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Search results

  1. tractor

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Another explanation is certainly that the Ukrainians have a very large number of „missing in action“. So, in theory Ukraine may not even lie given their „approach“ to rescueing the wounded and evacuating the KIAs. But I think they still fudge the numbers.
  2. tractor

    Situation in the Red Sea

    interesting tweet. The „coalition“ can no doubt defend itself from missile attacks. The question is with what and for how long. Andrew Martyanov talked about this in one of his recent videos. the air defense systems can be easily exhausted by missile salvos from the coast and the Houthis can...
  3. tractor

    Situation in the Red Sea

    The Saudis seem to abstain https://en.sputniknews.africa/20231226/riyadh-reportedly-not-interested-in-joining-us-led-red-sea-coalition-against-houthis-1064306645.html Also the Devil is in the details, as usual. The coalition of 20 or whatever countries is not as formidable a force as one might...
  4. tractor

    BRICS Thread

    I think this news fits in this thread. Not a coordinated BRICS effort but definitely BRICS in spirit, so to speak. Russia has a benefit of being cancelled everywhere in the West, so she can basically subvert the „rules-based“ order as she pleases without any consequences. All consequences the...
  5. tractor

    Serbia Thread

    A statement from the Kremlin. Very neutral and diplomatic almost to a fault. Somewhat disappointing because contrary to Peskov‘s Russia does interfere in the internal affairs of other states if necessary (Ukraine after the Maidan coup). So either it shows that Russia has her hands tied if the...
  6. tractor

    The Vladimir Putin Thread

    My dad‘s boss (at least for some 20 years of his life) 😅 no wonder the old man liked Putin all along
  7. tractor

    The End of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Exactly. I think it was a good move from Russia to declare the demilitarization of Ukraine as one of the main goals because it allows you to stretch your territorial claims depending on the military-political situation. I think Russia's openness to negoatiations is genuine. I also think that...
  8. tractor

    Anti-Immigration PVV Comes First in Dutch Elections

    Yes, Zionism aka „best ally/the only democracy in the middle East“ seems a generational issue. Social Media although still partly controlled and filled with gatekeepers had an impact for sure. The younger people look at Gaza and struggle to identify dead children as Hamas employees. In related...
  9. tractor

    Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

    Daily Stormer is the only website I use as a news aggregator. The issues Anglin selects for his daily articles coincides almost 100% with what I want to read nowadays. Add his commentary on Jews, women in workforce, US anal agenda etc. which are spot on and hilarious at the same time. Too bad...
  10. tractor

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    This thread had to preserve the title 🤣