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Search results

  1. V

    South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

    Those blacks were on a stealing and looting rampage. Almost all of them were unarmed, if they were on the warpath it would have been a bloodbath. A Zulu impi on the march is indeed a sight to behold (from a safe distance). So the white and Indian defenders weren't up against an armed opponent...
  2. V

    South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

    KZN has a better chance of secession than the WC, for the following reasons. The Zulus are a warrior culture, they consider dying in battle an honorable act. They are armed to the teeth and have demonstrated,on many occasions the skill, resolve and planning to commit violence. I believe, and so...
  3. V

    South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

    Hey Baron thanks for your, as always, excellent analysis. The other thing to remember is the average IQ in S.A is around 80. No need to tell you how this affects critical analysis, logical thinking and rational thought. In addition, the pass mark for all school subjects is 30%. There has been...
  4. V

    South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

    The DA is jewish owned and run, always has been. They have in the past fronted a few token blacks and now currently a white goy. They appeal to mostly liberal whites and normies, however, they did enjoy immense support from Coloureds in the Western Cape. The coloureds hate black rule and would...
  5. V

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    Pasta, the dude is a living legend.
  6. V

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Did he really crawl THROUGH the bars, is it some kind of special effect or trick of lightning?
  7. V

    Jewish Responses To (Criticism of) The Israel-Hamas War

    The vid is not playing sound.
  8. V

    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    I really enjoy his sermons as well.
  9. V

    Heritage Request Thread
