I believe David Ehran did a video about this, yes. He refuses to call Mary the Theotokos.Isn't he a nestorian?
In July 2013, while on a visit to Australia, Mar Addai II bestowed the patriarchal confirmation upon Mari Emmanuel. At the time, though, he ordered him to make changes in regard to a range of different areas such as the liturgical, theological and social conduct of the bishop. The patriarch's deadline expired, and Addai II suspended Mari Emmanuel in July 2014, on the grounds of disobeying canons promulgated by the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325.[2] The suspension was briefly withdrawn in December 2014 when the bishop declared his acceptance of the patriarchal decrees, but renewed when he expressed his disagreement a second time.
In January 2015, Mari Emmanuel established an independent church in Wakeley which is currently known as Christ The Good Shepherd Church.[5] The Holy Synod of the church discussed his case at a meeting in 2015, and in 2016 he was received in communion again by metropolitan Toma Gewargis, who also paid a visit to the church later that year. [6]
As of March 2023, Mar Mari Emmanuel was not listed among the clergy of the Assyrian Church's Archdiocese of Australia, New Zealand, and Lebanon.[7]
So they basically teach that Jesus is a human possessed by Christ.A brief definition of Nestorian Christology can be given as: "Jesus Christ, who is not identical with the Son but personally united with the Son, who lives in him, is one hypostasis and one nature: human."
Nestorianism was condemned as heretical at the Council of Chalcedon.
Evangelicals and neocons would sure looove thisNestorius also advanced the image of Jesus as a rescuer of Israel.
Yes, it was interesting, but they talk around a lot of topics and don't really deal with the material aspect of things that PBD seems to be obsessed with. It's a mysterious thing to contemplate why we have proclivities to be successful, part of a nation, and half some pride and self esteem. It's also a mystery why other groups who seemingly promote evil have greater numbers or cohesiveness. There are too many paradoxes in all of these things, I think, than for us to understand. If you understand what we do, which is that we lose until we win ultimately, you'll see that our life is a bit more of a temporal "luck" of when we are born and ... damage control. It's funny to put it that way, but it's about all we can say.Good Messenger. Worth a watch.
An interesting person, no doubt. Seems sincere. His views on covid and globalism are correct, of course.
As for Nestorianism, it is a well-known heresy, dating back to ancient times. There are volumes of books and treatises about it, from the Holy Fathers and saints to historians, from antiquity to the present day. You can find its description and condemnation in the "Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith" written by Saint John Damascene in the 8th century, in the "Dogmatics of the Orthodox Church" by Saint Justin Popovich in the 20th century, and everywhere in between. There is really nothing new there.
So they basically teach that Jesus is a human possessed by Christ.
Evangelicals and neocons would sure looove this![]()
Yes, it was interesting, but they talk around a lot of topics and don't really deal with the material aspect of things that PBD seems to be obsessed with. It's a mysterious thing to contemplate why we have proclivities to be successful, part of a nation, and half some pride and self esteem. It's also a mystery why other groups who seemingly promote evil have greater numbers or cohesiveness. There are too many paradoxes in all of these things, I think, than for us to understand. If you understand what we do, which is that we lose until we win ultimately, you'll see that our life is a bit more of a temporal "luck" of when we are born and ... damage control. It's funny to put it that way, but it's about all we can say.
This opens up another rabbit hole (We won't ever know, but it's fun asking) ... Why do some of us have the gift of faith, and some don't? Why do so few Americans actually care about going to church to worship rather than get self help or "to make it relevant to my modern life" confirming it's all about them when they say it? Why does the "church" care about people's feelings rather than preach the gospel and take on tough issues like feminism and cultural lies? Why do we prefer to be closer to watered down with more people, rather than have dedicated, smaller numbers?The guy literally takes 2 twins, one was an alcoholic, one was super successful.
The alcoholic said "my dad was an alcoholic...so I am too" the other twin said "I'll never be like my alcoholic dad"
So it's also internal attitude.
I'm sure you could find answers for a lot of these things in the writings of Saints or something, but a lot of things are definitely not discernible with the human brain alone, even if you have the explanation in writing from a Saint. Especially today, because Mr. Schlomo has installed a lot of very large obstacles into everyone's minds.This opens up another rabbit hole (We won't ever know, but it's fun asking) ... Why do some of us have the gift of faith, and some don't? Why do so few Americans actually care about going to church to worship rather than get self help or "to make it relevant to my modern life" confirming it's all about them when they say it? Why does the "church" care about people's feelings rather than preach the gospel and take on tough issues like feminism and cultural lies? Why do we prefer to be closer to watered down with more people, rather than have dedicated, smaller numbers?
Why does PBD care about Assyria, something that is on a "long drought" as he said in the video? Why are well meaning men robbed of a chance of a family due to the unrestrained hypergamy of women in their country?
I have no problems with God, never blame him, or have insecurities on these issues - that's why my conclusion is that we really have no clue about what's really going on (apart from the fact that Christ can be the only focus or real thing, regardless of our sins and flaws), and our attempts at explaining them, even us Christians, are often absurd. We have a lot of convenience and materialism in the world, but it seems like overall a rather absurd existence when we try to explain why things do or don't happen.
It's possible, but it has far more to do with context and language. Idioms, culture and the view of "The Gods" of ancient people are all things that a common person has very little understanding of, and almost none if he hasn't done quite a bit of work himself.I've noticed that a lot of the things you will read in the bible or in other holy writings are downright impossible to understand/accept without first reaching a certain level of spiritual development, even if they are perfectly logical and perhaps would have been obvious to someone a couple hundred years ago. There is a certain fog that comes with sin. It impairs the mind and the eyes.
Isn't he a nestorian?
I did some digging here. Mostly reading comments on Ehran's video coming out against Mari. There were many defending Mari in the comments and claiming Ehran's video was inaccurate.
I'm not claiming to be an expert or fully understand this whole thing, but apparently Mari is NOT a 'nestorian'. As to why, I don't know the full answer, but I'll try to explain.
With regards to accusations against Mari, I believe this is a tricky semantic thing. I believe this is just different language and wording to describe the same thing and people are arguing over nothing.
Mari states that Mary is the Mother of Jesus, the Word made flesh, but NOT the mother of the Father as if she created/gave birth to God the Father. Different persons, same essence. God the Father precedes Mary of course. Is that wrong? This is all very complicated word games.
He says he NOT a nestorian. The Assyrian Church of the East was founded 400 years before Nestorias and they already had the theology they have now which isn't nestorianism. Seems like some word-concept fallacy and false equivalence is going on here.
They do however apparently believe that Nestorias was mistreated/misunderstood, but they do not completely accept his theology. Perhaps it's related to the same accusations against Mari that appear to be conflated. That doesn't mean Nestorias wasn't wrong in his conclusions.
Nestorianism seems more like some kind of Hindu take, which claims Jesus was simply a 'God-inspired man' rather than a 'God-made man'. It's different from what Mari is saying. Again, I don't fully understand it, but from my digging, I don't see any issue and I don't think Erhan's video was very charitable and seems to mislabel Mari.
I've listened to many of Mari's sermons on the Trinity and I don't see anything heretical. Happy to have my mind changed but I have a hard time believing this man isn't Graced by the Holy Spirit or is preaching heresy.
I think this is a misunderstanding. We need someone to come on and challenge Erhan on this to clear it up. Sam Shamoun also has lectures breaking down this Mari/Nestorian debacle, so he would be a good person to meet heads with Erhan on this.
Edit: Here's a 4 hour rebuttal to David if anyone wants to go down this rabbit hole and report back lol
Ultimately it comes down to :
Is the particular version of his Christianity in communion with the rest of Orthodoxy?
If not... Then appreciate what he says for good commentary, but defer to your jurisdiction regarding theology and dogma.
That's the best way to navigate these sorts of things.