Its finite because there is a maximum amount of bitcoin that can ever be mined, when that number is reached thats it, a government lol cant make more because its not owned by the government or the banks so they have no means of doing that nobody does and even "if" someone did make more everyone would be able to see that its been crooked, its not just numbers on a screen its blockchain technology, there is a public ledger that shows where every single bitcoin is and who owns it there is transparency in Bitcoin and each individual controls their own bitcoin, its not like the banks where there are bank managers and governments who can freeze your accounts, for example this Satoshi character who apparently started it, he hasnt touched, commented or moved his bitcoin for many years, some people suspect he might be dead because of the innactivity, If I remember correctly his account has 1400 Bitcoins, so times that by $97,000 he has over $100 million dollars worth of Bitcoin.
Compare that to fiat currency, banks and governments are always cheating and printing money out of thin air and its just a piece of paper thats no longer backed by gold like in the past. Why bitcoin is like gold is because gold is also very rare and only small amounts can be mined at a time, I think the world has about x2 olympic sized swimming pools above ground of physical gold, they is probably quite a lot at the bottom of the oceans thats been lost due to ship wrecks, but people are still mining gold all the time its not easy, costs a lot of time and money to do it.
Satoshi has about 1 million bitcoin, worth $100 billion today.