Coronavirus Lounge

She's brainwashed as one can see her with a top-of-the-line N95 (?) face mask in this picture. Articles are saying that she will be going to Yale University this fall; she will be indoctrinated for four years of Radical Marxism courses.

About to attend university? That makes it sound like she is 18. When I looked at her I thought she is 25 or something. Western women sure do age rapidly
About to attend university? That makes it sound like she is 18. When I looked at her I thought she is 25 or something. Western women sure do age rapidly
She looks very neurotic too. I don't know what's up with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, but their kids are basket cases. Actually, I suspect they sacrificed their kids to the pedophiles as the price of fame, but I still don't understand it. Affleck seemed like a normal person once upon a time. There's no way his fame has been worth having his kids turn out like this.
She looks very neurotic too. I don't know what's up with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, but their kids are basket cases. Actually, I suspect they sacrificed their kids to the pedophiles as the price of fame, but I still don't understand it. Affleck seemed like a normal person once upon a time. There's no way his fame has been worth having his kids turn out like this.

Apparently they had a lot of freaks stalking them so their kids lived a very sheltered life full of paranoia and alcoholism around them at home. But yeah who knows with these Hollywood types.

Bizarre thing is that Affleck is now dating RFK jr's daughter... someone at the opposite scale of the coof paranoia.
Apparently they had a lot of freaks stalking them so their kids lived a very sheltered life full of paranoia and alcoholism around them at home. But yeah who knows with these Hollywood types.

Bizarre thing is that Affleck is now dating RFK jr's daughter... someone at the opposite scale of the coof paranoia.
RFK Jr's family tends to agree more with CNN than with RFK Jr.
RFK Jr's family tends to agree more with CNN than with RFK Jr.

Apparently Ben Affleck never got off the booze and was already heard bragging that he's "dating royalty now" on a night out in Boston.

Him dating "Kit" will probably last as long as his marriage to JLo.

Will this work for or against RFK jr's endorsement of Trump?
My friends today in Russia trial start again Alina Lushavina, covid denier and antivax lunatic.

She already get arrested before because she spread misinformation many times, inciting people to disobey government rules in Russia.

Now she is arrested for terrorism charges.

She is part of group of lunatic doctors called Independent Association of Doctors, they deny covid, say vaccines don't work, lockdowns do a lot of harm.

Now she will have to be held responsible for her words, she could very well be cia too paid to misinform the Russian people.

My friends today in Russia trial start again Alina Lushavina, covid denier and antivax lunatic.

She already get arrested before because she spread misinformation many times, inciting people to disobey government rules in Russia.

Now she is arrested for terrorism charges.

She is part of group of lunatic doctors called Independent Association of Doctors, they deny covid, say vaccines don't work, lockdowns do a lot of harm.

Now she will have to be held responsible for her words, she could very well be cia too paid to misinform the Russian people.

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that means I'm terrorist material.

I'm a lunatic too.

I deny covid.

not only do I say vaccines don't work, I go further and say they are a bioweapons

and absolutely I say lockdowns hurt people. I think people who don't think that are idiots.

terrorist material indeed!
So...who do you trust? Doctors that believe in safe & effective COVID vaccine? Or "lunatic doctors" who believe COVID vaccine is not safe?
I believe my leader Putin and russia government who say covid vaccine safe and effective and everyone should get vaccinated and those that do not want get vaccinated are very irresponsible and very misinformed people.

Putin has no reason to lie or hurt Russia people, he loves his people and he knows what is happening in world. Covid is bioligocal weapon against Russia and Chinese people.

Putin also promise harsh action against people that spread misinformation online, this is happening now.

This is very simple my friends.
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I believe my leader Putin who say covid vaccine safe and effective and everyone should get vaccinated and those that do not want get vaccinated are very irresponsible and very misinformed people.

He also promise harsh action against people that spread misinformation online, this is happening now.

This is very simple my friends.

She seems awesome to me.

Last I heard Putin said he had no plans to impose fines or criminally prosecute people who weren't jabbed.

It's terrible if he's listening to the garbage coming from globohomo and WHO now.

I'll pray for him.
She seems awesome to me.

Last I heard Putin said he had no plans to impose fines or criminally prosecute people who weren't jabbed.

It's terrible if he's listening to the garbage coming from globohomo and WHO now.

I'll pray for him.
My friend if you didn't take jab you can be excluded from public services and lose your job. This depend on the oblast but in many oblast this was policy.

No fines just lose your job and no government services.

The people that can be prosecuted are people that break the law. So this means they don't follow lockdown orders, manufacture fake vaccine certificate, spread misinformation on vaccine online.

Those are the people in trouble.

Here is for instance Russia anti terror police stopping illegal party in restaurant, arresting people inside for night and giving them fines

Also before I speak about heretic monk nikolai Romanov, he tell his followers to not follow rules and laws, and keep his church open. He is now in jail for 4 years.

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Also I am little surprised how many people here anti vaxx and believe in silly cia pushed theories on disease that is covid19

My friends right now Russian army finds bioweaponlabs all over Ukraine, these labs are also in Baltics, Caucasus, central Asia.

Here the neonazi globalists and satanists make viruses that specifically target people with Russia ethnicity.

Very very interesting video on how the globalists design and use covid19.

I believe my leader Putin and russia government who say covid vaccine safe and effective and everyone should get vaccinated and those that do not want get vaccinated are very irresponsible and very misinformed people.
Then explain to us why vaccinated people are suddenly dropping dead.

Putin has no reason to lie or hurt Russia people, he loves his people and he knows what is happening in world. Covid is bioligocal weapon against Russia and Chinese people.
Then you should be lucky to have a leader like Putin.

Putin also promise harsh action against people that spread misinformation online, this is happening now.
What "misinformation"? In the West, pharmaceutical companies did not make the COVID vaccine safe. Vaccinated people are dropping dead, therefore people who knew someone were telling the truth about what happened.

This is very simple my friends.
Telling the truth is simple, my friend.
My friend if you didn't take jab you can be excluded from public services and lose your job. This depend on the oblast but in many oblast this was policy.

No fines just lose your job and no government services.

The people that can be prosecuted are people that break the law. So this means they don't follow lockdown orders, manufacture fake vaccine certificate, spread misinformation on vaccine online.

Those are the people in trouble.

Here is for instance Russia anti terror police stopping illegal party in restaurant, arresting people inside for night and giving them fines

Also before I speak about heretic monk nikolai Romanov, he tell his followers to not follow rules and laws, and keep his church open. He is now in jail for 4 years.

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You paint a picture of a very backwards and superstitious country. I count myself lucky that I don't live in such a place.
Then explain to us why vaccinated people are suddenly dropping dead.

Then you should be lucky to have a leader like Putin.

What "misinformation"? In the West, pharmaceutical companies did not make the COVID vaccine safe. Vaccinated people are dropping dead, therefore people who knew someone were telling the truth about what happened.

Telling the truth is simple, my friend.
My friend I have several Pfizer vaccines. I am not in Russia now and sputnik isn't available here. But when I travel to Russia for family visit Pfizer is good.

Our scientists look at the Pfizer vaccine and considered it good vaccine. Not as good as sputnik but still good.

I don't know anyone who is dead because of vaccine. I read the stories about myocariditis and extreme aggressive cancer but I don't see this around me, only one exception to this, a family member.

Yes of course we are lucky with Putin. That's why I support him. Following a leader also mean not thinking you know everything better. Sometimes a government doesn't communicate everything for a reason. Russia intelligence and scientific communities have the information and data on the background of covid, they know what they do. I trust them.