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Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

The planes were not flown by alleged hijackers, they were remotely controlled. One of the kingpins of the operation, dual citizen Dov Zakheim, was involved in a company that designed remote control flight systems.

The three towers (including building 7) were rigged weeks ahead of the event, and were brought down in controlled demolitions.

This is the most accurate rundown of the false flag event, arguably the most important event this century, perhaps the most important video posted in all of youtube today:

What about all the people who were on the planes that called on cell phones?
Muslim bad, irrational, just out there to kill random people. I think nobody died in Moscow, it's the same propaganda, Muslims are after you.

Takes like this are just bizarre. By all means question who really orchestrated it and so on, but to say nobody died or no attack really happened is weird. You could go somewhere like Tandem and find someone from Moscow who would know of somebody who died in the attack relatively quickly. I hired a tutor on iTalki who postponed several lessons due to her grief over a friend who was killed.

I’m not expecting you to just believe some guy on the internet, but there are some real steps you could take to gather real personal testimony from people who have no reason to lie to you, if you were truly this skeptical about it.
What about all the people who were on the planes that called on cell phones?

A retired flight attendant whose name escapes me asserted that at least some of the calls were made while the plane was parked in a military base. Back then cellphones didn't connect well from cruising altitudes.
A retired flight attendant whose name escapes me asserted that at least some of the calls were made while the plane was parked in a military base. Back then cellphones didn't connect well from cruising altitudes.
Back then people used the phones installed in every seat.

I will have to go back and find her version of the story, it's been well over a decade since I heard it.

One thing is pretty sure, the alleged hijackers couldn't have flown the flight path of these jets, according to experienced pilots, One of the alleged pilots, Hanjour, couldn't even fly a Cessna.

Sam Shamoun has said that he had got information that the assailant's blade had folded back and that he had lost 3 fingers. I'm a little wary of Sam Shamoun, so I'd want solid info from a reliable source to confirm it. Neat maneuver from Mari Mari's guardian angel, perhaps, if true.

"Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel's life was likely saved from death because his alleged attacker's flick-knife failed to open properly during the stabbing - and the suspect cut his own finger off in the botched attack.
He appeared to strike the bishop a series of blows to the head and neck, repeatedly swinging down in a stabbing motion.
In the video clip, the alleged attacker pauses briefly to look at his hand before resuming the attack - but was unable to properly open the flick knife.
It's since been confirmed the attacker cut his own finger off with the knife during the attack."
Insane how much some people here defend the muslims. You are blind. Sometimes the truth IS infront of you. I live in a country with 30% of muslims and I tell you, would I say at night on the street to a group of muslims the same things Mar Mari said about Mohammed, one out of two times I would land in a hospital. Its just reality. The enemy is already within. No need to blame Blumenthal in Tel Aviv for everything.
Fair point.
"Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel's life was likely saved from death because his alleged attacker's flick-knife failed to open properly during the stabbing - and the suspect cut his own finger off in the botched attack.
He appeared to strike the bishop a series of blows to the head and neck, repeatedly swinging down in a stabbing motion.
In the video clip, the alleged attacker pauses briefly to look at his hand before resuming the attack - but was unable to properly open the flick knife.
It's since been confirmed the attacker cut his own finger off with the knife during the attack."

Perhaps this act of God is to prevent him from dying while in Schism and that Mar Mari will reject his heretical teachings and return to Orthodoxy.
Insane how much some people here defend the muslims. You are blind. Sometimes the truth IS infront of you. I live in a country with 30% of muslims and I tell you, would I say at night on the street to a group of muslims the same things Mar Mari said about Mohammed, one out of two times I would land in a hospital. Its just reality. The enemy is already within. No need to blame Blumenthal in Tel Aviv for everything.

None of those Muzzies would be there without Blumenthal in Tel Aviv, so by focusing on the symptom instead of the disease you doom yourself and others.
"Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel's life was likely saved from death because his alleged attacker's flick-knife failed to open properly during the stabbing - and the suspect cut his own finger off in the botched attack.
He appeared to strike the bishop a series of blows to the head and neck, repeatedly swinging down in a stabbing motion.
In the video clip, the alleged attacker pauses briefly to look at his hand before resuming the attack - but was unable to properly open the flick knife.
It's since been confirmed the attacker cut his own finger off with the knife during the attack."

No one dies before it is their time. All our deaths are predetermined by God, and no one is allowed to die before that time. The exception is free will, but God knows how we will use our free will, so He even knows when someone will be murdered or not. Clearly, it was not the Bishop's time and a miracle was enacted to ensure it.
I was thinking about this very thing after one of the earlier posts. I understand those guys who shot up the city hall in Russia were offered about $11K to do the deed.

Are they innocent then? Does all the guilt lie upon those who set this up, and the men who took the offer for $11K are innocent of killing 140 people? Just human pawns with no agency of their own?

Likewise, whether Mossad or some other agency ultimately made 9/11 happen, surely Mohammad Atta and the other hijackers were on those planes and flew them into the buildings.

Are they innocent as well? If they did what others told them to do, do they bear none of the responsibility for those deaths?

My answer is that muslims definitely killed those people in Russia, and muslims definitely hijacked planes for 9/11, and flew them into things.

Note: I know that people question the plane hitting the pentagon, but my understanding is that a plane was hijacked, and something happened to it. People were on cell phones talking to their loved ones before the plane disappeared, and I understand they could see that they were above DC. I would say muslims did that.
They obviously found people who were willing to do the deed but didnt have the means to do it but had the desire, notice that theu didnt hire devout Christians to do it because no matter how much money you paid them they wouldnt do it, so yes they are equally as guilty, like ISIS and those guys, just because someone gave you the guns and the funds to start up doesnt mean you get a free pass, they just hired people who already had the will and desire but not the means
No one dies before it is their time. All our deaths are predetermined by God, and no one is allowed to die before that time. The exception is free will, but God knows how we will use our free will, so He even knows when someone will be murdered or not. Clearly, it was not the Bishop's time and a miracle was enacted to ensure it.
One thing Iv noticed about Mari-Mari is the protestants watch him and they like him so he might be a gateway for them to come to Orthodoxy because he already kind of has the look and style, I see some of my protestant family members and friends share his stuff sometimes
Would it not be sacrilegious to bring armed guards into a church, or to stain it with the blood of an attacker? Genuine question.
When I attended a big mega protestant church here in South Africa they eventually set up big security, they took up large offerings and they became a target for heights, a few times thugs came into the church after the offering and robbed the church and stole the money, once an usher was even killed, so when church starts they look the gates outside so nobody even late comers werent allowed to enter the parking lot, there were security guards outside, then inside the church they physically locked all the doors during the offering and nobody is allowed in or out and there were private security guards with mics in their ears at every door and also hidden security people inside the services keeping an eye on suspecious people during the services as we even had people who came into the church to steal peoples handbags when their eyes were closed while they were singing, we have a lot of crime here so we used to that kind of stuff, I was once in a church service when I was a kid and guys came there to steal cars and my uncle is an advanced driver and there was a marks men shooter who was armed at church so they took chase and folled the thieves and shot the tyres of the moving car and managed to get the car back. One time at another church guys came in there with guns and highjacked about 6 cars and had people laying on the floor with guns on their heads, my dads car was taken but we drove around the area and eventually recovered the car ourselves, we do our own police work here
When I attended a big mega protestant church here in South Africa they eventually set up big security, they took up large offerings and they became a target for heights, a few times thugs came into the church after the offering and robbed the church and stole the money, once an usher was even killed, so when church starts they look the gates outside so nobody even late comers werent allowed to enter the parking lot, there were security guards outside, then inside the church they physically locked all the doors during the offering and nobody is allowed in or out and there were private security guards with mics in their ears at every door and also hidden security people inside the services keeping an eye on suspecious people during the services as we even had people who came into the church to steal peoples handbags when their eyes were closed while they were singing, we have a lot of crime here so we used to that kind of stuff, I was once in a church service when I was a kid and guys came there to steal cars and my uncle is an advanced driver and there was a marks men shooter who was armed at church so they took chase and folled the thieves and shot the tyres of the moving car and managed to get the car back. One time at another church guys came in there with guns and highjacked about 6 cars and had people laying on the floor with guns on their heads, my dads car was taken but we drove around the area and eventually recovered the car ourselves, we do our own police work here
Well, South Africa is a shithole. Its sad that we need now South Africa style security to protect Christians.
Well, South Africa is a shithole. Its sad that we need now South Africa style security to protect Christians.
At the Orthodox church I go to there is zero security though, but in general we South Africans are quite cautious its our way of life, a very low trust society, but regarding mari mari I dont think you need heavy security just a few plain clothed security guys mixed inside the congregation keeping an eye on dodgy people and suspecious body language I dont think you have to go to our security measures Australia is still very safe, the individuals must just be cautious