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Search results

  1. S

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    This sounds like western bias and projection. Let’s make a couple general assumptions. We think western women are whores. We think western women are difficult. We adjusted our behavior to reflect this reality. We have self-defence mechanism to protect our bruised pride and ego. So in such a...
  2. S

    Current Events in Russia

    Yes, the far right is suppressed in Russia. Though the far right is not as glamorous as one would like to believe. Unfortunately, the hero “I want to save my nation” complex attracts a lot of lost souls so it ends up being a counterculture outlet for depression rather than some organizational...
  3. S

    Current Events in Russia

    I’m not in Russia but I do follow the news @jaguarcat follows. So I’ll try to conceptualize the situation and theorize. Russia has a black problem but instead it’s Muslim migrants and other nepotistic cultures like Armenians. You definitely will not be safe in any migrant ghetto in Russia...
  4. S

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    Borderline friend-zone advice. A Chad can get away with a lot, including being dull, but you definitely don’t want to turn yourself into an accessory for a woman even if you look good. In aforementioned quote you would essentially be building a woman up, similar to paying for her to go college...
  5. S

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    Why would you assume they’re praying for women? There are several things that would apply in your observations from red pill theory. Priests hold unique social status and even some social authority. They’re also usually pretty confident. A woman will always like a father figure Women like...
  6. S

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    I don’t understand this debate. There are definitely double standards in nature. Men have way more leeway for fornication, drug use, anything really than a woman. As far as I know most virgin women lose it to degenerates anyway, if that makes anyone happy here. We don’t live in a society...
  7. S

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    That’s a crazy word choice for advice towards men. No offence. First of all, people talk of female nature but men have a “nature” as well. I would like a man to prove to me he’s some kind of rational actor operating in the abstract realm, above various animal laws and pressures. I don’t...
  8. S

    Moving beyond the redpill...

    The “red pill” is basically ideas that challenge the modern cultural paradigm you adhere(d) to. The emotional aspect of the red pill is basically the consequence of you being forcefully “humbled”. The question of what comes after the red pill, just like all the emotions associated with the red...
  9. S

    The Real World (Andrew Tate)

    He’s well aware that Islam is antagonistic to western civilization, towards everyone really. I don’t mean just homosexuals, it would be extremely hard for anyone to live in an Islamic state unless they completely conform to the whims of that society. ISIS for example tortures their own fellow...
  10. S

    The Real World (Andrew Tate)

    Doesn’t he have a podcast or something? How many more hours of Tate do you need? I’m also not aware of any legitimate business he has started. You can go listen to people involved in the drug trade to your heart’s content on YouTube but it will not help you. Neither will advice from a man whose...
  11. S

    Current Events in Russia

    Its common knowledge, as I'm aware, within Russia that the government doesn't like nationalists. In their defense there have been and continue to be bad apples. So in post-soviet Russia you had equivalent of Aryan Brotherhood being the face of nationalism, in public and on the news. Anything...
  12. S

    Current Events in Russia

    Russian women and most neighboring countries favor hyper masculinity and bruteness. Russian women will start acting like a damsel in distress if there is any problem to even encourage you to get aggressive. On the other hand an older woman will talk and act like someone is about to be murdered...
  13. S

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Not to say sexually active women are "good" but this concept of "innocent" women roaming around is a trap. They're also aware of how they're perceived. A modern woman frame of reference is whores because they're the only ones who get anything. They're the ones with decent jobs, on billboards...
  14. S

    US College protests -Israel/Palestine

    I will say you’re morally consistent considering the general wish to restore order and deport the invaders in white countries. The problem is you’re forming your own morality and not thinking about it like a metaphysical concept originating from God. It doesn’t matter whether I feel I’m right...
  15. S

    Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

    As someone who loves both alcohol and cigarettes the positives are minor and the negatives are life changing. This forum has an older crowd I believe so they should know this already; you really dont want to lose your looks and health. Once they're gone, they're gone and it makes all the...
  16. S

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    I really dont know how to phrase this and it's really hard to say this in text with no context but I have a question that's been bothering me. I know it may come off as judgemental but it's not meant to be. Should men settle for something less than "ideal"?
  17. S

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    It was meant tongue in cheek. I’ve been trying to figure things out and it’s amazing how subverted I am because turns out this is a cultural shock for me. I’m so used to everyone bending over backwards to accommodate everyone and make “others” feel “included” I actually developed liberals...
  18. S

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    I can’t blame you. There’s systemic racism that permeates all levels of Asian society. As a Caucasian, you will not feel represented in governance/media, will be held to Asian beauty standards and they have discriminatory immigration policies. I just wish this issue would receive more exposure.
  19. S

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    I don’t know what’s going in Kiev but real estate becoming more expensive is all part of the ZOG globohomo program regardless of intentional or in some parts a byproduct. It has nothing to do with normal people having an influx of disposable income and starting families.
  20. S

    Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

    Yeah, I’m just joking. I understand the sentiment although I don’t promote It since the west is a soul crushing wasteland in a different way. Cheap beer, cheap cigarettes. Depending your SMV, easy women. Even if that sounds fun to someone, it really isn’t. Maybe if you’re 18 with an unlimited...