Whites have more variance.
Men and women are the same average IQ, but women are more centered. Most geniuses are men and most idiots are men.
Similarly, Asians have greater IQ, but whites have more geniuses.
Do you really think it was genius Whites who created the modern world? Many of them were instrumental, but in reality, most of the advances of the White race came from average guys with 110-120 IQ. No different than you or me.
Most people have a skewed interpretation of history due to the geniuses of the 20th century. What about the other thousands of years of White history?
The White race wasn't created in 1850 fellas. A huge percentage of the major advances of the White race came from the creativity of ordinary men, who merely added bits and pieces of improvements to existing tech and ideas, over thousands of years. And many advances were total accidents, such as Penicillin.
Thought-experiment: If you took all the White geniuses of history, and placed them in a non-Christian culture, would it have the same results as, say, Europe before the French Revolution? I don't think so. Look at Islam, most of their great thinkers were in fact Christian White slaves. Did it result in a massive increase for Islam? It barely kept them on the map.
Likewise we see Asians today utilizing the tech created by Whites, but are they really advancing leaps and bounds beyond us? All it seems like is that they can refine what Whites have done, but very little in the way of true innovation is accomplished. Why is that?
Geniuses are nothing without their culture, and it was the spirit of the White man which made him Great. An absolute faith in God that He would provide that led ordinary men like Columbus to sail around the world, or the belief that Truth is the light of God which discovered that washing hands killed bacteria (
the German who discovered this was beaten to death as a reward). It's the simple things that created the modern world, far more than geniuses, of which none were possible without the spirit.