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Search results

  1. winterskeeper

    French Politics Thread

    she's controlled op and nothing is going to change. there are no political solutions. enjoy the decline, bros.
  2. winterskeeper

    Reigniting Motivation

    Hey fellas, I'm in a slump right now, haven't been to the gym in a while (a back injury (muscles) had me down for the count), except for today where all I did was a bit of cardio. Perhaps it's winter blues as well? What are some of the ways you guys manage to get your behinds back into the...
  3. winterskeeper

    Why Do Orthodox Christian Women Cover Their Heads?

    Yeah the Greeks are getting worse and worse unfortunately. Also the 'law' that was just a passed is a horrendous act as well.
  4. winterskeeper

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    yes please start that thread, I need to redpill my gf regarding this
  5. winterskeeper

    Recipes - Basic and Advanced

    thank you for the book recommendation, never heard of it, gonna purchase it in good time
  6. winterskeeper

    Recipes - Basic and Advanced

    My blini reciepe 140 g flour 590 milk 1 tablespoon oil 2 tablespoon melted butter 1/8 spoon salt vanila essence 1 tablespoon honey half teaspoon baking soda 2 eggs In a large mixing bowl, whisk eggs and milk. Add sugar, salt, baking soda, oil, Whisk together. Gradually whisk in the flour...
  7. winterskeeper

    Recipes - Basic and Advanced

    this plate sounds very nice... I'd like to give a tip or suggestion, cook the rice with chicken stock instead of water (or do half and half), and add a couple of bay leaves, adds more flavour ;)
  8. winterskeeper

    Recipes - Basic and Advanced

    What are you go-tos?
  9. winterskeeper

    Heritage Request Thread

  10. winterskeeper

    Heritage Request Thread

    I had a different username, is there a work-around?
  11. winterskeeper

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    He's a stepping stone, nothing more. Once you learn what he's about - if you have a brain - you move on quickly.
  12. winterskeeper

    Lifter's Lounge

    I've been introduced to the world of super-sets, so far I'm really loving it. Pushes you hard, and I feel like while I'm lifting weight, I'm getting cardio in there too. Any one else doing them?
  13. winterskeeper

    Heritage Request Thread

    I was too late =,)