Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

Strange event, I don't get the "muslim" attack, why would a muslim do this?

If a muslim would attack anyone, it should be one of the liberal death preachers in the government.
Not a bishop that is attacking all the perversities of the state.

I have seen one video on Twitter which shows one of the bystanders (with bloodstains on his clothes) claiming the attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" before the attack.

My own personal take is that I would not find it at all strange for a Muslim to have done this. It may be easy in the West to forget about their teachings on other religions and holy war. But they have never stopped persecuting and killing Christians in the Middle East. It would not surprise me that Mar may have said something offensive (from their perspective) about Islam in the past.
I have seen one video on Twitter which shows one of the bystanders (with bloodstains on his clothes) claiming the attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" before the attack.

My own personal take is that I would not find it at all strange for a Muslim to have done this. It may be easy in the West to forget about their teachings on other religions and holy war. But they have never stopped persecuting and killing Christians in the Middle East. It would not surprise me that Mar may have said something offensive (from their perspective) about Islam in the past.
If he shouted "Allahu Akbar" it becomes even more unlikely to me it's anything auhtentic.

Christians are and were not persecuted by muslims, but by political leaders. Like in the reformation, it wasn't protestants that killed Catholics, but elites waving a protestant flag being irritated by Catholics that didn't accept their authority. Ofcourse masses are easily playable.

Many wars we deem religious are post modern propaganda in my opinion.

Let's see how it plays out, but it seems a low key 9/11 play to me, stirring up some Christian hate to muslims and the other way around. Next we will find a bloody passport and have some group claim the attack. Divide the masses chapter #3940

Let's see.
How to beat addiction.

Some people have addictions. I think most others have parts of their life that just aren't ideal, or predispose to mistakes, which are likely sinful as well. This forum is mostly about finding an outlet for lust to be in the proper setting (marriage). The problem is that either most of us won't accept subpar women or fatties, or there is a combination of our egos and that reality that few women bring a lot to the table. That's why "replacing" these things is so hard. You really have to detach from the world to get into a monk mode, or be really old. What's more, if you've had kids, you can be more easily satisfied also if you are older that you don't need to pursue women in that way, either. Just sayin' where all of this is lacking - mainly that I don't think wanting to have sex is an addiction, and it's by far the most talked about "issue" on this site.
This is a very dangerous message to deliver, especially by a clergyman who is becoming increasingly popular:

That, and his anti-vax stance made Bishop Mar Mari a big target for a "manchurian candidate"-type attack. See the hits on John Lennon or RFK.
This may be a topic for a separate thread, but I’m interested in where does one draw the line between heresy and disagreement with church rules or dogma? As a Catholic or other Christians on this forum are we considered heretics to the Orthodox?

Nestorianism denies the reality of the reincarnation so we can label it as heretical, but the word is thrown around so much it’s hard to know what exactly is heresy vs. strong disagreement.
Heretics by definition are those who know the truth and deny it by their own choice and volition, not people of sincere faith who happen to be born into this or that religion or denomination and simply don't know any better.

We Orthodox do not call such people heretics, we only call the faith they profess heretical. Calling all Catholics, Protestants or Oriental Orthodox "heretics" is a sign of fanaticism and zealotry (and bigotry) and is often practiced by same those who were often the "heretics" by their own definition until yesterday. That is not the proper Orthodox view.
Christians are and were not persecuted by muslims
Muh the religion of peace. Perhaps not in the US of A.

Fr. Daniel Sysoev was martyred due to the successful conversion of many Muslims to (Orthodox) Christianity. Not to mention what else the Muslim hordes are doing in Europe. As well as the Armenian genocide and other massacres by Muslims against European Christians from this and past centuries.
"As a result of his preaching, Fr Daniel received death threats constantly. October 9, 2009 in his LiveJournal, he made a record:

"I have news again. Today, you'll laugh, but Muslims once again have promised to kill me. Now by phone. Already tired. The 14th time. I've got accustomed, but earlier it "strained". And so, God doesn't give - Islam willn't eat.
And so, I ask you all to pray."

On November 19, 2009, between 23:10-23:20, he was mortally wounded in his church by a Muslim fanatic, who shot him four times. The killer also heavily wounded the parish’s choir director Vladimir Strelbitsky. An hour later around 12:15am on November 20, Fr. Daniel died on the operating table at a Moscow hospital. Fr Daniel was 34 years old. Fr. Daniel was the twenty fifth Orthodox priest murdered in Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Later, in December 2009, a militant Islamic group based in the North Caucasus took credit for the murder of Fr. Daniel. According to a statement made by Russian Islamists and released on

"One of our brothers who has never been to the Caucasus took up the oath of (former independent Chechen president Doku Umarov) and expressed his desire to execute the damned Sysoyev."
Some of his teachings may have been problematic, but that is beyond the scope of this topic.

For all we know, this Bishop successfully converted a Muslim to Christianity, and then the brother of this "someone" came and attacked him at service.
Or perhaps he's a growing thorn in the eye of Australia's totalitarian government as well as worldwide globohomo, so they found some deranged Muslim to take out the hateful heretic who tricked many Muslims to Jahannam.
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If he shouted "Allahu Akbar" it becomes even more unlikely to me it's anything auhtentic.

Christians are and were not persecuted by muslims, but by political leaders. Like in the reformation, it wasn't protestants that killed Catholics, but elites waving a protestant flag being irritated by Catholics that didn't accept their authority. Ofcourse masses are easily playable.

Many wars we deem religious are post modern propaganda in my opinion.

Let's see how it plays out, but it seems a low key 9/11 play to me, stirring up some Christian hate to muslims and the other way around. Next we will find a bloody passport and have some group claim the attack. Divide the masses chapter #3940

Let's see.

This is a smart take. At a heated time of war when the real Christians and Muslims are united against a common enemy, Israel, this could absolutely be a way to divide them by orchestrating a Muslim attack on of the most beloved Christian figures in popular media at the moment.

This kinda false flag will start to rally the troops. Possibly a bad seed planted on purpose. Sadly, I feel like these types of dirty demonic deeds are going to increase to garner support for the Zionist Cabal's war efforts, and that's just because it's what satan wants ultimately. This will increase war and death.

Or could have just been a deranged Muslim 'joker' that didn't like a joke he said or something.

Does anyone know the topic he was preaching on right before he was stabbed? I would like to know what he was saying immediately before it.

If he was actually praying for the attacker after being stabbed multiple times in the face that is incredible. Talk about walking the walk. 💪❤️

Would love some insight and confirmation if anyone has done the deep dive or following much more closely than I am.
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Anyone suggesting that Muslims wouldn't do such a thing are completely delusional. Just a few modern day examples: Iraq has been ethnically cleansed of Christians since the 90s. Nigeria Christians are persecuted literally everyday by Muslims. Egyptians Christians are crushed by Muslim terrorists regularly. Islam is incompatible everywhere, and they're the sole reason Christians are the most persecuted people in all of history.
This is a smart take. At a heated time of war when the real Christians and Muslims are united against a common enemy, Israel, this could absolutely be a way to divide them by orchestrating a Muslim attack on of the most beloved Christian figures in popular media at the moment.

This kinda false flag will start to rally the troops. Possibly a bad seed planted on purpose. Sadly, I feel like these types of dirty demonic deeds are going to increase to garner support for the Zionist Cabal's war efforts, and that's just because it's what satan wants ultimately. This will increase war and death.

Or could have just been a deranged Muslim 'joker' that didn't like a joke he said or something.

Does anyone know the topic he was preaching on right before he was stabbed? I would like to know what he was saying immediately before it.

If he was actually praying for the attacker after being stabbed multiple times in the face that is incredible. Talk about walking the walk. 💪❤️

Would love some insight and confirmation if anyone has done the deep dive or following much more closely than I am.
There is an increasing general sense of solidarity between Traditional Christians and Muslims in light of our mutual opposition to the LGBT cult and to the Jewish supremacist genocide in Gaza, as well as our mutual solidarity for ending the worldwide hegemony and dominance of Western Financial Liberalism. Especially in the latter cause, the vast majority of the Muslim World is clearly on the side of the Orthodox geopolitical resistance led by Russia (I know Russia's war isn't all about Orthodoxy, but still). But of course, none of these recent developments can guarantee that all radicalized Muslims uniformly are going to just declare friendship with Traditional Christians. Their long tradition of hostility to Christianity is overwhelmingly well-documented. That is not to say that I'm not hopeful for the prospects of increasing Christian-Muslim cooperation in countering phenomena like LGBT. But we should know that friendship with Islam is by no means universally guaranteed.
Anyone suggesting that Muslims wouldn't do such a thing are completely delusional. Just a few modern day examples: Iraq has been ethnically cleansed of Christians since the 90s. Nigeria Christians are persecuted literally everyday by Muslims. Egyptians Christians are crushed by Muslim terrorists regularly. Islam is incompatible everywhere, and they're the sole reason Christians are the most persecuted people in all of history.

The Christian communities in places like Iraq and Syria were doing just fine before the US invaded and funded proxy jihadis like ISIS and AQ.


Before that in WW1, the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians in the region (esp Turkey) was led by masonic (((domneh))), who were funded by the very same agents who funded the Bolsheviks in Russia.
Before that in WW1, the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians in the region (esp Turkey) was led by masonic (((domneh))), who were funded by the very same agents who funded the Bolsheviks in Russia.
Poor Turks, accused of nothing. Pray tell, have the joos did the slaughtering themselves? And what about that nasty and pesky Ottoman Empire and its massacres, enslavement and ethnic cleansing of the historical European populations? Joos too? And the massacres of African Christians, past and ongoing, by their peace-loving Muslim "neighbors"? I assume that joos were behind that too, as well as behind the ethnic cleansing and massacres of Christian Serbs by the hand of the Balkan Muslims? Poor Turkroachs, accused of nothing. They were just innocent perpetrators. And all those scientists, astronomers, polymaths and doctors invading our old Europe, it is pure cohencidence that they are all Muslims too! All those Islamophobes must be somehow wrong durr, our Muslim frenz are BaSeD! And Islam is a religion of peace too.
Poor Turks, accused of nothing. Pray tell, have the joos did the slaughtering themselves? And what about that nasty and pesky Ottoman Empire and its massacres, enslavement and ethnic cleansing of the historical European populations? Joos too? And the massacres of African Christians, past and ongoing, by their peace-loving Muslim "neighbors"? I assume that joos were behind that too, as well as behind the ethnic cleansing and massacres of Christian Serbs by the hand of the Balkan Muslims? Poor Turkroachs, accused of nothing. They were just innocent perpetrators. And all those scientists, astronomers, polymaths and doctors invading our old Europe, it is pure cohencidence that they are all Muslims too! All those Islamophobes must be somehow wrong durr, our Muslim frenz are BaSeD! And Islam is a religion of peace too.
Perhaps Jews instruct Turks to vociferously deny their myriad massacres and lay claim to essentially every country that has the misfortune to share borders with it?

Kidding, sort of. Jews certainly do know how to seize opportunities to kill Christians, and, of course, profit.
Following the Persian capture of Jerusalem from the Byzantines in 614, tens of thousands of Christians were massacred by Jews at the pool.[16][17][18]Israeli archaeologist Ronny Reich estimates a death toll of 60,000 people before the Persian authorities put an end to the killing.[19]

The eyewitness account of Strategius of St. Sabas narrates: "Jews ransomed the Christians from the hands of the Persian soldiers for good money, and slaughtered them with great joy at Mamilla Pool, and it ran with blood."[19] The Sulha al-Quds, the treaty of Jerusalem's capitulation to Muslim forces in 638, can only be understood in the context of the massacre at Mamilla. In it, the Christian Patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem required that the Arab ruler Umar protect the people of Jerusalem from the Jews.[19]
Poor Turks, accused of nothing. Pray tell, have the joos did the slaughtering themselves? And what about that nasty and pesky Ottoman Empire and its massacres, enslavement and ethnic cleansing of the historical European populations? Joos too? And the massacres of African Christians, past and ongoing, by their peace-loving Muslim "neighbors"? I assume that joos were behind that too, as well as behind the ethnic cleansing and massacres of Christian Serbs by the hand of the Balkan Muslims? Poor Turkroachs, accused of nothing. They were just innocent perpetrators. And all those scientists, astronomers, polymaths and doctors invading our old Europe, it is pure cohencidence that they are all Muslims too! All those Islamophobes must be somehow wrong durr, our Muslim frenz are BaSeD! And Islam is a religion of peace too.

Here's a good start for you on this subject, you won't find that kind of in-depth historical research in your usual sources.

Brother Nathaniel on the Armenian Genocide:

The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Starts at 14;00

The annihilation of Armenian and Greek Christians in Asia Minor and the Caucasus in 1915-20 is very similar to that of the Russian Orthodox, which happened at the same time and was funded and carried over by the same forces.
Here's a good start for you on this subject, you won't find that kind of in-depth historical research in your usual sources.

Brother Nathaniel on the Armenian Genocide:

The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians - Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Starts at 14;00

The annihilation of Armenian and Greek Christians in Asia Minor and the Caucasus in 1915-20 is very similar to that of the Russian Orthodox, which happened at the same time and was funded and carried over by the same forces.

No thank you, I know history well, I don't need random internet resources to enlighteen me, nor do I think that's how history should be learned. And you don't know my "usual sources".

I know about the Jews, but that does not remove the burden of responsibility from the Turks, like 90% of it. As I said, poor Turks, accused of nothing. They were just innocent perpetrators.
And you haven't touched on any of my other questions about the "religion of peace".

Let me ask you something though: do you think the (((US Army))) (not ordinary American people) is guilty of participating in the bombing of Dresden, for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for napalm bombing Vietnamese villages, for bombing Christian European civilians, for supporting Jews in Palestine and for other crimes committed worldwide?

Or were they just "following the orders" because "America is occupied" and only joos who puppeteered them are to blame? And will the perpetrators of those crimes be judged before the face of God, or only the puppeteers?

I ask you this because by relativizing the crimes of others it becomes easier for us to avoid confronting ours. For if "they are not guilty, it was the Jews" then "we are not guilty too, it was the joos, we dinda nuffin wrong."

I see no further reason to continue into offtopic.
It is not good how fast someone can walk up to the Bishop in the middle of a service. It would be good for every church to have an organized, if not robust, security detail that is strategically placed in close proximity to the Preacher, as well as in a place that is able to observe the entry points of the building.
Anyone suggesting that Muslims wouldn't do such a thing are completely delusional. Just a few modern day examples: Iraq has been ethnically cleansed of Christians since the 90s. Nigeria Christians are persecuted literally everyday by Muslims. Egyptians Christians are crushed by Muslim terrorists regularly. Islam is incompatible everywhere, and they're the sole reason Christians are the most persecuted people in all of history.
Let's take Iraq. (taking some quotes from the web)

During the 2013–2017 Iraq War, with ISIS rapidly sweeping through Iraq's western lands, Christian Assyrians and Armenians fled as they feared persecution by the terrorist organisation, as they were to ‘execute’ any person who did not believe in their Sunni sect.

Wow that's interesting, I think most of us agree, "ISIS" is not a natural islamic organization, but just a branch of the western political propaganda apparatus.

However, persecution by Saddam Hussein continued against the Eastern Aramaic speaking Christians on an ethnic, cultural and racial level.

We hear these sentences often but they are never made concrete, there were no specific policies against Christians in Iraq.

I think the real persecution of Christians is in the west. It's mental. It's propaganda.

People think that persecution is when an evil muslim comes to you with a knife.

The real attacks we see in the west.
  • The promotion of "easter eggs" and rabbits during lent is a f*** you in the face of our Lord dying on the cross.
  • The promotion of the coca-cola man and the festival of greed when our lord gets born.
  • The opening of shops on Sunday when we have gotten the command to rest on Sunday and keep it Holy..
  • The promotion of lust while we have the command to not commit adultery.
  • Etc etc
With the seduction to sin, many stop following Christ. Since I converted I notice how much propaganda is there to make us sin. As a Christian you can't just open Netflix and watch a movie, or open a newspaper, or read the news or read popular books.

Most Christians think that persecution means "evil muslim man with knife" as they are trained to think.

I think they are wrong, i think it's just propaganda, the make us think, ah well it's not so bad here and that the real enemy is the muslim. As @TrainedLogosmotion also suggested.

The muslim is not the real enemy, the real enemy are the filthy rulers spreading the lies of the devil trying to convince us to break God's commands.

I think this is just a propaganda theater show to stir up muslim hatred. The "knife didn't come out", yeah right....

They say it was a 15 year old kid.

ScreenShot Tool -20240416081428.webp
Does a 15 year old have a beard like this?

This is all ridiculous. A 15 year old with a beard of an 25 year old, whose knife doesn't open, with all blame of muslims, while there is absolutely no reason for a muslim to attack this popular internet priest in the covid propaganda capital of the world, Australia.

Stinky propaganda.
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