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The Vladimir Putin Thread

This is one of the most interesting video clips on the entire internet, as it reveals how Putin keeps the Jews in Russia under strict control. It's a joy to watch and very telling indeed...Give me back my pen. :ROFLMAO:👑:ROFLMAO:

Wow, can you imagine some total dork like Rishi Sunak (UK prime minister) doing that to senior business leaders?


"...Of course, the problem of abortion is so acute. The question is: what to do about it?” Putin said at a meeting with the new convocation of the Civic Chamber, a 168-member consultative body charged with government oversight...

...Moscow could “ban the sale of drugs that terminate pregnancy, or improve the socio-economic situation in the country, increase the level of well-being, real wages, social services, [and] assistance to young families in purchasing housing,” the president added, noting there were many ways to “support motherhood and childhood..."

He should rather ban birth control, but I guess that's hopeless. Getting women to decline a fancy career and riding the carousel with no consequences is a much bigger challenge than fighting a war on a battlefield somewhere.

Just saw this,

"...The Supreme Court of Russia decided today that "the international LGBT movement" is an extremist organisation. This means that all organized activities for queers will be banned..."

普京亲吻老太婆无奈GIF - Putin Kiss Granny - Discover & Share GIFs

That's just Russian government propaganda, as usual.
1. Housing problems and cost of living crisis.
The cost of living is very high in Russia for most locals
Most jobs are concentrated in Moscow and St Petersburg. Housing there is in short supply. Thus there is a massive housing crisis. (Most social housing was sold off to private owners after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Not much social housing has been built since.) Russians here also have to compete with the millions of immigrants that Putin has let in.
The cost of living has always been high - has gotten even higher since the embargo that started last year (Following Putin's "peacekeeping mission" in the Ukraine).

2. Social problems.
Russia has higher rates of alcoholism, IV drug use is higher than any country in the Western world. . Consequently AIDS is widespread.
Violent crime rates are high. Murder rate is more than 6 times as high as in the UK and France.
See my detailed post on this under the "Criticism of Russia thread".
Life expectancy in Russia is very similar tot hat of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Materialism
Russian people -and Russian women in particular- are extremely materialistic. Yes, a lot more so than your average women who grew up in the US or anywhere in Western Europe.
Most young Russian women don not want children (The rates of abortions in Russia are extremely high).
Young Russian women want to live the same lifestyle that young middle-class White American women live in NYC, LA or SF.
Worship (Church) attendance rates is same as in the UK or Sweden (7%). Most young Russian women never set foot in a Church (Orthodox or not).

Before believing Russian propaganda - those who are so seem to love Putin and Russia here - I suggest them to visit Russia. See it for yourself to have a balanced view.

PS Our "unfriendly local Russian troll" (the one with the names of two felines as his username and with the picture of St Basil's Cathedral on his profile) would be in denial again. Just ignore him.
That's just Russian government propaganda, as usual.
1. Housing problems and cost of living crisis.
The cost of living is very high in Russia for most locals
Most jobs are concentrated in Moscow and St Petersburg. Housing there is in short supply. Thus there is a massive housing crisis. (Most social housing was sold off to private owners after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Not much social housing has been built since.) Russians here also have to compete with the millions of immigrants that Putin has let in.
The cost of living has always been high - has gotten even higher since the embargo that started last year (Following Putin's "peacekeeping mission" in the Ukraine).

2. Social problems.
Russia has higher rates of alcoholism, IV drug use is higher than any country in the Western world. . Consequently AIDS is widespread.
Violent crime rates are high. Murder rate is more than 6 times as high as in the UK and France.
See my detailed post on this under the "Criticism of Russia thread".
Life expectancy in Russia is very similar tot hat of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Materialism
Russian people -and Russian women in particular- are extremely materialistic. Yes, a lot more so than your average women who grew up in the US or anywhere in Western Europe.
Most young Russian women don not want children (The rates of abortions in Russia are extremely high).
Young Russian women want to live the same lifestyle that young middle-class White American women live in NYC, LA or SF.
Worship (Church) attendance rates is same as in the UK or Sweden (7%). Most young Russian women never set foot in a Church (Orthodox or not).

Before believing Russian propaganda - those who are so seem to love Putin and Russia here - I suggest them to visit Russia. See it for yourself to have a balanced view.

PS Our "unfriendly local Russian troll" (the one with the names of two felines as his username and with the picture of St Basil's Cathedral on his profile) would be in denial again. Just ignore him.

Honestly I'm increasingly becoming frustrated with the overwhelming negativity and black pilling in this forum. Putin openly points out domestic issues that need to be improved and the instinctive response is to point at 'Russian propaganda'. I mean for crying out loud, what do you guys want him to do? The Russian economy is currently growing at 5.5% month over month, the annual growth is probably going to rank in at around 3.3%. That's better than ANY other Western country out there right now. Things are improving everywhere, slowly but steadily. The war in Ukraine is pretty much won at this point. He's tying up economic deals all across the global South. Do you expect him to wave a magic wand and turn Russia into a slavic version of Wakanada?

Many people here and others that I'm in touch with have repeatedly been to Russia and loved it there. I'll be there myself in the near term future and will report back with my impressions. Will I love everything? Probably not. Will I hate everything? Definitely not. One thing I'm pretty sure about though, I yet have to hear about a Christmas market being blown to bits in a terrorist attack over there, while there are already reports coming out of Germany and other places. Sure, everything is so wonderful and well handled in the West, we don't have better things to do than to keep criticizing Putin and Russia as a whole.

I don't know what kind of life you live and what experiences you've had that created this bitterness and dislike to anything Russian. Like one or two other contributors here you seem to hedge an almost seething hate against Russians, eager to point at and highlight any unfavorable characteristics. Why would you want to spend your life this way?

With all due respect here's a piece of advice: If you hate Russia and Russians so much then just ignore it all and focus on a place and a people that is more to your liking and in sync with your perspectives.
Just saw this,

"...The Supreme Court of Russia decided today that "the international LGBT movement" is an extremist organisation. This means that all organized activities for queers will be banned..."

普京亲吻老太婆无奈GIF - Putin Kiss Granny - Discover & Share GIFs

Putin getting some babushka action :D
Honestly I'm increasingly becoming frustrated with the overwhelming negativity and black pilling in this forum. Putin openly points out domestic issues that need to be improved and the instinctive response is to point at 'Russian propaganda'. I mean for crying out loud, what do you guys want him to do? The Russian economy is currently growing at 5.5% month over month, the annual growth is probably going to rank in at around 3.3%. That's better than ANY other Western country out there right now. Things are improving everywhere, slowly but steadily.

. He's tying up economic deals all across the global South. Do you expect him to wave a magic wand and turn Russia into a slavic version of Wakanada?

Many people here and others that I'm in touch with have repeatedly been to Russia and loved it there. I'll be there myself in the near term future and will report back with my impressions. Will I love everything? Probably not. Will I hate everything? Definitely not. One thing I'm pretty sure about though, I yet have to hear about a Christmas market being blown to bits in a terrorist attack over there, while there are already reports coming out of Germany and other places. Sure, everything is so wonderful and well handled in the West, we don't have better things to do than to keep criticizing Putin and Russia as a whole.

I don't know what kind of life you live and what experiences you've had that created this bitterness and dislike to anything Russian. Like one or two other contributors here you seem to hedge an almost seething hate against Russians, eager to point at and highlight any unfavorable characteristics. Why would you want to spend your life this way?

With all due respect here's a piece of advice: If you hate Russia and Russians so much then just ignore it all and focus on a place and a people that is more to your liking and in sync with your perspectives.
Dear Holgerdanske, your post is another proof of why believing Russian propaganda is dangerous. This is not the RVF - we are free to criticize Putin and the Russian government. (Interestingly enough, on RVF some people posted degrading comment of Churches that were not ROCOR. They also posted some of the most disgusting comments on several ethnic groups and got applauded for it. However, if you voiced any criticism on Putin and the Russians you got banned immediately. Roosh, if you read this, enjoy retiring on that KGB-money, you have really earned it).
Let's address the rest of your comment.

The Russian economy is currently growing at 5.5% month over month, the annual growth is probably going to rank in at around 3.3%. That's better than ANY other Western country out the

Your source? the Russian government's statistics? Thought so. Russia has became a pariah in the world and the embargo has really hit the country. Most Russian people are genuinely struggling now.

"The war in Ukraine is pretty much won at this point."

Really? Over 300,000 Russian troops dead or wounded. Russia is struggling to supply its own army with essentials. They can no longer hide that they ran out of Ethnic minority "cannon fodder" and have reluctantly started drafting middle-class ethnic Russian kids from Moscow and St Petersburg - consequently ethnic Russian starting to realize how the war affects them and their families. They are at the breaking point.
Also, Russia has not gain an inch of territory. The frontline is now where it was in 2014. The Russian propaganda would say: "But this is how we win wars. This is the Russian way" - rather than facing reality and admitting defeat.
Some say the Putin is biggest recruiter for the NATO. They are not wrong. Sweden and Finland (previously happy to be neutral) have gained full membershit in the NATO. Most people in Austria alos agree their country should join the NATO.
Previous pro-Russian government in both Kazakhstan and Moldova are now replaced by pro-West governments. Even Belarus' Lukashenko Putin is sitting on the fence - preparing for the post-Putin world, and getting closer to the West.

"He's tying up economic deals all across the global South"
What you meant to say is: he is begging poor countries - any country that is still willing to negotiate with him. He doesn't have much of a choice - as Russia has become a pariah in the world (and deservedly so). Remember that part when Putin's folk were begging Nort Korea's Kim Jong UN to sell them weapons and ammunition? A country that is helped out by North Korea? That's not a country to be respected, is it?

I yet have to hear about a Christmas market being blown to bits in a terrorist attack
Don't worry, in Russia you will have other reasons to feel unsafe.
Russia's murder rate is 6 times (!) higher than that of the UK and France, more than 5 times higher than Germany's.
Russia is not a country that anyone in his right mind would refer to as "safe".
But sure ...you might get beaten to death on the street of Moscow in some random, unprovoked alcohol-or drug-fueled rage...but at least it is a "White Russian" guy beating you to death just for the hell of it and not some Black guy from Detroit or a Latino from East LA...and that makes you feel better, right? Some of you guys here are really unbelievable...

I don't know what kind of life you live and what experiences you've had that created this bitterness and dislike to anything Russian. Like one or two other contributors here you seem to hedge an almost seething hate against Russians, eager to point at and highlight any unfavorable characteristics. Why would you want to spend your life this way

Again, you are passing sweeping judgment on people you don't know. You don't know whether we have been to Russia or not . (I have) You have no idea whether any of us have had families that had been affected or even destroyed by Russian expansion and Russian imperialism. And yes, that's why the amount of Russian propaganda here and elsewhere is really concerning for us to see. (The current putinist attempts of expansion are just the continuation of the tsarist Russia and the "communist" Soviet Union). And yes, the Russian imperialism has been 10 times more destructive in this world than English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch imperialism combined. And while the leaders of the former five countries often acknowledge their past mistakes and try to pay reparations, the Russians deny any wrongdoing.

With all due respect here's a piece of advice: If you hate Russia and Russians so much then just ignore it all and focus on a place and a people that is more to your liking and in sync with your perspectives

With all due respect: here is a piece of advice to you: stop telling people what they should or should not comment on. And more; if you and some other love Putin and Russia so much,seriously, why don't you save up some money and visit Russia. I really hope you will able to do that. Just acknowledge afterwards if you were wrong. This is not is not the RVF, so you guys might as well be honest : you praise Russia because you believe it is a "strong White country" (lol) and with a lot of "slim, traditional, conservative, family-orientated White women " (PMSL, you boys will be in for a shock). By all means, I wish you guys good luck.


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Honestly I'm increasingly becoming frustrated with the overwhelming negativity and black pilling in this forum. Putin openly points out domestic issues that need to be improved and the instinctive response is to point at 'Russian propaganda'. I mean for crying out loud, what do you guys want him to do? The Russian economy is currently growing at 5.5% month over month, the annual growth is probably going to rank in at around 3.3%. That's better than ANY other Western country out there right now. Things are improving everywhere, slowly but steadily. The war in Ukraine is pretty much won at this point. He's tying up economic deals all across the global South. Do you expect him to wave a magic wand and turn Russia into a slavic version of Wakanada?

Many people here and others that I'm in touch with have repeatedly been to Russia and loved it there. I'll be there myself in the near term future and will report back with my impressions. Will I love everything? Probably not. Will I hate everything? Definitely not. One thing I'm pretty sure about though, I yet have to hear about a Christmas market being blown to bits in a terrorist attack over there, while there are already reports coming out of Germany and other places. Sure, everything is so wonderful and well handled in the West, we don't have better things to do than to keep criticizing Putin and Russia as a whole.

I don't know what kind of life you live and what experiences you've had that created this bitterness and dislike to anything Russian. Like one or two other contributors here you seem to hedge an almost seething hate against Russians, eager to point at and highlight any unfavorable characteristics. Why would you want to spend your life this way?

With all due respect here's a piece of advice: If you hate Russia and Russians so much then just ignore it all and focus on a place and a people that is more to your liking and in sync with your perspectives.
People often forget also, that Russia is still recovering from decades of an atheistic regime, one that killed millions and destroyed churches via the Bolshevik revolution. That kind of societal revolution is something you don't recover from overnight. It may take generations. With Putin, love him or hate him, at least there seems to be conscious awareness of issues, and some practical ideas on fixing them. He's turning the rudder, but Russia is a big ship, and changing course is going to be slow and maybe even a bit cumbersome.
Also, Russia has not gain an inch of territory. The frontline is now where it was in 2014. The Russian propaganda would say: "But this is how we win wars. This is the Russian way" - rather than facing reality and admitting defeat.
This is blatantly false. It is not where it was in 2014. One can say that the lines have not moved significantly for either side during 2023, that would be true, but during 2022 Russia gained control of about 3/4 of Kherson Oblast, 2/3 of Zaporozhye Oblast, 99% of Lugansk, a small chunk of Kharkov Oblast, and multiple Donetsk Oblast cities such as Mariupol and then Bakhmut in 2023. And all of what I have listed is still held by Russia now and was not in 2014.
There are arguments to try to say Russia is not doing well, or you could even say Russia has not gained all that much territory, but saying they have gained nothing is indisputably false. That's not Russian propaganda, that's just looking at a map from literally any source on Earth.


This is why they really hate Putin and want him gone. Couple that with his negative comments about homosexuality and the dangers of a societal embrace of it then it becomes obvious why the de-populationists/globalists want regime change in Russia with a WEF puppet.
This is why they really hate Putin and want him gone. Couple that with his negative comments about homosexuality and the dangers of a societal embrace of it then it becomes obvious why the de-populationists/globalists want regime change in Russia with a WEF puppet.
A person who was extremely determined to belittle Russia would immediately respond to you with some kind of "BUT HAVE YOU SEEN RUSSIA'S BIRTH RATES?!?! SO MUCH FOR PUTIN HAHAHA"
Russia has a demographic problem that is at this point approximately average for Europe, which is quite bad. This is mainly a result of terrible population loss in the 1990s Depression resulting in a shortage of women today who are of age to have children (they would have been mainly born in the 90s). Oddly enough the war has boosted Russia's population pretty nicely not only because of added territories but also from multiple millions of refugees from the rest of Ukraine coming to Russia, believe it or not. But Russia's birth rate is nonetheless bad.
The difference is not in some fantasy that Putin magically solved the problem. The difference is that at least Putin considers it a bad thing and is genuinely trying to help, and correctly identifies the sociocultural values that need to be strengthened in order to solve the problem. This is in contrast to almost anybody in the West (which has the same demographic problems), except for Viktor Orban.
Dear Holgerdanske, your post is another proof of why believing Russian propaganda is dangerous. This is not the RVF - we are free to criticize Putin and the Russian government. (Interestingly enough, on RVF some people posted degrading comment of Churches that were not ROCOR. They also posted some of the most disgusting comments on several ethnic groups and got applauded for it. However, if you voiced any criticism on Putin and the Russians you got banned immediately. Roosh, if you read this, enjoy retiring on that KGB-money, you have really earned it).
Let's address the rest of your comment.

Your source? the Russian government's statistics? Thought so. Russia has became a pariah in the world and the embargo has really hit the country. Most Russian people are genuinely struggling now.

"The war in Ukraine is pretty much won at this point."

Really? Over 300,000 Russian troops dead or wounded. Russia is struggling to supply its own army with essentials. They can no longer hide that they ran out of Ethnic minority "cannon fodder" and have reluctantly started drafting middle-class ethnic Russian kids from Moscow and St Petersburg - consequently ethnic Russian starting to realize how the war affects them and their families. They are at the breaking point.
Also, Russia has not gain an inch of territory. The frontline is now where it was in 2014. The Russian propaganda would say: "But this is how we win wars. This is the Russian way" - rather than facing reality and admitting defeat.
Some say the Putin is biggest recruiter for the NATO. They are not wrong. Sweden and Finland (previously happy to be neutral) have gained full membershit in the NATO. Most people in Austria alos agree their country should join the NATO.
Previous pro-Russian government in both Kazakhstan and Moldova are now replaced by pro-West governments. Even Belarus' Lukashenko Putin is sitting on the fence - preparing for the post-Putin world, and getting closer to the West.

"He's tying up economic deals all across the global South"
What you meant to say is: he is begging poor countries - any country that is still willing to negotiate with him. He doesn't have much of a choice - as Russia has become a pariah in the world (and deservedly so). Remember that part when Putin's folk were begging Nort Korea's Kim Jong UN to sell them weapons and ammunition? A country that is helped out by North Korea? That's not a country to be respected, is it?

Don't worry, in Russia you will have other reasons to feel unsafe.
Russia's murder rate is 6 times (!) higher than that of the UK and France, more than 5 times higher than Germany's.
Russia is not a country that anyone in his right mind would refer to as "safe".
But sure ...you might get beaten to death on the street of Moscow in some random, unprovoked alcohol-or drug-fueled rage...but at least it is a "White Russian" guy beating you to death just for the hell of it and not some Black guy from Detroit or a Latino from East LA...and that makes you feel better, right? Some of you guys here are really unbelievable...

I don't know what kind of life you live and what experiences you've had that created this bitterness and dislike to anything Russian. Like one or two other contributors here you seem to hedge an almost seething hate against Russians, eager to point at and highlight any unfavorable characteristics. Why would you want to spend your life this way

Again, you are passing sweeping judgment on people you don't know. You don't know whether we have been to Russia or not . (I have) You have no idea whether any of us have had families that had been affected or even destroyed by Russian expansion and Russian imperialism. And yes, that's why the amount of Russian propaganda here and elsewhere is really concerning for us to see. (The current putinist attempts of expansion are just the continuation of the tsarist Russia and the "communist" Soviet Union). And yes, the Russian imperialism has been 10 times more destructive in this world than English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch imperialism combined. And while the leaders of the former five countries often acknowledge their past mistakes and try to pay reparations, the Russians deny any wrongdoing.

With all due respect here's a piece of advice: If you hate Russia and Russians so much then just ignore it all and focus on a place and a people that is more to your liking and in sync with your perspectives

With all due respect: here is a piece of advice to you: stop telling people what they should or should not comment on. And more; if you and some other love Putin and Russia so much,seriously, why don't you save up some money and visit Russia. I really hope you will able to do that. Just acknowledge afterwards if you were wrong. This is not is not the RVF, so you guys might as well be honest : you praise Russia because you believe it is a "strong White country" (lol) and with a lot of "slim, traditional, conservative, family-orientated White women " (PMSL, you boys will be in for a shock). By all means, I wish you guys good luck.
Aside from the part that I criticized about the territories, most of everything else you said is just going to come down to personal perspective. If you have a family historical reason or something to have beef with Russia, that's fine. You don't have to like Russia; being pro-Russian is not a requirement for being a Christian. I would of course encourage you and anybody to not hate Russians or any other nation, which it seems like you might. If that's incorrect about you, then please forgive me.
There are fine reasons for people depending on their background to be inclined against Russia. Now if you think Russia is just THE MOST EVIL country ever, I would say you are definitely lacking some perspective. People from India would certainly disagree that Russian imperialism was worse than British, or think about native Americans with Spanish imperialism, many of whom literally went extinct. The kind of thing where it's who was worse than who, that's always just going to come down to who you personally dislike. And it's fine to dislike Russia, but just don't think that view is the only valid one.
That's just Russian government propaganda, as usual.
1. Housing problems and cost of living crisis.
The cost of living is very high in Russia for most locals
Most jobs are concentrated in Moscow and St Petersburg. Housing there is in short supply. Thus there is a massive housing crisis. (Most social housing was sold off to private owners after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Not much social housing has been built since.) Russians here also have to compete with the millions of immigrants that Putin has let in.
The cost of living has always been high - has gotten even higher since the embargo that started last year (Following Putin's "peacekeeping mission" in the Ukraine).

2. Social problems.
Russia has higher rates of alcoholism, IV drug use is higher than any country in the Western world. . Consequently AIDS is widespread.
Violent crime rates are high. Murder rate is more than 6 times as high as in the UK and France.
See my detailed post on this under the "Criticism of Russia thread".
Life expectancy in Russia is very similar tot hat of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Materialism
Russian people -and Russian women in particular- are extremely materialistic. Yes, a lot more so than your average women who grew up in the US or anywhere in Western Europe.
Most young Russian women don not want children (The rates of abortions in Russia are extremely high).
Young Russian women want to live the same lifestyle that young middle-class White American women live in NYC, LA or SF.
Worship (Church) attendance rates is same as in the UK or Sweden (7%). Most young Russian women never set foot in a Church (Orthodox or not).

Before believing Russian propaganda - those who are so seem to love Putin and Russia here - I suggest them to visit Russia. See it for yourself to have a balanced view.

PS Our "unfriendly local Russian troll" (the one with the names of two felines as his username and with the picture of St Basil's Cathedral on his profile) would be in denial again. Just ignore him.

-Russia has a labor shortage. Its economy and industry are booming. Russians don't need to move to Moscow or St Pete to find employment.

-Russia has a very high home ownership rate, currently at 92,5%, dwarfs that of the US - around 63%.

-Crime, alcoholism and abortion rates have been rapidly declining. If the current trend continues, they will fall to lower levels than in the West. Alcohol consumption in Russia is already on par with western europe.

-Russia is experiencing a Christian revival. 25,000 churches have been built in the last two decades.
A third of the Russian people who said they once did not believe in God now do believe in God - 22% of all Russians. There has also been a substantial affiliation with the Orthodox Church of those who were not previously members. The 'revivalists" are disproportionately young and (relatively) disproportionately male.

Also - Russia is also winning big in the Ukraine war. You have to be incredibly clueless to think they are not.
-Russia has a labor shortage. Its economy and industry are booming. Russians don't need to move to Moscow or St Pete to find employment.

-Russia has a very high home ownership rate, currently at 92,5%, dwarfs that of the US - around 63%.

-Crime, alcoholism and abortion rates have been rapidly declining. If the current trend continues, they will fall to lower levels than in the West. Alcohol consumption in Russia is already on par with western europe.

-Russia is experiencing a Christian revival. 25,000 churches have been built in the last two decades.

Also - Russia is also winning big in the Ukraine war. You have to be incredibly clueless to think they are not.

I recently returned from a trip to Kaliningrad where I was visiting a friend. Getting there wasn't easy but it was well worth the time and effort. Honestly one of the best trips of my life. Everyone I met (except one a-hole taxi driver) was extremely friendly and helpful despite my limited command of the Russian language. Of course Kaliningrad has its dark/gritty corners and a lot of the buildings in the outskirts are antiquated (много пятиэтажных домов). But a lot of those are gradually being torn down and replaced with modern structures.

Everywhere you look there are couples and entire families walking together and looking happy as they are getting ready for the holidays. The stores are jam packed with products and are at least on par with what we are used to in the West. No diversity worth mentioning except for a few gypsy looking figures near a Leroy Merlin. The weather was gray and rainy but I felt completely at peace and relaxed there. I also went to some of the coastal cities and if some alien would drop someone from Colorado or Utah there they may think they just took the wrong turn back at home. It's definitely a nation and a people that are on the way up, and not down like over here in the West.

Honestly I am kind of depressed being back. Can't wait to return in spring, This time for a more extended period. I could easily see myself living there for at least three to four months of the year.

It's being promoted already, for many years, people get lump sum payment for each child. Unfortunately it's the drunks who often use this opportunity because no other source of income. Also, migrants are really the ones who's been having large families, Russia doesn't need this population boost.
I recently returned from a trip to Kaliningrad where I was visiting a friend. Getting there wasn't easy but it was well worth the time and effort. Honestly one of the best trips of my life. Everyone I met (except one a-hole taxi driver) was extremely friendly and helpful despite my limited command of the Russian language. Of course Kaliningrad has its dark/gritty corners and a lot of the buildings in the outskirts are antiquated (много пятиэтажных домов). But a lot of those are gradually being torn down and replaced with modern structures.

Everywhere you look there are couples and entire families walking together and looking happy as they are getting ready for the holidays. The stores are jam packed with products and are at least on par with what we are used to in the West. No diversity worth mentioning except for a few gypsy looking figures near a Leroy Merlin. The weather was gray and rainy but I felt completely at peace and relaxed there. I also went to some of the coastal cities and if some alien would drop someone from Colorado or Utah there they may think they just took the wrong turn back at home. It's definitely a nation and a people that are on the way up, and not down like over here in the West.

Honestly I am kind of depressed being back. Can't wait to return in spring, This time for a more extended period. I could easily see myself living there for at least three to four months of the year.
Kaliningrad is one of the regions spared from migrant invasion, thanks to geographical location/being landlocked. Immanuil Kant is buried there
(not my cup of tea, too close to "Europe", aside from being possible stage of future war due to location and needing a corridor, eventually one might get cut through the Baltic region)
Drastically different from sunny, dry, having cold winters CO or UT, though: wet, overcast , warm winter climate
My dad‘s boss (at least for some 20 years of his life) 😅 no wonder the old man liked Putin all along
Mostly Jewish oligarchs stole Russian resources and factories owned by all the people. It's not possible to confiscate the stuff and fully get rid of them due to the powerful hold they have, they could have Putin killed probably, if it came to this, and topple Russia .
The day of reconing is coming, though. It might take many years but it will come. All the goodies will be nationalized. Unfortunately they extracted and stole too much money (and lives) already
It's being promoted already, for many years, people get lump sum payment for each child. Unfortunately it's the drunks who often use this opportunity because no other source of income. Also, migrants are really the ones who's been having large families, Russia doesn't need this population boost.

From what I've heard, they are also using influencers targeting young women with the goal of making family life, childrearing and big families cool and fulfilling, the opposite of what's being done in the West since the 1960s.

This would be an effective approach, along with providing financial benefits for families. Hungary has a good approach, that of reducing income taxes for families, as opposed to cash payments which also incentivize the wrong elements.