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Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

It’s a forum for anyone. Cynllo is one of the guys who helped migrate the forum over from rvf.

I’m not Chinese or European or young so I can’t speak for cynllo or his comments(there are a LOT, of investors in the USA that use normie exchanges and that’s fine, Also a lot of crypto users in Asia, South America or Mideast that have weak/unstable native currencies do they use crypto coins as a wallet or bank, also totally fine ).

But I would not put any money into qubic(not even $30 or $50). If I want to put money in a good ai coin? I’d find a dip on bittensor Tao and ride it until the end of the bull run. But it looks like it’s already mooned pretty hard so I may just sit it out.

Sure, I’d say that about any forum anywhere

Do your own due diligence before investing any real money in anything. It’s your money, after all.

Edit, we certainly don’t have to agree with other users about everything. Just keep it civil. I certainly don’t agree with much of deepdivers predictions, he was seeing Bitcoin dropping under $1000 per coin and then mooning to over $1m per coin in the coming months. I just don’t respond to it.

I also don’t agree with cynllo about everything, that’s fine too

E-Radical Dude - Please DO NOT SPREAD LIES about me and my work.

FACTS: I reported that Harry Dent was predicting a BTC crash still to the 2018/2019 BTC Crypto $3128 Feb 2018 LOWS - then - Harry Predicted a BTC Bull run to $740K to $1M BTC along with the likes of ES's Bukele lead BTC advisor Max Kaiser.

I believe in Mathematics and discovered the ancient work of Fibonacci years ago and the modern applications of his discoveries to Modern Markets and my charts indicate same.

Where in my above charts do the numbers $1,000 or $1 Million BTC show up anywhere?

Based upon my factual Fibonacci work I indicate $1Million dollar BTC is years away.

E-Rad I used to respect you and that respect is now eradicated by your own arrogance, hubris and baseless smears.

Since this is now a Christian friendly site I will refrain from a Harsh Nuke Boats rebuke of you personally -- I am disappointed in you.

For the benefit of Christian Brothers here who I aim to help and navigate online B.S. ...

Who was Fibonacci?

Fibonacci (/ ˌfɪbəˈnɑːtʃi /; also US: / ˌfiːb -/, Italian: [fiboˈnattʃi]; c. 1170 – c. 1240–50), also known as Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Bigollo Pisano ('Leonardo the Traveller from Pisa'), was an Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa, considered to be "the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages ".
Died: c. 1250 (aged 79–80), Pisa, Republic of Pisa
Occupation: Mathematician
Other names: Leonardo Fibonacci, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Pisano

E-Radical Dude - Please DO NOT SPREAD LIES about me and my work.

I’m talking about post 211 in this thread. You are predicting a correction for btc at $3000 to $11000 followed by bull run from 750000 to 1m. I don’t see a point in arguing with you but again just agree to disagree

If you don’t want to be called out for it don’t post like that.

Regardless hopefully by now all of you have made your buys and packed your bags, only thing left is to dca

FACTS: I reported that Harry Dent was predicting a BTC crash still to the 2018/2019 BTC Crypto $3128 Feb 2018 LOWS - then - Harry Predicted a BTC Bull run to $740K to $1M BTC along with the likes of ES's Bukele lead BTC advisor Max Kaiser.

I believe in Mathematics and discovered the ancient work of Fibonacci years ago and the modern applications of his discoveries to Modern Markets and my charts indicate same.

Where in my above charts do the numbers $1,000 or $1 Million BTC show up anywhere?

Based upon my factual Fibonacci work I indicate $1Million dollar BTC is years away.

E-Rad I used to respect you and that respect is now eradicated by your own arrogance, hubris and baseless smears.

Since this is now a Christian friendly site I will refrain from a Harsh Nuke Boats rebuke of you personally -- I am disappointed in you.

For the benefit of Christian Brothers here who I aim to help and navigate online B.S. ...

Who was Fibonacci?

Fibonacci (/ ˌfɪbəˈnɑːtʃi /; also US: / ˌfiːb -/, Italian: [fiboˈnattʃi]; c. 1170 – c. 1240–50), also known as Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Bigollo Pisano ('Leonardo the Traveller from Pisa'), was an Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa, considered to be "the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages ".
Died: c. 1250 (aged 79–80), Pisa, Republic of Pisa
Occupation: Mathematician
Other names: Leonardo Fibonacci, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Pisano

Tradeogre is terrible avoid at all costs. They ran out of kaspa some months ago. If you try to buy or sell kaspa on tradeogre you basically get a message saying the transaction won’t go through until they get more supply and you lose your money.

Edit Qubic has some of the worst tokenomics in crypto currency. Circulating supply is 74 trillion,(that’s trillion with a t) market cap is quite large for not being on any exchanges at 176m

As mentioned in earlier posts. There is a reason why it's been above $300m on only backwater exchanges. It is game-changing tech, lead by a giga-dev.

QUBIC has broke out.


The shill activity on it is breaking out too. @BraverCrypto has been pushing it. Seems to be his favourite. He has had a very good track record over the last 12 months.


Got word to expect multiple exchange listings at around 3 weeks.
Did you ever take a look at $TAO? It is having a retracement right now and I'm wondering if it could be a good entry.

I’d consider it if it dipped a bit lower. Bittensor Tao is a good project but it’s already mooned. I’d bite at like $350/coin

Yes. I only saw it when it was $1.6b cap. Not overly interested in it as a result, though some people are saying it can be a top 5 coin. It has decent staking -

And some people are saying that staking and interacting on the network could lead to airdrops from subsidiary projects.

I think ETH and ecosystem will have a pump, probably one of its L2s will get into the top ten, other than POLYGON. But ETH is losing favour. For a high ranked project to have a period in the top 10, I would still tip SUI. Not bought any yet.
for ETH, highly suggest that you monitor the ETHBTC Chart Long TF - if ETHBTC resume bullish market structure and overcome the red supply on my chart, it can easily pump up fast looking at the liquidity engineered (red curve) and gather momentum.

Losing both the demands then I'll give up on ETH.

I’m talking about post 211 in this thread. You are predicting a correction for btc at $3000 to $11000 followed by bull run from 750000 to 1m. I don’t see a point in arguing with you but again just agree to disagree

If you don’t want to be called out for it don’t post like that.

Regardless hopefully by now all of you have made your buys and packed your bags, only thing left is to dca
E-RAD the irony in your knee jerk attack is this is the exact range both corrective down and then impulsing up that I reported Harry Dent had in fact forecasted in the several interviews and Harry Dent rants on YT links I posted. These are in fact Harry Dents exact BTC forecasts and he is a fan of BTC however warning of the potential corrective range. Then after that he indicated even he would be backing up the truck.

Therefore, I decided to apply Fibonacci Fractals Analysis to BTC to see exactly where we are in this current range. After the final 5th wave in this run completes the highest probability Fibonacci retracement is at least .618 (Golden Ratio) often testing .786 of the entire current wave 1 to 5 move when it completes. (The 69,000 5th Top turn completed a full .786 retracement due to the magnitude of correction and BTC bag hodlers panic dumps). The intelligent trade is to move your BTC to stablecoins at the 5th wave high and buy back in at the next .618 retracement lows.

Why suffer a 60%+ hit to your BTC bags if you do not have to?

Today's BTC Chart UP 4990 so far this week... Pay attention to the Fractal 5th Top turns.

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E-Radical Dude - Please DO NOT SPREAD LIES about me and my work.

FACTS: I reported that Harry Dent was predicting a BTC crash still to the 2018/2019 BTC Crypto $3128 Feb 2018 LOWS - then - Harry Predicted a BTC Bull run to $740K to $1M BTC along with the likes of ES's Bukele lead BTC advisor Max Kaiser.

I believe in Mathematics and discovered the ancient work of Fibonacci years ago and the modern applications of his discoveries to Modern Markets and my charts indicate same.

Where in my above charts do the numbers $1,000 or $1 Million BTC show up anywhere?

Based upon my factual Fibonacci work I indicate $1Million dollar BTC is years away.

E-Rad I used to respect you and that respect is now eradicated by your own arrogance, hubris and baseless smears.

Since this is now a Christian friendly site I will refrain from a Harsh Nuke Boats rebuke of you personally -- I am disappointed in you.

For the benefit of Christian Brothers here who I aim to help and navigate online B.S. ...

Who was Fibonacci?

Fibonacci (/ ˌfɪbəˈnɑːtʃi /; also US: / ˌfiːb -/, Italian: [fiboˈnattʃi]; c. 1170 – c. 1240–50), also known as Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo of Pisa, or Leonardo Bigollo Pisano ('Leonardo the Traveller from Pisa'), was an Italian mathematician from the Republic of Pisa, considered to be "the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages ".
Died: c. 1250 (aged 79–80), Pisa, Republic of Pisa
Occupation: Mathematician
Other names: Leonardo Fibonacci, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Pisano

Personally I do not think Fibonacci or technical analysis of any kind is useful in markets/investing. I am yet to see hard data showing this stuff can be employed profitably in regards to analyzing investments.
Personally I do not think Fibonacci or technical analysis of any kind is useful in markets/investing. I am yet to see hard data showing this stuff can be employed profitably in regards to analyzing investments.

What's your background for saying this? I know some good signals too look for, esp. on a long time frame. I pretty much only buy-sell on a long time frame. I know two pro traders. One is a pro margin trader (BTC), which ~99% will loose everything doing. He scans charts looking to certain indicators. The main one is he has TradingView setup to show yellow candles. I can't remember what they mean, but it's a certain pivot with a high chance of break-down or -up. He knows he can trade X signal with X percent chance of it leading to profit, and is able to manage the emotion. Another guy just looks for break-out on volume and price. He buys and then sells them. Wins more than he looses.

enqAI is breaking out. Posted a few pages ago. Narrative is uncensored AI. A whale has been buying up huge chunks over the last weak. Devs are in contact with TAO. Moonbag potential.


Everyone know ALPH is the safest play right now.

In picking lower caps, looking for something out of place - something that you'd expect with a high-cap.

The best potential I can see there right now are Qubic and Root.

For Qubic, what's out of place is the lead dev, who founded NXT, which went to #19 and $1.86b in 2017 and IOTA, which went to #9 and $10b in 2017. They get about 500 likes per tweet, which is what you'd expect of a higher-tier project like SEI, SUI or KAS. In comparison, ALPH only gets about 25. Shill activity is getting towards critical mass.

For ROOT - it reminds me a lot of THETA, which hit #20 and $4.5b in 2021. Theta was a very corporate-cross-community project that wanted to be a backbone for "web 3" streaming and video. Root is the same, with similar large corporate associations, and corporate team, wanting to do the same as THETA, but with metaverse, web 3 assets.

What they have produced is all very rounded. Must have cost them a lot just to produce all their docs, site and other media.

Staking is about 20%, locked for 28 days. But the process was a bit strange and not well documented. They say that participants will get a share of fees made creating assets on the network.

The premise is that its tools will be used to create the open metaverse - image, video generation, AI, NFT art. The selling point is that normies and non-blockchain programmers will be able to use thes tools to create content, assets etc. across multiple L1s, without having to have any programming knowledge. The idea is they become the gold standard for designing web 3/metaverse assets and that projects in such spaces will need to accept them. So you would be able to port these assets into multiple projects - an open standard. As an example, you want to create an avatar, you give it AI prompts, create some open skin or whatever, then import it into a game or something else.

It is it's own L1, but it's not selling itself as that. They have that to do things cheaply on. Then you can port created assets onto other chains.

There are a few others things, but that is the meat, main premise.

So, this has pretty much everything that THETA had/has, but at $60-70m cap.
A lot of people are in BASE (Coinbase's chain)'s meme coin TOSHI. It's about $50m cap now. And a lot of people are saying it will 20X. It's named after the Coinbase founder's cat. So people say it will get on Coinbase.

Coinbase have essentially confirmed they will list this, so I got in on the dip.

What's your background for saying this? I know some good signals too look for, esp. on a long time frame. I pretty much only buy-sell on a long time frame. I know two pro traders. One is a pro margin trader (BTC), which ~99% will loose everything doing. He scans charts looking to certain indicators. The main one is he has TradingView setup to show yellow candles. I can't remember what they mean, but it's a certain pivot with a high chance of break-down or -up. He knows he can trade X signal with X percent chance of it leading to profit, and is able to manage the emotion. Another guy just looks for break-out on volume and price. He buys and then sells them. Wins more than he looses.

enqAI is breaking out. Posted a few pages ago. Narrative is uncensored AI. A whale has been buying up huge chunks over the last weak. Devs are in contact with TAO. Moonbag potential.


Everyone know ALPH is the safest play right now.

In picking lower caps, looking for something out of place - something that you'd expect with a high-cap.

The best potential I can see there right now are Qubic and Root.

For Qubic, what's out of place is the lead dev, who founded NXT, which went to #19 and $1.86b in 2017 and IOTA, which went to #9 and $10b in 2017. They get about 500 likes per tweet, which is what you'd expect of a higher-tier project like SEI, SUI or KAS. In comparison, ALPH only gets about 25. Shill activity is getting towards critical mass.

For ROOT - it reminds me a lot of THETA, which hit #20 and $4.5b in 2021. Theta was a very corporate-cross-community project that wanted to be a backbone for "web 3" streaming and video. Root is the same, with similar large corporate associations, and corporate team, wanting to do the same as THETA, but with metaverse, web 3 assets.

What they have produced is all very rounded. Must have cost them a lot just to produce all their docs, site and other media.

Staking is about 20%, locked for 28 days. But the process was a bit strange and not well documented. They say that participants will get a share of fees made creating assets on the network.

The premise is that its tools will be used to create the open metaverse - image, video generation, AI, NFT art. The selling point is that normies and non-blockchain programmers will be able to use thes tools to create content, assets etc. across multiple L1s, without having to have any programming knowledge. The idea is they become the gold standard for designing web 3/metaverse assets and that projects in such spaces will need to accept them. So you would be able to port these assets into multiple projects - an open standard. As an example, you want to create an avatar, you give it AI prompts, create some open skin or whatever, then import it into a game or something else.

It is it's own L1, but it's not selling itself as that. They have that to do things cheaply on. Then you can port created assets onto other chains.

There are a few others things, but that is the meat, main premise.

So, this has pretty much everything that THETA had/has, but at $60-70m cap.
My background for saying it is that there is no logical reasoning behind technical analysis working, you may as well use astrology or read tea leaves or flip a coin. Furthermore there is no academic research proving the efficacy of technical analysis as there is with value investing. And more importantly where are the billionaires using only technical analysis to make trades? There are no technical analyst equivalents of Warren Buffet or Carl Icahn.

To the extent that traders using technical analysis are profitable I think in most cases it comes down to money management and risk management and psychology (discipline to follow rules and control emotions) more than the technical analysis.

I think if those same people flipped a coin to pick investments to buy and adhered to the same trading discipline and money management (position sizing, cut your losers i.e. stop losses and let your winners run) they would probably make a similar return.
You mean like Michael Burry?(who predicted the big short)

I just realized today. A lot of people were predicting at least one more big drop for btc before it does its major run up to the halving on into next year.

When it dropped to 38500 a month ago that May end up being the major correction/drop. We can absolutely get more dips/corrections just don’t wait or expect them to be as low

Edit I’m not so sure alph is the safest play right now for small cap utility coins. I mean there’s others .

Or you mean you mean layer 1 blockchains?
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Edit I’m not so sure alph is the safest play right now for small cap utility coins. I mean there’s others .

Or you mean you mean layer 1 blockchains?

Yes. It seems the most likely to 10X, and not go lower.

Layer 1s are the most safe. Secondary and tertiary projects ATHs tend to be more fleeting and may happen months either side of Bitcoin's ATH.

This just under $50k level for BTC seems to be a crucial juncture.
Been looking at Bitcoin "L2s":

There is one that has been shilled a lot over the last week - MicroVision Chain ($SPACE).

Site: https://www.microvisionchain.com/
Twitter: https://nitter.net/mvcglobal

Traffic: 20k (Dec 23)
Twitter: 26k
Likes per tweet: 200

Price: $24.50
Cap: $58m
Supply: 21m (I think mapped to BTC), CMC says 11% circulating; 35% of the supply goes to miners, the rest will be distributed to developer, decided on by a DAO
Volume: stable at around $1.25m, pump was on relatively low volume in compraison ($2.5m)
Price action: Began trading at $11.60 (CMC), two pops up to $15 and then $30

Description: MVC/Space is a Bitcoin sidechain that is tested at 10k TPS, but says it can do millions of TPS or scale indfinetly. It is an UTXO L1 that will map to Bitcoin. You make transactions in SPACE and they mirror it to BTC. It has smart contracts. It will allow BTC micropayments. It is POW. Transactions are said to be instant.

Fair launch – no premine, Vcs or early OTC offerings.

Has two operational DEXs - https://www.orders.exchange/ & https://mvcswap.com/. Has a bridge to ETH, OP + ARB. It has a browser extinction, desktop and web based wallet. The extension is available by the Chrome store. It has a native stablecoin. Some sort of NFT project and a social network. Apparently it is integrated with RvF.

Has a team of 30 devs, including a Bitcoin dev. I can’t immedietly see any details. Seems they are centred in China.

Site, graphics and materials are good. No Minecraft.

Braver Crypto says MVC will be the winner of BTC scaling.

My take: The Bitcoin “L2” space is super hot, as seen with Stacks. That performed very well without many people knowing about it. The DEX was 12.5% of the cap, which I think gives an idea of the fervour for development “on” BTC. I’ve not kept up with Stacks. But last time I used it, it was super slow. Congested for days. And Txs took 30 minutes. Stacks is meant to be getting an upgrade, but I don’t know more about it. This looks like a better offering at current and has so many signals of a higher cap coin at a lower cap.

Want to look into this more, as I've been getting FUD on it. But it looks a good prospect for those looking to ride a low-cap L1/2.

But got word on one the claims to be a real L2 on Bitcoin. This is very fresh, so may be a very low entry.


Where's the best place to buy QUBIC? I'm having a hard time finding an exchange that looks reputable.

Did you navigate the exchange FUD?

Screenshot from 2024-02-12 01-15-14.png

Hopefully it dumps back down through the blue line for more entries.
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Did you navigate the exchange FUD?

Screenshot from 2024-02-12 01-15-14.png

Hopefully it dumps back down through the blue line for more entries.
I've put three orders into sevenseas and by the time I check to see if it's finally gone through the price has skyrocketed again.

Still trying.
What sort of allocation %'s do you all have?

I'm roughly:
1. 84% real estate
2. 7% retirement accounts
3. 5% bitcoin
4. 2% cash
5. 2% stocks - taxable
6. 0% other

Basically despite all the talk about bitcoin and crypto, leveraged real estate is the thing that has done well for me. It also takes a bunch of effort to upkeep an actual house properly, but then you benefit from inflation.