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Cosmology Debate Thread ("Space Is Fake")

Andy Dufresne

Other Christian
Mod Edit for those who are just seeing thread for first time: Go to the following link where I sum up thread to restart discussion.


Maybe there is no thread for this since we all know NASA faked the moon landing? Oh well....kicking it off....

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Uh oh. If I remember correctly this was a censored topic back in the day and it may be as well now. The programming still runs strong to attempt to discuss THIS thing freely. So 4, 3, 2, 1...

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
-Wernher von Braun, Psalm 19:1
Uh oh. If I remember correctly this was a censored topic back in the day and it may be as well now. The programming still runs strong to attempt to discuss THIS thing freely. So 4, 3, 2, 1...

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
-Wernher von Braun, Psalm 19:1

There's nothing to discuss here! Neither from a scientific/secular nor biblical angle. I say we shut it down before it even starts. Not yet another thread in the flat-earth category.
Yes, nothing at all. And even if there is, as it is, it would still be "there's nothing to discuss here!!!" So yes, shut it down.
shut it down.jpg

You can see the moon, you can see satellites, you can see most of the planets and some of their moons with a cheap telescope. What would change if "space was fake?" What is there to gain from that?
You can see the moon, you can see satellites. You can see most of the planets and some of their moons with a cheap telescope. What would change if space was fake? what is their to gain from that?
Read this:
I am not a flat earther but the constant urge to limit others in their speech is annoying.

If you feel so confident about your worldview and arguments why not discuss it?
The only reasonable discussion of this topic is to point out how ignorant it is. This would be like having a thread saying it is good to smash your fingers with a hammer, then getting righteously criticised and ridiculed, and complaining why can't we discuss it and consider the evidence.
Read this:
Some of these are just rich.

There was one about a cannon -- if the earth is spinning eastward, then shooting a cannon ball north or south would skew the ball. The ball wouldn't land straight north (if it was shot northward).

Thing is, we're all moving on the spinning ball, as is the atmosphere.

It's like when you're in an airplane. Everyone in the airplane is moving at the same speed as the airplane, but it looks like every day life on the ground even though you're traveling hundreds of mph. From inside the plane, it's normal looking.

Most of the other "proofs" in this fall in this category. The one about the Red Bull space jump says that the guy would have landed hundred of miles away. Or that you could just go in a hot air balloon and wait and eventually the earth beneath you would spin to where you want to go.

Ok, then, how come when I jump straight up into the air, I land exactly where I jumped from? Is it flat earth, or is it that I'm moving with the earth too?

Flat earthers do not have a model that actually works. Once they have that, I'll happily inspect it, but things like cell phones and satellites just would not work with flat earth.
The only reasonable discussion of this topic is to point out how ignorant it is. This would be like having a thread saying it is good to smash your fingers with a hammer, then getting righteously criticised and ridiculed, and complaining why can't we discuss it and consider the evidence.
If anything it's good to weed out people who cannot think critically, so long as they argue in good faith.
Some of these are just rich.

There was one about a cannon -- if the earth is spinning eastward, then shooting a cannon ball north or south would skew the ball. The ball wouldn't land straight north (if it was shot northward).

Thing is, we're all moving on the spinning ball, as is the atmosphere.

It's like when you're in an airplane. Everyone in the airplane is moving at the same speed as the airplane, but it looks like every day life on the ground even though you're traveling hundreds of mph. From inside the plane, it's normal looking.

Most of the other "proofs" in this fall in this category. The one about the Red Bull space jump says that the guy would have landed hundred of miles away. Or that you could just go in a hot air balloon and wait and eventually the earth beneath you would spin to where you want to go.

Ok, then, how come when I jump straight up into the air, I land exactly where I jumped from? Is it flat earth, or is it that I'm moving with the earth too?

Flat earthers do not have a model that actually works. Once they have that, I'll happily inspect it, but things like cell phones and satellites just would not work with flat earth.
If you're such a critical thinker, go ahead and debunk all 200 proofs, or at least most of them, instead of citing a few bad оr shaky ones, lumping the rest in with them and sticking labels around. Just go ahead and do it. I'll wait. Until then there is no point in discussing it further.
If you're such a critical thinker, go ahead and debunk all 200 proofs, or at least most of them, instead of citing a few bad оr shaky ones, lumping the rest in with them and sticking labels around. Just go ahead and do it. I'll wait. Until then there is no point in discussing it further.
You're not arguing in good faith.

Glad we agree that you posted bad, shaky proofs.
Some of these are just rich.

There was one about a cannon -- if the earth is spinning eastward, then shooting a cannon ball north or south would skew the ball. The ball wouldn't land straight north (if it was shot northward).

Thing is, we're all moving on the spinning ball, as is the atmosphere.

It's like when you're in an airplane. Everyone in the airplane is moving at the same speed as the airplane, but it looks like every day life on the ground even though you're traveling hundreds of mph. From inside the plane, it's normal looking.

Most of the other "proofs" in this fall in this category. The one about the Red Bull space jump says that the guy would have landed hundred of miles away. Or that you could just go in a hot air balloon and wait and eventually the earth beneath you would spin to where you want to go.

Ok, then, how come when I jump straight up into the air, I land exactly where I jumped from? Is it flat earth, or is it that I'm moving with the earth too?

Flat earthers do not have a model that actually works. Once they have that, I'll happily inspect it, but things like cell phones and satellites just would not work with flat earth.
The spin of the earth does in fact affect the fall of a cannon ball or any other ballistic trajectory.

Flat Earth (and apparently its cousin, "space is not real") are psy-ops intentionally designed to sow division and confusion among those who reject mainstream narratives, and to discredit other so-called "conspiracy theories" by lumping them in with what most people clearly recognize to be obvious nonsense.


Bob: Have you actually looked into 9/11 or the JFK assassination? It's obvious the government is covering things up.
Mike: Oh don't tell me you believe all that conspiracy crap. Next thing you're gonna tell me the Earth is flat!

If you actually believe in Flat Earth, you need to seriously take a step back and re-examine your thinking, because the reality is you've simply fallen for a psy-op that was intentionally created to sucker in critical thinkers and re-direct their energy in a manner that is not only harmless to the elites, but completely self-discrediting. In other words, by pushing Flat Earth nonsense, you are doing the Deep State/Globalist elites a favor.

That being said, I feel no need to ban discussion of this topic, because I take the view that sunlight is the best disinfectant, so to speak. This stuff is transparently nonsense and is easily exposed as such when openly debated, and I think we owe to it those who have been suckered in by this devious psy-op to at least attempt to help them correct their misguided thinking.