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Clown World Thread


Yeah nah

I don't see some of the "evils of social media" style threads here yet so I will post this here. This _____ has damn near 2 million followers and its getting pushed up and promoted on TikTok for his "living with HIV" like that bud light thing got famous for his "day __ of womanhood" series. This is being pushed onto kids on TikTok and they see the views, the followers, and the caring comments and they want that... they want nothing more than to be "TikTok famous" and this looks like one way to achieve that

I don't see some of the "evils of social media" style threads here yet so I will post this here. This _____ has damn near 2 million followers and its getting pushed up and promoted on TikTok for his "living with HIV" like that bud light thing got famous for his "day __ of womanhood" series. This is being pushed onto kids on TikTok and they see the views, the followers, and the caring comments and they want that... they want nothing more than to be "TikTok famous" and this looks like one way to achieve that

That's why promoting and creating incentives for people to be victims is evil. Elsewhere, other people will deliberately get diagnosed with various mental disorders and then go onto social media to brag about it. Being a victim gets an individual sympathy, power, and, above all, attention. But, it's a nefarious process that uses emotional manipulation to prey on people's altruistic tendencies. So long as the individual "identifies" as one of the many victim classes, aids being one of them, they can leverage the victim card and manipulate people to do their bidding. Once these types of people ensnarl another person they never stop demanding more and more from them. Be it, their ongoing affirmation of their victimhood and/or "identity" or to alter their language to accommodate their emotions. Of course, there's the monkey-see-monkey-do component, in other words, if there is enough distribution of people like this, others, will invariably mimic them, thus, proliferating what is ordinarily an undesirable condition, such as having a mental disorder (or any disorder for that matter) or having aids. If such influences didn't exist these entranced people would not mimic and, therefore, be spared from whatever negative condition they choose to adopt, such as aids or self-castration. Its all so sinister and diabolical, which makes this person evil.
I don't see some of the "evils of social media" style threads here yet so I will post this here. This _____ has damn near 2 million followers and its getting pushed up and promoted on TikTok for his "living with HIV" like that bud light thing got famous for his "day __ of womanhood" series. This is being pushed onto kids on TikTok and they see the views, the followers, and the caring comments and they want that... they want nothing more than to be "TikTok famous" and this looks like one way to achieve that

"But he's a nice person and he's doing what makes him happy. He's following his heart. He's just being himself. Who are you to judge him? Are you God? Why do you hate gay people?" - NPCs