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Clown World Thread

Of course, the Russian and Ukranian are actually objectively beautiful. Likewise, of course, there's cat-fighting over it, because, well, they are Russian and Ukrainian.

Glad to see they at least beat the recent Miss Germany.

In not-so beauty contestant news, there's been quite a contest amongst the Kentucky State Prison guards:

At least 30 Kentucky prison guards had inappropriate relations with inmates in just 16 months — with one female staffer becoming pregnant by a prisoner — while another 14 smuggled in drugs, according to a report.

Of the 142 cases investigated, 62 were either fired or resigned.

Most people don't even know this type of thing is happening in the so-called democratic countries and if they do know, just brush it off and merrily go on their way hoping it doesn't happen to them. Meanwhile, they start to conform to all manner of conflicting double-speak absurdities to avoid a similar fate which rewires the brain for subservience which ultimately leads to the destruction of the entire society.

This is yet another example of what it's like to live in an inverted satanic world.
"Critics have said the author's position is transphobic, and her position on the issue has complicated her status as a previously beloved children's author."

Because only those who are all in on the Ts should be around children, apparently.

"Perpetrators of sexual or violent crimes, it said, would no longer be held in women's prisons if they had male genitalia."

The horror.
