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Jewish Tunnels Under New York

yiddish tunnels.jpg
Oi vey! jews gonna jew


Also more here.

Apparently her logic is that jews need more money from ny state taxpayers because Germany tried the holocaust 80 years ago . Or something .

Edit what governor Hochul means when she says she wants to make New York State more affordable, she means she will make New York State more affordable , for jews
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full interview

Here’s another zionist telling a Palestinian woman she needs to be raped and dragged through the streets for having a Palestine flag on her car . The zionist in this case is Lauren Wise, a writer who publishes books about wife swap and gang bangs

Edit if we are going to talk about fucked up jewish/hadidic/Israeli society and perversions we will be here until the end of time
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full interview

Soft White Underbelly has been killing it lately. I’m glad he’s been able to branch out beyond just hookers and drug addicts. He’s been shining the light into some dark corners.

As a side note, the more I hear about the way jews operate the more it piques my interest. Soon we might also have to operate semi independently from the governments and authorities of the lands we reside in.
So the matresses in the tunnels are used to perform blood rituals that are supposed to bring back the messiah - from the horse's mouth (foul language warning):

That sounds more like sone crazy jew who’s also a pathological liar with too much time on their hands trying to wind up as many goyim as they can
That looks a lot like an very old basement under a stated very old building with a blatantly obvious hatch door… but “secret dungeon” does sound more exciting
Agreed, it's interesting, but looks very mundane. The old building had a deep basement that is now disused, except for some wiring and plumbing.