Jewish Tunnels Under New York

Anyone know whats going on here?

It's a Chabad shul. Chabad is also known as the Khazarian Mafia.

Basically every (((right wing))) politician is to a degree controlled by Chabad - barring the Identitarian Right. Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, Bolsonaro, Milei, Orban..

In one of his last posts the legendary Anonymous Bosch wrote a lengthy expose on what he called 'The Civil War in World Jewry' which was raging between the Reform Jews/ secular Jews centered around Tikun Olam/ Marxism and the Hasidic Jews centered around Chabad. If anyone could find that post it would be great. He wrote that piece four or five years ago. I believe he also said that conflict would soon hit the surface.

It could also be related to the situation in the Middle East.
It's a Chabad shul. Chabad is also known as the Khazarian Mafia.

Basically every (((right wing))) politician is to a degree controlled by Chabad - barring the Identitarian Right. Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, Bolsonaro, Milei, Orban..

In one of his last posts the legendary Anonymous Bosch wrote a lengthy expose on what he called 'The Civil War in World Jewry' which was raging between the Reform Jews/ secular Jews centered around Tikun Olam/ Marxism and the Hasidic Jews centered around Chabad. If anyone could find that post it would be great. He wrote that piece four or five years ago. I believe he also said that conflict would soon hit the surface.

It could also be related to the situation in the Middle East.
Thanks... I picked up on the Chabad connection (kushner also a bit Chabad guy)...but not sure what significance of this building or the particular infighting going on.
Thanks... I picked up on the Chabad connection (kushner also a bit Chabad guy)...but not sure what significance of this building or the particular infighting going on.

We'll probably never find out. Things like these get handled quietly.

But what I do know is that the current political fight in Israel, in the domestic arena (not Gaza) is 100 percent real.

These two groups don't like each other.
Probably none of the above. Have any of you been to neighborhoods that have a high population of Hasidic Jews? Or interacted with them in places like Brooklyn, NY or parts of New Jersey? Or is it just speculation reading posts online?

If you have you would know that nobody tends to get along with them. They are very annoying to deal with and tend to impose their ultra religious rules upon everyone, even doing things like attempting to take over NY school boards and funnel funds to other Hasidic programs.

Nobody outside of their little fanatical circle wants to deal with them, Christians or Reform / Orthodox Jews alike. They also tend to fight amongst each other and other Jews which is probably what happened here. The leadership of their synagogue probably got sick of some upstart young Israelis who dug the tunnels and wanted to lay down the hammer. It’s also a building code violation which affects to integrity of the building. 99% chance those guys aren’t even American and straight from Israel.

Your posts are funny to read, especially the 4chan one. How the kind goes to some world wide grand conspiracy, when if you’ve interacted with these guys you know the factions can barely get along with each other.
Probably none of the above. Have any of you been to neighborhoods that have a high population of Hasidic Jews? Or interacted with them in places like Brooklyn, NY or parts of New Jersey? Or is it just speculation reading posts online?

If you have you would know that nobody tends to get along with them. They are very annoying to deal with and tend to impose their ultra religious rules upon everyone, even doing things like attempting to take over NY school boards and funnel funds to other Hasidic programs.

Nobody outside of their little fanatical circle wants to deal with them, Christians or Reform / Orthodox Jews alike. They also tend to fight amongst each other and other Jews which is probably what happened here. The leadership of their synagogue probably got sick of some upstart young Israelis who dug the tunnels and wanted to lay down the hammer. It’s also a building code violation which affects to integrity of the building. 99% chance those guys aren’t even American and straight from Israel.

Your posts are funny to read, especially the 4chan one. How the kind goes to some world wide grand conspiracy, when if you’ve interacted with these guys you know the factions can barely get along with each other.

Nobody outside their little circle wants to deal with them according you, yet almost every political figure of stature has these humiliation photo ops with said Lubavitchers. Including the video posted above by @PointyElbows. Not to mention that some of the richest people on the planet are known Lubavitchers.

Please explain the above. I do agree with the part that many other Jewish sects don't like them.

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Attached: Milei, Tusk, Scholz, list is endless.


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Hey look, there really are giant rats in the New York City underground. They even live like them, look how filthy it gets the further one ventures into these rabbinical recesses. Every urban legend has a modicum of truth in its origin. Now they will know what it feels like to have their natural habitat disturbed, like what they have done to countless other nations throughout the ages.

I propose a poll as to what we should name this particular habitat.

It's the dreidel den, the hymie hollow, the foreskin fissure, the ashkenazi abyss, the noses nest, lair of the lampshades, the kosher keyhole, the bagel breach, the matzah mine, gargamel's grotto, the concentration cavity, the talmudic trench, the chutzpah chasm, the chosen crevice, or Azazel's armpit.
Nobody outside their little circle wants to deal with them according you...
I'm sure others are aware, but keep an eye out on some of these chew mansplainers and members who are all over the boards liking all these contradictory posts yet never post anything themselves. We're being monitored! Shut it down! Shut it down!

BREAKING: Tunnel Found Burrowed Under Women’s Section of 770, Possibly Destabilizing The Building​


Shock and horror in Crown Heights after a tunnel was found burrowed underground in the most unlikely of places, under 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights.

No, we really aren’t joking. Not an Israeli replica of 770 in Eretz Yisroel. 770 Eastern Parkway, the Headquarters of Lubavitch in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, United States.

The accidental discovery happened nearly three weeks ago after a series of incidents rang alarm bells with the Gabboim of 770.

A Union Street homeowner who spoke with said that they had been hearing suspicious noises at night in their home for a period of time. As the noise continued, the concerned homeowner notified someone of the sounds and their suspicion.

Around the same time, construction work was underway placing new plumbing near 770. As the work neared completion, a trench was dug to lay a waterline and the surprised workers were shocked to find what appeared to be a tunnel underground, according to a source familiar with the incident.

Putting the pieces together, one of the workers in 770 investigated and got the shock of his life when he discovered the tunnel, burrowed from the Mikvah on the corner of Union Street and Kingston Ave. The tunnel allegedly extended from the Mikvah under the Kingston Ave women’s section of 770, where it exited into the building.

While details on the tunnel remain scarce, and with some rumors spreading, it appears that a group of bochurim began digging around six months ago in an attempt to “expand 770”.

Working at night for an extended period of time, the bochurim began digging from the Mikvah building and hollowed out a tunnel that sounds eerily similar to those used by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The tunnel, while “amateurish” managed to extend all the way to 770 where it burrowed under the Kingston Ave women’s section, possibly destabilizing it.

Shocked and horrified at what was found, the 770 Gabboim made the decision to close off the now possibly unsafe women’s section to the public as decisions are made on how to secure the building.

With the tunnel discovered, the parties involved will now have to grapple with some difficult questions such as who will be responsible for the damage caused by the tunnel? Will criminal charges have to be brought against the bochurim? With the 770 building still under dispute, those questions will become exponentially more complicated.

Calls made by to the Gabboim of 770 with a request for comment went unanswered.




