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Search results

  1. M

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    @Samseau Revilo P. Oliver was an interesting post-war figure. I've read through a few of his works. He's prescient in his coverage of jewry but he explores little new ground there except for the WW2 stuff. Where does he state that he did not choose to have children because of the defeat of...
  2. M

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    "The Official Pajeet Song." (some language) How they submerge themselves in this are beyond my Anglo-Saxon facilities to comprehend. Like unspicy food, I'm just not spiritually able to grasp at the significance of cow dung.
  3. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    Most of this reply is a fleshing out of these considerations you raise here, more the background of what Unz used to write this article you posted and some previous sentiments about the nature of war. So read whenever you have time. The idea is interesting, but Operation Pike never made it past...
  4. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    The main instance of Catapault was the attack on Mers-el-Kebir, in French Algeria, which was an embarrasment for the Allies. English and French were both openly killing each other this day while just previously they were both in unison in a declared war on Germany. The results were almost...
  5. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    As if your calling all Germans the favorite children of the devil and your wish for all of them to be destroyed is not a personal insult? And as if that wish for violence upon millions of innocent Christians compares to anything I've said against your ambiguous and deceptive character. Only in...
  6. M

    Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

    I don't think Russia is 'the bad guy.' I detest the west to a greater extent because of what they openly allow to happen to children. You should understand, even if you do not agree with nor sympathize with, the plight of the Nationalists in all European countries and that they find neither...
  7. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    And I thought I was deemed the bigot here by the resident philosemites for suggesting that non-Europeans are incompatible with Christianity. So by your logic here, then no Turk, no Indian, no Chinaman, no African, no Mesoamerican, no Polynesian are compatible with Christianity. Seeing as how...
  8. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    You're a clueless enemy to your own people at best, at worst a willing traitor to your own kind, if you really are European. Don't you understand that European solidarity is the only way forward? Between all of the nations of Europe who share similar blood, history, and faith? Your hatred for...
  9. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    You're quite emotional, and not posting with rational intent. Are you Polish? You do your people no favors by dividing reconciliation between Poles and Germans with these lies. Wladislaw Studnicki was against this before WW2 and at least had a sound mind for a Pole during these times. No one...
  10. M

    Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

    War indeed, there are jews in both armed forces, but statistically the percentage of jews in the Russian armed forces and the Ukrainian and western armies is very low. While the Russian military does not publicly release detailed religious demographic statistics, the breakdown within the armed...
  11. M

    Current Events in Russia

    Thank you for your thorough explanation. Cooler heads prevail for now, but eventually, whoever succeeds Kadyrov may not be so diplomatic with the Orthodox Christians. Like you said, the violent expansion gene is in Islam and has to be actively suppressed like an addict fighting their own urges...
  12. M

    Current Events in Russia

    Dagestan was always a shithole, an Orthodox priest had his throat slit in this attack. There are allegedly 40 hostages locked up in an Orthodox church in the Kirovsky district of Russia and Islamic radicals threaten to behead them. Links below...
  13. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    Remember they gutted our Church starting in 1958 with Vatican II. The official Catholic stance post-war up until Pious XII's death in 1958 (where he was believed to be poisoned) was one of reconciliation and it did not approve of the Morgenthau plan implemented by the allies, nor did it accept...
  14. M

    French Politics Thread

    The heathen conversions are always skin deep, with few exceptions, and even those are questionable. France has two serious problems with the sheer number of Mohammedans and African tribals walking on its streets. Same formula, leftist sellouts and jews in politics coercing diktats of policy and...
  15. M

    Criticisms of The Power Structure in Russia

    Fear, apathy, blackmail, treachery, cluelessness, the reasons for refusing to tackle the JQ are numerous. These people, the rich jews, are only as powerful as their credit enables them to buy the morals of a hungry man for a price to extinguish the life of a man who questions or opposes their...
  16. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    It would seem further explanation is warranted, unless you are simply making blanket statements to attempt to ratio opinion towards another conclusion. Always you are so brief with me yet I am trying to force debate here so that we arrive at a greater truth. A truth shared by more than one man...
  17. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    Specifically what is unrealistic about it? I've posted the laws verbatim from the Russian Federation in the other thread, it is a criminal offense there to denounce any of the Red Army's actions in WW2, which they have fictitiously rebranded "The Great Patriotic War". One man's modern day...
  18. M

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    I don't think anyone who wasn't physically there could ever really know, which is why I am going by the Spanish sources and the other foreign Waffen-SS fighters who were still fighting in May of 1945 on the streets of Berlin, some even refused to lay down their arms after the German generals...
  19. M

    Stew Peters Thread

    @Christos_NIKA and @Bird I don't think anyone's trolling, but I will say that most Americans, and even Europeans would not have access to Cathedral architectural blueprints unless they went looking for them. I've only seen two original plans, one in France, and one in Spain, and that was after...
  20. M

    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Thread

    Following this hypothetical, in 20 years the sheer number of retards on this earth will vastly outnumber those who are not retarded if the level of environmental poisoning and dysgenic reproduction continues unabated, it will be incredibly dumbed-down to the point where the atavists of tomorrow...