Anti-Immigration PVV Comes First in Dutch Elections

Came first in the Dutch elections but it still wasn't enough -

In practice motions are often ignored, but this is traditionally accomplished via bureaucratic means. This is dishonorable for the minister but they can get away with it. What's new is that they now say the quiet part out loud, basically stating plainly that they are without honor.
Can you say how they say this in Dutch? Maybe post a small paragraph if you see one. Just curious..
Came first in the Dutch elections but it still wasn't enough -

Can you say how they say this in Dutch? Maybe post a small paragraph if you see one. Just curious..

Wilders just plays his part as he was instructed to.

As you requested, a direct quote from Schouten out of a previous X message that I linked: "Ik ontraad deze motie met klem en mocht deze motie worden aangenomen, dan zal ik hem ook niet uitvoeren!" I see the other X message I linked has been removed by now.

As a bonus: Rutte's favorite trump card to deal with getting caught red-handed in a lie: "Ik heb daar geen actieve herinnering aan." That means "I have no active memory of that." He really gets away with that. Didn't happen if you don't remember it, right? It's unbeatable infantile logic!
Khakhakha goghogogo de loos ik mek nak versteehen van der gestimmtenseinlik nederlands.

Of course it's all just a charade like the ones we've seen before. The time of politics has really ran it"s course.

Pim Fortuyn and JFK proved that with their lives unfortunately.
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Quoting myself here because what I outlined is mostly what happened:
I don't know the future, but here's a potential scenario that'll play out over the next few months:

1) Attempt to make a (fake) right wing coalition with PVV, NSC, VVD, but VVD declines.
2) Attempt to make a mixed coalition with PVV, NSC, GL-PvdA. This is guaranteed to fail, but formation protocol demands it to be "seriously considered".
3) Lots of talk about a minority government, which goes nowhere.
4) NSC, GL-PvdA, D66, VVD coalition considered as VVD flips back to wanting to be part of a coalition again.
5) Option 1) reconsidered.

This circus will keep going for as long as the current government needs to hand remaining power over to EU/WEF/WHO. If we get a government real fast it means the power transfer has been completed.
The Netherlands is set to sign the WHO agreement, despite the House of Representatives voting against it, because ministers these days show open contempt for them and do what they want. The earlier instances were just to get people used to it I guess. With that last step taken Rutte can leave for Brussels and a new puppet government can be installed.

It's now set to be a coalition of PVV, NSC, VVD, and BBB. Wilders likely won't become prime minister. Doesn't matter who it is anyway. The usual platitudes are heard about how the new government is going to enact change. I don't know if anyone still falls for those lies for real.

If anything happens that requires Rutte to stay on longer something will be fabricated to delay the official formation of a new government.
PVV, NSC, VVD and BBB have already gotten off to a bad start (well, good for NSC and VVD neoliberals) - Dick Schoof, former intelligence chief, has finally been sworn in as Prime Minister.

I have nothing that personal against Schoof, but he was a Labour Party member until a couple years ago. The guy they had as first choice for PM was, wait for it, a retired Labour Party politician.

Schoof himself said the Dutch people could not be incorrect about mainstream Dutch politics being suspicious if so many had voted for PVV - so the decision was made to make him, a serving minister under Rutte, the new PM?

Even if PVV succeeds in getting ongoing immigration under control, large swathes of Amsterdam and Rotterdam are a multikulti mess, without even mentioning similar problems in other cities.

Plus, 25% of people voted for PVV and it is over a third if you include BBB and Baudet’s various manifestations/splinters.

The average PVV and FvD folks are not out in the open with their support because everyone knows they’d be attacked by the usual suspects and police would literally be too scared to stop these attacks.

I do not even think it’s a matter of state/elite support of attacks on PVV supporters. The powers that be rather have no idea how they would control particularly Moroccan political violence, as they already struggle with the regular kind of crime from these kinds of communities.