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Search results

  1. Doraemon

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Thanks for the creative input, just like magoo said in another thread "be where the women are" and "you can't fish in a desert". I will have to seek ways to implement your idea, at least for me now there are another way other than joining Catholic events. This is the hard truth for me, let's...
  2. Doraemon

    How did you find your faith?

    Sure, here is some of the videos: NDE Researcher Kenneth Ring: The Golden Rule Dramatically Illustrated Howard Storm's Near Death Experience Famous CARDIAC SURGEON gives PROOF of LIFE AFTER DEATH Text NDE resources: Near death experience archives Ali Sina's testimony, a man who's born as a...
  3. Doraemon

    How did you find your faith?

    On Finding Christ It started on the year 2017 when Zakir Naik visited my country, YouTube's algorithm recommended almost all of his videos to me. I watched several of them but I disliked his hardcore Islamist views and the Islamists comments on his videos. So I began to search for rebuttals to...
  4. Doraemon

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    This happened in Indonesia. So yes a virgin woman can still turn insane at the drop of a hat.
  5. Doraemon

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Most of my friends get married to women who they know since their early 20's. I missed that golden chance since at that time I was a total dork, but by the time I started improving the years have already passed. Now I'm 30 years old and besides faith in God, I must get creative in finding a good...
  6. Doraemon

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Hey thank you for this, this is the first time I hear about this. I always thought that Christianity is unfair because the concept of karma is absent in it compared to Hinduism and Buddhism. Now it all make sense. I have a feeling that my porn/fap addictions caused me to get jinxed and always...
  7. Doraemon

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Spot on you are right. At the time of their marriage my friend is 30 years old and his wife is 29 years old. But in this case despite her education and working a high powered career, she does not look like a stressed out woman who hit the wall. She still looks like a family-oriented beautiful...
  8. Doraemon

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Shaquilleoatmeal's post before really struck a chord with me. I have an old friend since middle school, which on July 2023 last year managed to marry a pure virgin. In high school he slacks off in his studies, and he only managed to complete exams and assignments mostly by cheating. He...
  9. Doraemon

    Marriage: Virgins vs Non-virgins

    Now as a Christian this is one of the things that I hate most. It is absolutely unfair that Thundercocks get to repent after they had their fun, and then God allows them to have their share of virgins for marriage. Instead of a loyalty program where God rewards those that are true to him, God...
  10. Doraemon

    The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

    After around 14 days of NoPorn / NoFap I begin to have regular nightmare every night such as alone in a building, home invasion and seeing a creepy being. But fortunately after around the 30 days streak the nightmare stopped. Thank God during my current streak I did not experience any sexual...
  11. Doraemon

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    In my observations above I wrote Catholic priests/seminarians, it is true and not a mistype. Now to clarify some things: This observation happened at a particular Catholic parish. The women there although they are already married and have their own husbands, and knowing that Catholic priests...
  12. Doraemon

    Game-like tactics for Christian Relationships?

    I have a crazy question that boggles my mind (and yes if I meet my priest when he is available I will ask him). Question: Is it possible that Christian prayers if done correctly, will be able to grant us supernatural abilities in attracting female attention? Observation 1: For years my mother...
  13. Doraemon

    India - Culture, Politics and Lunacy

    Although funny and unusual, from a Hindu standpoint it is logical. Since Hinduism view living beings as having the spirit of gods inside them, men can have godlike qualities and even be a demigod. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devaraja these are examples of kings that have divine status...
  14. Doraemon

    The Real World (Andrew Tate)

    I first heard about Andrew Tate in one of his many threads on RVF, but I'm not interested in him since I thought he was a kind of political activist. But the next time I heard about him was when Mar Mari Emmanuel got attacked, and Andrew posted his reactions by calling Christians to get angry...
  15. Doraemon

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    I apologize for sperging out in my post before this. But after posting that rant, the thoughts that lingered in my head and in my chest is finally gone, and now I'm at peace with myself. This part especially comes as a bitter truth. I realized this in the events in my post above, that we...
  16. Doraemon

    The Off-Topic and Random Thoughts Thread(Anything Goes!)

    Forgive me fellow CiK members for I am going to make an off-topic low quality post. I need to do this to get this lingering thoughts out of my mind once and for all. I respected Roosh as a teacher, enlightener, and a shepherd. I have gained uncountable knowledge in almost all aspects of my life...
  17. Doraemon

    Not taking revenge, turning the other cheek

    I don't know if this is just a coincidence, but I have a similar story at my old workplace. TL;DR My senior at work hates me 100%, insulted me and made me one of the worst performer. After several years she resigned due to conflicts with the managers, vindicating me. At that time I was still a...
  18. Doraemon

    The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

    Short Answer: Yes I am an Orthodox Christian, and yes my church is under the Moscow Patriarchate. I have several considerations as to why I tagged myself as "other Christian". Long Answer: When I first registered on RVF on January 2022, I chose the tag "other Christian" because I was spiritual...
  19. Doraemon

    The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

    Thank God after my last post here exactly two weeks ago, I managed to stay clean until now. Not fapping for two weeks makes me able to think clearly and without shame. Yes thank you for the advice. Sometimes we need to try creative ways if simple "just do it" mentality does not work. After...
  20. Doraemon

    The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

    Wanted to vent/rant here... Case A So after posting in this thread in early December 2023 and being called out by multiple members of the forum, my porn usage has drastically declined and even if I do watch porn I'm not as interested in it as before. Being called out has a sobering effect like...