Anti-Immigration PVV Comes First in Dutch Elections

Arab states condemn plans to relocate war refugees to one of the closest safest countries?

Tell me why the white man is taking on this toxic burden?
People like to say that the Dutch elections are fair, but there have been plenty of irregularities during multiple elections. The previous election in 2021 was already decided in 2019 when Rutte and Kaag were hand-picked by Schwab.

This time multiple people have mentioned that their votes for FVD were not counted. They could verify this because they voted for specific people, who ended up with zero votes (in the jurisdiction that the vote was cast). Those candidates should've gotten at least one vote.

I have nothing to back this up, but maybe some votes have been artificially consolidated by the establishment to boost the PVV. Why? For a "tough formation" scenario, to encourage radicalization, and to further fracture society. Divide and conquer. Rutte has finished his job, no need for another government, chaos is preferable.

Maybe despite all this Wilders can unexpectedly get a functional government together, which will delay the EU plans a bit.
I have nothing to back this up, but maybe some votes have been artificially consolidated by the establishment to boost the PVV. Why? For a "tough formation" scenario, to encourage radicalization, and to further fracture society. Divide and conquer. Rutte has finished his job, no need for another government, chaos is preferable.

I also have nothing to back this up. It's just noticing a few things that are going on at the moment.

There have been quite a lot of unwanted immigrants stabbing people across Europe over the summer and autumn. There has been an explosion of people moving into a camp in or close to - reimmigration. That is - mass deportations, including people who have been given citizenship by treacherous spokespeople (governments). There are a few accounts I keep tabs on like Wall Street Silver, that were fairly mild libertarian-right accounts not long ago. Now they are full of posts about invaders, deportations and immigrant crime sprees.

This has all been enabled by Elon's Twitter take-over sinking in and his regular engagement and boosting of topics like replacement migration.

Now we have a good up tick in support for right-wing parties that want normal (known in the fake news as far-right) immigration policies. A good portion of this is likely due to a freer flow of information on Twitter.

Add to that, the Zio-cons and some libs have also be swerving much further right (normal) on immigration, because now they have a perceived victim group to steamroll it through with - Jews. The likes of Douglas Murray have been talking calmly for many years on "the death of Europe" and saying there isn't really a problem with immigration - we just need the immigrants to embrace our values. Now these people are talking about mass deportations, how there is no longer a place for Islam in Europe and how we don't need any more "cultural enrichers".

I am very averse to assuming I know what is going on from a confluence of data points that could be conspiricised into an agenda, with complete lack of truth. But I'm keeping a close eye out for the Zionist right making mild incursions being used to push out the cashless control grid society.

I also have nothing to back this up. It's just noticing a few things that are going on at the moment.

There have been quite a lot of unwanted immigrants stabbing people across Europe over the summer and autumn. There has been an explosion of people moving into a camp in or close to - reimmigration. That is - mass deportations, including people who have been given citizenship by treacherous spokespeople (governments). There are a few accounts I keep tabs on like Wall Street Silver, that were fairly mild libertarian-right accounts not long ago. Now they are full of posts about invaders, deportations and immigrant crime sprees.

This has all been enabled by Elon's Twitter take-over sinking in and his regular engagement and boosting of topics like replacement migration.

Now we have a good up tick in support for right-wing parties that want normal (known in the fake news as far-right) immigration policies. A good portion of this is likely due to a freer flow of information on Twitter.

Add to that, the Zio-cons and some libs have also be swerving much further right (normal) on immigration, because now they have a perceived victim group to steamroll it through with - Jews. The likes of Douglas Murray have been talking calmly for many years on "the death of Europe" and saying there isn't really a problem with immigration - we just need the immigrants to embrace our values. Now these people are talking about mass deportations, how there is no longer a place for Islam in Europe and how we don't need any more "cultural enrichers".

I am very averse to assuming I know what is going on from a confluence of data points that could be conspiricised into an agenda, with complete lack of truth. But I'm keeping a close eye out for the Zionist right making mild incursions being used to push out the cashless control grid society.

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The Gaza conflict has shed an awful lot of spotlight on the Zionist agenda and its tentacles. It is *the* main benchmark through which divisions within the former left-right dialectics have become visible - with (often younger) people on both fringes of the spectrum having an more moderate and nuanced view and the (often older) centrists being warmongers, bootlickers and at the behest of the current thing of the day.

We've seen this with Covid too. In Germany the main voices of reason and liberty were Christine Anderson (AfD) and Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke).

I personally have gotten extremely suspicious of any outlet pushing the Zio-Con agenda whilst not highlighting the plight of the Palestinians. This is often done through atrocity porn because if it were to be an open rational discussion they'd lose and they know it. Usual last resort: mentions of the Holocaust, Hitler, the nazis etc.

Once you've established above pattern it becomes easy to fish out Zionist controlled outlets. It's a mask off moment. That includes a disturbing number of 'alternative channels' unfortunately. Wall Street Silver belongs in that list too. Went from libertarian talking points to advocating ethnic cleansing. Some people think running an operation like this is close to impossible, but it's really not. Brendon Lee O'Connell once said that he was on a payroll too - 500 USD a week to not talk about certain topics. That's how cheap and easy it is.

But the magic spell of Zionist propaganda seems to be faltering. My fear is that there is a certain type of civil conflict being engineered in Europe where the natives are put against immigrants to steer the former back towards Zionism (because the same enemy). Polarization by design with frequent bloody violent incidents to keep emotions high.
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There is a highly amusing comment on page 2 of this thread, made by my good self. I have had no reactions or responses. I find this disappointing and unacceptable.
We already have one circus act completed: Gom van Strien of PVV, appointed to scout for the new coalition, had his reputation destroyed and stepped down, before getting any work done.

Apparently a former employer had filed a fraud case against him, which now got broadcasted and he got a trial by media.
"Anti-immigration" parties in EU states only seem to harass immigrants from EU countries.
From countries outside the numebr of immigrant will probably increase.
See the post-Brexit UK...
The Gaza conflict has shed an awful lot of spotlight on the Zionist agenda and its tentacles. It is *the* main benchmark through which divisions within the former left-right dialectics have become visible - with (often younger) people on both fringes of the spectrum having an more moderate and nuanced view and the (often older) centrists being warmongers, bootlickers and at the behest of the current thing of the day.

We've seen this with Covid too. In Germany the main voices of reason and liberty were Christine Anderson (AfD) and Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke).

I personally have gotten extremely suspicious of any outlet pushing the Zio-Con agenda whilst not highlighting the plight of the Palestinians. This is often done through atrocity porn because if it were to be an open rational discussion they'd lose and they know it. Usual last resort: mentions of the Holocaust, Hitler, the nazis etc.

Once you've established above pattern it becomes easy to fish out Zionist controlled outlets. It's a mask off moment. That includes a disturbing number of 'alternative channels' unfortunately. Wall Street Silver belongs in that list too. Went from libertarian talking points to advocating ethnic cleansing. Some people think running an operation like this is close to impossible, but it's really not. Brendon Lee O'Connell once said that he was on a payroll too - 500 USD a week to not talk about certain topics. That's how cheap and easy it is.

But the magic spell of Zionist propaganda seems to be faltering. My fear is that there is a certain type of civil conflict being engineered in Europe where the natives are put against immigrants to steer the former back towards Zionism (because the same enemy). Polarization by design with frequent bloody violent incidents to keep emotions high.

Yes, Zionism aka „best ally/the only democracy in the middle East“ seems a generational issue. Social Media although still partly controlled and filled with gatekeepers had an impact for sure.

The younger people look at Gaza and struggle to identify dead children as Hamas employees.

In related news… In Estonia, a hilarious study came out which found that boys are getting increasingly anti-feminist. It‘s clear that the progressives are alarmed but these boys aren‘t a voter material for the people like Wilders either.
Quick update!

A Dutch delegation is also among those chatting in Davos about "Disease X" and such. Invited and named as official acting government representatives. Weren't they fallen and defunct? Weren't elections held? Meaningless details. Things progress as if none of that happened.

Meanwhile back at home, twice now, we've had a minister plainly state before a vote is held on a motion (that they don't like) that if it passes they will simply not honor it.
Can you elaborate on this?

First was Rutte in December. Motion against extra support for Ukraine via EU. Rutte declared that the motion should not be voted on, and if it would pass that he wouldn't honor it anyway. Then he warned that if people really wanted to block him they'd have to go for a motion of distrust, targeted at him. He then threatened that if that would pass his whole crew would quit, basically taking the government hostage.

Second was Schouten just recently, in January. It dealt with the ridiculous pension reform that's going on, but the details don't matter. Schouten said that she strongly recommended against a motion and immediately made clear that even if it would pass she wouldn't honor it.

This is new behavior as far as I know, to utterly fail to keep up the illusion of representational democracy.
First was Rutte in December. Motion against extra support for Ukraine via EU. Rutte declared that the motion should not be voted on, and if it would pass that he wouldn't honor it anyway. Then he warned that if people really wanted to block him they'd have to go for a motion of distrust, targeted at him. He then threatened that if that would pass his whole crew would quit, basically taking the government hostage.

Second was Schouten just recently, in January. It dealt with the ridiculous pension reform that's going on, but the details don't matter. Schouten said that she strongly recommended against a motion and immediately made clear that even if it would pass she wouldn't honor it.

This is new behavior as far as I know, to utterly fail to keep up the illusion of representational democracy.

What does not honouring it anyway mean?

I'm guessing that there is some legislation that may pass and certain people have the ability to not sign off on it?
What does not honouring it anyway mean?

I'm guessing that there is some legislation that may pass and certain people have the ability to not sign off on it?
Loosely speaking, a motion, if it gets enough support when voted on, demands that something is either done or not done. Honoring it simply means respecting the outcome of the vote and acting accordingly.

In practice motions are often ignored, but this is traditionally accomplished via bureaucratic means. This is dishonorable for the minister but they can get away with it. What's new is that they now say the quiet part out loud, basically stating plainly that they are without honor.

A motion can be dumb, but if people were reasonable that would be sorted out by the parties involved. This simply doesn't happen anymore. The system only ever worked because there were enough decent people, despite the official rules. Nowadays there is no decency, it is gone.

It started under "Covid" and has continued since then.
Globally that certainly was a turning point. However, the Dutch government has been a joke for at least two decades before that. But only recently has it become openly vile.
PVV is just one the post 9/11 parties founded in Europe.

They are US/Israel sponsored "anti-Islam" socialists like AfD and many other in Europe.

Full list:

To me this is just another US divide and conquer operation on European soil.

Import muslims, create division, keep 'em down.

For the PVV is pro-US, pro-Israel and are same style of mega-state communists.

They won't change a thing. It's just another shade of grey.
For the PVV is pro-US, pro-Israel and are same style of mega-state communists.

They won't change a thing. It's just another shade of grey.

Divide and conquer.

First start several forever wars to displace millions of people.
Then import said people into well-functioning societies to destabilize them
Lastly blame all problems in society on the newly imported people.

All wealth flows continually to the top, while the people on the bottom fight amongst themselves.
The latest development of the formation process is that Omtzigt (NSC) has backed out of it (at least for now). His official reason is that he finally got to see certain documents regarding the government's finances. What he got was apparently so bad that he saw no point in trying to form a government.

Dire as the government's financial state may be, this should in no way be a surprise to him. He and his entire party are part of the establishment. So plenty people doubt that it's the real reason of Omtzigt's move and I don't buy it either. Whatever the true motives, I see it as a stalling move that's just part of the "tough formation" scenario that I initially suggested would play out.