Anti-Immigration PVV Comes First in Dutch Elections

That video is a bit early as voting hasn't even ended yet. But even if PVV got lots of votes it guarantees nothing, as it's not a winner-takes-all system but a coalition system. We've had minority coalitions before (one which Wilders temporarily backed and then dropped).

The ideal outcome for the establishment would be a "tough formation" scenario, which could last months, during which the current (defunct in name but fully functional) government stays in power. Rutte has experience with this. He blew up his own government for a fake reason, to then destroy the remaining sovereignty the country, and he will then get promoted to the ruling class of the EU.

It's all a theatre and a circus. Voting for a new government while all power is handed over to the EU at the same time.

PVV big winner in the NOS exit poll with 35 seats in parliament​

The right wing PVV emerged as the biggest party in the Dutch general election according to an NOS exit poll with 35 seats in the 150 seat parliament. The support for Geert Wilder’s party – at 23% – is far higher than opinion polls had suggested.

The poll put the GroenLinks/PvdA alliance 26 seats in the 150-seat parliament, with the VVD on 23. All three parties had been neck and neck in the run up to Wednesday’s vote.

Pieter Omtzigt’s new party NSC was fourth in the NOS poll, on 20 seats. Omtzigt had been the most popular candidate for prime minister but support for the party has cooled in recent days.

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He has been at it for 20 years and has finally made it :)

It's a big deal, another European country with the so called "far right" becoming the strongest party.

Was at breakfast and got talking to a stranger, said he was Dutch. So I said "big news in the Netherlands today..", and I couldn't stop smiling about it. I've been friends with and worked with various Dutch people but actually only been to the Netherlands once for a few days.

Anyway, that guy at breakfast knew immediately what I was referring to and was clearly not happy about it. Started saying what an idiot Geert Wilders was, opposing immigration, and how he lives under constant police protection, nobody knows where he lives, he moves house every few months. Then he added, "but he is definitely a good debater but so was Trump and Hitler" . Rather funny. I wasn't going to start a political argument though first thing in the morning.
Is this another "far right" politician who in reality is a long time member of the world economic forum, loves Izrael, loves jews, supports feminism, supports the european union, supports Ukraine, doesn't care about traditional gender roles, and is gonna not gonna be interested in reducing sodomy ?

Just checking....
I don't know much about Dutch politics, but I understand that he has to form a coalition with the VVD to get into office, and they will only do it if they get the PM. And the VVD candidate is a Turkish origin female. Still room for improvement in other words...
Is this another "far right" politician who in reality is a long time member of the world economic forum, loves Izrael, loves jews, supports feminism, supports the european union, supports Ukraine, doesn't care about traditional gender roles, and is gonna not gonna be interested in reducing sodomy ?

Just checking....

He is anti-EU, but pro-Israel, which likely means he's accepted Isreali money.


The Netherlands wants a cabinet with PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB! 👍

Which coalition is the most popular option among voters?🔹That is the combination of PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB: 61% like this collaboration🔹Voters of the VVD (84%), NSC (87%) and BBB (99%) are happy if their party enters a coalition with the PVV

Coffee Cheers GIF by Holiday Inn Express
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Guy is probably about as much of a jew shill as you can have it. He literally moved to a Kibbutz when he was 17 and lived there for a while and also married a Hungarian jew.
View attachment 1650View attachment 1651

We have to be careful of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Restoring Holland for the Dutch (and other European countries for their indigenous populations) is the first order of business.
We have to be careful of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Restoring Holland for the Dutch (and other European countries for their indigenous populations) is the first order of business.
Any Dutch crackdown will send them to other European states, most likely Britain. Until benefits are cut-off Europe-wide, these economic migrants will not return to the Middle East. And this will not happen until EU economies collapse, leaving no money for anyone.

Outside of that, only societal breakdown, leading to total chaos and civil war, stands a chance of dislodging them. Even then it will be a long process. There are tens of millions of them.
I am no specialist nor do I track politics a lot, but I pay a little attention and have noticed what's been going on for the last decades. So I might write authoritatively, but that's just to keep it concise. I am no expert and have no insider knowledge, keep that in mind.

It is impossible to make a "good" Dutch government. I'll give a quick summary.

PVV: Wilders is a Zionist first and cares about the Netherlands second. He's also someone with too big an ego to cooperate with anyone for long.

VVD: The rich man's party, instrumental to the WEF takeover (started under CDA), now going for first female (Turkish) prime minister. Adamant to not cooperate with PVV, but now sings a different tune of course.

NCS: Omtzigt is a fake maverick that is actually part of the establishment. His party's name is "New Social Contract" which makes no sense at all until you realize that it's a WEF term. When he introduced his party he immediately declared that he would never cooperate with PVV nor with FVD, even though he parrots their issues to then claim credit for brining it up. Now of course he's suddenly open to cooperate with PVV.

BBB: Liars who pretend to support farmers but their track record has already proven otherwise. BBB is shorthand for "Farmers Civilian Movement" which is also a nonsensical name, until you realize that it really stands for "Build Back Better", again a WEF term, and their actual voting behavior aligns with that agenda.

GL-PvdA: The PvdA party has no identity at all and keeps changing their theme, now fused with the radical left green party to focus on the climate agenda.

The rest is filler, none of them good either. I could elaborate if someones cares about that for a specific party.

The Netherlands will cease to exist as an independent country. It will become part of Tristate City.