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Search results

  1. Papaya

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    A while back I was reading an article about the “No Federal Guidelines “ policy unfolded in the early stages of The Scamdemic within the Trump administration. Some of it we saw in real time so it fits the pieces the journalist uncovered through numerous interview of staff and state officials...
  2. Papaya

    Candace Owens

    Wow. They certainly are inching closer and closer to naming the (((source)))
  3. Papaya

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    User name checks out
  4. Papaya

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    No 2nd amendment
  5. Papaya

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Fixed 4 more detailed accuracy
  6. Papaya

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    jokes on you…he knows
  7. Papaya

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Im certain that if my theory is correct the upper echelon of Zionists are theres aware of the implication. It would be certainly cause for desperation. I cant help but wonder about and wish we could get AB’s current thoughts and insights into the current situation. To this day I wonder how he...
  8. Papaya

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    This guy is is like a low key Elon and at the risk of sounding hyperbolic, what he is doing is heroic. By not taking outside capital and eschewing the normal trappings of material wealth he is literally preserving his freedom to protect free speech. “ History is written by the victors”: Lets...
  9. Papaya

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    Respectfully I disagree. Kanye shot a flare into the dark that caused little more than for people who were already paying attention to notice. A blip on the radar that GloHo was easily able to erase with boilerplate statements of condemnation, and labeled insane by the usual suspects followed by...
  10. Papaya

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    My theory is that the Reform faction sees little practical use for the Zionist faction or even Israel anymore. They are so totally secure in their thorough embedment throughout the worlds corridors of power that they dont feel the need for an emergency “fallback“ redoubt of fortress Israel...
  11. Papaya

    Positivity, Good News Only Thread

    As a structural engineer that gave me wood
  12. Papaya

    Elon Musk Thread

    The Neuralink technology value proposition is being touted as a quality of life improvement for quadriplegics and the like. Nowhere have I read that Musk wants humanity at large to be implanted and or controlled.
  13. Papaya

    Died Suddenly (SADS)

    Cause the legacy of slavery obviously
  14. Papaya

    60th Anniversary of The Assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    It wasnt “Russia” that caused enormous suffering during the 20th century but rather the “USSR”. Russia just happened to have been the container the (((communist))) virus was first cultured and grown in. The Jewish revolutionaries manufactured that artificial ideology in order to wrest power from...
  15. Papaya

    2024 Election Lounge

    i know nothing about the guy but “furious anger” against the communist / traitors occupying America is definitely not on my list of disqualifications
  16. Papaya

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    Anyone that doesnt believe that the 2020 election was absolutely stolen in a top down , strategic, and coordinated effort has not bothered to look at the evidence. https://hereistheevidence.com/ I challenge anyone to spend an hour actually looking at it and come back and still say that...
  17. Papaya

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    Low self esteem. High soy There can be no other explanation
  18. Papaya

    The Inexorable Decline of California

    “ One of the suspects was described as a Black male, approximately 5 foot 10 inches tall, who was wearing a black ski mask, black shirt, black pants and was armed with an unknown type of handgun. A second suspect was described as a Black male, approximately 5 foot 9 inches, wearing a mask and...