Clown World Thread

Maj-Gen Smedley Butler USMC would be rolling in his grave. He told us but we didn't listen and here we are again...:rolleyes::(

From his 1935 book 'War is a Racket':
"I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested."
Oh wow, talking about taking my comment out of context, mate. If she was the only crazy nutjob out there, if she was part of a minority then I'd agree. But I talk to a lot of young guys and stuff like this is widespread. Anyway, you're of course welcome to your opinion and free to make your own choices. I can only point the way and hopefully prevent some of my brothers to suffer the same fate so many young men in the West have fallen prey to.
I'm sorry to say guys but even the young Orthodox women in church (in America) seem to be a lost cause. I'm referring to those who are culturally Americans raised in the US. I'm sure it's better in other countries like Romania or Georgia or elsewhere, in general. And I do think those that are true or 'green' immigrants in the US are a much better shot, although in my experience alot more rare or just already taken here in the states.

In my case, in the Greek church, the young/attractive/fertile women who come to church come to show their face as a social thing. They do it because of their family. They come for special events and don't talk to anyone much. You can tell it's not a serious thing for them. I do not suspect it's any different in the Russian or other Orthodox branches in the US for the most part.

Case in point, we had a Greek festival this month, and the younger girls working as volunteers were dressed like absolute thots. I'm talking super tight wedgie yoga shorts that look like panties. Extremely seductive clothing. High school and college-aged girls. There were alot of other women there that weren't volunteering, just people whom I'm assuming were of the Christian diaspora in my state, that were also wearing yoga pants, and even their very young daughters were wearing yoga pants! Also many older women were dressed like hookers. Ugh...

I'm not saying it's just about yoga pants. I'm talking about a spirit of feminism. Of women let loose. Of wokeism. Of lack of tradition. Lack of purity. Sexual liberation/deviance. Instagram culture. Porn. This is a spiritual thing. The yoga pants is just a small piece of that (and yet there's much more than just this as far as physical apparel/appearance anyway). I don't care if it's 'normal' here. It's not a good thing. It's a reflection of a further fallen world. Social conformity is not an excuse for poor behavior.

My sisters and my mother dress this way. They are taking my 6 year old niece to see Taylor Swift. Feminism in action. Ridiculous. Make me sick. Keep in mind my sister is catholic and her daughter is catholic. She goes to a catholic school. But she is and sadly her daughter will be infected by the same spirit that causes women to join only fans. The showing out at church and enrolling in catholic school isn't going to stop it.

I just say this because I don't want you guys to think just because a girl is Orthodox that she will actually be a 'good' girl. The great satan of American culture, especially when they are churned through public schools and college (and used and abused by 'alpha males' and PUAs), has them totally brainwashed. Women are way more susceptible to woke propaganda that makes them act like porn stars.

I do agree that our best bet, AS RELATIVELY YOUNG, UNMARRIED SINGLE MEN WITHOUT KIDS, is to go abroad and resettle, or to move a girl here.

I know the latter is controversial, but I have seen it work more than a few times by people I know very well, so despite the obvious pitfalls (hypergamy, western culture influences, etc), which can be controlled for if you are smart about it (Make a decent living, stay involved in church, go rural, keep her pregnant, homeschool, etc) I still think it's better than rolling the dice with an American thot.

Can you meet a 'good' American girl who's Orthodox? Probably, I'm not saying there's absolutely no hope, but it's just not an easy task. I do understand it's possible. I think better chances are if she's a convert, like many of us are, but even then, no matter her political stance or anything that seems red pilled, there's just so much trash in our mainstream culture that they soak up even moreso as women. If she isn't a convert, then I feel she's just going through the motions if she was born in the US.

I guess one argument is that it's the men's fault. It's their fathers for not leading them right. Or we as men need to take the lead and restore patriarchy. I just really don't know.

If I do get blessed with a wife, sometimes I imagine a scenario where a girl relocates here to the US from her country, we get married (perhaps in her country), we have our first kid, and then we move back to her country when the child is a toddler. That way they can learn the language and be shielded from globohomo. This would obviously give me extra time to save money since I'm doing pretty well. Basically I'm talking about a hybrid situation of going back and forth between the US and a more desireable (Personally) country. All of this would be agreed upon from the beginning.

Another reason for doing this is because if I just WAIT WAIT WAIT too long I will only be getting older. I'm mid 30s. This is valuable time. Maybe I should get started earlier, as in now, while I'm here, rather than put it off and flee as a single man when I'm much older. I could also start learning the language of her country. We could visit there together. We could start planning our future.

But again, I really don't know. I pray that I'm able to discern God's will for me. I don't know what he has in store for me. Once I'm officially Orthodox after Chrismation, I'll be able to make some bigger moves toward creating my little Eden.

Thanks for reading my diary. Just trying to get the word count up on the new forum. ; )
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I'm sorry to say guys but even the young Orthodox women in church (in America) seem to be a lost cause. I'm referring to those who are culturally Americans raised in the US. I'm sure it's better in other countries like Romania or Georgia or elsewhere, in general. And I do think those that are true or 'green' immigrants in the US are a much better shot, although in my experience alot more rare or just already taken here in the states.

In my case, in the Greek church, the young/attractive/fertile women who come to church come to show their face as a social thing. They do it because of their family. They come for special events and don't talk to anyone much. You can tell it's not a serious thing for them. I do not suspect it's any different in the Russian or other Orthodox branches in the US for the most part.

Case in point, we had a Greek festival this month, and the younger girls working as volunteers were dressed like absolute thots. I'm talking super tight wedgie yoga shorts that look like panties. Extremely seductive clothing. High school and college-aged girls. There were alot of other women there that weren't volunteering, just people whom I'm assuming were of the Christian diaspora in my state, that were also wearing yoga pants, and even their very young daughters were wearing yoga pants! Even many older women were dressed like hookers. Ugh...

My sisters and my mother dress this way. They are taking my 6 year old niece to see Taylor Swift. Feminism in action. Ridiculous. Make me sick. Keep in mind my sister is catholic and her daughter is catholic. She goes to a catholic school. But she is and sadly her daughter will be infected by the same spirit that causes women to join only fans. The showing out at church and enrolling in catholic school isn't going to stop it.

I just say this because I don't want you guys to think just because a girl is Orthodox that she will actually be a 'good' girl. The great satan of American culture, especially when they are churned through public schools and college (and used and abused by 'alpha males' and PUAs), has them totally brainwashed. Women are way more susceptible to woke propaganda that makes them act like porn stars.

I do agree that our best bet, AS RELATIVELY YOUNG, UNMARRIED SINGLE MEN WITHOUT KIDS, is to go abroad and resettle, or to move a girl here.

I know the latter is controversial, but I have seen it work more than a few times by people I know very well, so despite the obvious pitfalls (hypergamy, western culture influences, etc), which can be controlled for if you are smart about it (Make a decent living, stay involved in church, go rural, keep her pregnant, homeschool, etc) I still think it's better than rolling the dice with an American thot.

Can you meet a 'good' American girl who's Orthodox? Probably, I'm not saying there's absolutely no hope, but it's just not an easy task. I do understand it's possible. I think better chances are if she's a convert, like many of us are, but even then, no matter her political stance or anything that seems red pilled, there's just so much trash in our mainstream culture that they soak up even moreso as women. If she isn't a convert, then I feel she's just going through the motions if she was born in the US.

I guess one argument is that it's the men's fault. It's their fathers for not leading them right. Or we as men need to take the lead and restore patriarchy. I just really don't know. I will probably import a girl here if I do stay here long term, but I'm keeping the option open to flee elsewhere.
As a married man to a western woman, I recommend not making snap judgments about what the average woman wears. In the context of the US, yoga pants are considered appropriate clothing for most day-to-day situations whether you like them or not. Not saying that you have to like them nor that they are objectively appropriate, but it is not always an indicator of a woman's heart in a primarily secular country where the cultural norm is yoga pants. A woman may genuinely think that what she wears is modest according to her culture, and simply does not know any better.
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This individual has absolutely no business whatsoever being anywhere close to the military. Also, if such people are actually drafted, we're doomed..
Based on what we all know about female group behavioral dynamics, there's one old practice that I'm sure would be very effective at enforcing discipline and ensuring female submission to authority...

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Something I definitely didn’t have on my bingo card a few years ago was Donald Trump Jr. Male Feminist. It’s time to stand against this insanity. Where are all the soccer moms? Why have they allowed themselves to be bullied into silence as we all know the don’t believe any of this?

Didn't radical Leftists and "strong empowered women" tell us (masculine men) to shut up and listen?