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Search results

  1. D

    Latest German Lunacy

    Isn't this similar to the pandemic where it was essentially the "dumb dumbs" and the super smart people that questioned everything, while the average citizen took everything hook line and sinker
  2. D

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Great observations. I was in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia (Christian part), Croatia. Interesting that you were in kosovo around the Albanians. I would never consider pursuing those women. Serbs generally consider them to be extreme, for obvious reasons. 1. As far as thug culture/trust issues...
  3. D

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    So here are my observations regarding dating in the Balkans (ex Yugoslavia in particular) after spending a little over two months there. I currently only have access to a company PC so I'll write this on my phone. Sorry if it looks kind of messed up. 1. Divorce Divorce rates are up in the...
  4. D

    EURO 2024 Championship

    The Balkans will always be an absolute mess
  5. D

    The Reaction To "Game" & Other Past Vile Behaviour - After Enlightenment - Thread

    Looking back I still ask myself why governments were so eager to shut down all PUA activity, if it was in fact so degenerate. As someone who, post break-up, desperately needed advice on how to talk to girls it help me immensely. Also, the PUA approach to personal development was more realistic...
  6. D

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Been traveling the Balkans for about one month now. What I've really noticed is how overstimulated my mind is from living in big Western European cities. From the nice things, like the architecture and variety of food, to the less appealing aspects, like overcrowded areas everywhere, people...
  7. D

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Extinction seems a bit extreme to me, but if we're just considering general behaviors, it's way easier to eat sugar, watch TV, masturbate, be promiscuous, deceiving etc. than it is to do the opposite. However, there are limits. It is in fact difficult to perform acts of pure evil, probably...
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    Vaccination in The Sports World

    Nba star Joel Embiid apparently has Bells palsy. Seem like an unprecedented case in the NBA. We'll see how he progresses. https://apnews.com/article/nba-playoffs-76ers-embiid-bells-palsy-cf8fc223edb26f7a76b7fde8e1cd75d1
  9. D

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Their IQ is nowhere near 85, however, they exhibit behaviors that some westerners find annoying or would be typical of simpletons over here. Someone said it in another thread, Balkan Slavs are like Latinos and US Blacks to an extent: - they love dancing and signing (not in an artistic sense...
  10. D

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Some excellent posts and information in this thread. Only thing I would add is that if you go to these countries and simply look for a wife, the people will usually understand your intentions and won't neće judge you. But if you put in the time and effort to learn the language and culture, they...
  11. D

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    To be fair, "German" kebab is very easily the best in western Europe, especially the ones sold in northern Germany. If you're looking for great German cuisine, southern Germany is the place to be. Eastern Germany also has great quality but far less variety than the south.
  12. D

    COVID: The PsyOp, The Aftermath & The Future

    Looks legit. They're saying "Assassin! Assassin!" to the minister and then they're saying "oh, you're doing a great job", "We just want some answers" and "how can you even look at yourselves? (essentially, aren't you ashamed?)" to the police. Anyway, I'm still surprised when I see Italian and...
  13. D

    Latest German Lunacy

    Apparently thr German green party wants to tell Botswana how to go about wildlife preservation. Now Botswanas president has threatened to send 20 000 elephants to Germany so that German can learn how to live with elephants. I would absolutely love for that to happen...
  14. D

    Ways to eliminate Belly Fat

    IF you feel healthy enough to do sprints, they will absolutely transform your body. It's a big if, because muscular imbalances and weaknesses will lead to frustrating hamstring injuries. So make sure your legs are used to some heavy work before you start a sprint regimen.
  15. D

    Latest German Lunacy

    I think this happened about two weeks ago, but I didn't see it in this thread. Anyway, I present to you miss Germany.
  16. D

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    I personally prefer the non EU Balkan countries, like Serbia, Bosnia (the Christian dominated part), Montenegro, over Russia because I find the cultural and climate jump to Russia pretty big. Those Balkan people essentially enjoy things Westerners for too, while also being pious, having family...
  17. D

    Relocating to Romania

    I think that was in Lithuania.
  18. D

    Latest German Lunacy

    The issue is that the name of the event isn't mentioned anywhere. Most search queues lead me to pdfs and government pages. I wouldn't be surprised if there are after school activities that kids can join who are "willing to give German lessons to refugees". I'm not sugercoating it though. I'm...
  19. D

    Marriage / Established Relationships

    Props for the post. Just the right amount of pictures and videos to satisfy my attention span. Great choice of spacing and paragraphs. Content was obviously great.
  20. D

    The (Leaving The) European Union Thread

    Poland has found a way to make it worthwhile though. They get a bunch of tourists visiting, EU money, Polish people can work around Europe conveniently etc. But, at the same time, they've avoided migrant influxes. I think even the most conservative brits or Germans would happily accept a deal...