Are dating apps in any way good for Christians?

Dating Apps can provide some opportunities for meeting a good woman, but the temptations of being on them often overweigh any benefit.
I met a good Christian woman on Tinder but it was an anomaly. You're going to be swiping through dozens of profiles that try to appeal to your basest desires. It will affect you.

Hinge and Bumble are also popular, and while they pose many of the same temptations, you can filter your matches to Christian women.

These apps can become so addictive. They are designed to make you get addicted to the dopamine rushing of getting new matches and notifications. I've spent a lot of money boosting my profile because I couldn't resist that kind of stimulation.

It may be helpful to go on for a few weeks, get a number or two, hide or delete your profile, and then focus on getting to know those women without the temptation to keep swiping away and meeting the next best thing.

I don't want to pry too much into your personal life but I'll suggest you try something like to get some female interaction in a low-pressure social situation before going on dating apps if you have limited experience talking to women and dating.

Someone on this forum suggested that I try dancing and church hopping and avoid the apps altogether.
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This is difficult. I’d rather not find my wife on an app. Would rather it be like previous girlfriends and meet in person or be introduced. I think this is why the game discussion should never have been banned on the … uh… old forum. It should have just been limited.

Unfortunately the Orthodox Church is, well was until recently, an older crowd so church hopping isn’t that fruitful. A ton of young men have developed an interest in orthodoxy. I wonder if there’s a parallel phenomenon with younger women who are fed up with the current order of things.
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Unfortunately the Orthodox Church is, well was until recently, an older crowd so church hopping isn’t that fruitful. A ton of young men have developed an interest in orthodoxy. I wonder if there’s a parallel phenomenon with younger women who are fed up with the current order of things.
This is a great thing for the faith, the future, and for all of the challenges we are going to have in our developed countries, but is (sadly) simultaneously awful for family formation. Think of it, we're adding a huge surplus of males to an already small community where marriage age or minded females aren't very commonly seen or present. This makes me think of the ancientfaith outreach that I recently heard of on a podcast, where they are putting together a meeting single people who are "30 and older". Again, this is a fundamental misunderstanding of what works in life that for some reason no one wants to investigate - and better yet - ask men about. It's like everyone knows about the 30 year age hump for women, even if they don't know the details of SMV crossing at that point (men ascend, women descend at that age), but still they all deny it as a reality for incenting men to marriage. For example, how many women will be exactly 30 or 31 that bother to attend that? I applaud the attempt, but at some point you have to put together some concerted effort that is systematically realistic and/or set up for success, not failure. It seems to me that even among Orthodox Christians, which for some reason I hold in a higher standard but probably shouldn't in terms of culture affecting them, the only solution will be (in the developed world) what it is for everyone else: return to the harsh reality of having to do things as in times of old due to survival issues.
It may be helpful to go on for a few weeks, get a number or two, hide or delete your profile, and then focus on getting to know those women without the temptation to keep swiping away and meeting the next best thing.
I considered making a fake account to see if it was worth it at all making an account there, but I hate having to give out my phone number. "Alberto Barbosa Santos" with a Ted Kaczynski profile picture never got to see women in his short life time of being my spare gmail account. But yeah, that was my main plan. If there is at least one that isn't too degenerate, I'd probably stick around for a bit. I deleted most of my phone apps due to OCD scroolling them for too long, really hate doing that and it brought me no joy, so I probably wouldn't have the app for too long.
Probably the biggest reason I haven't made an account anywhere in that area yet is that I don't like giving away my phone, and I'm also kind of shy, especially due to it taking a while to even find a few pictures of me and that stuff. I'm used to no one even knowing my name in classes and that stuff.
Hinge and Bumble are also popular, and while they pose many of the same temptations, you can filter your matches to Christian women.
Alternative apps for that are probably not very popular in my country/region.
Someone on this forum suggested that I try dancing and church hopping and avoid the apps altogether.
I don't know any better churches than my current one and don't see much point in leaving it. Zoomers barely go to church anyway, can't imagine about zoomer women. I would rather recite Mein Kampf in a synagogue than dance in public, it's too much for me.
All of this depends on what your age is, what region you are in, what country you are in, and what is your expectation. I know, a lot.
I'm a zoomer in northeast Brazil, so it's around as Christian as the US, I'd say, but very Catholic, which I'm not. My expectation is that it will either be a waste of a few hours or I'll talk a few times to women, which I don't usually do. Either way, it's probably better than nothing? I don't regret talking to the one female I really talked to last year, even if she was very mentally ill.
Are you prepared to present yourself as a potential husband to a worthy Christian girl? Can you provide a home and support the children that will come? Are you prepared to shoulder a Christian man's leadership role with your wife and children?

I think this is necessary. I am working on these things in my own life now (looking to remarry as an older man).

As a younger man it would be acceptable to have excellent prospects for developing these traits with just a few more years, but you really need to be able to deliver.
Not much to say outside of the title. My parents have also asked about if I wanted to make an account on Tinder or one of those, since I'm an adult now and still haven't talked to women almost at all. My mother also tells me once every month that she wants grandkids, so that's a thing.
What do you do for work/education? The section is bold is a big problem. You need to get more experience socializing with both men and women in real life. If you're still in school, I recommend getting involved in as many campus organizations as you can. I understand if you're a guy with the name "God's lonely asperger" this probably comes across as a big ask, but it's extremely important. You need to learn these skills now while you're still young. If you're out of school already, I recommend getting some sort of sales job and watching a lot of sales training videos on YouTube. These will help you learn how to talk to people better and gain confidence.

Don't even bother with dating apps until you have put some work into your social skills.
Not much to say outside of the title. My parents have also asked about if I wanted to make an account on Tinder or one of those, since I'm an adult now and still haven't talked to women almost at all. My mother also tells me once every month that she wants grandkids, so that's a thing.

To keep it short:

There´s a lot to unpack here, but the key concept to understand is that the female limbic system is contorted by these dating apps, and social media in general. Such digital inventions condition women to seek constant stimulus, tempts them with easy casual sex, and most importantly, greatly distort their hypergamous instincts, and the correlated desire for attention/validation. In sum, if you´re dating a girl on the apps, she´s probably dating multiple men simultaneously (like a male PUA), is dependent on a constant stream of attention, validation, correlated dopamine rushes, and certainly is plugged to the social media sphere with the subsequent abnormal neurology that results from extended exposure to such things. Women on Tinder are normal, as social media usage, and casual dating online through "hookup apps" (it´s in the name!) is the norm, and normal is probably not what you´re looking for (though I may be mistaken). Effectively, using social media, and the correlated dating, hookup apps, is antithetical to a traditional lifestyle, thus expect to almost exclusively encounter those with such priorities.

What are you looking for? You can figure this out within quickly: Simply scroll through an app for twenty minutes and you´ll have your answer. Do the women of Tinder appeal to you? As an aside, you´re young, thus the women online are all in their, "party phase", unlike what many men here may report that are over 30, or 40. Do keep your age in mind, as your cohort will be more geared towards hookups than the older crowd.
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This is a great thing for the faith, the future, and for all of the challenges we are going to have in our developed countries, but is (sadly) simultaneously awful for family formation. Think of it, we're adding a huge surplus of males to an already small community where marriage age or minded females aren't very commonly seen or present. This makes me think of the ancientfaith outreach that I recently heard of on a podcast, where they are putting together a meeting single people who are "30 and older". Again, this is a fundamental misunderstanding of what works in life that for some reason no one wants to investigate - and better yet - ask men about. It's like everyone knows about the 30 year age hump for women, even if they don't know the details of SMV crossing at that point (men ascend, women descend at that age), but still they all deny it as a reality for incenting men to marriage. For example, how many women will be exactly 30 or 31 that bother to attend that? I applaud the attempt, but at some point you have to put together some concerted effort that is systematically realistic and/or set up for success, not failure. It seems to me that even among Orthodox Christians, which for some reason I hold in a higher standard but probably shouldn't in terms of culture affecting them, the only solution will be (in the developed world) what it is for everyone else: return to the harsh reality of having to do things as in times of old due to survival issues.
Exactly. Natural, God given, gender roles will return once the environment necessitates the nullification of the lies of Cultural Marxism, and by extension, Feminism. As the welfare states disintegrate and inflate, a more traditional milieu will be reborn, or we´ll be ruled in a technocratic dystopia...
What do you do for work/education? The section is bold is a big problem. You need to get more experience socializing with both men and women in real life. If you're still in school, I recommend getting involved in as many campus organizations as you can. I understand if you're a guy with the name "God's lonely asperger" this probably comes across as a big ask, but it's extremely important. You need to learn these skills now while you're still young. If you're out of school already, I recommend getting some sort of sales job and watching a lot of sales training videos on YouTube. These will help you learn how to talk to people better and gain confidence.

Don't even bother with dating apps until you have put some work into your social skills.
Yeah, I'm doing university for computer science as of now (yes, I have heard the criticisms for college, before anyone asks). The issue with things in real life is that I can't really relate to anyone at least where I live. I'm not going to say I'm superior to "NPCs" or whatever, but I'm not the type of guy who watches Netflix series and browses Twitter all day, if that makes any sense. Everyone I find also seems to have a social circle already and barely even let others in. The only exceptions are a group work I was put in today where I talked a bit with a guy who also did not have a group, and my church.
I'm not as socially retarded as I used to be a few years ago, but I barely even find people worth approaching or talking to, I mostly just talk to the guy sitting next to me about what class I'm on or something dumb like that. I barely have anything in common with people here. Even in computer science. This one guy in my past CS class talked to me about video games a few months ago, and I installed a game to play with him. It was just a World of Warcraft clone where the tutorial made me pick cotton like I was a plantation worker... After that I pushed some conversation with him, but never received a push for conversation from him. That is kind of how most of my social interactions go.
Apologies if that was too detailed or off-topic, but I don't know how else to explain.

With dating apps, it's a bit easier than cold approaching random women at a campus and probably getting called a creep or something. Not sure, I haven't tried. The one female I did approach I just cold approached when I was in high school. But yeah, she was mentally ill. I think I did fine in talking, though.

Chuckled at your mention of my username. I mostly kept it around because it was the old forum name, and I really like Taxi Driver. Announcing you are mentally retarded online is kind of retarded, in hindsight.
IMO, not only are dating apps statistically a time and money waster for men, but they destroy a man's sense of self-respect and self-worth. This is especially true for young men just starting out in the world and are still very blue-pilled and not having experience with what women are really like. Swiping left and right also is just a step better than watching porn, because it cheapens the perceived value of other people, as if they were objects or products in a shopping catalogue.
The best thing is to find real girls in real healthy and wholesome settings, like church or interest groups, just as was done for hundreds of years. If all else fails, ask your parents to help you find a proper mate, since they probably know you better than you know yourself.
I wouldn't do any secular dating apps. These will just ignite lustful passions and lead you towards pornography and such.

I don't think there is a great deal of harm in Christian dating apps, but the success will be determined by the amount of Christians in your area, or your willingness to move.
Yeah, I'm doing university for computer science as of now (yes, I have heard the criticisms for college, before anyone asks). The issue with things in real life is that I can't really relate to anyone at least where I live. I'm not going to say I'm superior to "NPCs" or whatever, but I'm not the type of guy who watches Netflix series and browses Twitter all day, if that makes any sense. Everyone I find also seems to have a social circle already and barely even let others in. The only exceptions are a group work I was put in today where I talked a bit with a guy who also did not have a group, and my church.
I'm not as socially retarded as I used to be a few years ago, but I barely even find people worth approaching or talking to, I mostly just talk to the guy sitting next to me about what class I'm on or something dumb like that. I barely have anything in common with people here. Even in computer science. This one guy in my past CS class talked to me about video games a few months ago, and I installed a game to play with him. It was just a World of Warcraft clone where the tutorial made me pick cotton like I was a plantation worker... After that I pushed some conversation with him, but never received a push for conversation from him. That is kind of how most of my social interactions go.
Apologies if that was too detailed or off-topic, but I don't know how else to explain.

With dating apps, it's a bit easier than cold approaching random women at a campus and probably getting called a creep or something. Not sure, I haven't tried. The one female I did approach I just cold approached when I was in high school. But yeah, she was mentally ill. I think I did fine in talking, though.

Chuckled at your mention of my username. I mostly kept it around because it was the old forum name, and I really like Taxi Driver. Announcing you are mentally retarded online is kind of retarded, in hindsight.
You´re experiencing what may be loosely defined as, ´the curse of the high IQ´. Now, IQ tests themselves don´t predict independent thinking, or other such things, but you´re engaging with a populace that is likely relational-retarded in comparison to your capacity.

Additionally, I have a theory that Factor 1 Psychopathic, or Autistic, traits, need to be elevated in an individual for them to have an independence from the group.
OP, look into the PUA era (women in college during the early internet era so the hypergamous nature caused them to delay marriage and to start to share confident men in the club scene). Men during this era needed to learn Game to get laid with women that their grandfathers married.

Then came the 2008 crash and the relative expenses of clubbing and dating. The sheer fatigue and expense of clubbing and dating pushed men online. Then came the smartphone and that changed everything. Most women had access to the top 20% men.

Stay away from clubs, dating sites and dating apps.
You´re experiencing what may be loosely defined as, ´the curse of the high IQ´. Now, IQ tests themselves don´t predict independent thinking, or other such things, but you´re engaging with a populace that is likely relational-retarded in comparison to your capacity.

Additionally, I have a theory that Factor 1 Psychopathic, or Autistic, traits, need to be elevated in an individual for them to have an independence from the group.
I probably don't have high IQ, I'm just white in a brown area, lol. An example is that I like classical music or old music in general, and over here the music is atrocious. Look up either "Brazilian Funk" or "Brazilian Sertanejo". This is what I hear in my apartment like every weekend. Bluetooth boomboxes and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

OP, look into the PUA era (women in college during the early internet era so the hypergamous nature caused them to delay marriage and to start to share confident men in the club scene). Men during this era needed to learn Game to get laid with women that their grandfathers married.

Then came the 2008 crash and the relative expenses of clubbing and dating. The sheer fatigue and expense of clubbing and dating pushed men online. Then came the smartphone and that changed everything. Most women had access to the top 20% men.

Stay away from clubs, dating sites and dating apps.
I dislike game, and I don't think PUAs are in any way useful. It was one of the biggest grifts ever. My understanding of game is that you blink a few times at women and other dumb stunts to exploit their dumb emotional brain? Probably doesn't attract quality women. I don't like clubs since they're too loud and degenerate.
Not sure what you mean by your post. From what I understand this is kind of a lengthy intro to explaining the 20% men statistic? I know about it. Women are hooked on smartphones naturally because they barely create anything worthwhile, they just consume to the point of being 80% of purchases. No wonder when you mix in phones, the quintessential consooming device, and apps that can help with sex, lust, all their degeneracy; You get Tinder and Instagram and other things.

I don't see how dating apps are good for anyone.
They're good for the Jewish CEOs that own them? There are probably at least a few people who have found a good wife through them. Don't know any though, and you'd have to ask them if it was worth the cost.
Online dating was doable (even in Europe) and you could even find women who were marriage material during the 2010s.
However, since about 2020 it has turned awful.
Nowadays, probably only a few sites are worth considering - focusing on profiles abroad.