Donald Trump

Yes, and all evidence continues to indicate this is the case. For God's sake, the whore's own former lawyer is now testifying against her. Why do people trust whores, possibly the most blue pill thing ever to trust a ho.

I don’t trust any of them? Especially the lawyers.

The whole matter of extortion, pay offs and prostitution is pretty shady. I have a hard time believing Trump would pay out. I certainly wouldn’t. Because wouldn’t the other person keep asking for more money?

Why did Cohen pay Daniels the money? And charge Trump for it? None of it adds up
It doesn't really matter if Trump actually slept with Stormy and paid her hush money to go away, or if she tried to shake him down with a made up affair and Michael Cohen was acting as a fixer and just paid her off then billed Trump without his prior knowledge. The point is that there is absolutely nothing illegal about this type of payment in the first place; such arrangements are incredibly common among wealthy and famous individuals (for better or worse). And as was pointed out, the suggestion that the payment should have been accounted for as a campaign expense and paid with campaign funds is completely ludicrous, as in that case they would have prosecuted Trump for campaign finance violations. The entire thing has been the most ridiculous of all the charges brought against Trump from the get-go, and is legally a total farce that could only be pursued in the unbelievably corrupt state of New York.

That being said, Occam's Razor would suggest that it's more likely than not that Trump DID have some sort of salacious/improper interaction with Stormy at some point and simply paid her to keep quiet about it. The idea that Michael Cohen would act without Trump's prior approval when he paid her or that he was actually paying to cover up his OWN affair with Stormy both strike me as much less likely. But that doesn't really matter. If Trump sinned in this manner, that's between him, his wife and God. He's never painted himself as some moral paragon and his supporters have never cared about his personal character flaws. The prosecution of this case is completely warrantless and absurd even if he did have relations with Stormy.
A lawyer forking 400K of his own money to bail out a client? Loool. This is not real world.

With the risk of being suspended/banned. Will just say Trump is an impulsive irrational douchebag newly rich cunt. I have friends like him. They believe they´re success comes from them. It´s incredibly. They really believe they are competent. And they´re success doesn´t come from parents inheritance. I have a friend his father gave him a Mercedes CLK. Afterwards he started to think he had a magic touch with ladies. The idiot really believed he was a ladies man. Just like Trump. Trump did manage not to burn his entire inheritance. I doubt he added anything to it.

Trump is obviously being criminally selectively prosecuted. His case is horseshit. But while they are cornering him they will ask him allegiance. This is just pure blackmail. And he will concede. You´ll see. He would sell his mother to stay out of jail.
That being said, Occam's Razor would suggest that it's more likely than not that Trump DID have some sort of salacious/improper interaction with Stormy at some point and simply paid her to keep quiet about it. The idea that Michael Cohen would act without Trump's prior approval when he paid her or that he was actually paying to cover up his OWN affair with Stormy both strike me as much less likely.

While I completely agree with you on everything else, I think Occam's razor points to the opposite. Trump loves beautiful women. Stormy Daniels is pretty nasty, big boobs aside.

Notice, with both of the women who've accused Trump - that crazy cat lady who accused him of rape, and Stormy Daniels, both range from ugly to mediocre. As crass as it is to say this, Trump has much higher standards in women and is used to much better. That alone makes the entire case sound fake to me.

Trump is always pointing this out, as much as he can, without getting into too much trouble for it - calling Stormy "Horseface," and the other crazy lady he said something to the effect "she'd be lucky if I wanted to rape her," or something like that. In both cases Trump is trying to signal not that he's ashamed of being an adulterer nearly as much as he wants people to know his standards in women are 10x higher and he is used to it. His pride is more insulted than his virtue.

Think about it - why on earth would Trump cheat on his wife Melania for Stormy? That's like going from a Rolls Royce to a Volkswagen. It makes no sense whatsoever. Occam's razor says Trump never touched Stormy, if anything he rejected her and she's attacking him out of revenge for being rejected.

It is very possible Trump cheated on all of his wives - but with much, much, much better looking women, and it wouldn't surprise me to learn of a bombshell woman coming out years later with a tell-all claiming she was an affair of Trump's. But these women? No way. That's why none of it seems believable to me.
While I completely agree with you on everything else, I think Occam's razor points to the opposite. Trump loves beautiful women. Stormy Daniels is pretty nasty, big boobs aside.

Notice, with both of the women who've accused Trump - that crazy cat lady who accused him of rape, and Stormy Daniels, both range from ugly to mediocre. As crass as it is to say this, Trump has much higher standards in women and is used to much better. That alone makes the entire case sound fake to me.

Trump is always pointing this out, as much as he can, without getting into too much trouble for it - calling Stormy "Horseface," and the other crazy lady he said something to the effect "she'd be lucky if I wanted to rape her," or something like that. In both cases Trump is trying to signal not that he's ashamed of being an adulterer nearly as much as he wants people to know his standards in women are 10x higher and he is used to it. His pride is more insulted than his virtue.

Think about it - why on earth would Trump cheat on his wife Melania for Stormy? That's like going from a Rolls Royce to a Volkswagen. It makes no sense whatsoever. Occam's razor says Trump never touched Stormy, if anything he rejected her and she's attacking him out of revenge for being rejected.

It is very possible Trump cheated on all of his wives - but with much, much, much better looking women, and it wouldn't surprise me to learn of a bombshell woman coming out years later with a tell-all claiming she was an affair of Trump's. But these women? No way. That's why none of it seems believable to me.

Sex happened in 2006. I have no idea why Trump tried to cover this up. Maybe the lawyer advanced the money out of impulse. And later Trump repaid him. Don’t thinks so. Trump had to know.

Either way all politicians are dirty. There wouldn’t be enough jails for them all.

But has former president he should never be on trial. Unless for something serious (vg murder). This attacks the rule of law.
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Amazing the impact of 20 years on a woman's looks.... that 2006 poster though likely touched up - if you had just come back from a 12 month Fast Attack Hunter Killer submarine patrol... and ran into her I hate to say it the first thought a red blooded man would have - being honest here - is BANGABLE. Homage to Roosh V.
Amazing the impact of 20 years on a woman's looks.... that 2006 poster though likely touched up - if you had just come back from a 12 month Fast Attack Hunter Killer submarine patrol... and ran into her I hate to say it the first thought a red blooded man would have - being honest here - is BANGABLE. Homage to Roosh V.

Roosh would not appreciate such sentiments. But the point is, Trump wouldn't have blinked at her.
While I completely agree with you on everything else, I think Occam's razor points to the opposite. Trump loves beautiful women. Stormy Daniels is pretty nasty, big boobs aside.

Notice, with both of the women who've accused Trump - that crazy cat lady who accused him of rape, and Stormy Daniels, both range from ugly to mediocre.

Now? Absolutely agree. 20 years ago?

Body was a 8 or 9 /10, I guess depends if you like fake tits. face was a 6 or 7. Melania was prettier and certainly aged a lot better .

Stormy 20 years ago was hot enough to do porn.

But it’s a bit disingenuous to say a girl you had sex with 20 years ago is ugly now therefore she must have been ugly 20 years ago. That’s just preposterous .
No hips, skull like a Neanderthal, and shoulders like a linebacker.

Has anyone seen Trump at his beauty pageants? He could have probably had anyone of those girls, and you think he'd be into Stormy? I think she's gross - but perhaps that's just me - however it's unquestionable that Trump had access to far more beautiful women back in the day.
I care more about the gnat that I clapped today than whether Trump actually had an affair with this whore or not. That sham court trial is pure humiliation ritual and an insult to your intelligence. Stormy Daniels has got to be one of the lowest class whores of all time. She's been milking this nothing-burger since 2015.

The tactic is to tie Trump up in a legal quagmire so that he can't afford to campaign. That's it. If this duplicitous story hurts his image with his Christian base, then that's just cherry on top.
No hips, skull like a Neanderthal, and shoulders like a linebacker.

Has anyone seen Trump at his beauty pageants? He could have probably had anyone of those girls, and you think he'd be into Stormy? I think she's gross - but perhaps that's just me - however it's unquestionable that Trump had access to far more beautiful women back in the day.

Agreed. This is why I believe the Karen McDougal claims have vastly more merit than these, not that any of it is criminal or matters.

In a bid to challenge some of the evidence being put forward in President Trump’s business records falsification trial in Manhattan, Trump attorney Emil Bove asked paralegal Jaden Jarmel-Schneider in court on May 10 about roughly three pages worth of records that the attorney claimed Mr. Bragg’s office had deleted.

Mr. Jarmel-Schneider confirmed some deletions. He acknowledged that some phone call records from 2018 between Mr. Cohen and Keith Davidson (Ms. Clifford’s lawyer) had been deleted, along with some records of conversations between Ms. Clifford’s manager Gina Rodriguez and then-National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard about Ms. Clifford’s claim that she had an affair with President Trump.

The Trump attorney alleged that the deletions were “significant,” prompting Mr. Jarmel-Schneider to dispute that characterization, though he acknowledged that some of the records had indeed been deleted.

And without a doubt, the entire case is fake and the affair never happened.

There is absolutely no reason to have deleted phone calls between Cohen and the ho's lawyer unless those calls exonerated Trump.

Looks like Cohen was a backstabber all along, and was probably conspiring to frame Trump way back in the day. He probably had Daniels sign the NDA, without Trump's knowledge, just so Trump could be framed for an affair that never happened. That is the only reason why such phone calls would be deleted by the prosecution.
Isn’t this a weird election season? Election Day is less than six months away, and hardly anyone is talking about it.
Maybe T spending four days in a court room is helping him too, cause he’s running away with it. Keep T gagged so “skittish women” don’t get too upset by him.

Libs are having a Little Dark reaction to the lawfare strategy.

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