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Search results

  1. D

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    That's low, using that against me. This sort of behavior is why I'm leaving. Please stop tagging me, I'm gone, just DMing friends.
  2. D

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    I wish this is what losing the argument always looked like. Mhmm. Bye.
  3. D

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Thank you for your kinds words. I will be leaving the forum permanently after being accused of heresy by our resident moderator who is twisting my words and beliefs: Patriot Front is not a pagan organization (Which pantheon do they follow? Which gods?), and regardless, I never "advocated" for...
  4. D

    Candace Owens

    Leading people to the understanding that Israel is actually the Church, and not a desert ethno-state that hates Christ, will do a lot to lead people to the Church and repentance. This is a very good thing. Cautiously optimistic.
  5. D

    US Border Crisis

    It is just so astonishing that a government could side with squatters, especially foreign ones, over the legal homeowner. Do we not pay property taxes as part of a supposed social contract that ensures a degree of physical protection from bandits and robbers? Basically us paying protection...
  6. D

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    This does exist, but I think it's currently rare. To be very clear and specific, I disagree with @MusicForThePiano that the White race is to whom the promises given to Abraham were transferred, and I think that's very clear in the NT. That's a theological disagreement I have with him, but that...
  7. D

    2024 Election Lounge

    Strongly agree. As much as we've had disagreements in the past, the United States, the American nation, the people within, are going to receive a big wakeup call due to our spiritual failings.
  8. D

    Bodily Health in the Context of Orthodoxy

    Thank you, Priestmonk Kosmas is an excellent resource, one I would recommend to anyone.
  9. D

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Is anyone saying anything otherwise? All we have been saying in this thread is that there is nothing wrong with both. You do both the physical and spiritual things needed. We live in the world, unfortunately. Not a monastery. Nowhere is IIMT or anyone else saying Whites don't need to repent...
  10. D

    Bodily Health in the Context of Orthodoxy

    I'm sorry, but this is not true. When someone is sick, or have broken a bone, they have cataracts, teeth falling out, etc., they consult a secular physician for help, and that is the right thing to do with lots of discernment (due to the unfortunate state of "medicine" today). Many saints and...
  11. D

    US Border Crisis

    "WOMAN FROM ARIZONA GOES ON VACATION; SQUATTERS TAKE HER HOME — COPS SIDE WITH SQUATTERS" Yeah, these people need to be killed. Local militias organized. "Lightning" hits the house overnight. Our country is being completely overrun. This is beyond the seriousness of Covid. All the difficulties...
  12. D

    US Border Crisis

  13. D

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    I'm 99.9% sure he meant that as in the White race as a whole, not souls. As in, saving the body, which is not a bad thing, we're not gnostics who think the material is evil.
  14. D

    Latest German Lunacy

    I believe the Germans had an antidote to communism but that made a lot of international people very upset.
  15. D

    US Border Crisis

    Libertarianism is worse than communism.
  16. D

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Have a link? Some quick searches didn't yield anything. Do you mean certain priests like Fr. John Whiteford and Fr. Moses McPherson (two great guys) or is there a website or channel in particular?
  17. D

    US Border Crisis

    We're just asking to be treated the same as every other nation. Nobody expects Japanese to flood their country with muslims. Nobody expects China to import hundreds of millions of Africans. And certainly nobody expects African countries to accept millions and millions of White immigrants...
  18. D

    Moscow Patriarchate and ROCOR

    I mean, beyond the fact that that's off topic (hence me moving the discussion here), I bring an official Church document directly contradicting what you're saying and you bring an empty assertion, no citations, no saints or councils or synods quoted. If you have an equivalent document let me know.
  19. D

    Clown World Thread
