Latest German Lunacy

It appears that the spirit of the Stasi is well and truly alive in modern Germany - my grandmother would not be amused.

Below is a short film celebrating high quality German engineering:

It's alive because after the fall of the Berlin wall the Stasi criminals were never hunted down and punished. Instead, they went underground and regrouped, forming new political parties, which then merged with the established ones. In fact, Angela Merkel was a Stasi collaborator and if you dig around, you will find photos of her in uniform.
It's alive because after the fall of the Berlin wall the Stasi criminals were never hunted down and punished. Instead, they went underground and regrouped, forming new political parties, which then merged with the established ones. In fact, Angela Merkel was a Stasi collaborator and if you dig around, you will find photos of her in uniform.
I'm not sure about the DDR, but in many other soviet-satellite states, when the communism fell, the rulling class took the advantage of the opportunities the new free market system offered and enriched themselves on the privatisation of state assets. And used this wealth to entrench themselves in positions of power.
I'm not sure about the DDR, but in many other soviet-satellite states, when the communism fell, the rulling class took the advantage of the opportunities the new free market system offered and enriched themselves on the privatisation of state assets. And used this wealth to entrench themselves in positions of power.

Well I am sure about the DDR as I did my research. All the culprits were spared and decades of crimes were swept under the rug in the name of reunification. The Germany you see before you today is the direct result of missing a huge opportunity to rid the nation of the same communists who subjugated and abused their own population.
Orthographic mistakes reveal lies


Such as dumb as drawing a swastika the wrong way

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Well I am sure about the DDR as I did my research. All the culprits were spared and decades of crimes were swept under the rug in the name of reunification. The Germany you see before you today is the direct result of missing a huge opportunity to rid the nation of the same communists who subjugated and abused their own population.
I believe the Germans had an antidote to communism but that made a lot of international people very upset.
In case you haven't heard, Germany has banned the Austrian Martin Sellner from entering its country.
Look up „Einreiseverbot Sellner“ it's all over the German press, for example -
Some stupid headlines in the English MSM as well -
They tell lies about him.
More generally on censorship :
It's just sad, for freedom of speech. He is such an eloquent, intelligent and strategic activist who very carefully and deliberately stays on the right side of the law. However he has written books and speaks on 'remigration' and does it very well and TPTB are running out of constructive ways to stop him. I believe he is going to legally appeal it. May even win, he often seems to win these cases. Also, remember how they several years ago hired a boat on the Mediterranean to go chasing the NGO people smuggling groups.

His last set of (German) podcasts were very much worth listening to :
Is just rather upsetting what the world is coming to, especially when you listen to -
„Bin ich in Gefahr? Riskante Gedanken ...“
Some good news though that he was allowed back on Twitter and is very happy about it and looking forward to testing it out
„Wieder da - was ich jetzt auf X vorhabe“
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Well I am sure about the DDR as I did my research. All the culprits were spared and decades of crimes were swept under the rug in the name of reunification. The Germany you see before you today is the direct result of missing a huge opportunity to rid the nation of the same communists who subjugated and abused their own population.
Didn't pay much attention to the DDR, was more focused on the Slavic states, but it looks like the so-called democratic transformations went along the same template in all (I think) soviet satellite states. With the rulling elite making a deal to share power, and the spoils, with the "democrats" in exchange for immunity.
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The question is what should we conclude:

The left wing of the plantation is allowed to say: It's because they have little money at home and they are discriminated.

The right wing of the plantation is allowed to say: It's Muslim with their evil hate preachers. And it's the "black" race who are evil.

Both are false positions in my opinion.

I have been to many muslim and "black" countries and they are not filled with "hate" or sexual harassers. As I have seen that people in poor countries are not sinning more than the rich countries. (rather opposite)

Leaves the question what is going on here in the west?

I think the answers is in who are coming here and why they are coming here.

Factually we know that the refugees are al in the age of 18-25 and male. They openly they come for a free house, free cash and easy free sex. Many have the idea, they can just grab a girl and have sex.

So peeling that off. The effectively means the rulers of the west run a program to bring sexual sinners and other criminals to the Europe.

Simultaneously the leaders have propagandized "rap culture" which means the promotion of drugs, whoring and stealing for black men.

So logically the outcome is what you shared.

Why would leaders want to do this? As it is just a logical outcome from the policies employed across the west.

I think it's an internal division program. (which is easily copied globally)
It's a standard political strategy; divide and conquer.

But the race play is quite new. It's a global play. It unites (and divides) people across borders.

E.g. the George Floyd narrative was pushed globally and localized. Like in Asia Floyd symbolized their "minority groups".

I think we are part of a real life theater. In which we are supposed to play our left or right wing role, missing the point what is happening.

This is an engineered situation.

And the cause is international leaders pushing this. Largely this is official UN policy.

The call it "bringing people together" but as we have all experienced the division between "black" and "white" people have grown. Propaganda works and is very effective.
Yes, this is hilarious and I want to see it happen. It would be a perfect stunt to make that chick look stupid and maybe it will show up on MSN. Clownworld overdrive.
1st April weed was partially legalised in Germany and there was a big smoke-in at Brandenburger Tor. Not selling it, just possessing and growing it, within limits, a lot of rules about where and when one can use it, how much at home, how much carried on your person. There are many articles and videos on this step online here is one in English -

What I found interesting is that the new law mentions „Anbauvereinigung“. If you don't want to do your own horticulture the law will allow for growing clubs. Registered clubs (e.V.) which also ensure the laws around growing are upheld.

I like a lot of the songs about weed, eg Hits from the Bong by Cypress Hill, Legalise It by Peter Tosh, Because I Got High by Afroman, Pass the Dutchie by Musical Youth. But fortunately or unfortunately, I just like the music but not the actual substance they're singing about. I've tried it a few times, more eating it than smoking. The first few were interesting but not necessarily enjoyable. The last time was a really bad trip which destroyed any further open minded curiosity.

Actually, even the first attempts at trying weed I immediately realised experiencing the effects why it was illegal.

I don't agree with this move, as it is yet another maneuver that makes it easier for people to think and do less and it will probably ruin a few more people's mental health.

Is weed good for you, am I missing out by not using it? I'm happy with coffee but if there were a plant which would help me reach some of my life goals I would probably use it but I don't think there is, and it is anyway unlikely to be weed.

Chinese Trolls Scholz, Asks If He’d Be Forced to Smoke Weed in Germany

“Hello, my dear Chinese. I am a white man and I am in charge of a big country. I am mentally retarded, which is why my face looks like this.”

“Thank you all for coming. I am so retarded. Thank you very much, my Chinese. Thank you. Farewell.”
Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday reassured Chinese students in Shanghai that they did not have to smoke cannabis if they studied in Germany and that Germany had legalised cannabis hoping that consumption would go down.
Scholz made the comments in response to a question from a student at Tongji University, who asked whether he would have to smoke cannabis if he studied in Germany, as the drug was not legal in China.
Germany passed legislation to legalise cannabis in February, allowing individuals and associations to grow and possess limited quantities of cannabis.
We don’t want more people to consume cannabis, we want fewer people to consume cannabis, we want there to be more public education about it,” Scholz said.
I don’t know what it says about white people that they don’t understand the Chinese boy was joking, mocking the deranged, sickening nature of legalizing marijuana.
It definitely shows a cultural disconnect that “will I be forced to smoke weed?” was taken to be a serious inquiry.
If he had asked “well I be forced to have gay sex?”, that could have been taken as a genuine question.
I won’t visit Germany because from the advertisements, it appears that when you go there, they force you to have gay sex.
No one actually believed that legalizing weed would reduce consumption. Maybe Scholz did because he has down syndrome. But no one else thought that.
The government wants people high on drugs so they ask fewer questions about what the hell is going on.
