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Search results

  1. H

    Signs of Escalation Into A World War

    American subs operate near Russia all the time. Russian subs operate near the U.S. all the time. In the mid-80s the Soviets were conducting naval drills in the Gulf of Mexico. The U.S. and Japan have held numerous drills off of Kamchatka, and in the Barents Sea with NATO allies. This article is...
  2. H

    Stock Market Thread

    Yeah r/superstonk (not a misspelling) is pretty wild with insane expectations. That’s where the apes went after r/wallstreetbets banned discussion of GME a couple years ago. In the back of my head I’m wondering if the powers that be will allow this short squeeze to happen. If some of the...
  3. H

    Stock Market Thread

    GME is up 50% today. The stock market is a casino so the actual fundamentals of business don’t matter. Hedge funds shorted the stock and are getting caught out by retail. Keith Gill has been on this since 2020 looking at his livestream history on YouTube.
  4. H

    Donald Trump

    Can’t be true there’s no Diet Coke in the order.
  5. H

    Donald Trump

    Go tax exempt the whole year on your W4 then tell the IRS to pack sand in April.
  6. H

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    The flu does not impact taste and smell like COVID does. They’re genuinely two different viruses with different symptoms. Tucker isn’t wrong for his discussions on COVID.
  7. H

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Tucker 2028
  8. H

    Elon Musk Thread

    No offense taken. I meant no offense when I disliked your comment either.
  9. H

    Elon Musk Thread

    I will not clarify further. Those questions are irrelevant to my dislike of your comment which started this discussion. I have a differing opinion than you about Musk and have articulated it. It seems that a statement of fact (that Musk accepted deep state funding for SpaceX from intelligence...
  10. H

    Donald Trump

  11. H

    Elon Musk Thread

    This is projection. I never said anything about disliking his past. I have no issue with his accepting government funding for SpaceX. I have none. I don't know for sure which side he's on, aside his from tweaking the nose of GloHos.
  12. H

    2024 Election Lounge

    The summary of HR7109 per Congress.gov is as follows: This bill requires any questionnaire used in the decennial census to include a checkbox or other similar option for respondents to indicate whether the respondent and each household member is a U.S. citizen. The Department of Commerce must...
  13. H

    Elon Musk Thread

    Cool. I stand by my dislike. For whatever Musk's flaws he's done far more good than harm. And I disagree that he's a deep state frontman. He's taken their money in the past for SpaceX's satellite launch capabilities and continues to do so. And from the actions of the SEC, DOJ, and other...
  14. H

    2024 Election Lounge

  15. H

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Currently in the U.S. there is a single powder mill, Olin in Florida. A huge amount of gunpowder powder consumed in the U.S comes from a plant in Australia and the St. Marks plant in Canada. Environmental regs surrounding explosives production in the U.S. are nuts which is one of the main...
  16. H

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Run because of long odds? No. Part of being that rock is developing and becoming part of your community so it’s not a single family vs the state. It may mean moving inside your state/country. I understand what you’re saying and disagree because it’s automatically going to the worst case. At the...
  17. H

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Running solves nothing. In the end evil will catch up to each of us. We in the West been blessed with the opportunity to prepare for what’s coming in each of our countries. Be the rock upon which Clown World breaks in each of our homes and cities.
  18. H

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    I pray Johnson’s primary challenger in LA slams the airwaves with this filth. I remember an older gentleman at my church said they knew Johnson and that he was a good man when he got the speaker’s gavel. Lol.
  19. H

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    The U.S. beat North Vietnam in every battle. The Tet offensive was crushed after initial gains. Walter Cronkite sold a narrative to that it was a communist victory. In 1975 congressional Democrats prevented the U.S. from fulfilling its obligations under the Paris accords. Instead of troops...
  20. H

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Absolutely fantastic interview.