2024 Election Lounge

(Laura Powell is a lawyer from California.)
UPDATE: Last night, Kamala Harris personally filed an updated Statement of Candidacy (aka Form 2) to designate Tim Walz as her running mate.

Since she used Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722) instead of her own (P00009423), the FEC records are convoluted. Her newly filed Form 2 shows up on Biden's personal FEC page. But if you look at the 2024 election cycle, Biden is erased and replaced with Harris, as if he was never never running for President.

Looking at Biden’s campaign committee’s FEC record, it’s now associated with both Biden’s and Harris’s candidacies for President for the period of 2020-2022. But that makes no sense, because Harris’s Presidential run in 2020 was never linked to Biden’s, and she ceased her campaign for President in 2020 and did not run again until 2024. Now Harris’s personal FEC candidate ID number (P00009423)—which is supposed to follow her for all Presidential campaigns for life—is somehow linked to Biden’s Presidential campaign in 2020. Only her Vice-Presidential campaign was ever linked to Biden’s, but that is separate from any Presidential campaigns.

The current 2023-2024 FEC record for “Biden for President” (aka “Harris for President,” ID number C00703975) is linked to two Presidential candidates. Both are both named “Kamala Harris.” One of these candidates is associated with Harris’s candidate ID number (P00009423), and the other “Kamala Harris” is associated with Biden’s candidate ID number (P80000722).

The Statement of Candidacy that Kamala Harris filed on July 29, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number (P80000722), now shows up under Harris’s ID number. But last night’s filing for that same candidate—number P80000722—shows up for the other “Kamala Harris” who is running for President. (Based on what happened previously, I suspect the FEC will shift these records in the future, to make it seem like there aren’t so many discrepancies between the names and the ID numbers.)

Confused? That’s because these filings from Harris are irregular. If Kamala Harris had used her own candidate ID number, like every other candidate in modern history, this wouldn’t have been so complicated, but then it would have been difficult to make the case that she’s entitled to Biden’s war chest. Undoubtedly, these filings are trying to circumvent those pesky campaign finance laws.

By the way, since Walz has never run for President, he doesn’t have his own FEC candidate ID for a Presidential run. According the the logic of Harris’s supporters, Walz is equally entitled to any funds from the campaign committee associated with ID number C00703975. And, just as Harris felt entitled to file an amended Statement of Candidacy using Biden’s personal candidate ID number because she was the Vice Presidential candidate, Walz could do the same, using Biden’s personal candidate ID number to run for President if he wanted to. The Democrats could pass this campaign down in perpetuity, without even obtaining the formal agreement of the prior candidate.

This reminds me of a system of government that isn’t considered anything like a democracy.


They both seem like throw away picks. Neither has a bright future, and they are not expected to beat Trump. Put up a good fight, lose, and then go away and the DNC focuses on 2028 with someone who can really excite their base.

The only thing going for them is the fake image of "successful career woman" with "folksy dad" that the media is creating for them. And that will not be enough to overcome the economy issues they have created.
Yeah that's obviously fake. No reason to be spreading such garbage, especially when the guy has other very real skeletons in his closet that are already coming out.
Yeah, but Dems are saying Vance had sexual relations with a couch, including Walz saying it, so it’s fair game.

I’d keep it in the humor realm like Don Jr did. Or how we joke about Big Michael’s anatomy .

Smartmatic has learned that two of our employees have been indicted for alleged violations of the FCPA in the Philippines almost 10 years ago. Regardless of the veracity of the allegations and while our accused employees remain innocent until proven guilty, we have placed both employees on leaves of absence, effective immediately.

No voter fraud has been alleged and Smartmatic is not indicted. Voters worldwide must be assured that the elections they participate in are conducted with the utmost integrity and transparency. These are the values that Smartmatic lives by.


As you digest the news of Smartmatic indictments, remember what kind of regime you currently live under in this country.

Were top executives at Smartmatic, a voting machine company, indicted by the regime because of bribery and fraud?

Or were they indicted because something that wasn’t supposed to happen was allowed to happen? And that can’t be allowed to happen.

As J.P. Morgan once said, “A man always has two reasons for what he does—a good one, and the real one.”

When it comes to the regime running our country, I think it’s always worth asking what the real reason is.

Smartmatic, in the Philippine house, admits that electronic election data could be deleted in the middle of the night, and nobody would even know.

When Smartmatic was forced to sell in the US over its Venezuela links, it retained the Intellectual Property of its software. This software ran on machines in our 2020 election and continues today.

Well the founder of Smartmatic was just arrested over money laundering and bribery charges in the Philippines.

This must not end with just this.

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