one is wrong? The answer is pretty obvious.

Flat earth sources are also laughable. The writings of the Age of Discovery are enough to prove it's not flat. Not like the average flat earther even touches grass to "debunk" this.
No, you can NOT see satellites with normal telescopes.

....and even with the most powerful telescopes, the much more enormous international space station still looks like a blurry mess that could be anything. Claiming the blurry mess of an image is a real life space station is based on belief, not evidence.

Just because you can see a blurry "something" through a telescope doesn't mean it is what they say it is, nor does it prove it's actually as far away as they say it is. It could be something else entirely, and could be much closer than you are led to believe.


I see satellites all the time. There's not much else that they can be. You can get a pretty good view of many things with a decent telescope. Planets, moons, much clearer views of the space station than pictured here. But if it's all fake, what do you gain from that?
I see satellites all the time. There's not much else that they can be. You can get a pretty good view of many things with a decent telescope.

If you have more clear images of a "satellites" seen through a telescope, please share them in this thread.
9 times out of 10 "satellites" seen through the most powerful telescopes usually look like this indistinguishable blurry mess below.

If you have more clear images of a "satellites" seen through a telescope, please share them in this thread.
9 times out of 10 "satellites" seen through the most powerful telescopes usually look like this indistinguishable blurry mess below.


Took me 5 seconds to find tons of clear images of the ISS.
Took me 5 seconds to find tons of clear images of the ISS.

I said post some clear photos of satellites through a telescope.
As for the ISS, please feel free to also share some photos here instead of Vladimir Putin memes.
I'm considering all the evidence presented, and so far you've presented none.
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I said post some clear photos of satellites through a telescope.
As for the ISS, please feel free to also share some photos here instead of Vladimir Putin memes.
I'm considering all the evidence presented, and so far you've presented none.

Why all of a sudden satellites when we started with the ISS? Takes 5 seconds to find. Obviously it's meaningless to get into a "science" debate about stuff like this. But the questions that are interesting; What's to gain from faking all of this? How likely is it? So what if it's all fake, what changes then? Never seem to get an answer to that.
What's to gain from faking all of this? How likely is it? So what if it's all fake, what changes then? Never seem to get an answer to that.

  • To make people think they are not the most important part of God's creation, which they are.
  • To invalidate the concept of Heaven where God reigns above us.
  • To make people believe there is an ever-expanding expanse of space above and all around us, seeding the idea that there are endless galaxies and other intelligent lifeforms (aliens), thus invalidating the understanding of the hierarchy of God, angels, human beings and animals.
  • To make people believe they are completely insignificant in the vastness of never-ending space inside of a mediocre galaxy and unimportant solar-system. This engenders nihilistic thought which is deadly to mankind's soul.

All of these ideas seek to undermine the Christian understanding of mankind's purpose for existence. These are relatively new ideas that have taken hold over the last few hundred years.
Why all of a sudden satellites when we started with the ISS? Takes 5 seconds to find. Obviously it's meaningless to get into a "science" debate about stuff like this. But the questions that are interesting; What's to gain from faking all of this? How likely is it? So what if it's all fake, what changes then? Never seem to get an answer to that.

Sounds like you are changing the argument, now that you have provided zero photographic evidence in this thread for your claims.
I stand by my claim satellites cannot be seen through telescopes, and the ISS through telescopes always looks like a unclear grey blob that could be anything.
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  • To make people think they are not the most important part of God's creation, which they are.
  • To invalidate the concept of Heaven where God reigns above us.
  • To make people believe there is an ever-expanding expanse of space above and all around us, seeding the idea that there are endless galaxies and other intelligent lifeforms (aliens), thus invalidating the understanding of the hierarchy of God, angels, human beings and animals.
  • To make people believe they are completely insignificant in the vastness of never-ending space inside of a mediocre galaxy and unimportant solar-system. This engenders nihilistic thought which is deadly to mankind's soul.

All of these ideas seek to undermine the Christian understanding of mankind's purpose for existence. These are relatively new ideas that have taken hold over the last few hundred years.

GuitarVH nailed it.

To the list I would simply add that getting a large portion of the world's population to believe in something false vastly increases the powers of the forces of darkness. The more people they fool they more powerful they become.

They've been doing it since JFK was killed, and the 6 different "moon landings".
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  • To make people think they are not the most important part of God's creation, which they are.
  • To invalidate the concept of Heaven where God reigns above us.
  • To make people believe there is an ever-expanding expanse of space above and all around us, seeding the idea that there are endless galaxies and other intelligent lifeforms (aliens), thus invalidating the understanding of the hierarchy of God, angels, human beings and animals.
  • To make people believe they are completely insignificant in the vastness of never-ending space inside of a mediocre galaxy and unimportant solar-system. This engenders nihilistic thought which is deadly to mankind's soul.

All of these ideas seek to undermine the Christian understanding of mankind's purpose for existence. These are relatively new ideas that have taken hold over the last few hundred years.
I don't think this follows logically at all. The idea that space and planets and galaxies invalidates a belief in God does not resonate with me at all.

The existence of infinite space declares the glory of God. His creation of a limitless universe is a reflection of his limitless nature.

"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Psalm 19:1
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Sounds like you are changing the argument, now that you have provided zero photographic evidence in this thread for your claims.
I stand by my claim satellites cannot be seen through telescopes, and the ISS through telescopes always looks like a unclear grey blob that could be anything.

If the ISS is real then satellites are, by logical deduction. 5 seconds of your time.
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  • To make people think they are not the most important part of God's creation, which they are.
  • To invalidate the concept of Heaven where God reigns above us.
  • To make people believe there is an ever-expanding expanse of space above and all around us, seeding the idea that there are endless galaxies and other intelligent lifeforms (aliens), thus invalidating the understanding of the hierarchy of God, angels, human beings and animals.
  • To make people believe they are completely insignificant in the vastness of never-ending space inside of a mediocre galaxy and unimportant solar-system. This engenders nihilistic thought which is deadly to mankind's soul.

All of these ideas seek to undermine the Christian understanding of mankind's purpose for existence. These are relatively new ideas that have taken hold over the last few hundred years.

Space is clearly a biblical concept. The heavens that are referred to in Genesis is meant as the literal heavens, not the same as paradise. I don't see the problem with exploring the parts we can reach, just like exploring the oceans etc.
The only reasonable discussion of this topic is to point out how ignorant it is. This would be like having a thread saying it is good to smash your fingers with a hammer, then getting righteously criticised and ridiculed, and complaining why can't we discuss it and consider the evidence.

Please don't twist my words. I didn't mention 'rightful criticism' but a priori dismissal through censorship.
Weren't people from the pre-modern era also extremely interested in the "heavenly bodies" and tracking their movements? And yeah this also includes believers from the most pious age when there was a united, catholic (small c) church that was providing European civilization with a Christian lens to view the world.
Flat Earth (and apparently its cousin, "space is not real") are psy-ops intentionally designed to sow division and confusion among those who reject mainstream narratives, and to discredit other so-called "conspiracy theories" by lumping them in with what most people clearly recognize to be obvious nonsense.


Bob: Have you actually looked into 9/11 or the JFK assassination? It's obvious the government is covering things up.
Mike: Oh don't tell me you believe all that conspiracy crap. Next thing you're gonna tell me the Earth is flat!

If you actually believe in Flat Earth, you need to seriously take a step back and re-examine your thinking, because the reality is you've simply fallen for a psy-op that was intentionally created to sucker in critical thinkers and re-direct their energy in a manner that is not only harmless to the elites, but completely self-discrediting. In other words, by pushing Flat Earth nonsense, you are doing the Deep State/Globalist elites a favor.

That being said, I feel no need to ban discussion of this topic, because I take the view that sunlight is the best disinfectant, so to speak. This stuff is transparently nonsense and is easily exposed as such when openly debated, and I think we owe to it those who have been suckered in by this devious psy-op to at least attempt to help them correct their misguided thinking.

Yess, Cass Sunstein (bigwig under Obama, Samantha Power's husband) came up with this 'poison the well' tactic. Discredit by association. Happened when the 9/11 Truther Movement became mainstream.

Biggest recent one of these poison the well theories is the 'viruses don't exist' theory. Or whatever its name is. Roosh fell for it too. Was obviously designed to discredit all the meaningful criticism of the clotshot/virus and everything surrounding it.