Clown World Thread

Look guys - we could post tweets from morons like that all day long here but it really doesn't change anything. This woman will find itself old, used up, and completely alone with a dozen cats. I mean who in their right mind is ever going to touch that bag of crazy? Her book has already written and it was written by Satan.

We all know that Western women are effectively broken - they are un-dateable and un-marriable. Over the course of decades out venerable leaders decided to put women in power, and look where we it got us! We are basically looking at a global systemic default here, so young men not able to find proper mates is a problem, yes of course, but a minor one in comparison to the massive turmoil that lies ahead.

Russia and the global South point the way in almost every respect - socially, economically, culturally. Don't waste your time with Western women, there are a ton of beautiful feminine beauties out there who want nothing more than a fit well educated and successful young man. I'm not talking about EE Instragram whores here, I'm talking about regular girls and women you'll find all over the place once you venture abroad.

So here's my advice to all you young bucks on this forum: Start learning languages! I recommend learning Russian first of all because that country, while far from perfect, is a place men are actually appreciated and valued. Don't take my word for it. Go there and talk to any woman outside of maybe Saint Petersburg or Moscow - meet people in 2nd rated cities and little towns. Then come back and prove me wrong.
A tweet about a brown woman stealing is not a shocker at all, I agree. You don't have to move to Russia and start stealing their Slav women because of it.
Oh wow, talking about taking my comment out of context, mate. If she was the only crazy nutjob out there, if she was part of a minority then I'd agree. But I talk to a lot of young guys and stuff like this is widespread. Anyway, you're of course welcome to your opinion and free to make your own choices. I can only point the way and hopefully prevent some of my brothers to suffer the same fate so many young men in the West have fallen prey to.
It's an exaggeration, I admit, but I'd suggest not taking extreme actions. You can find more traditional places in the West, like churches and that type of deal. I'd only give up if the odds are 1% of finding a decent woman in the West, and I don't think that is the case. I also don't advise immigrants to move just for women. Women in Portugal hate Brazilian men because they marry for citizenship. It causes a big mess like that in return.
In short, the West has not fallen (yet). Millions must try.
It's an exaggeration, I admit, but I'd suggest not taking extreme actions. You can find more traditional places in the West, like churches and that type of deal. I'd only give up if the odds are 1% of finding a decent woman in the West, and I don't think that is the case. I also don't advise immigrants to move just for women. Women in Portugal hate Brazilian men because they marry for citizenship. It causes a big mess like that in return.
In short, the West has not fallen (yet). Millions must try.

Okay I take your point and I'm not saying you are wrong. Many immigrants move for the wrong reasons and are not a net benefit to the country they have chosen (Thailand is a prime example of that). From my point I am actually looking at the situation from a much broader perspective. Just look at what's happening with the U.S. petro-Dollar, it's doomed, and the global shift toward a multi-polar order will greatly diminish the economic opportunities and massive wealth that have been taken for granted all across the West. Then look at Germany right now which is rapidly being desindustrialized while hordes of uneducated illegal leeches are sucking its social system dry. I could go on and on here but just to give you two very relevant examples, there are many. Poland just jumped the shark as well and its future now looks bleak.

Not to come across as black pilled but I've been monitoring this unfolding train wreck for over a decade now and my conclusion stands: The West is looking at some very hard times, and shitty women are only but one of the many symptoms of its eventual downfall. It's going to take decades to reverse all the damage, with a lot of tears and blood in between. I for one didn't sign up for that because I was against this Satanic agenda from the very beginning.

In conclusion, it's not just about finding hot nubile women, this is not a PUA forum. It's about *making a successful life* in a place you find culturally compatible. If for you that means the West, then I wish you all the best in the world and pray you will succeed, brother.
The West is heading towards collapse, it isn't a surprise. The question is when, or *will* you jump ship. Most rational South Africans jumped ship, most whites in Detroit jumped ship. We are in the process where only capitals are suffering this, but it's spreading quickly. I don't advise jumping ship out of countries that still have a chance, especially not over degenerate women. If you do want to jump ship, I suggest looking into what countries you truly like, and if you like their people. Integrate first, etc. Don't have women in mind at first thoughts about moving out.

It's definitely religious, but you can definitely see the non-religious influence. First it was oriental women who were shilled on places like /pol/, now it is Eastern Europe due to religiousness. Oriental women noticed the phenomenon, Eastern Euros will also do that.

My recommendation to most people is small cities or rural places in the West or whatever your country is, unless it's an unlivable country.
If you do want to jump ship, I suggest looking into what countries you truly like, and if you like their people. Integrate first, etc. Don't have women in mind at first thoughts about moving out.

We completely agree on that front, no argument that women should not be the prime motivation or objective for moving to a country.
It's an exaggeration, I admit, but I'd suggest not taking extreme actions. You can find more traditional places in the West, like churches and that type of deal. I'd only give up if the odds are 1% of finding a decent woman in the West, and I don't think that is the case. I also don't advise immigrants to move just for women. Women in Portugal hate Brazilian men because they marry for citizenship. It causes a big mess like that in return.
In short, the West has not fallen (yet). Millions must try.
millions already have tried and thats where the advice to learn russian comes from, its one of the most effective options based on those experiences. You want to stack the odds in your favour as much as possible, not only with creating a family but many other trends where the future is headed. Spanish is also a good language.
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