70s thread - The best of the 1970s

One of those songs I hadn't heard in years but instantly recognized was playing in Home Depot when I was picking up some Christmas lights. Guess you know you're getting older when big box store muzak makes you nostalgic lol.

Late 70s and early 80s were a great time for Southern rock....
Our spiritual predecessors trying to convince normies not to trust the government in the movie "Logan's run" made 50 years ago
Seem like a scene out of the 2020 lockdowns and 2021 vaccine compliance mass hysteria

They predicted tinder as well

The actor who played the sidekick of Michael York, the main character in Logan's Run, had a great little part in The Hunt For Red October as the National Security Advisor. That briefing scene with all the Generals was classic.
What's Happening!! (Intro) S1 (1976)

Man, back in the day there were only three channels on TV, and you had to watch something, or so it seemed at the time. It was night time so you couldn't just go and play. I liked to read, but somehow it seemed like a lot of time you had to settle for watching what was on, no matter how lame it was.

Because of this, I ended up watching this show a number of times, but I never cared for it. I can hear the theme music in my head even though I didn't play the video clip.

I'm so glad I don't watch TV at all anymore. Remember even in recent years before I quit that I would sometimes watch something I wasn't interested in because there was nothing better on. Sad!
Sorcerer film from 1977

Excellent and very underrated movie. I think the title they chose for the film is poor and very misleading. They should have stuck with the title of the novel they based the movie off, The Wages of Fear. The soundtrack is excellent too - despite being nearly 50 years old it sounds like something from Stranger Things.

For those that have not seen it, the premise of the film is that four criminals from different parts of the world all end up hiding out in the same South American village. One is an Irish gangster fleeing the Italian mafia, another a terrorist being pursued by the Israelis, one a French stock broker accused of fraud, the last an assassin.

Because they are living in poverty in South America they agree to transport dynamite (for lots of $) through the jungle for an American oil company operating in the area that needs the dynamite to put out a fire cause by an oil well explosion. The dynamite is old and unstable and the oil company knows that the whole group is unlikely to make it alive the entire trip so they split them up into pairs. The movie follows their journey through the jungle.

I own this movie and another that Friedkin directed, To Live and Die in LA, which is also terrific. It looks like Friedkin passed away last year.
This may sound really lame but as a child in the 70’s, I remember sitting in elementary school on aFriday thinking about the excitement of watching The Incredible Hulk and Dukes of Hazard that evening. My brother and I would get in our PJs and get in our sleeping blankets in front of the TV by 8pm. Parents would watch Dallas at 10pm and we usually were asleep on the floor thru that show.
This may sound really lame but as a child in the 70’s, I remember sitting in elementary school on aFriday thinking about the excitement of watching The Incredible Hulk and Dukes of Hazard that evening. My brother and I would get in our PJs and get in our sleeping blankets in front of the TV by 8pm. Parents would watch Dallas at 10pm and we usually were asleep on the floor thru that show.

Before the internet, waiting for the next episode of a favourite TV show was a very exciting event, especially a a kid.
The most anticipated ones were those that followed up on a previous cliffhanger episode that ended with the famous words "to be continued...."

Speaking of the TV show "Dallas", the follow up to the episode "Who shot J.R. ?"was the best example of this.

Before the internet, waiting for the next episode of a favourite TV show was a very exciting event, especially a a kid.
The most anticipated ones were those that followed up on a previous cliffhanger episode that ended with the famous words "to be continued...."

Speaking of the TV show "Dallas", the follow up to the episode "Who shot J.R. ?"was the best example of this.

That “Who Shot JR” was an end of season cliffhanger and was all the talk all summer long. I remember all the tacky “who shot JR” T-shirt’s sold at stores over the summer. Let’s not forget Fonzie’s daredevil motorcycle jump and the infamous “jump the shark” cliffhangers. Nothing say “cool” than the Fonz waterskiing in a brown leather jacket.
This may sound really lame but as a child in the 70’s, I remember sitting in elementary school on aFriday thinking about the excitement of watching The Incredible Hulk and Dukes of Hazard that evening. My brother and I would get in our PJs and get in our sleeping blankets in front of the TV by 8pm. Parents would watch Dallas at 10pm and we usually were asleep on the floor thru that show.
I remember watching these two shows every Friday, although I was in my early teens. I was surprised just a few years ago to learn that John Schneider is quite young. He only just turned 64. He was 18 when the series started, just a few years older than me. I always thought he was substantially older than me.

I also remember watching Love Boat and Fantasy Island back to back on Saturday night for a number of years.