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80s thread - The best of the 1980s

More from that Genre....

Done for probably less than 5 grand and 50 Trillion times more Entertaining than most things today...

There is No Number to compare this to the Super Toilet Bowl Halftime show I just regretable observed. What the Heck is wrong with People giving these alleged stars the time of Day 20 years ago or today? Is this supposed to be good?
Michael Pare movies - Streets of Fire with Diane Lane 🔥and the Philadelphia Experiment

The 50s reimagined into the 80s with Willem Dafoe as the biker bad guy:

WW2 Navy technology that was inteneded to make ships invisible to radar ends up moving two sailors 30 years into the future.

These were great fun for kids:


Hulk Hogan's Rock N' Wrestling cartoon
