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Search results

  1. MKE-Ed

    Congress Critter Compendium

    A lot of people laugh at AOC because she’s a complete ignoramus and is in way over her head in understanding some of the complex issues that the country now faces that have become worse under her party’s leadership in the last 3-4 years. However, do not underestimate her. She has the potential...
  2. MKE-Ed

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    Biden is now a national security risk and doesn’t have the mental faculties to make any serious decisions about anything. He’s essentially in an incapacitated condition. Clearly someone else is in charge. The entire world sees this and our mainstream media act like nothing is wrong. We are no...
  3. MKE-Ed

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    I get the sense that the powers that be are going to make some serious moves very soon as far as Biden is concerned. Looking at the above videos the past 2-3 days, it’s so obvious that Biden’s mental faculties are declining very rapidly and they can’t hide this anymore. I truly believe that he...
  4. MKE-Ed

    Signs of Escalation Into A World War

    There was an article posted earlier today on Alex Jones website, Infowars, that mentioned how the Selective Service system is planning on getting more aggressive and fast tracking their entire registration system for guys that turn 18. So now the European countries are talking about bringing...
  5. MKE-Ed

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    We are now living through the Sovietization of the United States. We have a corrupt, senile, incompetent president that is completely out of touch with reality. To top it off, our government lies to us and nothing the mainstream media tells us is true. In fact, they run cover for the current...
  6. MKE-Ed

    Decline of Functioning Society

    Absolute incompetence all around with Chicago city government. As a former Chicago resident, it’s truly disheartening to see how bad things have gotten in Chicago. It’s going to get much worse when you see the demographic shifts that are on course in Chicago and in so many other cities.
  7. MKE-Ed

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    As always, the usual suspects at work again. They’re the reason why stereotypes exist and proving Scott Adam’s right again. What a sad state of affairs.
  8. MKE-Ed

    Decline of Functioning Society

    I just spent the last two weeks in a smaller Midwest city that’s two hours away from the city where I live. While there on a work project, I, too, noticed the more positive vibe and general more upbeat attitude of the area residents. The local women didn’t have the typical angry anti male vibe...
  9. MKE-Ed

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    When I see videos like this one and other similar ones, you can’t help but to notice that’s it’s always the same demographic attacking whites and lately Asians. Does this demographic realize that they are creating a new generation of people that are seriously going to hate and discriminate...
  10. MKE-Ed

    Should I buy a new car?

    I’m curious what’s the problem with Subaru’s? I know years back they had serious issues with blowing head gaskets. From what I hear, that issue has been corrected. Last week I took an Uber to get to my destination and the guy picked me up in a 2023 Subaru Outback. It was pretty nice, but I don’t...
  11. MKE-Ed

    US Border Crisis

    This is intentionally being done and I personally believe the long term goal is to establish one party rule in the US. The majority of these illegal immigrants will be dependent on government benefits and at some point, they will be given amnesty. Once that happens they will probably be allowed...
  12. MKE-Ed

    Cars You Guys Are Into

    Seeing this picture of this station wagon brings back a lot of memories when I was growing up in the Midwest back in the late 1970s. Stations wagons like this one were the norm back then. I remember the Chevy Impala, Caprice, Ford LTD, Buick and Dodge wagons. They were big and most families...
  13. MKE-Ed

    US Border Crisis

    For the past couple of days, I traveled to Chicago to visit family and friends for Christmas. While in Chicago, I watched several newscast from the two Univision and Telemundo stations. I watched their nightly news and they had extensive news coverage of the immigration crisis at the border. The...
  14. MKE-Ed

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    These incidents occurred in areas in Chicago that are actually nice areas. The offenders that are committing these crimes are from a certain demographic that lives in the south side of the city.