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Search results

  1. Teedub

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Will Bitcoin change the global financial system and usher in a libertarian utopia? Highly unlikely. Will Bitcoin continue to be a high performing - while volatile - asset that will trend upwards in cycles? Highly likely, until I see any evidence to the contrary. If we get to the end of 2025...
  2. Teedub

    Donald Trump

    Apologies if this has already been shared, good but brief interview. Say what you want about Tim Pool, but this is a big win for him.
  3. Teedub

    The Reaction To "Game" & Other Past Vile Behaviour - After Enlightenment - Thread

    During my PUA years I never really encountered the douchbags to be honest (apart from ones who put up that front but weren't really that way inclined privately). Nor did I meet anyone with zero social skills or were the 'chess team captain' nerd stereotype either. Mostly we were all incredibly...
  4. Teedub

    The Russell Brand Thread

    I think it's Catholic, going from a few of his steams.
  5. Teedub

    The Russell Brand Thread

    There's already thread for him here: https://christisking.cc/threads/the-russell-brand-thread.365/ @Samseau / @Cynllo perhaps merging is the best solution. As for the name, in Britain nobody spells Russell with one L.
  6. Teedub

    Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

    Griffin is a really good source of truth bombs on the Zionist grift movement since he knows from the inside how it all works
  7. Teedub

    No Drinking Thread (1 Year Challenge)

    I echo everything you said above. We live, in the West, in a society where people will give you a harder time for NOT drinking than drinking. A harder time for not doing a drug, basically - such is the extent it's normalised to drink to excess. Some people get incredibly, incredibly defensive at...
  8. Teedub

    Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

    How cringeworthy is this. Almost unbelievable how in your face it is...
  9. Teedub

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I was expecting a very brief dip of about 40% or even more prior to the halving. It looks like that isn't going to happen this cycle... few days left though I suppose.
  10. Teedub

    Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

    Yeah. Harry (the one with long hair who's into metal music) also appeared on Milleniyule and they all (well, the young ones) quote Morgoth regularly - so they're definitely aware of the issues. The tide is shifting. I wouldn't be surprised if the current alt-light are talking about the JQ in a...
  11. Teedub

    Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

    He's currently in the process of destroying what little goodwill he had left. Posting loads of pictures of himself in Israel. The sad thing is, he's been totally conned - he doesn't even benefit that much from taking this position!
  12. Teedub

    Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

    Israel 'accidentally' killed three British citizens (ex special forces aid workers) as well as a Pole this week. The usual suspects (Tommy, Douglas Murray, Katie Hopkins, Lawrence Fox et al) haven't said a single word about it. In fact, Tommy explicitly outlined his support for Israel on X last...
  13. Teedub

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    It was always highly likely to slide downward before the halving. This might be the last chance to buy more (depending how low it goes - and I'd be highly surprised if it corrected to that large a degree that people who haven't already got a position were tempted to take one).
  14. Teedub

    Poland Politics Thread

    I'm significantly more religious than any Polish people I know on a day to day basis - and I'm a newcomer to faith. The saving grace for Poland is that its going into its globohomo era when the rest of the west is starting - ever so slowly - to push back on its fringe elements. This should slow...
  15. Teedub

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Isn't the first paragraph just describing an element present in much of modern capitalism. For one person to get ahead, someone else or many have to miss out? It's certainly not limited to speculative assets. The second paragraph is in bad faith and ascribing qualities to people you don't even...
  16. Teedub

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Scorpion, I'm not sure why you're so hostile to it, when it's clearly a fantastic speculative asset at worst - I imagine it's because you're irritated by the evangelism of the maxis. However, you mentioned one can't make life changing money... that's not true. I invested at the bottom end of the...
  17. Teedub

    TikTok Ban

    Tik Tok is the source of so much culturally destructive crap, and it's clearly a weapon of the Chinese state. I've got no problem with Western governments taking a stance against it. My only issue is that they aren't this aggressive with other culturally destructive forces, but we know why that...
  18. Teedub

    Financial Crash (2022-25)

    Although it's a public ledger, it's very difficult to track bitcoin if you just move it between various private wallets. Someone can of course see where the coin has gone, but it's hard to find how who that destination wallet belongs to. It's the reason if you're crypto gets hacked, it's...
  19. Teedub

    First Steps into Orthodoxy

    It's in old slavonic lettering like on the cover. Here is a picture of the inside.