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Search results

  1. TheSurveyor

    Decline of Functioning Society

    I can agree to extent, recently got a huge pay increase by moving a different company. Going from a large company to really small one. The one issue that I have found working small companies is that unless the boss is always there. The slackers tend to drag the whole place down, making it suck...
  2. TheSurveyor

    Rap/Hip-Hop was a Psyop from beginning

    Rap/Hip-Hop was a psyop from the very beginning. The original hip-hop movement was a natural rhythmic movement that formed when southern blacks moved up north during the 60s & 70s. It didn't take long for the "investors" to get involved and take it over. It took 10 years for rap move past only...
  3. TheSurveyor

    Decline of Functioning Society

    I now get excited to hear a black woman on customer service, they are so much better than the random dude from Bangladesh, who learned English last Tuesday.
  4. TheSurveyor

    The Mexico Thread

    What are you talking about? Mexico is like 80% Catholic, this includes most of the indigenous people too. I'd argue the only thing that indigenous people are converting to in mass is evangelical protestantism. Calling them savages is fairly uncalled for, the Spanish were successful in their...
  5. TheSurveyor

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Then you should look into Brewton, Alabama, don't know too much about it but it seemed nice. I had to stay there when I was working near the border.
  6. TheSurveyor

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Funny you say that, I quite enjoy public transit. Most Florida cities have awful, or many cases, non-existent public transportation. Which to me is a major factor on how viable an area is to live. Yeah you're going to have to deal with poor people and slums, but having to drive to get anywhere...
  7. TheSurveyor

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Again, I cannot speak on Pensacola as I’ve only been there a handful of times. But the panhandle is fairly big and underdeveloped. Every town feels incredibly small with nothing to do. Unless you work in a niche industry or work from home, you’re gonna probably have to live in relative...
  8. TheSurveyor

    Good States to Live in the United States

    Just recently moved to the panhandle and I don't like it much at all. I can't speak of Pensacola much, but I've been dreading it here so far. Hopefully things improve.
  9. TheSurveyor

    The Mexico Thread

    This is what Mexico really needs to be worried about. This was taken this week at Mexico City.
  10. TheSurveyor

    The Mexico Thread

    Eh… probably the least of Mexico’s worries tbh. If you know anything about Mexican demographics or history, you’ll know that the majority of Mexicans are Mestizos (Native/Spanish) mixture and that the natives groups had been extorted and robbed blind by their mixed-race brethren. If anything...
  11. TheSurveyor

    Starting to think this forum was a mistake

    Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who took the time to give me a well thought-out and insightful response. I admit, I have been going through stuff in my personal life and my post was not as prudent as I would normally like to be and I admit to speaking out of pocket. However, I still...
  12. TheSurveyor

    Starting to think this forum was a mistake

    I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but it feels like this forum is beginning to devolve into some sort of incel coping platform. No offense to any of the members here, but I feel like the constant doom and gloom of how the west has fallen and how we need to all move to super 'based'...
  13. TheSurveyor

    The Mexico Thread

    I haven't moved abroad before, but my two cents would go as follows: 1. Learn the native language decently (in this case spanish) 2. Make connections with the locals in the area that can help make the transition easier (i.e. church or expat communities) 3. Find a form of local income. Get a...
  14. TheSurveyor

    The Mexico Thread

    Figured since most of us are Americans, news on our neighbors to the south would be pretty important to us, atleast important enough to get their own thread. Also, they're technically part of North America, not South.
  15. TheSurveyor

    The Baby Boomer Generation

    It's interesting that you bring up the white person's approach to the increased costs of living. Every minority group that I meet usually has some kind of support system that their community provides, to give some kind of a break from the situation. But for whites, it seems like it has been...
  16. TheSurveyor

    Are nocturnal emissions/wet dreams sinful?

    I'm curious of the forum's thoughts on this. I'm really on the fence on whether it's sinful or not.
  17. TheSurveyor

    The wagecuck as the antithesis of both FIRE and NEET

    Funny enough, the only way that I could see something like FIRE being somewhat feasible is with lots of children. One of the main reasons why people can be finacially ruined over one bad day is the fact that there is no social safety net provided by large families like in the past. I come from...
  18. TheSurveyor

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Found it! I finally found it! An 10 year old post on imgur about a guy finding a secret dungeon under his apartment that wasn't mentioned on the lease. Took me much longer than I would have to find this.
  19. TheSurveyor

    Conspiracy Theory Thread

    I have not read the book. Are you familiar with any other strange occurrences that may be tied to fed activities?
  20. TheSurveyor

    Catholic Grifters

    The Hallow app, it promotes guided meditation with a focus on Catholic spirituality. In past, I mostly used the app to listen to gregorian chants while praying the rosary or just help myself focus. But kind of dropped off from using them. Recently I noticed that they have celebrities like Mark...