You say that Bitcoin is money, but the VAST majority of people buying and HODLing it do not view it as money. They view it as a speculative asset that will substantially appreciate in price and make them wealthy in the future, which is the entire reason they're buying it in the first place. Further, Bitcoin is a laughably inefficient currency and cannot even begin to reasonably function as a globally scalable monetary solution without substantial L2 modifications, the criticisms of which Cynllo has already laid out in detail.
@Cynllo has probably never used LN, or Bitcoin, as much as I have. I would guess that I use Bitcoin more than anyone else here.
Don’t be so sure that it can’t work, when you have never even used it.
compared to what, exactly? IIRC a recent BTC transaction of $30M was made for $0.80. Even if it costs 1000x that in the future,
nothing else comes close.
Yes it will need L2, and L3 to scale. Just like every other base money needed layers in order to scale!
This does not make a lick of sense. It's like saying that baseball bats are going to replace spoons. Bitcoin has nothing to do with stocks and bonds, these are assets with completely different functions in the financial system.
Stocks, real estate, and bonds are priced higher than they should be, because they have taken on
monetary premium. There is no reason to buy a stock with a 50 PE, or even no PE, or a 5% dividend,
unless the money is so broken you are forced to. If money held its value, these assets would be priced much lower - they would still exist. Depending on the industry, a 10% or even 20% dividend would be appropriate compensation for the risk being taken. These things are money substitutes now. The price is higher because some of that price is monetary premium. The Dollar has 100% monetary premium. Its only function is as money - but that has value. That extra value will flow to Bitcoin.
It has for 15 years.
Chinese are buying unfurnished apartments in uninhabited cities, because real estate there has a very large monetary premium, since their money is even worse than ours, and their stock market is much riskier with low returns. The only place for people to save is real estate.
Stocks will not go to 0, because they have value besides being money. Fiat currencies
will go to 0, because all of their value is monetary premium.
Given that electric grids will come under increasing strain in the near-future due to a number of factors (the increasing adoption of EVs, extensive corporate and government investment in AI computing power, the replacement of reliable base load nuclear and natural gas power generation with unreliable solar and wind, just to name a few) it seems likely that Bitcoin's massive electricity demands will soon come under heavy political/regulatory scrutiny. You can cry all you want about the injustice of this, but the reality is that BTC mining is absolutely and inarguably a waste when compared to other things we use electricity for to enable modern civilization (i.e. air conditioning, refrigeration, lighting, etc...)
Exactly why Bitcoin fixes the coming crisis. Grids are being poisoned with unreliable generation. With more wind and solar, more base load is required, unless you add more peaker plants. There needs to be a dynamic demand to absorb excess generation. Otherwise, electricity is simply shunted into heatsinks and dissipated into water or atmosphere as waste heat. Up to 50% of power generation is simply wasted during off peak times, and this number can be higher with more wind and solar in the mix. If it isn’t used, frequency goes up until stations start tripping offline and the entire grid starts to go.
Bitcoin mining is the only industrial use of electricity that can go from 0% to 100%, and back to 0% almost immediately. It is the perfect industry for grid balancing.
A lot of younger people probably think that they get crypto in a way that older people don't, but the reality is that they simply don't really understand the financial system nearly as well as they think they do. They don't understand the difference between price and value. They don't understand the difference between an asset and a speculative trading vehicle. Hell, chance vought apparently doesn't even understand the difference between stocks and Bitcoin! There is also a large subset of younger guys who mistakenly view crypto as the only realistic opportunity they have for getting ahead financially, which is very unfortunate, and which will result in most of them losing money.
I understand Bitcoin is not a stock, just like dollars are not stocks. Money is an A/B test. If money B is better than A, money A will lose its monetary premium to B.
The USD is more accepted in Argentina than their peso, because it is obviously better. People may not understand what’s happening, but it happens anyway.