South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

Hey Baron thanks for your, as always, excellent analysis.
The other thing to remember is the average IQ in S.A is around 80. No need to tell you how this affects critical analysis, logical thinking and rational thought.

In addition, the pass mark for all school subjects is 30%. There has been a deliberate programme of dumbing down students even further with outcomes based education.
This filters down to every facet of society including voting patterns.
2024 election results :
In round numbers :
ANC 40%
DA 22%
MK 15%
EFF 10%
IFP 4%
PA 2%
VF 1%

Compare that to 2019 :
ANC 58%
DA 21%
EFF 11%
IFP 4%
VF+ 2%

That MK is almost a faction of the ANC I heard. Maybe a South African ( @GoodShepherd ) can explain more.

DA stands for Demokratiese Alliansie and the impression I get is that is the party for whites. I was reading an article a black person wrote about blacks who vote for the DA and it was very negative. So it does sound very colour oriented.

ANC shift from 58% to 40% is a big deal, losing the absolute majority. The headlines are that they are losing that for the first time in 30 years.

That initial ANC win was with Nelson Mandela becoming president after being released from a very long prison sentence in 1990.

Don't know what this means for the future of South Africa, if anyone has a better idea, please post. The 'white' party votes proportion has only gone up slightly but the ANC now has to form a coalition which they did not have to do before.
Im not an expert but a few weeks before the elections took place the government passed 2 very bad bills, the bella bill which basically makes home schooling illegal and also ends private schools and the National Health Insurance bill that ends all private hospitals and turns them into state hospitals, pretty big deal.

In my eyes the ANC won by 65% because the MK and EFF are both branches of the ANC their leaders are former ANC politicians just with more extreme left wing views, the opposition party the DA they are also a left wing party they still share the same values as the opposition, homosexuality, secular, abortion, all the race based laws etc etc they basically the same just that they more efficient and steal less so this isnt really an opposition in my opinion, all these parties supported the lockdowns, climate change and vaccines.

So very few people actually took part in the elections only 16 million they said it was the lowest voter turn out ever, our population is over 50 million there are 27 million registered voters but only half showed up, I myself didnt bother voting I took the day as a holiday, I went to church that day and my God father took me out for lunch, I did and do pray for our country and the leaders running it, we need to keep the influence of the demons off them thats the most important thing.

What are your views?
The DA is jewish owned and run, always has been. They have in the past fronted a few token blacks and now currently a white goy. They appeal to mostly liberal whites and normies, however, they did enjoy immense support from Coloureds in the Western Cape. The coloureds hate black rule and would much rather be governed by whites. They haven't yet made the distinction between jew and whites, I suppose to them anything else is better than black.

None of this really matters because almost all the parties are controlled behind the scenes by BIG jew tycoons like the Oppenheimer's and Ruperts. They have entrenched themselves since the birth of S.A and are not leaving anytime soon.

There was a guy on the forum called Baron tigercat or something that has an excellent grasp on S.A politics and history, I wish he would post more.

The wildcard in all this political maneuvering is the MK party, headed by ex president Zuma. Although much vilified in the MSM, he is venerated in the province of Natal and appears for now not to have been bought by jew money. But its only a matter of time because they are all in pursuit of power and money and everyone has their price.
Thats the paradox of power, those that desire power should never have it. And those that deserve power dont want it.
The coloureds are probably the only people that still use the k word when talking about black people its quite funny, the western cape in my eyes are very stupid people, the minorities are the majority and they can literally cut themselves off from South Africa there were sucession parties to vote for and the people didnt seem interested (unless there was cheating and dishonesty in the elections) the majority of the western capes tax money is not even spent in their province its used in other places of SA, anyway Im on the wrong side of the fence anyway so its not my problem.

I think the MK did so well because there are no more zulus in the government and they not happy, Jacob Zuma is the last Zulu with some influence and the KZN area is where most of the zulus live so its why he did so well over there, he represents them, he is still an ANC guy though just under new branding, I heard that he isnt interested a sharing power with the ANC unless Cyril Ramaphosa is removed as president, which would be quite bad because our deputy president doesnt look like such a good guy just google his photo and his history, its said he had an army of assasins and that he killed all his rivals and thats how he landed up where he is, so if Cyril steps down thats the guy who will take his place I think, he also once told the leader of the EFF Julius Malema to "come back home" to the ANC, for those who dont know who Malema is he is the guy that sings the kill white people song and wants to end property rights in the country, he went for some training with Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
The other thing to remember is the average IQ in S.A is around 80. No need to tell you how this affects critical analysis, logical thinking and rational thought.

In addition, the pass mark for all school subjects is 30%. There has been a deliberate programme of dumbing down students even further with outcomes based education.
When I was last there I got to know someone who is white but had to spend a lot of time in an all black environment, and I could easily tell from the stories that this IQ 80 thing was true. I think if you are white in that situation in becomes apparent and bothersome, the IQ difference, happy not to be in that situation. Also, as friendly to one's face the blacks can be at times, they do support their own colour.
In my eyes the ANC won by 65% because the MK and EFF are both branches of the ANC their leaders are former ANC politicians just with more extreme left wing views
Was also suspecting something like that, although the ANC is down to 40%, parties with similar policies fill it out to over 50% so nothing much will change.
the DA they are also a left wing party they still share the same values as the opposition, homosexuality, secular, abortion, all the race based laws etc
Didn't know that, would make sense given what @BarrontheTigerCat was saying about them. Why homosexuality when you have other countries in Africa like Ghana that are jailing people for gay acts. Can't say I noticed many obvious gays of any colour around when I was there however, maybe they hang out in Cape Town.
What are your views?
Not sure of the names but have heard of some very small pro-afrikaner parties there who I would probably vote for if I lived there. Does sound like there is no party which is getting more than some amount under 1% that would really align with my views.

I have heard Akrikaners express the view that they gave away the country in 1994, were more or less forced to, or that the blacks have been given a 30 year trial to run the place and they have not really succeeded in taking it in a positive direction. It is less first world than it used to be. You also hear a lot about Zuma and his corrupt ways and about the ANC not being what it used to be when Mandela lead it in 1994. I heard Zuma had an excessive residence :
also 10 bedrooms 13 bathrooms in Dubai -
Something not quite right..

Not sure if you would rank the electricity issues as the #1 problem there, it is definitely something to behold how things switch off including traffic lights for periods of the day. Obviously violence and crime, I heard from blacks who are victims of it too, you don't have to even be white there to be a victim of it. Something a bit wrong with the place clearly. There was also talk of various groups from other African countries going there and causing trouble, doing crime.

Then I witnessed and heard about people carrying guns for personal protection. Not that that is something out of the ordinary for Americans but for me it was.
And so the utterly corrupt and thieving ANC was forecast to win, but to barely scrape a win - which is what has happened.
Or did they? They needed 50% to rule outright and scraped 40%
The thing is that the ANC has the logistic network to mobilise a vote - using threats if necessary - amongst poor blacks, certainly poor Xhosa.

But now that they came first but only got 40% that means that the Ruling ANC will have to form a coalition government.
This is where it gets interesting.
The two big parties this time last year were the EFF Economic Freedom Fighters and the DA the Democratic Alliance.

The EFF are interesting - the Conservative party in the UK was not looking after conservative voters and so along came Nigel Farage with his UKIP party to hold their feet to the fire.
In this case the ANC, secure in power, had completely forgotten its base of mainly Xhosa, at the least black African, poor and uneducated voters.
On their watch a new Black Elite has stolen and thieved its way into millionaire lifestyles whilst engaging in every corruption possible.
For the common man - life has become increasingly chaotic, violent, dangerous and humiliating.
Along comes Julius Malema (equally reported as Sotho or even a Zimbabwean by some) to hold the feet of the ANC to the fire.

And it's worked.
There is a lot of marketing and promotional public relations know-how behind the EFF and its bright colour scheme and staged rallies.
The voters? Do they subscribe to a guerrilla marxist mind set of appropriating white wealth and farmland to the point of economic suicide? Many of them? If you asked them about suicide-by-marxism? Oh .. sure - right off the cliff.
The EFF appeals to "reparations" thinking, the Whites have nice shiny things like big houses, big businesses, big farm operations - if that gets REDISTRIBUTED to non-whites then.. Hay presto, Blacks will no longer be poor.
The EFF are secretly run by boss-jews and bankrolled by a jewish New York Billionaire called Nathan Kirsch who made his money through a New York cash and carry operation and also through defence contracting in Israel, his family are Manhattan socialites. He claims to be "Swazi" and to live in the tiny African principality Swaziland as a citizen.. all for tax purposes (he actually lives in New York)
Malema is also close to the Mazottis - a crypto jewish family in Durban deeply involved in smuggling and organised crime.
Surprise Surprise the jews are behind a "Blame Whitey-Kill Whitey" party. again..

The other big party, the DA are the favourite party of those with their head in the sand.
An almost entirely jewish run party, or at least almost entirely jewish led, it is a 'reasonable' centre left party which would govern weakly and wishy washily in some benign 1960s Scandinavia - they're not exactly suited to the South African landscape.
Case in point - there was a city wide strike in the city they govern (Cape Town) mainly involving Xhosa and more generally black africans.
The jewish populated DA in the western Cape went full surveillance govt on its black population.. its taxi gangs. threatened them with new regulations, 'surveillance', and Fines of course just like the jewish DA went all in for Corona Big Govt in the Cape.
The result?

Ongoing rioting! Looting! Main routes shut down. Bus service finished as bus drivers killed. Police killed. Police dogs burnt alive inside Police vehicles.
Things got a little chaotic. The big shopping malls closed down becuase of the widespread looting. Noone could go to work across Capetown. The black taxi gangs were covering some junctions entirely in diesel fuel.

The DA officials went on TV and puffed themselves up and pontificated as if was their 15 minutes of fame.. We're gonna face down the strike!
But I honestly don't think many of the black africans in Cape Town even paid much, if any, attention to them. They just went into automatic Toi-Toi (all singing all marching) mode.
Buses swung through burning barricades with dozens of blacks seated on top of them all singing "struggle" songs and the black locals came out and cheered them as they drove past.
The jewish owned bus company Golden Arrow tried to get its black bus drivers killed by running the strike blockade. Its DEI board is all jews plus 'diversity' Indians and Blacks.
One jew threatened the black Taxi Gangs. "If you shoot our drivers and set our bus passengers on fire then.. "we'll get you!" "we've got (very crappy) cameras everywhere!" "we will >capture yOuR iDeNtItY ! we will record youuuuuuu!"
Its a good thing there's no history of these black gangs ever wearing bandannas around their faces or donning balaclavas as they mercilessly shoot their enemi- no, wait..

Yes, deals were eventually done and eventually the strike came to an end but the DA looked extremely toothless and weak (at least to me) during the standoff.
Not least when they were taken aback by the Apartheid era communist tactic of emptying elementary schools and getting the tiny kids to march down the streets chanting struggle slogans. As you sow, so shall you reap..

NOW - what is interesting is that all the boss jews from Washington have been courting the DA in the run up to the election.
Victoria Nuland has been meeting with them, Samantha Power, I believe, I think Anthony Blinken..
So the boss jews in Washington were very very concerned with courting the DA, inviting them to meetings on the East Coast of the USA.
So.. have they been prepping the DA as their personal emissaries in the mess that a post election shake out will turn into?

One aspect of this is BRICS.
Resource Rich South Africa makes up the "S" in BRICS.
We know that the ANC was historically tied to the Soviets and has been recently edging towards Russia and especially China.
And Malema/EFF has been singing Putin's praises.
THEN we have the issue of Israel and the ANC pursuing their court case against the Israelis at the ICC.
What are the odds of the US throwing it's lot in behind the jewish DA? I would anticipate it. They've done morally much worse in the Ukraine where they courted the Neo Nazis in order to spite Russia.

If Nuland has been inviting DA politicians to Washington what are the odds that the Kirsch family also met with them?
Because for a much bankrolled and media hyped party, Julius Malema and the EFF did pretty badly in this election.
I am just speculating - but is it possible that Malema had the rug pulled out from under him by his jewish owners?
They definitely got their strategy wrong judging by their results.

And a lot of that - as has been mentioned above - came in the 11th hour entry of Jacob Zuma and his party "MK".
Kwa Zulu Natal - the province, a veritable hive of Zulu communities all warring with each other - has been the king maker in this election.

It was KZN that erupted into violence and looting in 2021 with whites and Indians on one side and blacks (badly) all shooting at each other.
Why? because a court had dared to pass sentence on Jacob Zuma, the former president of ZA and a Zulu. Sentencing a Zulu elder like that was a big "no no".
This all goes back a long way..
In the early Apartheid ruled 90s Mandela's mainly Xhosa ANC were fighting bitterly with the Zulu IFP who wanted their own Zulu country after becoming disillusioned with the ANC.
IFP were led by Zulu nationalist Mangosuthu Buthelezi, a close right hand man of Zulu king Goodwill Zwelithini.
Eventually Mandela and the ANC gave concessions in exchange for political unity (Ingonyama Trust, millions of Rand per year to the Zulu monarchy, and many Zulus placed in top ANC & govt positions) - some of the worst tracksuit Zulu impimpi thugs became ANC party cadres and began terrorising anyone in those barren hills who was not-ANC.
Well, Zuma was a crook a thief and a rapist - among other things - and also not a Xhosa - and eventually he was brought low and ejected from his presidency.
There seems to be a basic split in the ANC - with one faction wanting radical people's committees, struggle, reparations, confiscation of property etc.
And the other faction being more middle of the road, mercantilist, etc.
Thabo Mbeki - Zuma's predecessor and a Xhosa was more of a centrist.
Zuma represents the more radical and also sizeable "Revolution!" marxist faction of the party.
The officials of both factions are in the "scratch one's own back and to hell with the masses" orientation.

At an ANC party conference Zuma wanted his ex wife to succeed him (so he could rule through her) on a more radical ticket.
Cyril Ramaphosa ran on a far more centrist ticket and narrowly won.
THEN Zuma was prosecuted by his own ANC party officials (think rival faction), arrested, tried many times and then, in 2021 as a result of ll that, all hell broke loose in Kwa Zulu Natal with many killed.
THEN he formed his own party, six months ago, called MK and he just came 3rd in the national polls.

So - what happens now?
Its an odd one - because the middle class, panty waisted Jewish DA make odd bed fellows with the mainly black or Xhosa and anti-Israel ANC.
Maybe that's why the jews of Washington have made nice so much with the DA, hoping that they would become king makers in a split election and thus jews in the US would have far more direct control of what happens in Pretoria and Johannesburg.
But the two parties make odd bed fellows indeed - a lot of DA types have made common cause with the pipe dream "Cape Independence" movement, something that is an anathema to the AnC cardres.

Does Ramaphosa make a coalition with Zuma and MK? Impossible.
Zuma hates lily-livered and obedient apparatchik Ramaphosa.
He named his own party MK after uMKhonto weSizwe which was the terrorist wing of the ANC - happily blowing up white school girls with Soviet limpet mines in a former life. To his faction Ramaphosa is the ultimate "sell out".
Would the ANC jettison Ramaphosa to form an MK alliance? possibly but that order would have to come from on high.
I honestly don't know who is behind Zuma, but he was close to the Gupta family who were the little brothers to the Oppenheimers when bankrolling his former party the ANC.
Weirdly - and this is where I suspect the claw hand of the jew - in just six months MK stood in the shoes of the EFF and completely took over their platform (anti white, reparations, farm seizures, power to the masses etc etc) and Malema and the EFF didn't seem to know how to handle it.
They seemed wrong-footed by the manoeuvre.
Nearly every white skinned journalist and reporter in SA politics is a jew. They are raising the spectre of "Russian Collusion" "Dastardly Putin etc" if either Zuma or Malema get a role in government.
But the EFF is now 10% of the votes and so Ramaphosa could still form a coalition with them, although that would still represent a hard left and 'anti-whitey' turn from the current government.

The thing is.. the "Ruperts" the "Oppenheimers" the DA, the "Kirschs" - the ANC DA and EFF are all run by jews and so .. is it really the terrible crisis that the credentialed jews are pretending it is?
On one level, yes,
because the Xhosa-Zulu split has re entered national politics years after much effort was previously made to bring the Zulus into the ANC fold.
But on another level? the jews don't care how many Gollum's kill each other and they control all (or nearly all) of the front runners -
so if the ANC picks a radical coalition partner and goes full Haiti/Nasser/Antifa then I suspect it will be because that is what the International Jew wants -
and so this sudden multipolar BRICS world order might be something that is constellating everywhere, all at once, not so much 'accidentally' as.. 'accidentally on purpose" .

All ZA talking heads in the media - ie: all public ZA jews are currently saying that the 'only alternative' is to form some weird suburban-Laura Ashley-Robert Mugabe hybrid-mutation ...cough.. DA-ANC coalition but ==== on that score, we shall have to wait and see..

@Veritas thanks for the complement.
@GoodShepherd - MI6/Mossad/BizNews stooge Paul O'Sullivan says that the load shedding stopped over the Rugby World Cup and Christmas because the ANC were printing money to pay for massed diesel generators to handle any surge (the UK sometimes does the same thing to bail out its failing infrastructure).
Well said, so SA is not in a very good position politically right now, ANC plus two even more far left parties hold the majority and the DA another left wing party holds the rest, I hope you understand why I never voted it was pointless, maybe next elections I should?

What are your thoughts on the western cape? The have an opportunity to become independant but the people dont seem interested? It would totally destroy the rest of the country though but I was kind of hoping it would have been a suprise election result, can you imagine everyone waiting to see of DA or ANC won but instead Western Cape becomes independant haha, well it didnt happen the people there are to left wing.

Regarding the power cuts I was told Eskom was built not only to supply South Africa but to supply all the neighboring countries with power so we supposed to have more than enough capacity, if you noticed we havent had a single power cut for months now, its like whenever they want they are capable to leave the lights on its clearly intentional in my opinion, just like they turned it on for the world cup and Christmas they left it on for elections. Somewhere somehow someone must be making money in the government from the power cuts.
When I was last there I got to know someone who is white but had to spend a lot of time in an all black environment, and I could easily tell from the stories that this IQ 80 thing was true. I think if you are white in that situation in becomes apparent and bothersome, the IQ difference, happy not to be in that situation. Also, as friendly to one's face the blacks can be at times, they do support their own colour.

Was also suspecting something like that, although the ANC is down to 40%, parties with similar policies fill it out to over 50% so nothing much will change.

Didn't know that, would make sense given what @BarrontheTigerCat was saying about them. Why homosexuality when you have other countries in Africa like Ghana that are jailing people for gay acts. Can't say I noticed many obvious gays of any colour around when I was there however, maybe they hang out in Cape Town.

Not sure of the names but have heard of some very small pro-afrikaner parties there who I would probably vote for if I lived there. Does sound like there is no party which is getting more than some amount under 1% that would really align with my views.

I have heard Akrikaners express the view that they gave away the country in 1994, were more or less forced to, or that the blacks have been given a 30 year trial to run the place and they have not really succeeded in taking it in a positive direction. It is less first world than it used to be. You also hear a lot about Zuma and his corrupt ways and about the ANC not being what it used to be when Mandela lead it in 1994. I heard Zuma had an excessive residence :
also 10 bedrooms 13 bathrooms in Dubai -
Something not quite right..

Not sure if you would rank the electricity issues as the #1 problem there, it is definitely something to behold how things switch off including traffic lights for periods of the day. Obviously violence and crime, I heard from blacks who are victims of it too, you don't have to even be white there to be a victim of it. Something a bit wrong with the place clearly. There was also talk of various groups from other African countries going there and causing trouble, doing crime.

Then I witnessed and heard about people carrying guns for personal protection. Not that that is something out of the ordinary for Americans but for me it was.
So here is a list of the values of the main political parties, there are more parties than this about a million haha, so notice how the DA doesnt appose pornography or the LGBTQ stuff or abortion, 90% of their values are the same as the EFF and ANC. I think the only hope for this country is if Christ appears to the president and reveals himself to him like he did to the Pagan emperor Constantine there is no other way so we as the people need to pray for the government and be humble and repent and turn from our wicked ways and live like the first century Christians did in the Roman empire, only problem is I dont think we as Christians are as pious and as strong as the Christians in those days so may God have mercy on us. I actually think its quite possible for me to one day even serve a prison sentence for my faith some day I wont be suprised and Im already trying to prepare myself for this to happen, not because I want it to happen but the possibility seems very high in this enviroment.

Regarding the power cut literally 60min ago we just got our first power cuts again they are back, just like I said the elections are over so theu have resumed the power cuts again, the reasons given on the local groups and eskom apps for power cuts are always ridiculous reasons, oh its the wind, the rain, a tree fell, unexpected maintanence, a transformer exploded etc, but how come the weather was never a factor during all these months when the lights never went off, all was well? Its a mystery. Is power cuts the biggest problem? Not at all not to me, the government is the problem because they will even pass laws to prevent people from producing and selling electricity, they were even talking about taxing and registering solar panels and generators.

Regarding crime yes the non white community is always the biggest victims and they also the ones doing all the violence but yes its affects all of us too but we not the ones doing it, if you notice the crime statistics in SA are no longer reported by race its no longer allowed because they want to hide this fact from the people. Some areas are safer than other, mine is considered pretty safe, like heaven, but even so we had like 23 house break ins in just one week last month apparently on the area group they shared it, the really bad areas I remember seeing the crimes stats years ago they had an average of 9 murders and 31 robberies A DAY that was the average, this was in the gang areas in cape town the cape flats, here is a chart showing the highest murder cities in the world South Africa appears here like 5 timesIMG-20240402-WA0004.webp
Well said, so SA is not in a very good position politically right now, ANC plus two even more far left parties hold the majority and the DA another left wing party holds the rest, I hope you understand why I never voted it was pointless, maybe next elections I should?

What are your thoughts on the western cape? The have an opportunity to become independant but the people dont seem interested? It would totally destroy the rest of the country though but I was kind of hoping it would have been a suprise election result, can you imagine everyone waiting to see of DA or ANC won but instead Western Cape becomes independant haha, well it didnt happen the people there are to left wing.

Regarding the power cuts I was told Eskom was built not only to supply South Africa but to supply all the neighboring countries with power so we supposed to have more than enough capacity, if you noticed we havent had a single power cut for months now, its like whenever they want they are capable to leave the lights on its clearly intentional in my opinion, just like they turned it on for the world cup and Christmas they left it on for elections. Somewhere somehow someone must be making money in the government from the power cuts.
@stadtaffe There are a lot of minor parties but they tend to be African Nationalist in orientation, they have very little funds to campaign with and so that would constitute an empty vote and/or they tend to be parties that are less political movements as much as vehicles for minor celebrities to advance their own publicity.
One example would be that of Gayton Mackenzie who got in trouble in recent years for saying that the last 3 leaders of the DA were jews - an actual fact but you're not supposed to say it - and who, despite being a big name in politics, only polled 2% of the vote.
Any vote for them is merely helping them fill their private coffers.

@GoodShepherd - As far as the Cape Independence movement goes I would refer to the saying of a Chinese ruler "Land is the Foundation of the State! One does not give it away" - The China and the US/Taiwan could go to war over that Island, UK and Argentina went to war over the Falkland Islands, Vietnam and China fought over the Spratly Islands... There is no way that a big-government party sitting in Pretoria would give up even postage stamp's worth of land and create a new neighbour - let alone Pretoria agree to losing the Western Cape.
Its a total pipe dream in my view.
@stadtaffe There are a lot of minor parties but they tend to be African Nationalist in orientation, they have very little funds to campaign with and so that would constitute an empty vote and/or they tend to be parties that are less political movements as much as vehicles for minor celebrities to advance their own publicity.
One example would be that of Gayton Mackenzie who got in trouble in recent years for saying that the last 3 leaders of the DA were jews - an actual fact but you're not supposed to say it - and who, despite being a big name in politics, only polled 2% of the vote.
Any vote for them is merely helping them fill their private coffers.

@GoodShepherd - As far as the Cape Independence movement goes I would refer to the saying of a Chinese ruler "Land is the Foundation of the State! One does not give it away" - The China and the US/Taiwan could go to war over that Island, UK and Argentina went to war over the Falkland Islands, Vietnam and China fought over the Spratly Islands... There is no way that a big-government party sitting in Pretoria would give up even postage stamp's worth of land and create a new neighbour - let alone Pretoria agree to losing the Western Cape.
Its a total pipe dream in my view.
I dont think SA government could do anything about it if western cape broke away, its not a matter of them asking they just declare independance, the problem is theu not serious about it so its obviously not gonna happen but if they were it would be an easy victory but it seems like the thought is not even on most peoples mind, Western cape is a large area of land on the ocean they have ports, oil and they are in an ideal location for trade they have great potential but sadly the people are too left wing. Our constitution allows for succession and so does international law over 250 countries have done it since USA did it so its not something new
to me, the government is the problem because they will even pass laws to prevent people from producing and selling electricity, they were even talking about taxing and registering solar panels and generators.
That is messed up, like the government does not want you to have electricity unless it comes from them and they can be as unreliable with it as they like. Here is that documentary about Eskom I posted once in the previous forum if anyone is curious :

When I was moving around through the various areas there it seemed to me that apartheid almost still exists unofficially in that there are some purely white areas and purely black areas.
we had like 23 house break ins in just one week last month apparently on the area group they shared it, the really bad areas I remember seeing the crimes stats years ago they had an average of 9 murders and 31 robberies A DAY that was the average, this was in the gang areas in cape town the cape flats, here is a chart showing the highest murder cities in the world South Africa appears here like 5 times
That is off the charts. It's not nice having to bar up your place and have cameras and armed response, electric fences, sharp spikes on fences, then have to think about carrying a gun on top of that. Still, it's not all parts of those "most dangerous" cities in South Africa, I took great care not to accidentally walk into the wrong part. Heard they take you at knifepoint up to a cash machine, which none of us want to experience.

Good to see three of the parties oppose LGBTQIA+ unions. Why is that acronym getting longer, aren't they freaks enough already? As @BarrontheTigerCat they are probably parties that unfortunately stand no chance however.
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KZN has a better chance of secession than the WC, for the following reasons.
The Zulus are a warrior culture, they consider dying in battle an honorable act.
They are armed to the teeth and have demonstrated,on many occasions the skill, resolve and planning to commit violence. I believe, and so do others that the July 2021 riots were a dry run and show of capability. To the untrained civilians it appeared to be chaotic, but there was definitely a high level of command and control.

The Zulus are well aware of the strategic value of KZN, which controls both the ports of Richards Bay and Durban. Not to mention the arterial main freeway to Johannesburg the N3. They usually block the N3 at Mooi River which is geographically a natural choke point and surrounded on both sides by Zulu squatter camps and townships.

The Zulus understand implicitly the principle of using force of arms to conquer, hold and defend land and property. Ask the British, the Boers...and the numerous Bantu tribes they defeated in history.
So, in my estimation, I think the ANC and DA should tread very carefully, these guys don't mess around, especially since the defense force is in such a dismal state. Hopefully it doesn't get to that.
That is messed up, like the government does not want you to have electricity unless it comes from them and they can be as unreliable with it as they like. Here is that documentary about Eskom I posted once in the previous forum if anyone is curious :

When I was moving around through the various areas there it seemed to me that apartheid almost still exists unofficially in that there are some purely white areas and purely black areas.

That is off the charts. It's not nice having to bar up your place and have cameras and armed response, electric fences, sharp spikes on fences, then have to think about carrying a gun on top of that. Still, it's not all parts of those "most dangerous" cities in South Africa, I took great care not to accidentally walk into the wrong part. Heard they take you at knifepoint up to a cash machine, which none of us want to experience.

Good to see three of the parties oppose LGBTQIA+ unions. Why is that acronym getting longer, aren't they freaks enough already? As @BarrontheTigerCat they are probably parties that unfortunately stand no chance however.
I think you can go to any country in the world and see areas naturally divided up by race, language, religion and culture, you look at the map of the world and thats basically how countries were formed and seperated with borders before the globalist multi cultural agenda of forcing everyone to mix.

So my area is not dangerous its pretty safe especially during the day, the whiter the area the safer it is thats something to go by.
KZN has a better chance of secession than the WC, for the following reasons.
The Zulus are a warrior culture, they consider dying in battle an honorable act.
They are armed to the teeth and have demonstrated,on many occasions the skill, resolve and planning to commit violence. I believe, and so do others that the July 2021 riots were a dry run and show of capability. To the untrained civilians it appeared to be chaotic, but there was definitely a high level of command and control.

The Zulus are well aware of the strategic value of KZN, which controls both the ports of Richards Bay and Durban. Not to mention the arterial main freeway to Johannesburg the N3. They usually block the N3 at Mooi River which is geographically a natural choke point and surrounded on both sides by Zulu squatter camps and townships.

The Zulus understand implicitly the principle of using force of arms to conquer, hold and defend land and property. Ask the British, the Boers...and the numerous Bantu tribes they defeated in history.
So, in my estimation, I think the ANC and DA should tread very carefully, these guys don't mess around, especially since the defense force is in such a dismal state. Hopefully it doesn't get to that.
Although its true what you saying but at the end of the day it was only them that died that day and the Indians and whites defended themselves very well and their areas and they were even criticised for it.

Before the zulu king died he threatened to break away KZN from the rest of the country, I would still like to see it happen and also the Western Cape
Those blacks were on a stealing and looting rampage. Almost all of them were unarmed, if they were on the warpath it would have been a bloodbath.
A Zulu impi on the march is indeed a sight to behold (from a safe distance).
So the white and Indian defenders weren't up against an armed opponent, its not something I would be proud of from a battle point of view.
What year was that? I think that was about two hundred years ago but am curious, just that I heard that story told but forgot some of the details..
It was now recently +-3 years ago. Also forgot to mention something you spoke about traffic lights being off because of no power, there are certain traffic lights at very busy intersections that are permanently off they just no longer work and Iv even seen sometimes they remove the traffic lights and replace it with a 4 way stop, talk about moving backwards, the homeless people have found an opportunity to make a litte money with this they team up in little groups and act as traffic cops and they direct traffic, the motorists are happy because traffic moves much faster this way and they throw money donations to the homeless people doing the work. This is the new normal in South Africa.

I remember many years ago when you used to go to Mozambique there were street kids with spades who used to ask for money and you give them a donation and they quickly cover the potholes on the road with sand so you can drive over them nicely, then when you gone you see them in the rear view mirror taking the sand out again and waiting for the next guy to drive past. Mozambique has now improved over the years and their roads are becoming better than ours and they never have power cuts and slowly we are becoming like what Mozambique used to.

A major section of a very very busy road, a main road leading into johannesburg CBD has been permanetly closed because there are these illegal miners who live in the bush called zama zamas and they dig holes by hand trying to find traces of gold and they dug a hole under this road so it collapsed and its been a few years now and nobody has bothered to fix it.
It was now recently +-3 years ago. Also forgot to mention something you spoke about traffic lights being off because of no power, there are certain traffic lights at very busy intersections that are permanently off they just no longer work and Iv even seen sometimes they remove the traffic lights and replace it with a 4 way stop, talk about moving backwards, the homeless people have found an opportunity to make a litte money with this they team up in little groups and act as traffic cops and they direct traffic, the motorists are happy because traffic moves much faster this way and they throw money donations to the homeless people doing the work. This is the new normal in South Africa.

That's old school bro !!
Get with the times !!
The new generation just cuts down and steals the entire traffic light.

It was now recently +-3 years ago. Also forgot to mention something you spoke about traffic lights being off because of no power, there are certain traffic lights at very busy intersections that are permanently off they just no longer work and Iv even seen sometimes they remove the traffic lights and replace it with a 4 way stop, talk about moving backwards, the homeless people have found an opportunity to make a litte money with this they team up in little groups and act as traffic cops and they direct traffic, the motorists are happy because traffic moves much faster this way and they throw money donations to the homeless people doing the work. This is the new normal in South Africa.

I remember many years ago when you used to go to Mozambique there were street kids with spades who used to ask for money and you give them a donation and they quickly cover the potholes on the road with sand so you can drive over them nicely, then when you gone you see them in the rear view mirror taking the sand out again and waiting for the next guy to drive past. Mozambique has now improved over the years and their roads are becoming better than ours and they never have power cuts and slowly we are becoming like what Mozambique used to.

A major section of a very very busy road, a main road leading into johannesburg CBD has been permanetly closed because there are these illegal minors who live in the bush called zama zamas and they dig holes by hand trying to find traces of gold and they dug a hole under this road so it collapsed and its been a few years now and nobody has bothered to fix it.

That's old school bro !!
Get with the times !!
The new generation just cuts down and steals the entire traffic light.

Yes this is true many traffic light get stolen all the time, some traffic lights have been replaced and stolen replaced and stolen dozens and dozens of times over and over then eventually they set up a 4-way stop, I saw one once on a very busy intersection they set up a surveilance camera with a solar panel and eventually even that was stolen. They even starting to steal the big highway lights now I drove past about x10 today that were cut down.

Not sure if you know about it but Johannesburg doesnt have trains anymore because of this the infrustructure has been stolen and vandelized, if I was incharge I would give a death penalty sentence for this and cable theft because it harms thousands of people, once Johannesburg CBD was without power for 7 days because millions of rands of cables were stolen, can you imagine how many people lost all their groceries and how many businesses lost all their stock
@stadtaffe the king of the Zulus until recently was Goodwill Zwelithini, his father appointed Mangosuthu Buthelezi as the political leader of the Zulus back in the 1980s.
Buthulezi was a prince, and so you see that the royal houses of the Zulu still exist and are still relevant in today's politics.
Incidentally the solution Oppenheimers ANC jews went in for back then (1980s) was massive firepower, murder and vengeance.
Ronnie Kasrils (((South African Passport, British Passport, Israeli Passport))) was made the first head of the post-Apartheid ANC spy agency.
he appeared before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Did he get in any trouble? Of course not.
But the fact is that he and his fellow commie-jews were directing the operation within which KwaZulu Natal was flooded with small arms - all the better to bring about the deaths of Black Zulus who stood in the way of jews ruling South Africa's mineral and energy rich territories.
So ANC hero (((Kasrils))) and (((Slovo))) and no doubt Oppenheimer oversaw bloody inter tribal warfare - no change there.

@Veritas sure KZN can theoretically secede, theoretically, but for what? Most Zulus can't even cook a salad efficiently. How will they effectively secede from the power of International Jewry? How will they run an efficient state? Zulu politics tends to devolve into internecine squabbles and violence - which is why most international Aid and charity initiatives go absolutely nowhere when they run up against Zulu tribal norms.
I schooled Paternos on this a while back, he wouldn't mind me saying, when he believed that all the tribes were happy little friends under Apartheid and it was the International Jew who caused all the problems. I pointed out that the British were more effective at policing the Zulu when they hanged any tribal leader engaging in tribal warfare. the Apartheid government actually made a mistake when they went hands off and took a more softly softly approach. Complete failure as the Zulu communities went full Bosnia on each other and their tribal wars reached even into the mining areas of Johannesburg where most people would have thought that the object was to a sustain a successful mining economy, more important for them to start killing each other en masse.

@GoodShepherd I honestly don't think people get it, - I watched a Tucker-Jew love in on YouTube the other day where he and his jewish guest agreed, grinning away, that "Nation States don't exist any more" - more importantly I watched a fairly unknown intellectual do a deep dive on what most conservative influencers won't mention - he concluded by saying "and so you see, Nation States don't really exist any more", I think he's right.
What do exist are Economic Zones, all ruled ultimately by the same people.

South Africa is the future of the West -
everybody gets their own little ethnic zones to riot in,
they have appointed politicos who represent their interests in govt and who siphon off money for their individual empires and only really represent their people when the rioting gets too much and deals need to be struck,
the jews still live like kings with servants being patted down by their private security as if the days of the pass card are not over but rather now global,
the boss-jews share of the economy never wavers,
intellectuals complain that South Africa is the most "over-malled" country in the world full of (((international))) outlets,
the resources and money flies out of the country,
Mossad and the like fly IN third world troublemakers every day,
the airports themselves are hubs of gang activity and smuggling etc etc.
So does anyone think that a cash cow as rewarding as South Africa would be allowed to dismember itself? Oh no, not unless it suits the World's Bankers.
They love being able to fly into Cape Town and hang out with supermodels in the bouji bars and the prospect of being able to go on Safari.
Townships literally sinking into sewage that rises around their feet as the country waste water management falls apart? What do the bankers and the denizens of GlennHazel or Sandton really care about that?
Out of Great Poverty and Great Corruption comes Great Opportunity for stealing small children and practicing voodoo rituals on them - Im only half kidding...
No way that the important real estate in the West, East or North or Really Anywhere in ZA would be allowed to secede from its role as cash-cow for the rest of the world... (jewish world that is).
Its all doing too good a job for the (((International Clique))).
Balkanisation is only allowed when it weakens a country, not when it offers the prospect of a more stable and united territory.

On the subject of electricity I hear the townships are losing their electricity supply now that the election is over and the money for the generators is no longer there.
In terms of robot theft Ive seen the same thing in the UK actually, and the UK police were totally uninterested in even investigating it. Whats different is that as far back as the mid 90s JHB authorities let it be known that motorists did not need to stop at traffic lights anymore such was the danger of being hijacked by tsotsis. That wasn't remotely likely in the UK of the 90's.
The collapsed street story happened again recently when a gas main blew up in central JHB and the street gave way and people wandered around looking at the flames bursting out of the ground. The mass deaths in fires in central JHB will be well familiar to the likes of GoodShepherd.
As far as the Zama Zamas go many might not realise just how big these excavations can be, you can drive a truck down some of their subterranean tunnels. Its said that Coca Cola Park/ Ellis Park the massive national stadium might have to be abandoned soon, such is the devastation that the Zama Zamas have wrought under the earth around th stadium. International viewers complain that the stadium is empty during televised matches but what they don't realise is how dangerous and unsafe it is to just travel from ones parked car to the stadium and from the stadium back to one's parked car.

Right now, the debate in ZA is all about who will join the ANC in a coalition government.
It's STILL the DA that is being pushed as the best option for a coalition, its quite funny reading the comments on youTube beneath these entirely jewish debates - its mainly africans laughing: "there MIGHT be an ethnic side to the ANC/MK split??? Really?? You don't say!!"
What is interesting is that all the Great and the Good are insisting that Ramaphosa must stay at the head of the ANC - "that's a non-negotiable!" "that's what Big Business needs to stay confident in South Africa!" - which all goes back to Harry Oppenheimer meeting with Ramaphosa and picking him out as the gopher and yes-man he wanted to represent his interests, both back in the 80's as the head of the National Union of Mineworkers as much as now when he is President of ZA.
"Its got to be Cyril and the DA!" - sure, babe. Well thats the only way they can envisage keeping the keeling ship running and ensuring the Gibs for the hebrews of ZA and the wider (((international community))).

I read today that the black ANC politicos who were voted out will not be losing their gibs either, a plan is in place for them to still get a parliamentary salary despite no longer being present in parliament.
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Have you noticed that the Afrikaaner homeland Orania is the safest town in the country with the least crime😂 the all white town.

The coloured neighborhoods are also very bad in South Africa, the drug usage is very high, so even though Cape Town doesnt have many black people they still have one of the highest murder rates in the world because of the gang killings, I remember watching some prison documentaries in Cape Town and there are guys in jail there that have killed over 10 - 20 people, the prison shows in other countries It was rare to hear of such a high number of murders by a single person and if they did have a high number they were usually isolated and were considered really dangerous or serial killers if thats the correct word, the show the world toughest prisons on netflix the guy that had killed over 20 people was a cricket player in prison.

A lot of people dont realize it but if you draw a line down the center of South Africa from top to bottom the entire western side has a very low black population and they are actually minorities in the west.

If you have money in South Africa you can actually live a very comfortable life here so like you said these elites love Cape Town, with our currency so weak you can bring foreign currency here and with the exchange rates live like kings, there is a nice little show called Somebody feed Phil on netflix and the cape town episode shows this wealth contrast pretty well although its just a show about food.

So from the sound of it you live in the UK, if you were me still living in SA what would you do?

How are things in the UK by the way? A friend who lives in my neighborhood recently moved to the UK but his family is still here in SA, because of the exchange rate he can send then a fraction of his salary and that small fraction can cover the house expenses for his family here, the basics
There were two accounts from two different people along the same lines I heard when I was over there..

Not sure if you would consider this to be a positive or a negative, perhaps it is only appropriate for SA, but not sure whether we would wish for it in Western countries.

The point was that the SA police permits a level of DIY justice.

The first example I heard was that in the black townships, if a crime takes place, the local tribal kings are allowed to simply carry out their own justice locally, even if that includes execution and cremation / burial.

The other example was from a very white neighbourhood - if someone does a crime, they may be disappeared into the victim's backyard in a similar fashion to the above, without excessive intervention from the police.

I prefer this to the opposite which you sometimes get in the West, where the tiniest amount of self-defense by a law abiding citizen can lead to court cases and punishment for the victim.

Say if anyone knows if these kinds of stories from SA are true.
How are things in the UK by the way?
Interested to hear what @BarrontheTigerCat would say on this, but will point out that you will be taking an enormous downgrade in weather if you move to the UK. The weather in SA is amazing from what I have observed, anywhere in Europe will be a step down but the UK in particular.