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Alex Jones Thread

His episode with Kanye and Nick Fuentes was some of the most entertaining stuff in years. "Net and Yahoo", the crazy mask Kanye was wearing, Jones looking super uncomfortable at Kanye's Jewish screed, Fuentes sitting back and looking bemused, it was a classic episode.
Yeah. I was kind of hoping Ye would somehow win the presidency and always wear the mask in public, so that we'd basically have Cobra Commander for president. At this point I just cheer for things to be funny and interesting.
It was deleted

Alex Games video game (NWO Wars).

Old School Reaction GIF
I'm glad the first post in this topic was a positive one.

Love me some AJ.

I hope there is a secret level where he kills all the gay frogs.

Chopper, we have had this discussion before on the old RVF.
Alex Jones (as well as David Icke and some others) appears to be what you can call "controlled opposition"...
Chopper, we have had this discussion before on the old RVF.
Alex Jones (as well as David Icke and some others) appears to be what you can call "controlled opposition"...
I vehemently disagree regarding AJ.

As you might recall....

@Vas Incrementum

Pour a stout one for yourself...

So what? He's not saying he's controlled opposition... It's just a typical off hand comment from Jones that you have to Cherry pick and read into to believe he's admitting that to be the case.
@Get2choppaaa and @Caduceus

I enjoy his energy, and while he's right on pointing out many long term problems like Gates and the medical mafia killing indiscriminately or the perverted corrupt politicians in the US government, it doesn't help his case that he's completely uneducated on accurate, true history for someone who spends the amount of time he does allegedly reading and tearing apart globalist agendas. He's always had some kind of proximal connection to the jews. A reminder he's currently married to a call girl. Where is his heart? He's not so much controlled opposition as he is uncontrolled distraction. He won't lead the people to the proper truth in the end so what does it matter what he says or doesn't say? His content has been deemed non-threatening for the banking cartels and therefore he is allowed to continue with some minor theatrics to stir up the pot.

I will repost this here because I don't think enough people saw it in the old forum:

"She was arrested for some DUI a few years ago, which is irrelevant, but the fallout from that incident revealed that she used to work the classified ads as a "masseuse" who would visit men in hotel rooms. For $400 (or less in some cases), any Tom, Dick, or Harry on the street could have received her services. Yet Alex married her. Maybe they are both good practicing Christians, allegedly she converted but there's no word of this, then maybe they are Christians in name only? (CINOs) or most likely he is a huckster who doesn't know jack about history and sells his snake oil to unsuspecting Q people as the neocon-trotskyite racketeer we know he is. He just got himself a newer sleeker sport model after losing the minivan a few years earlier, and she came with the usual assortment of post-wall problems, especially from one who moonlighted as an escort."

"Jones began to lose his cool when Newman pressed him about his current wife’s past, in which she allegedly worked six years ago as a masseuse under the name “Enya” advertising private, discreet services to men in hotel rooms. Jones said Newman mischaracterized her profession and that she worked as a yoga instructor, but Newman responded that she had testified herself in depositions that she advertised the private services."

Here she is practicing snake-worshiping, no doubt she does this at their house:
"Alex Jones new wife - Erika Wulff Jones does yoga"

She gets jewier as the video goes on.

Links to her arrest. (warning: some lewd photos in secondary links from the article)

"Just like Kanye's new woman is likely keeping him in line so he doesn't get out of control for his handlers, a bad woman will lead a good man away from God and truth like a bad spiritual habit. A good Christian man should marry a good decent Christian woman, or a good decent non-jewish convert."

I'll post a quote from a man AJ likes to rip on incessantly: "There are two ways to tell the character of a man. By whom he chooses to marry and how he chooses to die."

This woman is rated J for jew. Thank you very much.
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@Get2choppaaa and @Caduceus

I enjoy his energy, and while he's right on pointing out many long term problems like Gates and the medical mafia killing indiscriminately or the perverted corrupt politicians in the US government, it doesn't help his case that he's completely uneducated on accurate, true history for someone who spends the amount of time he does allegedly reading and tearing apart globalist agendas. He's always had some kind of proximal connection to the jews. A reminder he's currently married to a call girl. Where is his heart? He's not so much controlled opposition as he is uncontrolled distraction. He won't lead the people to the proper truth in the end so what does it matter what he says or doesn't say? His content has been deemed non-threatening for the banking cartels and therefore he is allowed to continue with some minor theatrics to stir up the pot.

I will repost this here because I don't think enough people saw it in the old forum:

"She was arrested for some DUI a few years ago, which is irrelevant, but the fallout from that incident revealed that she used to work the classified ads as a "masseuse" who would visit men in hotel rooms. For $400 (or less in some cases), any Tom, Dick, or Harry on the street could have received her services. Yet Alex married her. Maybe they are both good practicing Christians, allegedly she converted but there's no word of this, then maybe they are Christians in name only? (CINOs) or most likely he is a huckster who doesn't know jack about history and sells his snake oil to unsuspecting Q people as the neocon-trotskyite racketeer we know he is. He just got himself a newer sleeker sport model after losing the minivan a few years earlier, and she came with the usual assortment of post-wall problems, especially from one who moonlighted as an escort."

"Jones began to lose his cool when Newman pressed him about his current wife’s past, in which she allegedly worked six years ago as a masseuse under the name “Enya” advertising private, discreet services to men in hotel rooms. Jones said Newman mischaracterized her profession and that she worked as a yoga instructor, but Newman responded that she had testified herself in depositions that she advertised the private services."

Here she is practicing snake-worshiping, no doubt she does this at their house:
"Alex Jones new wife - Erika Wulff Jones does yoga"

She gets jewier as the video goes on.

Links to her arrest. (warning: some lewd photos in secondary links from the article)

"Just like Kanye's new woman is likely keeping him in line so he doesn't get out of control for his handlers, a bad woman will lead a good man away from God and truth like a bad spiritual habit. A good Christian man should marry a good decent Christian woman, or a good decent non-jewish convert."

I'll post a quote from a man AJ likes to rip on incessantly: "There are two ways to tell the character of a man. By whom he chooses to marry and how he chooses to die."

This woman is rated J for jew. Thank you very much.

I don't care about his personal life.

It's really quite besides the point. There is no 100 percent perfect messenger

As far as I am concerned, why not acknowledge the positive he puts forth on raising awareness on tons and tons of issues.

Frankly it's quite tiresome the standards some have here about a given public persona. Hes called out the Jews, he's called out Israel, all of that on occasions when it's part of his message in that day. He's had EMJ on ...

If this is what people want to focus on to discredit him go ahead. But it's got no bearing on me.

His message is on point on 99 percent of the topics, he's a net force for good, and if anyone here pretends like they aren't significantly more informed because of his body of work then you're living in a fantasy world.
His message is on point on 99 percent of the topics, he's a net force for good, and if anyone here pretends like they aren't significantly more informed because of his body of work then you're living in a fantasy world.
I can't convince you to care about his personal life, but I know that for most of us when we see hypocrisy it is a red flag.

He certainly has been an influence in getting people not to trust their government, can't really fault him for that. However I would say that most people here are significantly misinformed because of him in the long run if they do not do their own research into al of his claims. I remember the days of Bill Hicks, long before his time. David Irving and Ernst Zundel were also two truth-seekers that I followed for years before I ever came across Alex Jones, back when he was doing local news in Austin on ACATV.

I admire the camaraderie Texans have for one another, but his personal life explains why he is so hesitant to fully awaken to the JQ. It does matter, because his ex-wife and his four children are allowed to obtain Israeli passports by blood, which makes it a vested interest in him, if he had any care for his children, to not advocate for the dissolution of the state of Israel and not turn the American people against it. His part-time mentions of the tribal problem, at least in his roster of mentioning them, is lower than the screeching liberals who complain about Israel because they connect it to the fable of "white supremacy". He's in over his head if he ever debated a legitimate historian on World War Two, European geopolitics, and exploring the lineages of the Rothschilds with more than hearsay. This is his mistake as he connects everything today in the present to the people who lost that war. I would go on his show and debate him in a civil manner, if he would have me, but it's not like it would change anything with him, he built his base around his particular set of views and it worked for him. For him to change the core of his own beliefs, even knowing he is wrong, would change the way he receives his moolah, or even the amount of it. Anglin claims he has a $100k food budget a month, which is another thing someone should consider when they are starving listening to this man who seems to be rooting for them.

For example, his insistent claiming that Klaus Schwab "is a nazi" is easily irrefutable as the Schwab bloodline is related to the Rothschild bloodline, from four centuries ago, and was still having marriages within that family in the last century. They probably are even in the 21st century but I don't have the evidence for that yet. He immediately brings this up anytime someone attempts to offer any positive insight to the NSDAP. The fact that Klaus' father worked as head of a plastics manufacturing plant who conveniently left Germany before the war does not mean that he was core to the party nor was he carrying that parties beliefs post-war. Patton said it best, "Being a member of the national socialist party in Germany during 1933-1945 was like being a member of the Republic or Democrat in the United States, everyone was part of it." Klaus Schwab is jewish, and this is easily proven if you look at his family history:

Moritz Rothschild (1830-1914) + Emma Rothschild (1843 - 1918) ---> Louis Rothschild (1864 - 1942)
Louis Rothschild (1864 - 1942) + Melanie Rothschild (1880 - 1944) ---> Marianne Rothschild (later Schwab born 1919)
Fred Schwab (German 1918 - 2009) + Marianne Schwab (nee. Rothschild 1919) --> Klaus Schwab (1938).

By tribal standards, he's one of them. His work is carrying their agenda forward, just like every other institution that enveloped the world post-WW2.

What's relevant then was relevant in antiquity, and it's relevant now and will remain relevant in the far future, whatever that may look like:


He's not very well read, and most of what he consumes is jewish post-war fictional literature. Perhaps AJ doesn't genuinely know correct history, and for that I can't fault him alone but for spreading it I can, and so should anyone who wants to reach the truth. He suffers from the inability to notice who and what these WEF and WHO types really are. Brother Nathanael can see them clear as day, perhaps AJ should have him on his show, but that will never happen in a million years.

I'm not ripping him for the sake of ripping him, I want to see him become more in-tune to the truth and break free of whatever is holding him back, but I don't see it happening.
Klaus Schwab is jewish, and this is easily proven if you look at his family history:

Moritz Rothschild (1830-1914) + Emma Rothschild (1843 - 1918) ---> Louis Rothschild (1864 - 1942)
Louis Rothschild (1864 - 1942) + Melanie Rothschild (1880 - 1944) ---> Marianne Rothschild (later Schwab born 1919)
Fred Schwab (German 1918 - 2009) + Marianne Schwab (nee. Rothschild 1919) --> Klaus Schwab (1938).

By tribal standards, he's one of them. His work is carrying their agenda forward, just like every other institution that enveloped the world post-WW2.

This intrigued me so I looked up Schwab on wiki and it says he was born to Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht? Do you have a source to your version?

Remarkable how a wikipedia page could be so short for someone who allegedly accomplished so much and helped push an agenda so forward. The less there is for us goyim to see, the less there is to critique. I believe the switching of his parents from one Schwab to the next was another intentional cover-up so that we would not figure out this man's undying loyalty to his cult. The same wikipedia will say that Justin Trudeau was born from Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau, but physiognomy beats any lie, he is the for sure son of Philandering Fidel Castro and Margaret the Harlot, the same way that the same wikipedia will claim Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Hillary and Bill when she really is the daughter of horrible Webster Hubbel and Hillary. There is much deception in the lineage of the families of the "controllers" because it keeps us in the dark on purpose.

I looked at the physiognomy of all three possible cases of Klaus Schwab's father based on pictures available to us. The one he looks the least like is his alleged actual father, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab, the one he looks the most like now as an old man is the German General mistaken for Eugen Wilhelm Schwab, whose real name is Walter Dybilasz, who died in a Soviet gulag after the war, but then why would he name his child Schwab? The one he doesn't look exactly like now, but shares similar features to, along the hairline (in pictures of Schwab as a younger man) and eyes is Fred Schwab. We know that these bloodlines train their prodigy to step in to certain "pre-ordained" roles, and I say that in finger quotes because it is the opposite of ordination from the Apostolic Church, a position that they groom several children for and the most ruthless usually tends to occupy it. There is a reason why many of the Rothschilds children themselves were killed by one another over the centuries, because they do preach a darwinism of sorts pertaining to their agenda and who has the ability to carry it forward. In any case, his father was not one of Hitler's close industrial partners, and not an architect of the fake holocaust or of artificially creating a larger military state for Germany based on some pseudo-capitalistic notion of economic growth, but rather the Eugen Wilhelm Schwab was merely the commercial manager of the Escher-Wyss Swiss factory, not its chief executive officer. I have worked with commercial managers before, they are as replaceable as the next stiff.

Also looking at multiple pictures of Klaus I am starting to see the Biden effect with him, many have different nose bridge widths, eye concavity, and other non-negligible facial features which make me think there are either masks or doubles of this guy, as I don't believe in the ability to clone humans but I know that every time we see these people speak we are literally "watching a movie" from their occult perspective.

If there is a Klaus Schwab thread we should discuss is there, back on topic for Alex Jones, he is incorrect in many of his proclamations about people from that time period, and what he thinks he knows about Hitler is far from the truth. He simply reverts back to the unreliably biased witness testimony "my grandfather liberated Auschwitz and saw piles of bodies" (Soviets "liberated" Auschwitz not the USA) or the even more purposely false written testimonies from post-war literature "I've read over 200 books on Hitler and they all say the same thing!" instead of ever mentioning a completely factual, forensic, and evidence-based investigation like the Leuchter Report which proved that there were no gas chambers at any of the camps, thus driving a stake into the heart of the undead usurious racketeering machine we know as the holohoax.

If you took 100 people and put them in a room with Alex Jones for an hour versus putting them in a room with Brother Nathanael or EMJ for an hour, the people in the latter room would start working together to fix society, at least internally with themselves spiritually first.

The only thing we can do is pray that Jones gives up his little niche in the economy of being the worlds highest paid conspiratorial schtick and truly starts to help people out, lest he fall further into Icke territory.
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Mind blown. Thanks for this. Alex on pre-911 has taken me all the way down the rabbit hole (I had never seen that July 2001 clip before). I was already moving to the wilderness and dropping out of society but this has expedited my plans. Pure madness and chaos, I'm out.
By the way, it isn't a coincidence that he has Jay Dyer host the show. He's one of the few that knows the books and predictive programming/elite plans even better than Alex. I'd highly recommend listening in to many of the shows he's been on with Jones, as they are more concise than some of the longer shows JD has on his yt channel, though he does have clips that are shorter that explain a lot of the elite plans. You should only delve into these topics if you are secure enough to deal with the sad reality of the evil powers that exist, at least temporally, in this age.
If you took 100 people and put them in a room with Alex Jones for an hour versus putting them in a room with Brother Nathanael or EMJ for an hour, the people in the latter room would start working together to fix society, at least internally with themselves spiritually first.

The only thing we can do is pray that Jones gives up his little niche in the economy of being the worlds highest paid conspiratorial schtick and truly starts to help people out, lest he fall further into Icke territory.
I fundamentally disagree here.

AJ does more to wake people up, and has over the years than Nathaniel or EMJ. I like the latter just fine. And Jones has had EMJ on his show multiple times BTW...

Jones books, media, and persona do a service to shift Overtonwindow to the Right towards populism and are a net good.