The Real World (Andrew Tate)

This is a junk thread, with a clickbait title, with zero info in the opening post, and should be deleted.
I wonder why this thread has not been locked yet.
You guys need to lighten up. Weird threads like this often provide great entertainment and/or produce lasting forum memes (i.e. Little Dark vs. 50 white knights). We intentionally avoid heavy-handed moderation to allow for organic interactions between posters (trolls and subversives will always be instabanned, however).

Valentin, perhaps you should subscribe to the Real World and ask Andrew Tate how to improve your thread titles? 😆
You guys need to lighten up. Weird threads like this often provide great entertainment and/or produce lasting forum memes (i.e. Little Dark vs. 50 white knights). We intentionally avoid heavy-handed moderation to allow for organic interactions between posters (trolls and subversives will always be instabanned, however).

Valentin, perhaps you should subscribe to the Real World and ask Andrew Tate how to improve your thread titles? 😆
What this thread needs is some memes making fun of Andrew Tate!


i like andrew tate for the entertainment value he brought and i bought into it for a while. But lost interest after he converted to islam i do not believe it is genuine and its not a coincidence that every guy with money that frequents dubai converts to islam. It may have something to do with having an advantage for residence and tax benefits there.

The actuall usefull messages he brings are not that deep and they can be found in many places its not unique to him. Don't be weak, be healthy, understand how the world really works, be a man, know how to defend yourself, know how to build connections with men and women etc.

The problem with andrew tate is that his whole operation cant ever say escaping from the matrix by reducing your foot print and cost of living and working on your own self sustainable farm is a good option.

He needs to instill a deep fear and insecurity in men for not being rich enough, its what his whole operation and business is based on. Its a pyramid scheme where everyone simps for andrew tate and tries to use each other to get higher up in the pecking order ( how much money you have ).

Pay 50$ subscription, then pay 500$ for a course, then pay 5k$ for 1on1 mentoring with some expert, then pay 15k$ to go to dinner and hangout with a few rich guys all wearing suits and smoking cigars ( networking ).

The vast majority of guys in these funnels are never going to get anywhere and just burn money to have some cool pictures in the end while constantly pretending that they are more than what they are. One of andrew tates main apeals is that he wildly exagurates things and manages to pull it off due to his charisma and humor and the fact he is a very big guy and a proffesional fighter.

But all these young guys can't and what you end up with is a whole generation of young men larping as top G's realizing after a few years that they adopted a fake personality for themselves. This is another part of why i lost interest in the whole thing and am now trying to return more to godly beliefs again. Most of the men following andrew tate are lost and don't really have an identity of their own.

As i said before they started getting rich from webcam model simps and now they get rich off guys simping for andrew and tristan.

I dont hate or dislike them i just got to understand the reality of how things really are. When you are no longer under the spell of materialism that they are selling you break free from simping for them.
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i like andrew tate for the entertainment value he brought and i bought into it for a while. But lost interest after he converted to islam i do not believe it is genuine and its not a coincidence that every guy with money that frequents dubai converts to islam.
He’s well aware that Islam is antagonistic to western civilization, towards everyone really. I don’t mean just homosexuals, it would be extremely hard for anyone to live in an Islamic state unless they completely conform to the whims of that society. ISIS for example tortures their own fellow Muslims, it boiling down to for “interfering” in the establishment of an Islamic caliphate. So who’s the better Muslim, the Syrian soldier fighting for the elected president or the guy who enforces shariah law?

Knowing all this, to genuinely convert to Islam you’re going to have claim that shariah law is the greatest model of society conceived and everyone should live like that. That’s the only way it makes sense or can be genuine. I would also assume that such a person would want to go live in such society as well.

What he did is basically the equivalent of me or a forum member converting to Judaism because of the “wisdom” I came across in a synagogue. Fair enough but me knowing the role that Jews play in society completely rules out such a thing. I would be completely betraying myself and my values, even if I do think their religion has some good common sense.

But all these young guys can't and what you end up with is a whole generation of young men larping as top G's realizing after a few years that they adopted a fake personality for themselves. This is another part of why i lost interest in the whole thing and am now trying to return more to godly beliefs again. Most of the men following andrew tate are lost and don't really have an identity of their own.

The problem is for the longest time there has been the illusion of an exit strategy or an escape plan. White men, especially, think their problems will go away if they get rich or famous. My generation and everyone after thinks “success” will save them. Thankfully this type of logic is starting to crack. The only way forward is for us, as white people, as Christians, as traditionalists or however you want to categorize it is to collectively fix all these enormous social ills that are creating the burning desire for an “escape plan”. Some will escape, true, but most of us will suffer and be forced to work together eventually. Not as glamorous as you becoming some rich bodybuilder but it’s the only thing that will save us.
The actuall usefull messages he brings are not that deep and they can be found in many places its not unique to him. Don't be weak, be healthy, understand how the world really works, be a man, know how to defend yourself, know how to build connections with men and women etc.
This is true but Andrew Tate is important because he has a wide reaching audience and spreads this basic information to blue pilled young men (in an entertaining way) some of whom proceed to become more red-pilled. There are many things Tate does that I do not like (especially his grifting) but overall I feel he is a net benefit to society.

For example many people on the forum would agree that there are many people who would be more conservative and make a better president than Donald Trump but those people are not electable and have no chance of winning an election so in that sense Trump plays an important role for the right as he is the most conservative person that has a reasonable chance of being elected.
When the pendulum has been at one end for a long time and then it starts to swing back to normality, I suppose you have to go past normality to the other extreme with all kinds of crazy characters before you get closer to something normal and balanced. It's a necessary phase. Some of these people may not be very genuine, and some of them may be genuine enough but have no choice but to present themselves in a bold way in order to have any impact. That's why I never criticize them too much. I'm just enjoying seeing how the movie progresses.
When the pendulum has been at one end for a long time and then it starts to swing back to normality, I suppose you have to go past normality to the other extreme with all kinds of crazy characters before you get closer to something normal and balanced. It's a necessary phase. Some of these people may not be very genuine, and some of them may be genuine enough but have no choice but to present themselves in a bold way in order to have any impact. That's why I never criticize them too much. I'm just enjoying seeing how the movie progresses.
I agree that past periods of change have generally been led by radicals. In most cases, the radicals are pretty far out. They are wrong and unreasonable in some of their beliefs, and they go too far in pursuing their cause.

However, without the radicals moving the dial, their more moderate supporters probably would accomplish little.

So, if the pendulum is swinging back against feminism and wokism generally, there will certainly be some nutty anti-feminists and anti-woke opinion leaders. If these excessively radical players are necessary, as they seem to be, then it's a good thing to have them, even when they seem out of line.

So, in that sense, I must say that I do support Tate, even though I mostly have a poor opinion of him.
I think Tate is a net positive. He's apparently very popular with middle school age boys. He's a bad role model in a lot of ways (Islam, extreme/degenerate image) and his businesses are grifts. But, in a highly feminized society, he's also one of the only voices passing on "men's wisdom" to boys, ie basically the attitude that you should ignore what women say and not be a simp.

It seems to be working. When I go on Instagram, the comments are always full of young men calling out simping or weak behavior. It's not just from Tate, but think Gen Z is much more red-pilled than Millenials or Gen X.
Tate is human scum. He and his brother are both scum.

I would not piss on either of they were on fire, and would lose no sleep if I learned they were headshot and left in a ditch.

They embody the worst in materialism and superficial self aggrandizement as they've exploited week men through vice... And thier macho bullshit attitude is a total cope.

Only a fucking moron, or a completely lost person who's got no role models whatsoever would follow these to pieces of human shit.

I say Anathema to them both!'s Tom with the weather....
I am currently planning on infiltrating Tate's War Room. I have purchased a $12 cigar, a well-fitting sports coat and patterned silk ascot (using a dangerously near-expired gift card to the Men's Wearhouse) and have photoshopped a picture of myself in the driver's seat of a Bugatti. Unfortunately, due to a lack of funds, my slacks are from Wal-Mart and my shoes are Chinese made faux-leather, faux-Italian loafers from JC Penney. Hopefully this will not blow my cover, but if Tate becomes suspicious, I will abort the mission and evacuate his compound after throwing several slices of raw bacon at him as a distraction (as a supremely devoted Islamist, this is sure to offend him greatly). Some might ask, "scorpion, are you really going to carry around raw bacon in your pocket just to possibly distract Tate?" And the answer is no: I won't carry raw bacon in my pocket just to distract Tate. It just so happens that I carry raw bacon in my pocket everywhere I go.
I first heard about Andrew Tate in one of his many threads on RVF, but I'm not interested in him since I thought he was a kind of political activist. But the next time I heard about him was when Mar Mari Emmanuel got attacked, and Andrew posted his reactions by calling Christians to get angry and fight back.

From watching several of his contents, I think he teaches mostly good things. Andrew Tate says what he wants, take what he wants, and do what he wants. He openly declare that he wanted to be a winner and wanted to be strong, and he never pretended to be a holy man or hypocrite.

Here are my opinions regarding some of Andrew's controversial decisions:
Andrew Tate converted to Islam. In my observation Islam is one of the few religions that offered its followers excellent earthly and heavenly benefits. Muslims tend to party and live like there is no tomorrow, also when they eventually go to the afterlife the Islamic heaven offers more pleasurable rewards. Seeing Andrew is a person who wanted to live well, it is understandable he chose to convert to Islam.

Andrew Tate is a grifter. I observed that all businesses operated on a simple concept, by fooling their customers (by charging products and services as high as possible, while cutting costs to the max to maximize profits) and by fooling their employees (by paying them as low as they can get and working them as much as possible). The ultimate winner in all businesses is only the owners. I see that there is no problem with regards to Andrew Tate taking money from his followers and taking cuts from his female employees.

On the other hand do any of you have suggestions on role models / content creators better than Andrew Tate? Now in 2024 good manosphere and red pill contents have dwindled so much compared to 2010-2015 era. It seems that not only Roosh but many content creators decided to quit.
There are so many guys who have this whole "pay me money and I'll show you how you can make enough money to drive a Lambo," scheme. Suckers like you buying into their grift, that's how they make enough money...

It's just MLM aimed at insecure losers. If you want to be a successful man, ideally you'd have learned it from your Father, failing that go and find some successful men and ask their advice. Really successful men are too busy to be perpetually online pushing their latest course.

Not to mention Andrew Tate is a chinless man baby who enacts a 15 year old retard's ideal of masculinity.
I think Tate is a net positive. He's apparently very popular with middle school age boys. He's a bad role model in a lot of ways (Islam, extreme/degenerate image) and his businesses are grifts. But, in a highly feminized society, he's also one of the only voices passing on "men's wisdom" to boys, ie basically the attitude that you should ignore what women say and not be a simp.

It seems to be working. When I go on Instagram, the comments are always full of young men calling out simping or weak behavior. It's not just from Tate, but think Gen Z is much more red-pilled than Millenials or Gen X.

Not being a simp is bare minimum masculinity. And going around calling others out for their apparent simpishness is not inherently masculine either. Usually the people going around crying "simp" or calling people "cucks" all the time are just projecting their insecurities onto others.

I've never known a genuinely masculine man to be fixated on calling out "betas" and all that nonsense. That stuff is adolescent behaviour.
A con man once told me "before you sell someone a dream, you first have to sell them a pillow to sleep on."

I don't see how any of this is good for any man unless he is in dire straits, and even then there are other options to figure out a life path and success and have decent finances. In a cohesive monolithic society there is no need for this extremely individualistic and selfish lifestyle, even in Islamist nations it only works in the cosmopolitan cities, not in the provinces where a majority of the third world resides.

God is the norm, and materialistic whoremongering is an aberration that only manifests in the sinful swamps of modernism.
~ Welcome Alphas ~

You have been working hard. Indeed, the grind don't stop.

That said, we all need some time to chill.

For this purpose, here is a meditation app I can endorse:

Grind Life 4 Life tm

"While betas are skipping leg day to crank it in their goon caves, absolute closers like you are making passive income... "

Season 23 Laughing GIF by The Voice
Not being a simp is bare minimum masculinity. And going around calling others out for their apparent simpishness is not inherently masculine either. Usually the people going around crying "simp" or calling people "cucks" all the time are just projecting their insecurities onto others.

I've never known a genuinely masculine man to be fixated on calling out "betas" and all that nonsense. That stuff is adolescent behaviour.
Takes one to know one. No one can sniff out a loser like a loser. That's why women hate most men.

Most beta cucks think meeting an alpha is going to be like:

you: "hey bro"

chad: "do you even lift faggot?"

So that's how they think you should behave. In actuality it's a completely different experience meeting an alpha male.

You: "hey bro"

Chad: "Just banging dude. Been banging all day. How hard do you usually bang?"

You: *nervous smile" "I bang. I bang hard bro. All the time".